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Mass Effect 4 won't feature Shepard's companions, doesn't relate to ME1-3 plot events

Let's take the only thing people loved about mass effect after the end of ME3 and get rid of it! I kid.

I think it has to be set way in the future to avoid any trappings of what ME1-3 established, and I think it has to even further explore the origin of the reapers. I'd like to see neighboring galaxies too. That could blow the universe (literally) wide open.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Let's take the only thing people loved about mass effect after the end of ME3 and get rid of it! I kid.

I think it has to be set way in the future to avoid any trappings of what ME1-3 established, and I think it has to even further explore the origin of the reapers. I'd like to see neighboring galaxies too. That could blow the universe (literally) wide open.
Im sure after 3 they will make up some wonderful bullshit to justify something as stupidly impossible as intergalactic travel


A completely different branch of the universe is a great idea, except for the fact that I have zero confidence in Bioware to put together a decent story anymore. I don't even expect them to have the balls to set it after Mass Effect 3 and establish one of its endings as canon. Never played through any of the DLC, so forgive/flame me if that statement is somehow stupid.
Bioware still has decent writers, TOR has some pretty good storylines. The problem with ME is that Mac Walters is writing and Casey Hudson is calling the shots.
I would honestly love for them to go back to the Star Control roots and improve on the first Mass Effect, with a lot more open planetary systems exploration gameplay, revised and improved Mako driving and away team missions etc. They have an opportunity to make a different approach to the gameplay, but sadly I doubt they'll do that.

Storywise, I think stories like Mass Effect's are a bit problematic, since the "greatest threat ever" has been dealt with. Returning the Reapers would feel washed out and lame (like the rumors of getting Darth Vader back for Episode VIII) but if you don't, you need a different goal, another terrible threat that feels convincing etc. Not saying that there has to be a large threat, but I have a gut feeling this is what Mass Effect will always be about.

On the other hand, I would hate for the story to shift to local politics, a war between factions or races, it just feels underwhelming to me after the whole Reaper saga.
Nice. I loved the series....but it's time to move on from that storyline. After the ending of ME3, I wouldn't mind if the next one happens after a few 50,000 year cycles or something.


Well, if it's set after the events of 3, they have to have some references to Shep or what the outcome of the war was, unless it's flung so far in the future that there's new races and such a thing is considered a fairy tale. This is really their only "safe" option. As long as it's not the destroy ending, all the tech and stuff will be the same or similar, so they should be fine doing it.

I'm not sure I trust them on the setup for something like this though. They've kind of proven that they're great at side stories or character driven stories, but an overall meta story they're kind of crap at it. Because of that I expect no "save carries over" thing. Even if they went with another trilogy as well, I also can't see them ever having big choices in the narratives again that have to carry over, since that was by far the weakest parts of the story this trilogy, and they saw how much work it was to do this.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
In the year 2148, explorers on Mars discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In the decades that followed, these mysterious artifacts revealed startling new technologies, enabling travel to the furthest stars. The basis for this incredible technology was a force that controlled the very fabric of space and time.

They called it the greatest discovery in human history.

The civilizations of the galaxy call it... MASS EFFECT.

That's why the series is called Mass Effect. And why it's one of the first things you see when starting a new game in Mass Effect 1.
Im sure after 3 they will make up some wonderful bullshit to justify something as stupidly impossible as intergalactic travel

Reapers have been around for hundreds of thousands of years. They could have easily sent themselves to neighboring galaxies to establish other mass relays.

Reapers can go 30 ly in a 24 hour period. Andromeda galaxy is 2.5m ly away. 83,000 years worth of travel. Not even 2 cycles. Only question is if/how they'd get enough eezo.

That's my main concern. Would be so lazy. I want a "What's going to happen?" story, not a "How did we get here?" story.

Trying to think of the series that started off great but now all it is, is prequels...

