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May Wrasslin' |OT| Dontaku about Legit Shook






Neo Member
It may be understandable that he didn't look strong against both guys but it was pointless. No-one came out of either match thinking he looked great, he was just an afterthought as Ryback/a heart attack ran out. If anything, I thought that actually made him look worse.

I think he'll get wins down the road but my worry is that they'll give up on him long before he gets over, just like they did with Cesaro and a ton of other talented guys over the years. It's going to take months to build him back up and I don't have any faith in them having the patience to stick with him.
Someone, I can't remember who or in what context, had this theory that Triple H has a system. He finds a guy he likes, makes a big deal out of him before getting the shovel out for a big old' burial (usually personally). He then looks to see if the guy has what it takes to 'overcome' the burial; stay over, sell shit, 'earn' his way back to the top of the card. The theory was that this happened to Trips because of the MSG hug thing, so maybe he tries to fabricate that same experience for the guy to see if he 'has what it takes' - i.e is he just like Trips.

I want this to be the case really, if I at least knew the dumb logic behind thee arbitrary push/bury cycle then it might not frustrate me so much.


Lets wait and see what happens first.™

They say Triple H is very high on the guy, and he's still with Heyman so the promo's are gonna be awesome. So who knows what will happen, when Punk is not going to show up for his match against Jericho I'm sure Curtis Axel will be his replacement and get a nice win over Y2J.
Far better idea than what potentially can happen if he shows up at the PPV. Jericho facing guys like Ziggler, Axel, and Ambrose will be more beneficial than to re-engage in another feud with Punk again.

We could see Lesnar vs. Punk. Also would suspect Orton vs. Sheamus, and a rematch between Axel and Jericho as well.


JEEEZUSS! Just watching a show from Inter-Species Wrestling and Pinkie Sanchez hit a goddamn DDT off the top rope onto the top turnbuckle;


If the guy taking the bump wasn't so set on selling the force by not breaking his fall (and thus eating the turnbuckle at closer to full speed), it would be a really safe yet devastating looking move. Just land first on your feet and then take a standard "head hits turnbuckle" move, but given the jump off the top rope, it'll naturally look much better.

:lol indies


I've not posted in a forum since like 2005 so sorry in advance if screw up everything forever or whatever.
If y'all ever need a drawing just holla at me and there's a 0.1% chance I'll think about drawing it maybe.

can you draw my crushing disappointment and jaded cynicism at the John Cena fame machine that is WWE booking?

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Vince is really the only answer Htown. He's the only one who feels your pain.
can you draw my crushing disappointment and jaded cynicism at the John Cena fame machine that is WWE booking?

I dunno, I think this still sums things up rather well...

Oh yeah and while we're on this topic, big fan of the artwork sailorswayze, I don't even need to ask you about drawing Kane because it's already been done numerous times, huzzah!

I will only accept sailorswayze into WrassleGAF if she does a Bo Dallas art piece.

It's her rite of passage.

It must be done!

Clearly we should have a Bo Dallas art contest, i think it'd go down a huge hit, our community manager Sunflower could judge the pieces and create a thread in the OT for the fave five.


So not worth it
Lets celebrate SailorSwayze's appearance in THIS THREAD™ by posting all her AJ Lee fanart:

Thank you based SailorSwayze! I absolute love the latest one you did (the first one here), fucking perfect <3


Someone needs to send Sandow a tweet and ask him what products he uses and how much time a day he spends to keep his beard so even and clean. Mine gets crazy frizzy and random hairs that grow up instead of out when it gets past about a month of growth. I'd like to have a bushy beard like his in proper condition. I always have a problem with trimming the mustache part around my upper lip. I always trim a bit too much and it looks weird. But if I don't, it gets all gross and tries to curl into my mouth often. I can't have that.


Neo Member
Yo Sailorswayze, welcome. Please feel free to post Damien Sandow erotic fics.


The flames are licking at him.

That's not Damien Sandow I don't know what you're talking about.

If you all ever want your eyes to literally melt out of your sockets and you brain to rot I know where all te absolute worse erotic fanfic is.



This was a pretty bad low point for WWE. Doesn't match up to knowing the outcomes of an entire 6 months of main event matches just so they could do Rock - Cena 2 with a title prop.

After the Cena - Punk match last Fall you KNEW Ryback would lose to Punk, Punk would lose to Rock, and Rock would lose to Cena. Then they stuck him with Taker for no reason whatsoever because stuff.

