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Microsoft officially pulls DRM from Xbox One, announces new policies

Sure, but you can only do it from the online store. Those customers lost out on being able to buy at retail and shop for competitive pricing. What about their customer rights?

The can still shop at retail for competitive pricing. Their ability to install the game and throw away the disc is not a consumer right.

If you are a collector and want to own a boxed copy of a game for display while also having all the benefits of digital versions there is.

I keep seeing this, but don't honestly understand it. What is the collector collecting in this example? A disc which retains no value? What is the point?
$500 for an all-encompassing console/media player that incorporates the MS cloud that enable developers extra fx fidelity and horsepower to enrich the gaming experiences for millions of gamers across continents via the world renowned XBL and you call that a raping? I call that a bargain, especially within the context of X1's lifespan. Tell me, do you have an iPhone? Or a tablet? If so, and you are complaining about MS's console, you can just go ahead and not reply.

Sometimes it boggles me why people try to sound like PR.


Honestly, after buying the Last of Us digitally (26GB download), I am never buying a large digital game again. Took me two days to download. ;_;

Haha, same reason why I'm not excited to go digital.. dowlnoad thing that big is just pain in the ass for me.


G***n S**n*bi
I am so damn happy about this I can fucking scream man. Gamers won. Gamers FUCKING WON.

MS fucked up so bad with this whole ordeal though. Man oh man... Sony has ALL the momentum and the cheaper price. *smacks forehead*. Sony will also be seen as the "Hero" in this story (as they damn well should be) that prevented a potential catastrophe. It's sad it took them this long o realize how badly they were shooting themselves in the foot. Just amazing.

I am now purchasing an XboxOne. You can take that to the bank. But... I am not buying it at 500 bucks. I'll buy the "slim" version when it hits market. We could of had a conversation, MS, had it been 400... but 500? Nah son, I'll wait for the slim.

Oh and... TotalBiscuit, Cliffy B, David Jaffe, and anyone else who supported this draconian bullshit, please locate the nearest fat dick eat it. Thanks.
download the games digitally.

note - this also works on PS4, PS3, 360, Wii U, 3DS, Vita, PSP and DS

Most people have download cap limits, a 40-50 gig game would take me days. I preferred buying a disc installing it once and having a 1-2 second a day check to validate.

But everyone has there own personal preferences. Unfortunately for me a large proportion prefer the new method.


I don't mind people talking about it. My point is I don't give a shit about their intentions and I think it is highly unlikely they will reverse their DRM policy. Hell, all companies including Sony and Nintendo have had horrible intentions. So to me comments like this are silly on many different levels:

Obviously that post was over-dramatic...


If you are a collector and want to own a boxed copy of a game for display while also having all the benefits of digital versions there is.

If you're a collector, why in the hell would you be OK with the old policy? So you can collect shit until they decide to shut off the servers and turn them into coasters?



What the heck are you talking about? Do you feel the same way about Sony? You know, the ones who actually truly removed features that people bought their systems for?

There is no way Microsoft nor Sony will implement these policies in the future. They would face way worse press than Microsoft received before.

CEE CEO Jim Ryan said:
I mean who knows, some force majeure situation comes up years down the road – nothing’s forever necessarily – but these are our policies and we intend to stick by them.



Finally, Whitten could not give any reassurance that Microsoft will not change its policies in the future.


James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
Honestly, after buying the Last of Us digitally (26GB download), I am never buying a large digital game again. Took me two days to download. ;_;

Wow your internet must be horrible.

It took me only a few hours to download it.. it's never been a huge deal to me, I prefer not swapping discs


Good on Microsoft for changing their draconian greed driven policies. I will probably get an xbox one when it's cheaper than a ps4. It will be a while thought. With the yield issues that are happening with the xbox one, I'd advise anyone with common sense to wait for the second shipments to purchase. They say history repeats itself and me had these same issues with production in 2005.

This switch will hurt them though. Flip flopping is never a good sign to consumers and Sony's marketing team will attempt to use this flip flop to their advantage.
Holy shit. METAGON of the MEGATONs.

Now Microsoft is back in the console war. I might actually order one because, in the end, it's all about the games, and the Xbone has more games...


lol if only gamers did this for Xbox Live a long time ago. Placing your already paid subscriptions behind a paywall is absolutely disgusting. If enough people balked at that instead of happily taking it in the bum we would not have that filth on the 360 or now the XB1. Gamers need to speak up now! Things can change. XP
OMFG. Quoted for truth.


y'all should be ashamed
Wow your internet must be horrible.

It took me only a few hours to download it.. it's never been a huge deal to me, I prefer not swapping discs


It is bad. And I'm on the best plan they have available. No bandwidth caps at least.


Lets see where this goes. I hope MS was lying about the need for DRM in this industry. Well we got what we asked for, lets see...
I don't understand. This is an internet forum, where we discuss things. It's great that MS is reversing it's policies! This will lead to a change in purchases for many people.

