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The Last of Us - Review Thread [Emargo up, scores in OP.]

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I bought Kontrol Freeks and it changed my life. One thing I missed about PC gaming was being to do a quick turn around still have really tight precision at the same time. I've always played on low sensitivity due to my lack luster aim with controllers. So when I play FPS I have no chance at countering anything from the side or behind because of my low sensitivity. With the kontrol freeks I can turn the sensitivity up almost all the way in most game. It's a great feeling to have finite control and to be able to whip around and own people if needed. The increase in stick length is weird at first, but that increase in range of motion is so needed for me.

That's very interesting, cheers. With the Legacy control configuration I am able to bump the sensitivity right the way up to 10. For games that do not allow me to use the legacy controls that might help me do better in games and counter my cack-handed-ness, when it comes to aiming just using the right stick.

Damn I wish I had a PS3 for this game. Hearing that the developer said they were influenced by RE4 (my fav game) further increases my agitation at not being able to easily own this game. PS3s aren't cheap 2nd hand like 360s can be.





ND on AI companions not being detected by enemies:

Commenting on the AI in general:

Interesting response from Mr. Dyckhoff but I still would have preferred another alternative like ordering Ellie and Co. to stay back until I clear an area because it looks sooo dumb and goofy seeing even regular human AI not give a shit about your companions. Seeing
stomp around loudly with his boots, "THUD THUD THUD" near a horde of clickers was especially hilarious. Still, even despite some AI absurdities I'm really loving it so far.

Played for 4 hours and 30 minutes. need to go to sleep...


well somebody seemed to really spoil the ending in the comments section of that article and I was stupid enough to read it. they deleted it now, but still, I hate myself for having seen it.

protip: don't read the comment section, just the article


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
from ND's AmA.

What was the company’s reaction to all the reviews (three separate answers)?

I wore the numbers off on my function key 5. Super excited to see/read what people thought of all our hard work and this amazing game.

I was up late as well watching for the embargo lift. Seeing how well it has been received made me that much more excited for everyone else to get a chance to play it and experience it.

I truthfully hardly slept the night before, I was up until 4am refreshing the NeoGAF thread to see if any reviews leaked out. We all sat at the office reading reviews until after lunch, sharing choice quotes with each other. I had chicken and waffles for lunch for the first time ever to celebrate.

dat GAF shout out.
I like this description from the GamesTM review:
One memorable encounter saw Joel and Ellie being spotted by a lone guard inside a decrepit hotel. Joel missed with his bow and arrow, but Ellie (AI controlled, brilliantly for the most part) hurled a brick at the assailant’s head, giving Joel enough time to charge him, smash his head into the far wall, and grab his shotgun before being set upon by his friends. A mad dash to cover and seclusion later, and the encounter morphed into a predatory hunt, with Joel picking off his foes one by one before leaving his final victim in a hysterical state. And then very, very dead

Huh...sounds like a more realistic, much more violent version of Batman's predator stealth.
And "hysterical state" implies that the last guy left was scared, like in the extended E3 demo

And on the TLOU forums, that poster with the early copy had provided the info confirmed that enemies react to an empty gun click
"I had no ammo with my revolver and decided to shoot it to see if the last guy would react. Indeed he did. "I know that sound, gotcha now **bleep** hole" was what he responded with . He couldn't come at me though since he seemed to only be able to make molotovs and had no guns xD

Man fighting the human AI is fun as hell."
Finally got around to pre-ordering the game. These reviews are pushing my hype levels to the extreme. This and Man of Steel on the same day? Too much to handle!
Finally got around to pre-ordering the game. These reviews are pushing my hype levels to the extreme. This and Man of Steel on the same day? Too much to handle!
I preordered on Monday. It's been the longest wait ever. Every review, every piece of new info that confirms the AI is amazing and dynamic, every post saying the opening is legendary...it makes the wait seem a bit longer.

But less than a week to go!!!!!


ok..i am not going to put any spoiler here
the first thing, there is no install option for the game, i really need to install
why ?
the first time i hit the start new game, i waited 2-3 minutes to load the game
i wish they batch the game with install option just like MGS4
and...i really need more ammo
there is auto save all the time, check points all the time
and the health don't regenerate..that's very good
this game is true survivor horror , its kinda remind me of " I Am Alive"
i didn't play the demo, so i don't know if there a different between the two version
ok..i am not going to put any spoiler here
the first thing, there is no install option for the game, i really need to install
why ?
the first time i hit the start new game, i waited 2-3 minutes to load the game
i wish they batch the game with install option just like MGS4
and...i really need more ammo
there is auto save all the time, check points all the time
and the health don't regenerate..that's very good
this game is true survivor horror , its kinda remind me of " I Am Alive"
i didn't play the demo, so i don't know if there a different between the two version
Like I ask everyone else:
- Is the opening really as amazing as everyone has said?
- Your thoughts on the enemy AI?


Lol sorry.

I feel sort of guilty now for spoiling myself in a way. It's easy to be hyperbolic about things, and honestly it makes people look like hyped fools when they do so. But the intro in this game is probably the greatest intro I've experienced in my history of gaming.

I'd say the only one that comes close is Bioshock 1 intro, but this is better for different reasons.

I honestly can't wait for this game to release so people can write/film (would be better this way) there reactions! It will be glorious. :p

ME2 is up there for me for best introduction.

Can you at least say if its a cinematic or a gameplay introduction?
Some AI info from TLOU forums

Also regarding the gun clicking:
It seems that you need to trigger it in a specific way. Like the tension needs to be low, like you're both behind cover or so.

