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PS4 grabs 95% of Consumer Votes after Amazon shuts poll down early


Who stretches their left index finger so far past the L1 lol.

I rest on the left edge of L1 with my left index fingertip and my thumb is much more inline with my index than that clown in the photo.


Who stretches their left index finger so far past the L1 lol.

I rest on the left edge of L1 with my left index fingertip and my thumb is much more inline with my index than that clown in the photo.

Yep that's the trick. I don't know why people would ever hold it like in that pic.


Who stretches their left index finger so far past the L1 lol.

I rest on the left edge of L1 with my left index fingertip and my thumb is much more inline with my index than that clown in the photo.

I just picked up the controller the way you describe and it's an ergonomic nightmare.


I wish they would have left the survey up. Microsoft needs every opportunity possible to see that they've missed the mark with gamers. Instead, in their hubris they'll launch this product full of negative features at $500, and people will vote with their wallets, when it's too late.

it will still sell out at launch, and Microsoft will view this as affirmation that they've made all the right choices


What's really funny is that if you go on the opposite side of the controller, all of the sticks are in the exact same spot as the Dualshock. And yet it's perfectly ergonomical. I wonder why?

Because most of the time your right thumb is on buttons not the stick (except for shooters).


I didn't mean to tangent this thread with the age old DS vs 360 controller. I was just mentioning that the DS is uncomfortable for me and in my opinion the 3rd party "360like" controllers (shadow, etc.) are horrible and it would be great of Sony made a controller with the dpad and analog switched to help us with larger hands that play mostly shooters transition to PS4. That being said hopefully the new DS4 (which looks larger) will be much more comfortable than the DS3.


It's crazy to me that people are saying that the poll is useless. I get it that it isn't a good representation of everyone but it paints a pretty good picture of what it's going to be like. If the majority of GAF are going with PS4 or whatever, the majority of that poll is as well as amazons poll, it is quite clear that the PS4 is really "winning" I guess you could say right now. Hopefully when the consoles are out and Microsoft clears a few things up that are currently up in the air, it will give Microsoft greater sales and there will be more excitement towards the console.


Junior Member
I am voting with my money and preorderd a PS4 last week (eventhrough I really liked how Titanfall looked). I have 2 PS3's and 2 360s and 360 was my primary this generation. I'm trying to get back into my PS3 with The Last of us and but the DS3 controller left analog placement makes gaming painful (especially for first/3rd person shooters). I would be overjoyed if Sony announced a 1st party DS4 controller with the analog/Dpad switched, because my thumb is aching after only 3 hours of play with that DS3 torture device. I'd really like Sony to make one especially since the 3rd party "360like" PS3 controllers are horrible.

This picture is really dumb. The only thing it shows is gamer don't even have flexible hands. This is simply the thumb opened up, not some weird twisted angle. Instead the XBox has the digi-pad in the analogue sticks place eventhough the angle of the finger over there makes rapid tapping a bit slower (albeit very little).

Always has been a weird complaint and the asymetry feels a lot stranger to me.

it would help if this person would hold it correctly.

if you start off by placing your fingertips on L1 and R1, and then position the rest of your hand along the handles, it's way more comfortable. the only issue is that the handles aren't long enough.

this is fortunately solved with DS4, which has longer handles.


It's funny how some people say that Xbone cannot fail because it's from MS, marketing budget, brand loyalty etc. etc.

Like history didn't show us that everyone can fall in this industry, no matter who he is. And MS will take quite a fall with this new console, I'm sure of it.

Yeah like MS hasn't put out products that failed after very successful products (Win7->Win8) before with vast marketing budgets. I remember MS was practically giving away Win8 to anyone who had Win7 and the adoption rate is lower than Vista.

Not to mention other products like Surface and Zune that were heavily marketed and nobody wanted. They don't have some sort of apple brand loyalty and fanatical hype that would allow them to do what they are doing at least I hope not for the sake of consumers in 21 countries.


it would help if this person would hold it correctly.

if you start off by placing your fingertips on L1 and R1, and then position the rest of your hand along the handles, it's way more comfortable. the only issue is that the handles aren't long enough.

this is fortunately solved with DS4, which has longer handles.