There are far more comments regarding the potential of it being a prequel (that is, being set before the original) so apologies for selecting you two as examples, but it makes absolutely no sense to me how that would be significantly relevant on the quality of the game. The only difference that may occur between a sequel, and a prequel, would be the presence of humanity, and a 'cap' on the level of technological progress. If it is set before the first game there is absolutely no reason it would need to be a story regarding 'how did we get here'/involve the Reapers at all. How many cycles have occured before the first game? As far as I recall it's not specified but given the amount of Reapers (I know there would have likely been a significant amount from the original creation of the Reapers) we can occur it's a very large amount. I imagine, somewhere, in those hundreds of thousands of years, there is an interesting story to tell. We know that the species involved will eventually become extinct, sure, but that doesn't make the story any less relevant (unless you think all of the species after Mass Effect 3 live happily and nothing ever threatens the existence of humans, the Drell, the Asari, etc.), it's just smaller in nature (and the story is going to be smaller in nature; it's hard to go larger than an ingalactic war between a universe-sized invasion force intent on the destruction of nearly all organic life). The one constraint this has is that the technology cannot be vastly more advanced than what we already witnessed, but that's not to say it cannot be unique regardless (take the Protheans' technology as an example; it was very different to what existed in the current timeframe) depending on how they adapt to the Reaper technology.

Of course, taking it place afterwards makes sense also, there is a large imeframe that they can make use of; from the rebuilding of the galaxy (if they want to go large scale they could introduce a militant species creating their own faster than light travel and taking advantage of the ruined civilisation as they try to rapidly expand), to the establishment of the new, and now much more technologically advanced, galactic order, to hundreds of thousands of years in the future.

Alternatively they can make it occur simultaneously with the events of the original and drastically reduce the scale so that the effect of the Reaper invasion is not really significant to the story being told (that is, it's so focused that the potential Reaper invasion never even impacts the story such as if it were to be about a bounty hunter/SPECTRE tracking a drug lord across the universe in a small time period example) but I don't imagine this will occur.

The only real difference going backwards or forward makes is the presence of humanity (they can afford to do that going forward, not so much going backwards) and other Citadel races (depending on how far back they go of course), the advancement of technology (going backwards, they can't be so advanced that it's unbelievable that they would eventually be conquered by the Reapers; going forward they can be advanced as the writers wish), and to a lesser extent, the reliant upon Reaper technology (if they go backwards, the series' staple items [Mass Relays and the Citadel for example] will likely be present and as important as they were in the original trilogy, if they go forward this isn't necessarily the case [as the species may become so advanced they are outdated]).

Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't understand the 'oh no, don't make it a prequel', comments at all, they have such a large scope either way (to distance themselves from the original trilogy) that they can almost do whatever they want, posessing only a few constraints (the biggest problem about setting it afterwards is accomodating the three endings and avoiding a cannon but if they just set an ending in stone that's avoided, they will obviously need to reference these somehow if it's afterwards because it was a colossal event and cannnot simply be ignored).
I wouldn't mind a Mass Effect game where the fate of the universe doesn't hang in the balance for once. Just exploration, adventure and a lot of alien sex.


I guess it's for the best. At some point you just can't really get anything out of the characters anymore.

For example do I not really recall Liara or Garrus having much of a development in ME 3


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I wouldn't mind a Mass Effect game where the fate of the universe doesn't hang in the balance for once. Just exploration, adventure and a lot of alien sex.

And multiplayer.
No. No no no no no no.

No? It'd be far better than being after ME3. Like EC said, setting it after ME3 opens the game up to a whole host of issues regarding the story (plot holes, the potential endings). It needs to be either before ME1 (this would be ideal) or between ME1 and ME3.

And please no more Space Jesus, no more Starchildren, no more "big threat that can destroy the galaxy." I'd much rather it be about smaller conflicts, more about exploring the galaxy and having more places to visit, about going more into each races' cultures, issues, etc.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
No? It'd be far better than being after ME3. Like EC said, setting it after ME3 opens the game up to a whole host of issues regarding the story (plot holes, the potential endings). It needs to be either before ME1 (this would be ideal) or between ME1 and ME3.

I didn't mean that. I meant having a save import opens up a whole bunch of a logistic problems with making a game that delivers on import promises and expectations.

I actually want a game that's set after the trilogy. I want BioWare to pick a canon ending, or just construct their own (eg: destroy + AI survives) and go from there. I have no investment in my end game choice and like the idea of the universe being thrust into the freshest state possible with few, if any, pandering to the trilogy canon. Post-trilogy has the potential to nuke Reapers, Collectors, Cerberus, Citadel politics, the Geth/Quarian and Genophage arcs, along with Shepard and his/her crew from the narrative. And that's what I want. Absolutely nothing to fall back on, something totally new.

