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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies

kinect still be required and watching you, $100 more for inferior hardware, oh and the fact that they said that they cant assure that things wont change in the future

kinect doesn't really bother me as I don't buy kinect only games. if it's on, it's on. not sure why that is a big deal? I'd love it if I can use it with illumiroom close to launch.

the ps3 had better hardware than the x360 and it didn't make much of a difference. I dont mind paying more for a better controller and xbox live integration.

I don't think anyone ever sets a policy that is written in stone? all fine print says things are subject to change.


Why are you guys blaming Mattrick?
He was towing the company line. DRM was t his baby. Why do you want him fired? He's a mouthpiece.

No, he's the boss of Xbox. He fails for either making the decision or failing to protect his group from the rest of Microsoft (like his predecessors), whichever you want to go with.


The fact that they would try and pull this shit in the first place and only an unprecedented fan base outcry made them change their minds.

The recent about-face is nothing to praise Microsoft for! There is no Sony fan boy driven plot to turn people against the Xbox.

Microsoft made this situation.
Microsoft deserves every ounce of hate their getting
Microsoft is bad for the Video game industry
And in my opinion the Xbox 1 deserves to fail.
There's a chance Sony had similar ideas and pulled the plug right after hearing Microsoft's plan. I think people are giving Sony too much credit. It's the people's voice that
Changed Microsoft, not Sony.
Cancelled my ps4 preorder. If you take a step back and take a look at the features and games and forget the price the xbox one comes out ahead for me personally. Twitch integration, the tv stuff, dedicated servers for multiplayer, Exclusive game related TV shows, the slick UI with the multitasking features and the dvr editing suite. Also the games for the one interested me more. Yes the ps4 is more powerful but ill get one later on when games start taking advantage of that power plus I'm an asymmetrical stick guy...

You're putting a lot of faith in a company that just dropped features they were touting as core parts of their design philosophy.
It still costs $100 more, has a mandatory camera which can't be disconnected, and the hardware is still weaker than it's primary competitor's.

The 180 is still a bad value proposition compared to the PS4, even without the DRM. It's just that you can actually buy one without surrendering your basic consumer rights, which is nice but there's still work to be done to make the 180 a comparable value proposition with the PS4.

And they reneged on a digital sharing feature, and CBOAT says the cloud was a DRM trojan horse that is hyped as some as-of-yet magic thing instead of a tangible benefit, and probably more.
Re: Inferior Hardware

We haven't seen a demonstration of this through the games, certainly first party, and I have my doubts as to what extent -- if at all -- we'll see it in third party games. I think the PS3 exclusives tend to look better than that on the 360, but is it necessarily a selling point? Somewhat, but not a large one unless we see an even greater discrepancy this gen than what we had with the previous generation. Similarly, the fact that multiplatform games looked slightly better on the 360 wouldn't have been much of a factor to purchasing a 360. My point is: unless we see a night and day difference with the PS4, all talk of hardware superiority is mute in my eyes; it has strong parallels to the early PS3 days with the enthusiasm surrounding the Cell and whatnot.
There's a chance Sony had similar ideas and pulled the plug right after hearing Microsoft's plan. I think people are giving Sony too much credit. It's the people's voice that
Changed Microsoft, not Sony.

And if they did they would have gotten the same backlash as Microsoft.
But they didn't so it's a moot point.


y'all should be ashamed
Cancelled my ps4 preorder. If you take a step back and take a look at the features and games and forget the price the xbox one comes out ahead for me personally. Twitch integration, the tv stuff, dedicated servers for multiplayer, Exclusive game related TV shows, the slick UI with the multitasking features and the dvr editing suite. Also the games for the one interested me more. Yes the ps4 is more powerful but ill get one later on when games start taking advantage of that power plus I'm an asymmetrical stick guy...


I think I need a bishoptl junior member challenge alert here.


These types of reversal are rare in big business. I'm puzzled at some of the reactions. Yes, I can see how Kinect and price, which are pretty interconnected obviously, are still dealbreakers. But this fool me once rhetoric seems premature. Companies don't change midstream like this for fun.

I see this as a colossal misread of a gaming audience that still prefers physical goods and the flexibility they provide. MS was doing a halfbaked digital/box retailed strategy, trying to bridge the gaps, albeit clumsily. They tried and failed.
Is this REALLY any better other than the notion that you don't have to check in. What's the difference really? Being able to share discs is good, and should be a given but losing the family sharing is a bit of a hit. Can't have it all.