Or maybe they see the guns I have on my back because it's difficult right now to trigger it compared to my first attempt earlier on in the game. I still occasionally get the "AHA GOTCHA NOW" and that guy rushes me. But it's not entirely obvious if you're not paying attention . Its there though, for sure. In the E3 it was just one guy so it was easier to see. I tried it now with one and I got a similar reaction.

I also smacked down the last guy and put my shotgun to his face. It zoomed in JUST like the E3 demo, and I was getting ready to blow his brains up.. but I backed up slowly and then ran as I heard he shouted "YOU FKERRRRR". So I did a 360 turn, slowly walked around the corner while aiming my shotgun.. he was nowhere to be found. I quickly saw him run and hide in another room. I went after him, and then he just came at me but I quickly killed him.

So yeah, I did infact see some of the hide and seek. But you really have to TRY and get it and its not exactly AS LONG as the E3 extended. But you can tell that these things are there, only that the system is rather deep and since you have so many guns and the situation is generally different: You cant just get things to happen however you want it to. That's kind of the charm. It keeps things fresh.

Yes. Even the opening is absolutely brilliant. And most of it is "playable". The amount of detail is insane.

God, GAF patrol on call again. :) For what it's worth, Fabrik is correct. The opening 20 minutes made me very emotional. I've never had such a kick to the heart like it in a game. Not just in how early it was, but the sheer strength of it.

Also, as much as I love MGS3 (as I said in the tweets before the ones mentioned above) and *that ending*, I never stood up and applauded it.

I did for The Last of Us. Read into that as you will. :)

Also: add one more vote for The Last of Us |OT| It Can’t Be For Nothing :)


After listening to some of the worst dialogue I've ever heard in Remember Me (good game, though), I look forward to playing a Naughty Dog game again.

Less than 1 week to go!


The first reason is technological: The Last of Us has perhaps the best artificial intelligence I’ve ever seen in a game. The enemies, behave in amazingly realistic ways, forcing the player to think up equally smart strategies in each encounter.

Human enemies are profoundly smart in that they work together to flank Joel and Ellie – they’ll often yell out their positions to each other, followed by instructions on how to get clear sight lines on their prey. Or when they hear the telltale “click” of Joel’s gun running out of ammo, they’ll advance on him or charge.

The zombies, meanwhile, are truly terrifying in their unpredictability. Some can see Joel coming but others, like the deadly “Clickers,” are blind and depend on their hearing. Every encounter inevitably requires the player to think stealth, with an action plan as backup.

Maybe spoilers in this review so stay clear! :)


One of the surprises we were no allowed to talk about before the embargo were actually Nolan North's role in the game.

I think I'm more than halfway through and woah it still gets better..


Well it's like this:

The opening is the best opening I have ever seen/played in my 10 or so years reviewing and even all years I have been playing. Then I became a bit bored by the environments and how dull it just looked but the world is dull so that's why - but then it gets a bit better, then a little bit better, then way better and other now it is a whole lot better.

I won't go into details though as I won't ruin it for anyone.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
One of the surprises we were no allowed to talk about before the embargo were actually Nolan North's role in the game.

I think I'm more than halfway through and woah it still gets better..

I knew Nate will have a guest role :p
It's not phenomenal. It's something more that mere words can't do it justice. But if you had to start somewhere, phenomenal would be it.

Stop this madness!! Us unlucky mortals still have 6 days to go. So the opening is legendary, the first half is incredible, the second half is beyond phenomenal...damn

Oh and Venturebeat on the last third (no spoilers, but more detailed than most reviews):
After a knockout opening that had me tearing up within minutes, the first dozen hours of The Last of Us settles into a repetitive routine: exploration, combat scenario, exploration, and cutscene. It wasn’t boring by any means, but it starts to feel a little too predictable. A little too familiar. Maybe even a bit lethargic. I thought I had The Last of Us figured out — I successfully predicted an emotional turning point late in the tale, and when I watched it, I was sure that it was also the ending.

“Is that it?” I thought. “Is that really it?” As if on cue, the screen cut to black after the scene was over. The developer already had an answer … but it was an answer I wasn’t expecting. The gameplay undergoes a fundamental shift while retaining its core survival mechanics. The pace quickens. And the stakes rise exponentially.

Naughty Dog’s assassins will murder me in my sleep if I were to give you any hint of what happens here, so I’ll leave you with this: This portion convinced me that The Last of Us isn’t just a good game but a great one.


Aftershock LA
At this point, I've decided that I'm not opening up any PM's from anybody until I've completed this game.

I'm hardly ever on Facebook, so that's cool, and GAF is the only site I look at, but I really hope people don't have anything to tell me over the next week, because I'm on a spoiler blackout.

I'll probably avoid most of the OT as well, because, no matter what, somebody frames a spoiler in a way where anyone with a working brain cell could piece it together. Some people don't actively look to spoil things, but I tend to think that they are the most dangerous. The overly excited fan.

I'm actually kind of annoyed that I kept hearing about how amazing the intro is. I hadn't read a single review, but liked reading the reactions to the review, but now I'm going into the game expecting to be blown away by the intro. And I probably will, but it'd have been nice to not expect it at all.

Good luck folks!


Found a guy selling the game but he wants 150 for it lol, makes no sense especially when it wont ship until the 11th. Midnight launch here in Jersey at GameStop on Route 22
So amped for this. Bummed I won't be able to play on launch day seeing as I have an event I have to be at that night, but I will be spending the rest of the weekend playing this. Can't wait.


Btw does all the stuff you have carry over from level to level.

I mean if I have a crowbar and 5 bullets will I still have that.



who want some ?
this is from the store i bought the game from
he opened the box in front of me and every kid around want a copy
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