Well, now I finally understand fully why people have as big of an issue with the DualShock as they do: because they hold their controllers completely wrong in a way that I never really considered, and when I tried just now I didn't have comfortable enough access to the triggers. Maybe try to hold it a little more relaxed and not in a way that your thumb has to jut upwards to the D-Pad, when I hold the 360 my thumb's STILL diagonal.


we can only work with the data provided. in this case 32 people are in game, 19 of which playing MW2 - so we can conclude 60% (19/32) of gamers are full of shit

bearing in mind that media/internet manipulation is significantly higher in this case, I would estimate 90% of (console) gamers are full of shit post-e3, and if we remove those clowns from the sample then XBO and PS4 are much closer in votes

people don't like change, it's natural to have some initial resistance, but eventually consumers will realise that always online is the way forward

you're right that price is a deterrent, but it's up to MS marketing to justify it to consumers, they certainly have the tech to make a case for the price they are charging, but it's still steep. I'd like to see MS offer subsidies through third parties such as ISPs or TV service providers.

everyone in game is bumped to the front, not just mw2 players, so surely we would be seeing a larger mix of games

could be clearer but it's clear enough

the other 800 probably have the game too but I'm guessing they were sleeping at the time this pic was taken

internet hype of PS4 is through the roof too, and price isn't a factor since you don't have to pledge money towards a console in order to vote

I'll provide you that when you show me data of how many of these voters have preordered

So what you're saying is that if we divide by everything that is fine, than nothing is wrong?
I'd say not buying a single game and not buying a $500 console are slightly different propositions. Especially considering ~85% of games will appear on both platforms.
The controller is the main draw of the XBO for me. The DS has always been too small for my hands and felt very awkward to hold.

Not enough of a draw for me to want to buy an XBO mind you, but it's something I'm pretty bummed to be missing out on. I'm hoping for some good 3rd party controllers.

This is exactly how I feel, I love the 360 controller and the One's looks fantastic with that improved D-Pad.

The DS4 looks adequate, certainly an improvement over the DS3. Here's hoping third parties can bring something of quality to the table with offset sticks. If not, I'm sure the DS4 will be fine, at least it looks to be designed for adults.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Isn't it possible to somehow use Xbox controller for PlayStation? Like through some kind of adapter or something? I absolutely hate the PlayStation controller but if I do end up getting a console next gen it will be the PS4 but I really don't want to use the controller.

If games use the controllers touchpad and features you're gonna have to.
Makes me a little sad to see Amazon take it down before the date. Amazon has no real reason to do it, but perhaps a little pressuring from MS could influence that decision.

I was hoping not to see as many of these shady business practices this generation. Guess that was too hopeful.



Dear god, those first 4 look uncomfortable.

After all these years, I have come to realize that I am in the minority, but the DualShocks have been perfect. Without a doubt the best controllers I have ever used. Unlike most people, I find the Xbox ones just fucking ridiculously huge and impossible to hold, and if I tried to hold it like in the first 4 pics, I think my wrist would cramp up in 10 minutes. Those are the oddest pictures I've ever seen, outside the people who used to hold NES controllers literally upside down.
Well, now I finally understand fully why people have as big of an issue with the DualShock as they do: because they hold their controllers completely wrong in a way that I never really considered, and when I tried just now I didn't have comfortable enough access to the triggers. Maybe try to hold it a little more relaxed and not in a way that your thumb has to jut upwards to the D-Pad, when I hold the 360 my thumb's STILL diagonal.

I still find it amazing how people cannot adjust to both. I have always done it automatically without thought. Grip the 360 controller fairly tightly, let the DS3 "sit" inbetween my hands.

That said, ive never got the criticisms about L2/R2 either.


I still find it amazing how people cannot adjust to both. I have always done it automatically without thought. Grip the 360 controller fairly tightly, let the DS3 "sit" inbetween my hands.

That said, ive never got the criticisms about L2/R2 either.

I don't like the fact that the L2/R2 can easily trigger when I set the controller down for any reason. Other than that I think they are fine.


Does the X here mean that it's being held incorrectly? When I hold the Dualshock, I don't press the L and R buttons with the middle of my finger, and I move the analog sticks with the tips of my thumbs, not the middle.


So is

"We have a system for them, it's called the 360"

"Have you seen Titanfall!? Nuff said"

The new giant enemy crab and 599.99 US dollars?


Gold Member
Dear god, those first 4 look uncomfortable.

After all these years, I have come to realize that I am in the minority, but the DualShocks have been perfect. Without a doubt the best controllers I have ever used. Unlike most people, I find the Xbox ones just fucking ridiculously huge and impossible to hold, and if I tried to hold it like in the first 4 pics, I think my wrist would cramp up in 10 minutes. Those are the oddest pictures I've ever seen, outside the people who used to hold NES controllers literally upside down.

I don't understand how a controller doesn't work (it just takes a few days to get used to it). The only controllers that I felt a bit different was the 64's, Dreamcast, and the original Duke. But I was a person who thought the dualshock was amazing when I first felt it. Sony has to reach the controller-peeve with a change in the sticks. Which I think is what has happened. If not it will fit more space in your hand. You can tell when people don't like the dualshock. Its a major complaint with MS fans.


The Detective
The problem with the DS3 is not where the sticks are, it is the fact they are convex instead of concave (which the DS4 seems to fix).


