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Mirror's Edge 2 is open world, [Update: More game info, won't be a shooter]


I don't understand why this game needs to be open world. Level design will probably take a hit, so will trials (assuming they'll still have them.)

This completely changes the game as mastering levels and getting through them as quickly as possible was the whole point of the original.


I suspect you will be doing this instead.

I hope they make some changes to the melee system. Never really clicked with me in the first one.


I don't understand why this game needs to be open world. Level design will probably take a hit, so will trials (assuming they'll still have them.)

This completely changes the game as mastering levels and getting through them as quickly as possible was the whole point of the original.

gotta use all that RAM for something


Man, the DICE guys sure are putting themselves a tall design challenge. If they manage to keep the character's momemtum on an open world map, and manage to seamlessly go from running and jumping to combat (basically not breaking momentum when going into combat, making combat part of the flow of the running and jumping) then wow. Just wow.

I don't know how they can pull this off, but I can't help but admire their crazy ambition.


So a lot of backtracking and running the same ways for tens of times? Why can't I get myself excited about this?
I honestly believe if multiplayer is done right, it could be amazing for this game. Think of a Tag game mode, where one person is "it" and the other people have to run away to avoid them. Or a Spies vs Mercs type mode, where instead of Spies you have Runners. Or CTF, or Oddball type mode. as long as they don't force guns into the multiplayer, I think those modes would be awesome.


Patrick Soderlund briefly discusses Mirror's Edge in GamesIndustry interview

On Mirror's Edge:
"People wanted to love that game, but in all honesty when the game came out, there were a lot of things that were great with it, but there were a lot of things that were frankly too frustrating with it," Soderlund said. "And I think that limited our sales to some extent... You can't have a game where people keep falling down all the time. Of course, you want to have that vertigo fear, but it was too punishing. So how do you go about that without breaking the exciting gameplay moments?"

Soderlund said EA has been wanting to make another Mirror's Edge for years, but they needed to wait for a developer to come up with the right solution to that problem. Unfortunately, gamer will need to wait to hear details about what that solution was. As for whether the industry is any friendlier to the idea of female protagonists since Faith debuted in the original game, Soderlund balked at the question.

Check out the article, talks some more about Faith and female characters as well as Battlefield obviously.


Ugh. Guess we'll have to weather an open world everything period for a while. I suppose it's easier than designing interesting, intelligent levels.
If there are ways of pulling those moves without totally stopping my forward momentum I'm OK with it.


Stopping to wait for an opponent to swing at you was a terrible design decision. If quick-combo-and-back-to-running combat is the norm like shown in that gif, then I'm on board. Hell, have the effectiveness of your attacks rely on your current speed and momentum and you've got a solid system, I'd say.



Stopping to wait for an opponent to swing at you was a terrible design decision. If quick-combo-and-back-to-running combat is the norm like shown in that gif, then I'm on board. Hell, have the effectiveness of your attacks rely on your current speed and momentum and you've got a solid system, I'd say.

Huh? There was a stop and wait for the swing in that gif.
Huh? There was a stop and wait for the swing in that gif.
If that's the only way to fight then it'd be a letdown. Stopping and fighting should be included of course, but alongside advanced mobility focused techniques that we can master.

This seems like a requirement actually, to keep the speed-running heart of the game while keeping a mix of offensive and defensive actions rather than strictly running away.


Running the same ways as efficiently as possible is like, the main appeal of the first game.
Running in a beautiful new environments and figuring out a way to get through the obstacles is the main appeal of the first game to me. Running the same way for several times is boring as hell. That's why I've beaten it three times and not ten like Mass Effect 1, for example.


Wow. I would expect mixed reactions at this news and got it. Not sure how to process it myself but I do like the idea of more freedom. When you think about the character it seems silly to show Faith as someone who roams the rooftops at will, only to limit her to narrow pathways all the time. It's definitely gonna feel different.

Wait and see I guess.


Please tell me you're joking.
I'm not. Usually just ignore that stuff but one dude said the game was too short (somewhat valid), first person platforming sucks (in most cases that would be fair) and the guns were rubbish.

Only combat in ME2 should be some wacky John Woo kicks.
I actually really enjoyed the gunplay in the first Mirror's Edge. Felt appropriately sluggish for commanding a character who probably isn't very good with guns. I also loved knocking some dude out, taking his gun, capping some other NPC, tossing the gun aside and jumping across a gap all in a single, fluid motion.


Kind of... i dunno.

The best part of Mirror's Edge - indeed, the whole point of the game, if you ask me - were the time trials. These relied heavily on structured level design which allowed coursing to be just incredibly designed.

If they can translate that to the open world, I'll be down. That'll require an incredible amount of highly detailed work on every building and shit, but if they pull it off, they can even possibly allow a CUSTOMIZED circuit where gamers can map out the type of course they want players online to try a time trial with.

So taking that wait-and-see


Incredibly excited, hope they fix the hand to hand. Would love some depth there. They should look at really good crysis 1 players. There is some cool stuff there


Felium Defensor
I'm reserving excitement. The environment design/level design and gameplay must be on point with a game like this. Please take your time with it and make the experience as tight and fun as possible.
I'm actually pretty disappointed with the news about this. I sorta just wanted a slightly tighter version of the first game without the insurance commercials for a story.

Can't stand "prequels".


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
On one hand, it's hard to trust EA that changes to Mirror's Edge will be for the better.

On the other hand, it's not a Ubisoft game, so "open world" shouldn't correlate with "box ticking quest design and arbitrary levelling sytems".


Open world is perfect for Mirror's Edge. Freedom in your escapes will be amazing if done correctly. I'm super excited...got to temper that though because of the (presumably 2015 or 2016) release date.

Ran rp

I love Mirror's Edge but once I beat it I was done with it. I considered it a little golden nugget of the generation and had my fill. Now that it's being picked up again I'm totally for a vastly expanded next-gen reboot.

I suspect you will be doing this instead.


I can't help but think of A Clockwork Orange when I see those guys.

Possible tag multiplayer? this sounds like it could partially satiate my lust for my dream Jet Set Radio 3 game, what with having an open world urban setting with non-traditional methods of traversing the game world.

All over my faith
I just hope this doesn't turn into a Prey 2 and Beyond Good & EVil 2 where they tease it to get people hyped and then abandon it for whatever reason.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I seriously don't get why some of you are turned off by a more open level design. You can still have the "tubes." DICE just needs to block off areas with rubbish or whatever in the campaign or time-trials as needed. Similar to the "TURN BACK YOU'RE LEAVING THE COMBAT AREA 10... 9..." countdown/out of bounds Battlefield's campaign did.

Or additionally these more open levels allow people to do more alternate routes either longer/flasher/quicker as they want compared to the straight-forward "tube" level design of the last game.

And come on: How many of you didn't want to explore more of the city from ground to roof?

Frankly, if they can nail that I'm hyped. The time-trials were nice but not for me. The pakour action was the high-point of the game for me and if I'm able to make my own routes or turn on a "sandbox" mode and just pakour for hours to my hearts content I'm completely on board with the change.
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