The talking point is that MS is portraying themselves as sympathetic to the consumer, hearing what they had to say (which obviously wasn't on their Youtube comments), and they made the choice do what was right. Which to a lot of people (including me) is absolute crapola. They would have weathered the bad publicity all the way to November if their preorder numbers were strong.

Not really hard to see why we're talking about that.

I dont exactly understand your point. They both want your money and they both realized that their audience wasn't going to accept "always on" at this point. The only reason either company would be "sympathetic to the consumer" is to ensure that they get your money. Are you really that naive?
I don't see why a lot of you guys shouldn't at least reconsider buying an Xbox One if you were at all every seriously consider buying one. A lot of you gave Sony a second chance on the PS3 after $599 U.S. dollars, taking away backwards compatibility, saying rumble was last gen, PlayStation Networking being down for weeks and Credit Card information being breached, Online passes for their first party games, not to mention online multiplayer you have to pay for now, etc. I own both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and will probably be getting both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I'm not saying everybody has to get both, nor are they for everybody but at least keep an open mind and stop trying to find shit to blind yourself with just because you want to dislike something. Just my two cents, I know this isn't everybody. You know there are some people with this mentality out there and a handful of them are on this board and more specifically in this thread.

And to the people that are upset about the DRM, Phoebe has your back =p
Good choice MS. I guess consumer outrage can accomplish something.

I don't see why a lot of you guys shouldn't at least reconsider buying an Xbox One if you were at all every seriously consider buying one. A lot of you gave Sony a second chance on the PS3 after $599 U.S. dollars, taking away backwards compatibility, saying rumble was last gen, PlayStation Networking being down for weeks and Credit Card information being breached, Online passes for their first party games, etc. I own both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and will probably be getting both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I'm not saying everybody has to get both, nor are they for everybody but at least keep an open mind and stop trying to find shit to blind yourself with just because you want to dislike something. Just my two cents, I know this isn't everybody. You know there are some people with this mentality out there and a handful of them are on this board and more specifically in this thread.

And to the people that are upset about the DRM, Phoebe has your back =p

It still costs more and is less powerful.


y'all should be ashamed
damn chubs, where do you live? it only took me a ~3 hours with FiOS

Odessa, Texas. Internet is terrible here...

I dont exactly understand your point. They both want your money and they both realized that their audience wasn't going to accept "always on" at this point. The only reason either company would be "sympathetic to the consumer" is to ensure that they get your money. Are you really that naive?

That's...kinda what I'm saying, or trying to say anyways.


Pretty hilarious but it's a good thing. Nobody should've supported what they were doing no matter what "cool" games were coming out. They turned around because they needed to. Maybe I'll actually get one one day as opposed to my previous plan of never getting one.
Still won't buy one, what's keeping them from reinforcing them once they have a sizeable install base?, and what happens to "the infinite power of the cloud" now?, surely they can't make it mandatory now... so the guys playing offline will get a sub-par experience?.
$500 for an all-encompassing console/media player that incorporates the MS cloud that enable developers extra fx fidelity and horsepower to enrich the gaming experiences for millions of gamers across continents via the world renowned XBL and you call that a raping? I call that a bargain, especially within the context of X1's lifespan. Tell me, do you have an iPhone? Or a tablet? If so, and you are complaining about MS's console, you can just go ahead and not reply.

Also, World of Tanks is coming.


Oh Microsoft, way to be spineless and pander to the "vocal minority" you were so busy ignoring up until today. So much for the benefits of your ecosystem that we weren't understanding despite all of your wonderfully clear messaging about how poor people and folks who live in rural areas could still buy 360s. Enjoy your completely undeserved day in the sun!

von zipp

How the fuck is sharing games with family (which you can already do, hand the game to your brother) and disc-less gaming (digital download already, eliminates trade-in option) "pushing gaming forward"?

Please explain.

Having the ability to have my games roam with me where-ever I go was a big plus for me, as was immediate access to any of my games at home or at someone elses place. in my line of work we have a fair amount of down time, so we have a 360 at work. If we had an XB1, I would have all of my games at home available for me at work without having to take my library of discs with me.

As for family sharing, my brothers buy games that I wouldn't neccessarily spend money on. Doesn't mean I dont want to play them, just that they are not high on my list of must get titles. my brother also lives a fair distance from me. the sharing system would have given me access to those games without having to work out the logistics of getting the game from him or trying to give it back.

In my opinion, these options pushed gaming forward, and were njext gen kind of things. Next Gen to me is not just about better graphics, larger open worlds and more players in an online match. its about giving me new ways to access gaming, like 2nd screen gaming on vita or smartglass. As it stands now, we are getting the same features we have had this generation for last 8 years just with faster memory and better graphics.




Finally, Whitten could not give any reassurance that Microsoft will not change its policies in the future.


If you're going to quote something, quote the actual source not another site reporting about the source that is incorrect... Here's the real quote direct from Polygon:

With a sudden and drastic change in policy, I asked Whitten how sure gamers can be that Microsoft won't change things again before launch this fall.