Then they went and made Punk a chickenshit heel the Ryback part of the run just because. I mean, there's just NO WAY he could take him on because he's just SO MUCH bigger than Rock and Cena, right?

Right now the best thing we can hope for is Punk BURYING Ryback the night after Payback and then going on to do an Austin-Rock type thing with Cena for the next 6 months or more.
lol at Punk and Cena going at it like Austin-Rock. Cena is basically Hulk Hogan at this point. There is no back and forth with him. Either he dominates you and wins or he dominates you and you win by cheating. I don't understand why the WWE sells Cena as an underdog when he doesn't lose one one one against anyone and no sells moves like he's playing and invincible wrestler.


Neo Member
Someone needs to send Sandow a tweet and ask him what products he uses and how much time a day he spends to keep his beard so even and clean. Mine gets crazy frizzy and random hairs that grow up instead of out when it gets past about a month of growth. I'd like to have a bushy beard like his in proper condition.
I'm not Damien Sandow but I do have some beard chops. The worst part is the initial growout because to make a beard look neat and awesome like Sandow's you need weight, and weight comes with length. Beard wax is way less common than moustache wax but if you can get a hold of some Professor Edward J Fuzzworthy's Beard Care Gloss it has my seal of approval. Smells good, adds a ton of weight and controlability and doesn't feel clingy and greasy on your skin like hair care products do. Beard Shampoo/conditioner isn't essential, it does the same as regular stuff except it tastes nicer (since it is going in your mouth whether you like it or not - I sometimes use Alpecin caffeine shampoo to promote growth and thickness.. You should shampoo it regularly and condition it as and when needed. The main thing is grooming: a fine toothed beard comb and some scissors to keep the shape regular and snip off any flyaways/split ends, the neater is the bigger it looks. You always want to shave a strong line on your neck (don't go too high!) and face to give extra illusion of fullness. If you trim too short, if you make a mistake and it's patchy your only option is a fresh shave and restart unfortunately.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Beards are ugly, the only facial hair people should get are either bitchin sideburns or a soul patch.
I've not posted in a forum since like 2005 so sorry in advance if screw up everything forever or whatever.
If y'all ever need a drawing just holla at me and there's a 0.1% chance I'll think about drawing it maybe.

So I have two alter egos and there is no reason you have to do these but if you get bored and feel like making my day some time please meet

Abra Cadaver


And "The Golden Boy" B-Arthur



But no pressure. Welcome to the board. Your stuff is absolutely great. It can get weird here sometimes but everyone is mostly harmless.


So not worth it
Items Shipped:

Item Description Qty Product Gift Status
Number Wrap

148-100-001-4 AJ LOVE BITES T-S XL 1 22.49 N SP

I kept my promise to buy an AJ shirt (even if it was neon-pink plaid) if WWE ever made one, I bought it even though WWE Shop has insane overseas shipping costs that are more than the fucking shirt itself.

I have no regrets!


So not worth it
So I have two alter egos and there is no reason you have to do these but if you get bored and feel like making my day some time please meet

Abra Cadaver

But no pressure. Welcome to the board. Your stuff is absolutely great. It can get weird here sometimes but everyone is mostly harmless.

This one! With the belt! Don't forget the belt of OUR champion!


Looks like WWE Studios new strategy is to finance and release old cartoon shows and add WWE stars to it.

I'm surprisingly okay with this. Looking forward to the Scooby-Do WrestleMania movie.

Scooby-Doo has kept going throughout the years, it's never really become one of those old cartoons, since it's always had new versions. Flintstones is a little more baffling.

I don't really mind, all the same, it's a better use of them then some awful bargin bin action movie starring Miz or Orton or something, that's supposedly going to be appealing to watch because it has a wrestler who can't act as the main character.
Oklahoma area Wrasslegaf I'll post this a few times but June 29th we'll have Colt Cabana making his Oklahoma debut. The podcast plugs have started and we're pretty excited. Hit me up for info.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Oklahoma area Wrasslegaf I'll post this a few times but June 29th we'll have Colt Cabana making his Oklahoma debut. The podcast plugs have started and we're pretty excited. Hit me up for info.

I should be there!