Gimme post galactic war, BioWare. I don't care if your canon fudges with mine.
I hope the game is set long, long after the first trilogy and preferably in a new galaxy where Sheppard and the Reaper story is only found in ancient texts.
I'm actually GLAD/happy about this.

One of the weakness I find in MANY franchises is the fact that the creators have an interesting world but seem totally reluctant to deviate from the core cast.

Shepard's story is DONE. Let's play around with the rest of the world that Shepard inhabited.

something something Metal Gear Solid


I wouldn't mind a Mass Effect game where the fate of the universe doesn't hang in the balance for once. Just exploration, adventure and a lot of alien sex.

Sounds good to me. The Master and Commander book series in space would be the greatest thing ever -- and that type of storytelling would play to BioWare's strengths.
I love Mass Effect, but I'm not sure I could wait trough another trilogy to see one story end, (especially considering how 3 ended...) so how about a story per game? Or two games? Also, no prequel, please.

Regardless, unless the game will be like the Omega DLC, I will buy it and the season pass for it on day one. (and no, I don't usually do that)


Not the first time they've spoken about this, and certainly won't be the last. At more or less every opportunity they have to speak about the setting/story, without being able to actually talk about the setting story, they make it abundantly clear that everything Shepard trilogy is done and dusted. The Citadel really beat you over the head with this point too, as a finality to companions, Normandy, Shepard, and the status of the universe. Montreal has said it, Edmonton has said it; they're all saying it.

And really, it's partially why I'm optimistic for Mass Effect 4's setting/narrative. I'm glad they not only don't feel the need to pander to the Shepard trilogy, but are actively avoiding it. Or so they say. The cleaner the slate, the better.

Why bother with the setting and moniker at all then? Why not call it something else and add/change mechanics and start completely fresh and avoid any looming specters in the process?
Sounds good to me. The Master and Commander book series in space would be the greatest thing ever -- and that type of storytelling would play to BioWare's strengths.

And you could call it something original, like Star Trek or something as you trek through the galaxy, exploring new worlds, meeting new civilizations, to boldy have sex with species that no man has done before...


Not surprising, and at the end of the day probably the best course of action. I'm going to miss Garrus/Wrex/Zaeed/whoever, and I won't deny that I'd love to see them again, but ME3 was, well, the end. Citadel even went back and gave us all a relaxed, friendly wrap-up for characters that didn't get much time in the main game. Time to move on, and hope that Bioware can come up with a new cast that's just as endearing.

I didn't mean that. I meant having a save import opens up a whole bunch of a logistic problems with making a game that delivers on import promises and expectations.

I actually want a game that's set after the trilogy. I want BioWare to pick a canon ending, or just construct their own (eg: destroy + AI survives) and go from there. I have no investment in my end game choice and like the idea of the universe being thrust into the freshest state possible with few, if any, pandering to the trilogy canon. Post-trilogy has the potential to nuke Reapers, Collectors, Cerberus, Citadel politics, the Geth/Quarian and Genophage arcs, along with Shepard and his/her crew from the narrative. And that's what I want. Absolutely nothing to fall back on, something totally new.

Gimme post galactic war, BioWare. I don't care if your canon fudges with mine.

Intuitively I would kind of want something like this. I'm not totally opposed to a prequel/inerquel/what have you, but it does leave that feeling of the main trilogy looming above. It would also intensify the fan desire to see old faces again, even though (as stated), the galaxy is a big place, and there's no reason some totally new cast should be running into Shepard's crew around every corner.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I really wanted to see a Mass Effect game happening something like 15-20 years later after the events of ME3, see our old companions... well... older, and how the galaxy looks like after the invasion, with Shepard being confirmed as dead, but it seems more and more likely that it will just be some kind of reboot or something.

