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GTA V - The little details that caught your attention?


The roads are awesome now that I think about it. They are patchy, with loads of areas filled in due to roadworks where pipes were or whatever, just like on actual roads. Too many games have perfect, new looking tarmac. Oh and potholes etc affect the car, rather than just being a texture.

I don't think I'll need a new game for awhile when GTA Online comes out.


Just switched over to Trevor, and I was lying in bed with Floyd who was dressed in womans pajamas and Trevor says "next time you are spooning me", he gets up, smells his fingers and Floyd starts bawling like a baby curled up in the fettle position.


Had to video this when it happened. Don't know how to get a YT thumbnail so i'll post the link

Scooter brothers! for those not familiar with it, it was from Brad at Fourplayerpodcast in GTA IV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxKj_CmtHRI

Anyways before i started videoing it already went on for a while, as long as i stayed close to the guy he would keep talking about scooter brothers.

Also i love how out of nowhere all of the sudden a cop chase starts behind me.


all the graphic design in the game. All the logos and shirt/clothing designs looks legit. Some of Franklins outfit, i would wear in real life

Yeah a lot of the fake logos and shit just looks like something I could completely believe exists, I'd wear some of it "ironically" for sure if it existed.

Just switched over to Trevor, and I was lying in bed with Floyd who was dressed in womans pajamas and Trevor says "next time you are spooning me", he gets up, smells his fingers and Floyd starts bawling like a baby curled up in the fettle position.

No fucking way? hahahahaahh (Which one is Floyd though?) I know Ron, is that Wades cousin?


2 things

-Flying a helicopter listening to the reggae channel

-Switched over to trevor to find him on top of a very tall mountain wearing a womans dress.

God I love this game


Fools are always so certain of themselves, but wiser men so full of doubts.
Motherfuckin' SWEAT that accrues on the characters' clothing.

Seriously. Go have Franklin wear that tight white long sleeved shirt and be amazed at the sweat stains on his back and chest.

li bur

Steve tv show was damn rad. I also like how the play action in the previous mission being talked in the west coast talk radio


I was driving really fast and crashed into a civilian head on. Usually in other open world game no one gets hurt, but this time my guy was okay, but the other persons head hit the dashboard and died on impact. The sound of the horn was blaring, I honestly felt really bad.

When you run up the stairs the character occasionally jumps and skips the first steps.

Edit: rain and sweat on clothing. Shits awesome.


Yeah a lot of the fake logos and shit just looks like something I could completely believe exists, I'd wear some of it "ironically" for sure if it existed.

No fucking way? hahahahaahh (Which one is Floyd though?) I know Ron, is that Wades cousin?

Yah Floyd is Wades cousin, feel so bad for that guy, you just wreck his whole life.
Im having trouble figuring out how to take advantage of the stock market...unless they come out and tell me

I love the gas can, i wish i could burn more things.

Heh, finally i hit a sign with trevors truck and it popped off and landed in the bed and slid around in the back for the rest of my mission.


Random events and how variant they are amaze me, one time a guy asked me to help his friend who is having a stroke, and it was actually an ambush.
I also like how the GPS signal disappears when you get into a tunnel.
And so many other things, this game is massive in all scales.


I can't wait for GTA 6. Really hope they have the AI do simple things like have jobs and have places to go. Also have the AI park their cars and stuff. Anyone find that random fort with naked guys in the mountains? Played some spooky music and had paintings on the walls everywhere.

The reaction looks so good though. Like, that is how I would expect someone to fall after being hit on the face.

This game, so good.

Another detail I like is that, well...I was trying to get a car, so I pull out my gun, and the person freaks and runs into me. But I was tapping the shoot button(I suck at aiming) so what ended happening was me being face first into the window and still firing my gun off to wherever Michael had his hand, even though you're flat on the hood.

It's..that. Being able to fire your gun even when you get hit/knocked out. So good. Adds alot of realism...not like thi sgame is any short of it.


After driving a car for a while, if you turn it off you can start hearing the sound of the engine cooling off (a metallic 'tinging').

Some radio stations have areas associated with them: I was listening the station where Lazlow talks and, as I drove north to the more rural areas, the radio became garbled and then switched to another channel.
I ran over some people on the beach with a bicycle as Trevor. About 20 minutes later I went over to Franklin and opened up the browser on his phone. The top news story was something along the lines of "Woman terrorized by man on bike"
Haven't played it, but I can imagine.

Red Dead had AMAZING detail. Absolutely amazing, like the main character swatting flies in the air, horse animation, etc.

Crazy realism.


Junior Member
I tried used right on the d-pad to various people. I was near the beach, and he was just like "hey, what's up?" "hey, how's it going?", so I walked up to a baywatch house and pressed right on the d-pad.

"Hey, what's up?"
"Oh, you know. Fools be drownin' left and right. You cannot take your eyes off of these idiots!"


Junior Member
Oh yeah. If you take pictures of cops with your cellphone when they're having a shoot out they'll arrest you.

Hahaha. I'd imagine some argument about the right to film, or something.

Oh, also:
I switched to Trevor, who was on a scooter near another guy on the scooter, going "SCOOTER BROTHERS, WOOUUUH! Where are we going today, scooter brother?!"
I ran over some people on the beach with a bicycle as Trevor. About 20 minutes later I went over to Franklin and opened up the browser on his phone. The top news story was something along the lines of "Woman terrorized by man on bike"

It's cool enough hearing about some of your activities on the radio after a mission, but that shit is craaazzy


For me, aside from plethora of incidental things in the game it's the amount of graphical touches in the game. Headlight reflections in the road, headlights lighting up other cars, clothes getting wet, flies flying around lights at night, the water/reflections and buoyancy, the fairground on the pier at night, with the flashing lights lighting up the surroundings. There's just so much packed in, honestly coming from the PS3 version of GTA4 this is a staggering achievement on the PS3, especially now it 720p. But the game on a whole has so much to give...its just a monumental achievement. It's also going to make the wait for next gen that little bit easier.