So not worth it
Some very interesting stuff in this Mick Foley interview:

WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley joined Busted Open with Dave Lagreca and Doug Mortman and discussed Curtis Axel, his Hall of Fame speech, Dolph Ziggler cashing in, his nixed angle with Dean Ambrose and much more. You can hear Busted Open on Sirius 92, XM 208 and on the app on Sports Zone. Here are some highlights:

On if Triple H squashed Curti Axel&#8217;s debut: &#8220;This is not a knock on Triple H, but Triple H talked about retiring me after I already came back three times. At that point it was a big deal in 2000 for Triple H to talk about retiring me. If Triple H has had his last match, which is a good possibility, then I see Paul Heyman bragging for the next three years that Curtis Axel retired Triple H. Which is much bigger than beating him and much more meaningful or whether or not he was slapped or made to look weak momentarily. For people who ask me if I think this guy has a chance. Not only is he talented and waited his turn and lived through the Michael McGillicutty indignity. I asked him about that and obviously he didn&#8217;t want to say anything bad about the company, but he said ,&#8217;It hurt a little, it stung when you get your name and it&#8217;s Michael McGillicutty. Short term you can say, &#8216;well why didn&#8217;t he beat Triple H?&#8217; But like I said, me being on the outside looking in, depending how this thing plays out, never underestimate the verbal skills of Paul Heyman or the skills of Michael McGillicutty. As a fan it has me hooked. Even if you&#8217;re not saying Curtis Axel right now, I believe that Paul is the master. I call him the master gardener. He knows how much water and sunshine to give his project and then they have to grow on their own.&#8221;

On his Hall of Fame speech: &#8220;I think they intentionally had a smaller class this year and the only guideline Vince McMahon gave us was to have fun and enjoy it. That was the only critique of me when I came back to the WWE because I had left with the words &#8216;You&#8217;ll never speak to me this way again.&#8217; Then I came back with the words &#8216;can I come back now?&#8217; So I was a little tentative. Vince even said to me, &#8216;Mick, you look like you&#8217;re not enjoying yourself&#8217; and I wasn&#8217;t. I did throw a minor little fit over the rumor that Donald Trump&#8217;s speech was going to air and not mine on television. I specifically remembered that I had told Stephanie McMahon a week or two earlier. I said, &#8216;Stephanie, the moment you guys mentioned my book on the air Countdown to Lockdown, I said at that moment I promised myself that if I was ever asked to be in the Hall of Fame that I would say yes unconditionally. I wouldn&#8217;t ask to be on at a certain point, it would be unconditionally. Then all of a sudden I hear about Donald Trump and I&#8217;m placing conditions on it. I said that&#8217;s not the way I feel. This is going to be a great night. I really apologized in front of the entire McMahon family. Because I did feel it wasn&#8217;t my place to say that and most importantly, now I was lying to what I had said to Stephanie. This came from the heart. It was supposed to be unconditional. Now I&#8217;m actually thinking about going out there and throwing my ring in the audience. These were the thoughts going through my head. By the time I got to the Garden, I&#8217;m just going to enjoy this. I went out on stage and realized I would probably never have the opportunity to address 17,000 people in THAT arena. The most important one in the country to me. I consider it maybe the best highlight of my career because I was able to recognize it.&#8221;

How he felt he did with his speech: &#8220;I dissect my speech like this. I knew it as I was giving the speech, the moment I dropped that elbow on Jericho, and I heard that pop, I should have said time to go home, because this as high as it was going to get. But I had a couple of things I wanted to say. I wish I had written out a conclusion and talk about how I wanted to be remembered, and as a guy who gave back. I was going to use Randy Orton as an example. I was the right guy at the right time and hope that other superstars could be that guy in that place for someone else down the line. I rambled on for ten minutes too long.&#8221;

On TNA: &#8220;I really enjoyed the people there. But once you had five non-wrestling talkers in the company&#8230;my role now is what it should be. The guy who occasionally comes back. I love doing the Saturday Morning Slam. If a different GM opportunity comes up, I would appreciate being considered. But I don&#8217;t need to be a big part of any show ever again. I probably outstayed my welcome by a little while. One nice little story about Dixie Carter. I never should have said that tweet about the empty arena match with the Rock, a.k.a. a TNA house show. That was the one that rubbed people the wrong way, because it was a slap in the face to everyone who works there, even though it was kind of funny. I was doing a show in Nashville, so I reached out to Dixie. I texted her, &#8216;hey I&#8217;ve got this show in Nashville, it would be really nice to see you and Serge and maybe you could come along.&#8217; I get back in my car about an hour later and I see a text from Dixie and it says, &#8216;that&#8217;s ok.&#8217; I thought to myself, &#8216;well, that bridge has burned. That relationship is unsolvable.&#8217; It wasn&#8217;t until an hour after, that I saw the &#8216;that&#8217;s ok&#8217; was just on the tail end of a much longer message that said, &#8216; I really appreciate you thinking of us. We would love to go, but I may have to be somewhere. Can I get back to you if,&#8217; and then the last line, &#8216;that&#8217;s ok.&#8217; She did come to the show and honestly she was the first person to message me after they put me in the Hall of Fame. I wish I could have done more for them. I really do.&#8221;