Keep the alien races, keep the same planets and cities, keep the Citadel and the Mass Relays, keep the biotics, but Shepard and the Reapers? Never happened.
I'm fine by this. It just needs 2 things: Less Mac Walters on the project and set after the events of ME3. I do not want a prequel. If they do a prequel it's almost guaranteed to fail. I can't for the life of me think of many games or even prequel books I've enjoyed. They lose all mystique and you know where the story is going due to knowing what happens in the future events. Let me be hundreds of years after ME3...I don't care. Just don't do a prequel. Please.

I'm expecting this game to be more MP oriented due to the massive success of ME3's MP, unfortunately. While I liked ME3's MP I want the core to remain SP. I don't think we're going to get that this time around. It's being handled by the Montreal studio now which isn't the main ME team and are the ones who made the ME3 MP. So...yea...
I definitely don't want a game that falls back on existing characters for cheap fan service, but I also don't mind the idea of them showing up in places that makes sense. If Mass Effect Next takes place 500 years after the end of ME3, it's still perfectly reasonable for Liara to be around as the Shadow Broker, and Wrex to be a major figure in Krogan, and perhaps galactic politics. They don't need to be around in these roles, but I wouldn't be bothered if they were.

If the game takes place further out in time, or its narrative particulars make appearances by such characters unnecessary or out of place, then so be it. But forcing their absence from the story when it would make sense is just as bad to me as forcing their presence when it wouldn't. Just make those choices organically based on the needs of the story, that's what I say.

Also, fuck prequels, it would require violations of cannon or narrowing the cross-section of species/cultures/technologies instead of widening it. Go way out into the future so ME3 doesn't matter, or just pick the destroy ending, which is the only conclusion that makes sense to anyone who has played anywhere from 0 Mass Effect to all of it except the last 10 minutes of 3. Retconning Geth/other AI back in is easy (thank goodness they had a remote outpost outside the range of the catalyst!), and then you can have fun with what happens to a galactic civilization that was nearly ruined, but managed to survive.

Also, none of this matters, tell me about multiplayer!


Trilogy ending importing, assuming ME4 is set post trilogy, is just so unthinkably impossible to me. I don't see how it could be done convincingly, realistically, and within the logistical limitations of video game development resources, time, and economy. And any attempts to do it would be littered with inconsequential outcomes to major decisions, retcons, and half arsed white washing of major events. So...about on par for the series.

But yes, I can't imagine ending importing being anything less of a disaster. Either pick a canon, make a new one, or set it so far in the future that ending choice is made irrelevant.

Or they could do what Bethesda did when creating Morrowind. Rather than picking an ending as canon, the cannon is that they all happened simultaneously. It's known as "The Warp of the West" in the in-game literature.

A sci-fi take on this same process would be to have a timeline split occur at the ME3 ending, and then the plot of the game would involve the collapsing of these three timelines into one, so you have artifacts from all three outcomes getting jumbled together.

Of course, that would require competent writers, and.. well, it's Mac Walters. So let's pray they don't go down that road.
Hmmm.... if there's no companions, unless they're doing a MAJOR timejump, they'll have to deal with fans questioning where Liara, Wrex and Grunt are. Because those three should still be alive for at least another 1000 years.

There is a huge universe out there... like really what do you expect running into every person in such a huge galaxy of beings?
I'm happy with this, as long as it isn't a prequel.

My guess is it will be similar to Deus Ex Invisable War plot wise, where the galaxy is struggling to recover from the cataclysm at the end of 3. Nobody knows what really happened to Shepard and some revere her as a religious figure. The ending is already a rip off of Deus Ex.


Let's take the only thing people loved about mass effect after the end of ME3 and get rid of it!
They're getting rid of multiplayer?
Well I'm out.
There is a huge universe out there... like really what do you expect running into every person in such a huge galaxy of beings?

This comes down to the nature and structure of the plot; if they tell a smaller, more intimate story, then you're spot on. If they continue the player on the galactic stage style of high stakes 'drama,' then the Leader of the Krogan Species and the Shadow Broker are likely going to be relevant. I mean, they could just kill of Wrex, them Krogans be rowdy, and they could keep things ambiguous if you never meet the broker face to face.

Again, it's fine if they're not there; but it would be lame if they go out of their way to omit them in situations where their presence would make sense.

They're getting rid of multiplayer?
Well I'm out.