They could still do family sharing if they wanted to. The PS3 has DD game sharing, but it used to be 5 systems and now it's only 2 - because of pressure from publishers. The family sharing plan isn't gone because the DRM is gone, it's gone because Microsoft wants it gone.


Why are you guys blaming Mattrick?
He was towing the company line. DRM was t his baby. Why do you want him fired? He's a mouthpiece.


He's the senior exec that is responsible for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Live and Kinect. The Xbox One is *his* in every facet of its design. He's the president of the Interactive Entertainment Business, not some PR mouthpiece.

He is to the Xbone what Andrew House is the PS4. They report into the CEOs of their respective companies (Ballmer and Hirai respectively).


Pre-orders made the difference. Hit them where it hurts the most, in their wallets! Microsoft is still not to be trusted regardless of this reversal in stance. They stuck to their DRM guns for way too long, and many of us have already switched sides.

Ask yourself this? In a Sonyless world do you trust Microsoft to do right by gamers? I sure as hell don't.


The fact that they would try and pull this shit in the first place and only an unprecedented fan base outcry made them change their minds.

The recent about-face is nothing to praise Microsoft for! There is no Sony fan boy driven plot to turn people against the Xbox.

Microsoft made this situation.
Microsoft deserves every ounce of hate their getting
Microsoft is bad for the Video game industry
And in my opinion the Xbox 1 deserves to fail.
As many of us had already suggested, it more of the pre-order number that made them changed their mind. If it was the consumers/fan, they would have announce this at E3 2013 instead of waiting a week after E3 when they got their pre-order numbers from amazon, gamestop, etc.


Yes, technically, but multiplatform games tend to look and run better on the 360.
Isn't that because the 360 is easier to develop for?

How much more powerful is the Xbox One compared to the PS4?

Sorry if these questions are off-topic.


Has anything like this happened in any other industry? Has internet fervor changed anything this large before with a product. I can't believe it's region free too hell fucking yeah countries outside USA are rejoicing.
By this logic no one should have bought a PS3 this gen because at the beginning of it Sony were acting like total cocky assholes. Then they humbled up and got their shit together and now they're beloved again.

To compare Sony initial PS3 fuck ups to the Shit Microsoft has pull through out the current generation and the Horse shit the tried to pull with the Xbox 1 is disingenuous and best and a out right lie at worst.

And Many people did not buy a PS3 until Sony got their shit together.


So to be clear (as I am reading it), You do have to connect to the internet when you initially install the game?

An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again.


If you never wanted to change discs then just buy digitally, It has nothing to do with drm. Same thing with game sharing. Even Steam that has an offline mode is rumored to implement.

And all those games you don't sell would eventually become plastic coasters when ms decides (or decided) to no longer pay to keep their servers running. You would have been buying games you never owned
I liked having the box. I like being able to display my games. I enjoy having a collection but also was excited about the conveniences of never having to swap discs in order to play them. (I still buy some CD's even though I just wind up burning them onto my IPod. I don't see how this is any different).

They all basically become coasters anyway. I still have all my games from prior generations sitting in boxes somewhere but I never go back and plug them in. I can't count the number of times I've bought something like the original Mario Bros but I continue to buy it again and again when my NES cart still works. Once I move on from a console I generally move on from it. I understand if many don't but I am only speaking for myself.


Cancelled my ps4 preorder. If you take a step back and take a look at the features and games and forget the price the xbox one comes out ahead for me personally. Twitch integration, the tv stuff, dedicated servers for multiplayer, Exclusive game related TV shows, the slick UI with the multitasking features and the dvr editing suite. Also the games for the one interested me more. Yes the ps4 is more powerful but ill get one later on when games start taking advantage of that power plus I'm an asymmetrical stick guy...

Sorry if this sound offensive, but your comment sound like a MS PR statement.


Isn't the PS3 more powerful than the the 360? I don't get this argument.

I think the main difference this time around is that PS4 is actually cheaper than the competition, is easier to develop than PS3 and its launching at the same year as the competition, not a year late :)
As many of us had already suggested, it more of the pre-order number that made them changed their mind. If it was the consumers/fan, they would have announce this at E3 2013 instead of waiting a week after E3 when they got their pre-order numbers from amazon, gamestop, etc.