Did he know Dean Ambrose would be a major star: &#8220;I knew they were really high on him. Dean was probably happier with the break with the Shield and I was the second happiest to see him get that break. I cannot physically wrestle anymore. That break that I thought I was going to be a part of, was just not going to happen. Dean would be at every TV taping, so I would see him and say, &#8216;hey how are things going? Anything on the horizon?&#8217; and he would be like, &#8216;no man, not yet. I felt personally responsible. So when he said &#8216;yeah they had something&#8217;, I asked, &#8216;is it pretty good?&#8217; He said, &#8216;Yeah it&#8217;s pretty good&#8217;. Ironically his career would have really suffered had he done the run with me. It would have been a nice boost, but then he would have been on his own from that point. Getting over long term is really, really difficult. These guys not only did they come up slowly, by the time they had their first match at TLC they blew everybody away at the Barclay&#8217;s Center. All three guys have the potential to be major stars. I couldn&#8217;t be happier for Ambrose. He is kind of a weird dude, but it works to his advantage. I&#8217;ve described his style as disturbingly poetic. The way that he moves, he is so fluid. William Regal was the guy that was so high on him. He said &#8216;he is everyone&#8217;s perfect opponent for the next ten years.&#8217;&#8221;

On being there the night Dolph Ziggler cashed his Money in the Bank briefcase: &#8220;When I heard the audience eruption, I asked, &#8216;what just happened?&#8217; They said, &#8216;Ziggler is cashing in his Money in the Bank briefcase.&#8217; I ran because I really wanted to be a part of that experience in the arena. We all know it&#8217;s a pretty good percentage rate when it comes to cashing in. I&#8217;m not saying this to put myself over, but I had a talk with Dolph earlier and I said, &#8216;man I got to be honest Dolph I thought I was going to see you cash in last night.&#8217; Dolph then said to me, &#8216;yeah you and me both brother.&#8217; I said, &#8216;take it from someone who knows, when you get that chance and you will, and when you become world champion, and you will, don&#8217;t let the place or the time or the circumstances dictate to you how special that moment is going to feel. Take it from a guy who won his first WWE title on a taped show in Worcester, Massachusetts. It&#8217;s going to be every bit as special as it would have been at Mania.&#8217; So when I heard he was cashing in, I ran to be part of the arena. I could see my arms pumping, and then I looked down at my legs and they weren&#8217;t running. I wandered out into the crowd and saw Ziggler win the world title. When he came back he said, &#8216;that was my Wrestlemania moment.&#8217; It was really cool to be there. Clearly this guy is going to be the cornerstone of the company. I feel really good about the direction this company is headed.&#8221;


lol at Punk and Cena going at it like Austin-Rock. Cena is basically Hulk Hogan at this point. There is no back and forth with him. Either he dominates you and wins or he dominates you and you win by cheating. I don't understand why the WWE sells Cena as an underdog when he doesn't lose one one one against anyone and no sells moves like he's playing and invincible wrestler.

Cena/Punk is much, much more like Hogan/Savage than Austin/Rock.

My main problems with the beard is that A. It doesn't grow on my cheeks. Just random hairs. But I have sideburns that connect and all that, it just doesn't grow in on the cheeks. B. It is thicker in various places and makes it uneven all the time.

The ways it is uneven is really the weirdest part. The left side of the mustache that connects to the bottom grows in thicker and fuller than the right side, but the right side of my chin is thicker and fuller, my jaw line on the right side is thicker, but it is much straighter on the left side and always looks like I've been sleeping on it or something. I ALWAYS fuck it up when I try to trim. Always.


Oklahoma area Wrasslegaf I'll post this a few times but June 29th we'll have Colt Cabana making his Oklahoma debut. The podcast plugs have started and we're pretty excited. Hit me up for info.

Colt Cabana is awesome. Had a blast for an hour or so when me and my friend had lunch with him at Wrestlereunion before Mania 28 in Miami.
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