To be honest, they could go all Titanfall on ME4, concoct some vague framing conflict for a pure multiplayer experience, and let me roll a new Drell Adept to nuke fools with and I'd be in.
I didn't mean that. I meant having a save import opens up a whole bunch of a logistic problems with making a game that delivers on import promises and expectations.

I actually want a game that's set after the trilogy. I want BioWare to pick a canon ending, or just construct their own (eg: destroy + AI survives) and go from there. I have no investment in my end game choice and like the idea of the universe being thrust into the freshest state possible with few, if any, pandering to the trilogy canon. Post-trilogy has the potential to nuke Reapers, Collectors, Cerberus, Citadel politics, the Geth/Quarian and Genophage arcs, along with Shepard and his/her crew from the narrative. And that's what I want. Absolutely nothing to fall back on, something totally new.

Gimme post galactic war, BioWare. I don't care if your canon fudges with mine.

Oh. Well, how far after the trilogy exactly? 5 years? 100 years? I'm guessing since you want the original trilogy to be washed away from this game probably even further than that. Which I suppose I wouldn't mind, but I would rather them go back to before ME1 when humans were expanding, and dealing with the implications of that (Batarians, pirates/raiders/slavers, etc). Well really I'd rather they not focus on humans at all, but that's not happening, so to me, this would be the next best thing.

And like I said, it shouldn't be some bombastic thing regarding the story, but it'd be interesting to see more worlds, more of the galaxy instead of trying to stop some major galactic threat.


They're getting rid of multiplayer?
Well I'm out.

Maybe they're just going to make it better instead of one giant F2P scheme where you have to roll the dice with your hard earned money and hope you get something good in the pack like you're buying pokemon cards or some shit.
I really wanted to see a Mass Effect game happening something like 15-20 years later after the events of ME3, see our old companions... well... older, and how the galaxy looks like after the invasion

I believe this is the reason why 80% plus want a sequel and not a prequel/midquel/bullshitboot. People want to see a continuation of the Mass Effect universe they experienced in 1, 2 and 3. A huge part of that universe was the Reaper war and people want to revisit the universe after that war and see how the races coped and rebuilt.

When you read the crap that Mac and Co. are coming out with it almost comes across as they are going to "pretend" the Reaper War never happened. At any rate Bioware have written themselves into one hell of a corner. Right now the only reason I am still interested in ME 4 is because I want to see what rubbish they actually come up with.


Maybe they're just going to make it better instead of one giant F2P scheme where you have to roll the dice with your hard earned money and hope you get something good in the pack like you're buying pokemon cards or some shit.
Well I didn't roll any dice with my money and could probably solo the hardest difficulty with basic equipment faster than those that did.

Oh. Well, how far after the trilogy exactly? 5 years? 100 years? I'm guessing since you want the original trilogy to be washed away from this game probably even further than that. Which I suppose I wouldn't mind, but I would rather them go back to before ME1 when humans were expanding, and dealing with the implications of that (Batarians, pirates/raiders/slavers, etc). Well really I'd rather they not focus on humans at all, but that's not happening, so to me, this would be the next best thing.

And like I said, it shouldn't be some bombastic thing regarding the story, but it'd be interesting to see more worlds, more of the galaxy instead of trying to stop some major galactic threat.

The problem with a prequel, especially one that sits in the narrow window between first contact and the original trilogy, is that we're getting a story which we already know the ending too, at least in the broad strokes.

There have been times when I liked that kind of story very much, for example Halo Reach, but in Mass Effect it seems like a dull approach, and kind of a cop-out. I've posted in other threads that I think the best thing about Mass Effect 3, if we're willing to dispense with the nonsense of the final minutes and just settle on the Destroy ending that every other moment of the series calibrates us to expect, is that it takes a great array of cool and interesting species and cultures, and throws them into an extremely interesting scenario: the aftermath of a cataclysmic galactic war. Existing governments have been ground nearly to dust, but the aftermath for the survivors is a place filled with dormant reaper tech to salvage, political vacuums to fill, new alliances to form and break and so on. We've already played though a big epic galactic war; why piss away the chance to find out what happens next?

Anyway, that particular pipe dream has already been largely dismissed by the devs, but I'd be hugely disappointed if they just plopped the game in the handful of mostly uneventful decades before the start of the existing games.
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