I would say the the fan/Internet backlash and the low preorders aren't necessarily different things. The only people that preorders consoles at launch are the same types of people that would bitch about DRM on the internet.
To compare Sony initial PS3 fuck ups to the Shit Microsoft has pull through out the current generation and the Horse shit the tried to pull with the Xbox is disingenuous and best and a out right lie at worst.

And Many people did not buy a PS3 until Sony got their shit together.

yeah I think this shitstorm was on another level. Sony started in a fucking HOOOLE last gen and not the sales are dead worldwide. They are still primed to take that going forward but this changes the game.

Last gen the policies were the same but Xbox was cheaper and got out first.
Ps4 is cheaper and if they have any ability to they will get out first.


So to be clear (as I am reading it), You do have to connect to the internet when you initially install the game?

I don't believe so. The one time connect refers to the initial set up of the Xbone. I think, anyway. Why that's required hasn't been clarified by MS yet.

Still, even if that's the case, MS still have a bullet point against them.

Requires Internet Connection?
PS4: No
Xbone: Yes


you can't put a price on sparks
i don't really understand why anyone would want to support them now as opposed to before.

sure, its good that they decided to not have those restrictions, but what made them come to that decision in the first place? it seems like they've already developed that box with the DRM in mind, and if they change their mind again it'll probably be easy for them to just do it.

if they offer a console without kinect, then it just seems like Microsoft has no direction in their product. It's one thing to redact something that there is a lot of resistance to, but its another to just change your business model.

to me, Microsoft is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. also, anyone who is willing to support Microsoft now when they didn't before is hypocritical.

as an aside, i really didnt see this coming.


Proud of you Microsoft.

Still going with the PS4 as my first choice but great news for those who've been on #teammicrosoft
Isn't that because the 360 is easier to develop for?

How much more powerful is the Xbox One compared to the PS4?

Sorry if these questions are off-topic.
Yes, the 360 is easier to develop for, which was a huge factor in 360 titles outperforming the PS3. It also had a better GPU, while the PS3 had a very powerful but complex CPU.

This time around the PS4 is more powerful and easier to develop for compared w/the Xbone.
PS4 for me. I would have like to see Microsoft demonstrate why their vision of the future was the right choice. They came out over confident and said this is how it is and you better like it. Then after the backlash the say oh you don't like it?... Nevermind.


The fact that they would try and pull this shit in the first place and only an unprecedented fan base outcry made them change their minds.

The recent about-face is nothing to praise Microsoft for! There is no Sony fan boy driven plot to turn people against the Xbox.

Microsoft made this situation.
Microsoft deserves every ounce of hate their getting
Microsoft is bad for the Video game industry
And in my opinion the Xbox 1 deserves to fail.

Sony is maintaining the status quo for the most part (don't forget that you've gotta pay for online now!) and they are getting praised like nothing else by many.

It's bullshit.

Yep, MS are tightwads, yep they fucked up but now they've changed their stance and while I don't think that puts them on the same level as Sony in terms of how much they should get praised I definitely think it puts them closer and they should at least be given credit for making the change.


I really honestly was fucking stoked about the potential for game sharing. What a shame that they couldn't find a middle ground here.

Glad for all the noise makers got their way, I guess . I feel like people were making a mountain out of a mole hill, but we'll see how things shake out.
There is nothing stopping them from implementing it for digital purchases. This can be the best of both worlds. All they've said is it won't be there aft launch which was probably going to happen anyway.


Preordering Xbox one now. That awesome game lineup and controller :)

Gold is starting to sound like a better service ad well. Dedicated severs, free games you can keep. Not to mention, it'll probably run better and smoother since MS is a software company





So to be clear (as I am reading it), You do have to connect to the internet when you initially install the game?

System setup, not game setup.
I assume you do it one time after you first turn on the console and then never have to worry about it again.
Isn't that because the 360 is easier to develop for?

How much more powerful is the Xbox One compared to the PS4?

Sorry if these questions are off-topic.

PS4 is more powerful than the Xbox One. You have it mixed up.

The reason it was easier to develop multiplatform games on the 360 than on PS3 was just that the 360 was more like a PC than anything. PS3 had a different infrastructure that made it a bit difficult to port games.
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