The thing about New Coke is that Coca-Cola completely backpedaled on it by bringing back Coca-Cola Classic, and limiting New Coke and later Coke II to certain areas until it was discontinued in 1998. Heck, the last vestiges of the New Coke disaster, the "Classic" on the label of original formula Coca-Cola, only left in 2009. For all the problems New Coke had, Coca-Cola was able to recover from it fast enough that people still think the whole New Coke debacle was planned.

However, the solution this suggests is that Microsoft's best bet to recover is to instead release a variant Xbox One console at $399 with no online DRM or Kinect and call it Xbox Classic, while quietly canceling the Xbox One.

Sounds good to me


I prefer the Analog-Dominant (360 controller) style. I don't hold a DS3 like that.

I'm happy all of the changes were made to the DS3. The convex nature of the sticks and the triggers made me feel like the controller didn't even really want me holding it.

Having said that, I'm so glad they fixed the dpad on the Xbox One.


-Relax your muscles in your hands.
-Now put your hands in front of you, just like you'd hold a controller, but don't flex any muscles.
-Notice where your thumbs are.

Right symmetrical, next to each other - just like the DS does it.

The asymmetrical position is not natural. You forcefully have to alter your left thumb's position.

Huh? When you do that, it falls more into place like how the "correct" images show. The DS position is the most extended and forced position by far.

Here is a pic of me holding the PS3 controller with my hand relaxed, notice where my thumb hits the analog stick.


Next is a pic of me holding the PS3 controller, in an uncomfortable position, since I can't relax my hand, as if I was playing a game.


Here is a pic of me holding the 360 controller in a relaxed position, notice where my thumb hits the analog stick....perfect.


Lastly, here is a pic of me holding the 360 controller as if I was playing a game, notice how my hand is in the same relaxed position.


from: http://www.psu.com/forums/showthread.php/184932-My-PS3-and-360-controller-Comparison by user Airmaxx23



I've never understood the complaint about the DS controllers, I can play all day and it's fine. But really, the strange thing about the complaint is if you believe where the left stick is on the 360 pad is the 'default' place your thumb falls, it means that the opposite side is wrong, because your hands are the same mirrored, if the left stick is correct, the right stick needs to be where the facebuttons are.


I've never understood the complaint about the DS controllers, I can play all day and it's fine. But really, the strange thing about the complaint is if you believe where the left stick is on the 360 pad is the 'default' place your thumb falls, it means that the opposite side is wrong, because your hands are the same mirrored, if the left stick is correct, the right stick needs to be where the facebuttons are.

It's about dominance. Not about symmetry. It's not until I typed that sentence did it make sense where the personal choice come in.

Every time I talked to DS3-pro people, it's always about symmetry.
See, the Dual Shock was designed back when the D-Pad was the dominant input for the left thumb. And where is it? Offset. Now games have changed and the sticks are the primary input but Sony hasn't adapted the controller.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, I'm starting to think that PS4 might actually outsell Xbox at launch with some pretty massive lead. I've just returned from local Best Buy and Future shop here in Canada, and they were already all sold out of PS4 preorders, while they each had at least 30 preorder cards left for Xbone. Best Buy especially had so many spots on their preorder wall each occupied with a bunch of Xbox preorder cards. Combined with reports that all stores received double preorder allowances of PS4 as they did for Xbox, this was such a bizarre sight for Canada, which is very much an Xbox-land.


I've never understood the complaint about the DS controllers, I can play all day and it's fine. But really, the strange thing about the complaint is if you believe where the left stick is on the 360 pad is the 'default' place your thumb falls, it means that the opposite side is wrong, because your hands are the same mirrored, if the left stick is correct, the right stick needs to be where the facebuttons are.

The right stick is usually reserved for camera and such, it's nowhere near as important as the left one. Most games pretty much only use the left stick, while the right stick is used 'occasionally' to adjust camera. It's not important enough to stick it in a dominant position, certainly not more important than the buttons on the right side. Using the most comfortable grip, your fingers line up exactly with the most important buttons in most types of games.

The shoulder buttons are also uncomfortably placed on the DS3. With the Xbox Controller, you only have to alternate between the buttons and the right stick (Which isn't very uncomfortable.) to move the camera around; all the other buttons are right in your grip. With the DS, you have to reach for the shoulder buttons, and when you also have to control the sticks like in any FPS, it becomes quite uncomfortable if I remember correctly. Racing games are the worst though.


What's really funny is that if you go on the opposite side of the controller, all of the sticks are in the exact same spot as the Dualshock. And yet it's perfectly ergonomical. I wonder why?

Again...how can the stick be perfectly ergonomical for the right hand, but not for the left?

Your use-comfort =! Perfectly ergonomical.
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