"There are our policies and we are really excited about them," he said. "By adding them we have shown that we are definitely listening."
Source: Polygon

Does that sound at all like what you quoted?


$500 for an all-encompassing console/media player that incorporates the MS cloud that enable developers extra fx fidelity and horsepower to enrich the gaming experiences for millions of gamers across continents via the world renowned XBL and you call that a raping? I call that a bargain, especially within the context of X1's lifespan. Tell me, do you have an iPhone? Or a tablet? If so, and you are complaining about MS's console, you can just go ahead and not reply.

If you told me this came straight from a Microsoft's spokesperson I'd totally believe you...


I dont exactly understand your point. They both want your money and they both realized that their audience wasn't going to accept "always on" at this point. The only reason either company would be "sympathetic to the consumer" is to ensure that they get your money. Are you really that naive?

Seems some people actually think these billion dollar companies care about us as people and gamers. They dont. They do what they think is best for their profits and that is it. Neither company give a fuck about us. That is why I dont understand why people cant pick there system by the games and features and not by all this other BS.

Who whoa whoa.. is the Kinect still required to be on at all times while gaming?? ...

Please someone tell me no.

It can be turned off completely in software.


I don't see why a lot of you guys shouldn't at least reconsider buying an Xbox One if you were at all every seriously consider buying one. A lot of you gave Sony a second chance on the PS3 after $599 U.S. dollars, taking away backwards compatibility, saying rumble was last gen, PlayStation Networking being down for weeks and Credit Card information being breached, Online passes for their first party games, not to mention online multiplayer you have to pay for now, etc. I own both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 and will probably be getting both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. I'm not saying everybody has to get both, nor are they for everybody but at least keep an open mind and stop trying to find shit to blind yourself with just because you want to dislike something. Just my two cents, I know this isn't everybody. You know there are some people with this mentality out there and a handful of them are on this board and more specifically in this thread.

And to the people that are upset about the DRM, Phoebe has your back =p

It wouldn't suit their argument if they admitted that things change.


The ability to share, lend, and sell digital games was absolutely pushing the idea of digital ownership forward. If it hadn't been saddled with the DRM and Always Online it should've been celebrated.
$500 for an all-encompassing console/media player that incorporates the MS cloud that enable developers extra fx fidelity and horsepower to enrich the gaming experiences for millions of gamers across continents via the world renowned XBL and you call that a raping? I call that a bargain, especially within the context of X1's lifespan. Tell me, do you have an iPhone? Or a tablet? If so, and you are complaining about MS's console, you can just go ahead and not reply.

(Today, 11:31 PM)
Multi-Quote This Message Quote


Don Mattrick said:
So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:

An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.

It's funny how they have a long list describing the things which we are allowed do with our Xbone 180 games, instead of the much simpler explanation "you own them".
Good choice MS. I guess consumer outrage can accomplish something.

It still costs more and is less powerful.

That is an ok stance but that's not the angle I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who say things like "No MS ruined my trust forever etc.". That just seems like, well it seems like bullshit to me.


So MS finally woke up when reality finally hit them, good news I guess but I'm still not getting one out of spite for them even trying to pull this shit off, it's like getting kicked in the nuts by your best friend who then says "c'mon man it was just a joke".
It's still hurts you bastard. I can more than get my gaming fix elswhere.
Bullshit it may be but it's still not cool.


It's funny how they have a long list describing the things which we are allowed do with our Xbone 180 games, instead of the much simpler explanation "you own them".

If they didn't list that stuff out people would be screaming that there must be some horrific loophole they were hiding.


If you're going to quote something quote the actual source not another site reporting about the source that is incorrect... Here's the real quote direct from Polygon:

With a sudden and drastic change in policy, I asked Whitten how sure gamers can be that Microsoft won't change things again before launch this fall.

"There are our policies and we are really excited about them," he said. "By adding them we have shown that we are definitely listening."
Source: Polygon

Does that sound at all like what you quoted?

How is that different than, we won't change the policy before you buy it, but after you buy it is up in the air? If you think I'm ready to get all buddy buddy with Microsoft after the sneaky stuff they have been trying to pull you are sorely mistaken. I planned to get all 3 consoles again this generation. Now the Xbox will be 2+ years before I pick it up, to be sure they don't fall back on their DRM policies.

They already talked to their "partners" about the DRM (including ubisoft etc.), I wonder if any of these "exclusive deals" were based partly on DRM. Only time will tell I guess.


So has any gaming website now started questioning Microsoft about how it will deal with 3rd party DRM? Now that the policies are the 'same' why isn't anyone questioning them?


Great move by Microsoft...

But make no mistake, you can thank Sony for this, and in turn you can thank #PS4noDRM as well. If Sony hadn't rejected the publisher pressure, this would never have happened no matter the outcry.

I love legitimate competition =)
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