One time this lady was crossing the street (I was in franklins car) and some guy ran her over and took off. So I got out of my car and called the paramedics. They arrived and ran over to her and tried to revive her.

"Oh man, we got here too late. She's gone."
"Well, there's always next time."
"Yes! That's what we must tell ourselves each day."

Then he filled out his clipboard and they took off. Then I saw my car pass by me...someone stole my car during all this!

Crazy stuff.
this game is insane

Rockstar is on another planet with this stuff
Well, my sample data is kind of small (7 persons, approx. 100 hijacked cars) but I have yet to pull a male NPC out of a Pagassi Infernus. Apparently only female NPC drive this car, for whatever reason.

(It's this one)


Junior Member
I'm not a big gamer anymore. I couldn't give two shits about 99.999% of what comes out these days... but this game I could play for hours. The attention to detail is what won me over. I only have about 5-6 hours of gameplay in and I haven't been bored once. I don't think any gaming experience can come close to that. I've already been in a bike ride, towed a truck, got a haircut, driven the freeway in reverse... and blown up a guys head from a bomb on a cell phone.

Edit: And I have hated every single GTA game before this. III, IV, San Andreas, Vice City... all of them.


I'm not a big gamer anymore. I couldn't give two shits about 99.999% of what comes out these days... but this game I could play for hours. The attention to detail is what won me over. I only have about 5-6 hours of gameplay in and I haven't been bored once. I don't think any gaming experience can come close to that. I've already been in a bike ride, towed a truck, got a haircut, driven the freeway in reverse... and blown up a guys head from a bomb on a cell phone.

Edit: And I have hated every single GTA game before this. III, IV, San Andreas, Vice City... all of them.

yea same here. Not really a hardcore gamer myself. Use my PS3 mainly for netflix and downloaded movies. GTAV was like the only game i purchased this year for the PS3. Just nice to see a fun and not a "dark" serious game.


I'm not a big gamer anymore. I couldn't give two shits about 99.999% of what comes out these days... but this game I could play for hours. The attention to detail is what won me over. I only have about 5-6 hours of gameplay in and I haven't been bored once. I don't think any gaming experience can come close to that. I've already been in a bike ride, towed a truck, got a haircut, driven the freeway in reverse... and blown up a guys head from a bomb on a cell phone.

Edit: And I have hated every single GTA game before this. III, IV, San Andreas, Vice City... all of them.

I'm not huge on it anymore either, I play maybe 6 good games a year - I will probably 100% this, it's the best game I've ever played, ever. The attention to detail is utterly mind boggling.


Can you get out of your car and leave the engine/lights on? Would be awesome if you want to explore something in the desert at night, having your vehicle be the flashlight. :p


Yet another small touch - approx 75% spoiler
When Trevor takes over the strip club, if you get a lap dance, even though the dialogue implies it's the same 'rules' as before - you can touch the whole time - he won't tell you off.
The social club sends you updates on your friends progress today I saw one "learned tne dangers of social networking" and the other "was wasted 10 times"


Many great posts in here. The sandals, scooter brothers, sweat on shirts, moon phases, engine cooling sounds. Game is simply astonishing in its detail.

One Thing I saw today (Easter egg, rather than 'small thing'), but I had to take a photo nonetheless:



1. The train and subway train are inaccessible, which is kind of annoying.
2. getting all the collectables and 100% are a waste of time.
3. Every area is unique and detailed. Meaning they spent a lot of time crafting things. But it's all shallow. There's no substance. No interactivity. It's like Rage. It looks pretty but nothing moves.
4. For the majority of the game. All 3 main characters have nasty attitudes and are just unpleasant.
5. Pool, arcade games and so forth are unplayable. Which is kind of sad. Because pool was cool in San Andreas.
6. The map is huge. But theres nothing to find. No sweet super rocket launcher hidden on the mountain, no laser shot gun. What I mean is no special weapons. No sword, sledge hammers nothing. (like how Fallout and Skyrim have awesome unique weapons).
7. Police detection system is annoying. If I run down some hiker in the mountains...then I shouldn't get a star.
8. Stealth is kind of broken. Like with the army base. You can't kill a dude silently and sneak in.
9. The story is a sausage fest. Trevor could have been the crazy ex gf. Which would have worked better. Franklyn could have been a black girl. And Michaels relationship with her could have sparked up. Giving you choices. Do you stay with your wife? Do you pursue this gangster girl who is so unique? Do you just remain friends?
I thnk the story is generic. It is. It's generic. It does nothing special. I don't find myself going "wow".

Overall. This is a beautiful game. But it does NOTHING to evolve the series. It's not a leap forward at all.

Skyrim from Oblivion. Oblivion from Morrowind. That is what a leap forward loooks like.
Gta 3 to Vice City. Vice City to San Andreas. Those felt like modest leaps.


I just love everything about it.

But man, oh man. DEM BEARDS- they make me the happiest, that or the way the lights glimmer from far away distances. The way the radio channels change as you enter a new part of Los Santos, the way flags blow against the wind, the hilarious diving animation in Tennis, the crazy encounters-

30 hours in. Haven't seen much of anything, just serenely exploring.


Many great posts in here. The sandals, scooter brothers, sweat on shirts, moon phases, engine cooling sounds. Game is simply astonishing in its detail.

One Thing I saw today (Easter egg, rather than 'small thing'), but I had to take a photo nonetheless:


Haha, awesome. I assume you know the probable real life inspiration?

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