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Killzone Shadow Fall Review Thread

Allow me to review Killzone.. Not just Shadow Fall but any Killzone game

Pros - A graphics tour de force - Rock solid frame-rate and good multiplayer - Some Good campaign moments.

Cons - The story campaign is basically pretty average and nothing you will remember.

Why buy it? Multiplayer. It will keep you busy until games like Destiny and Infamous Second Son come out. It will also impress your friends with the amazing graphics.

Nope. KZ2 had an excellent campaign.

It got an excellent reception in the press for that too. And that's in the face of pretty huge odds against it in terms of sentiment. This was to be the poster child for PS3 over-promising and under-delivering... everything was set against it. That it was able to break through all that and deliver is testament to its quality.


This smacks of bullshit.

What I read into a lot of this is that Dice et. al can develop MP-centric shooters with consistently awful campaigns and more or less get a free pass on them because the general community/media is aware that MP is the main - and best - attraction; if GG do the same, then stiff biscuits, guys.

I just feel that reviewers are harping on about and letting the SP colour their overall impressions a little too much for what the game is.

There will always be a "Killzone tax" for some reviewers. It is probably related to old biases and a collective dissonance.

I thought KZ2 mp was one of the best FPS multi player games this generation.

Also, there are plenty of good reviews out there for this game. I certainly would not take the opinions of "game journalists" too seriously. It is clear that some have some deep seeded bias that need to be expressed. After all the start and eventual reality of this new generation has been pretty difficult for many.

It will take time, and the less we worry about fake journalists, the better.


Disregarding Polygon's review because Arthus Gies is a half wit joke character of a human being, I am still unsurprised at the middling 7.0-8.0 scores. I predicted the game would get an 8.5 off the sheer launch hype, and it cut about 1 point below that on average so far. And based on my experience with the Killzone series to date, this is just the series finally getting the scores they've always deserved. That said, I'll reserve my own judgment until I play it, because I can't trust game critics due to all the controversies, but I was hoping this one would be different based on its less linear design and faster pace and less oppressive art direction. So far looks like I am doomed to once again not enjoy a KZ game.


So that's what you're getting out of most reviews huh?

Beleive it or not i am a big killzone fan. and when you see your favorite franchise going downhill it hurts. I am still amazed that MS was able to build a new studio from ground up 343 and they were able to make good game in first try. and this ggs 5th game and 3rd since they got good yet they are still not able to decide what they want out of killzone

and just for lols as how close Cytec and GG are
Allow me to review Killzone.. Not just Shadow Fall but any Killzone game

Pros - A graphics tour de force - Rock solid frame-rate and good multiplayer - Some Good campaign moments.

Cons - The story campaign is basically pretty average and nothing you will remember.

Why buy it? Multiplayer. It will keep you busy until games like Destiny and Infamous Second Son come out. It will also impress your friends with the amazing graphics.

But it seems that the multiplayer isn't up to snuff, particularly in map design.

It's a shame because KZ2 multiplayer was fantastic. Things became a bit unbalanced at higher rankings (everyone cloak!), but it had a really nice flow to it on most maps.

Regarding the reviews, I think it's just everyone expecting more from this generation and in certain aspects of design that weren't in the foreground years ago. We had a long generation, and we're finally moving on to receive only more of the same. Some could levy that against the reviews of CoD:Ghosts and AC: Black Flag, but those are cross platform, annual release titles where I don't the expectation is on the same level.


Is anyone surprised by the reviews? SF is all looks and no brain.

I'll still always remember the awesome KZ2 MP matches, though.

This. What was everyone expecting? The Killzone campaigns have always been average at best, why was was anyone expecting this to be a 9-10 single player experience?

Fun Factor

Formerly FTWer
Nope. KZ2 had an excellent campaign.

It got an excellent reception in the press for that too. And that's in the face of pretty huge odds against it in terms of sentiment. This was to be the poster child for PS3 over-promising and under-delivering... everything was set against it. That it was able to break through all that and deliver is testament to its quality.

Yup KZ2 campaign was the highlight of the franchise.


Beleive it or not i am a big killzone fan. and when you see your favorite franchise going downhill it hurts. I am still amazed that MS was able to build a new studio from ground up 343 and they were able to make good game in first try. and this ggs 5th game and 3rd since they got good yet they are still not able to decide what they want out of killzone

and just for lols as how close Cytec and GG are
KZ:SF is lower than Crysis 3???

I don't even...


and just for lols as how close Cytec and GG are

This was actually my worry. I remember thinking, 'Jeez, Crysis 3 looks so AWESOME, surely they'll learn from their missteps in 2 and go back to what made the first title so successful... man, there's just no way that it'll suck..." and then it promptly and unapologetically sucked.

Now, here we go again...


benevolent sexism
Disregarding Polygon's review because Arthus Gies is a half wit joke character of a human being, I am still unsurprised at the middling 7.0-8.0 scores. I predicted the game would get an 8.5 off the sheer launch hype, and it cut about 1 point below that on average so far. And based on my experience with the Killzone series to date, this is just the series finally getting the scores they've always deserved. That said, I'll reserve my own judgment until I play it, because I can't trust game critics due to all the controversies, but I was hoping this one would be different based on its less linear design and faster pace and less oppressive art direction. So far looks like I am doomed to once again not enjoy a KZ game.

I think the press are super aware right now of all the scrutiny they're under, and have probably managed to temper that "launch hype." If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if reviews get harsher across the board for games that aren't bringing enough novelty to the table. "This gameplay isn't next-gen!" and such.


This was actually my worry. I remember thinking, 'Jeez, Crysis 3 looks so AWESOME, surely they'll learn from their missteps in 2 and go back to what made the first title so successful... man, there's just no way that it'll suck..." and then it promptly and unapologetically sucked.

Now, here we go again...

I'd eat my hat if the campaign ends up being as bad as Crysis 3, BF4, CoD:Ghosts. No way it's as bad as Killzone 3's either, the fundamentals in place are just too much of an improvement.


Allow me to review Killzone.. Not just Shadow Fall but any Killzone game

Pros - A graphics tour de force - Rock solid frame-rate and good multiplayer - Some Good campaign moments.

Cons - The story campaign is basically pretty average and nothing you will remember.

Why buy it? Multiplayer. It will keep you busy until games like Destiny and Infamous Second Son come out. It will also impress your friends with the amazing graphics.

It's hard to recommend Killzone for multiplayer when it has to go up against BF4 and Call of Duty Ghosts, which traditionally have much more refined multiplayer (and probably orders of magnitude more development resources dedicated to their multiplayer) than KZ2 & 3 ever did.

64-player BF4 in particular (especially on maps like Paracel Storm) is something that's likely to trounce the spectacle of even KZ4 if you want to show off to your friends.


Beleive it or not i am a big killzone fan. and when you see your favorite franchise going downhill it hurts. I am still amazed that MS was able to build a new studio from ground up 343 and they were able to make good game in first try.

You're giving them a bit too much credit. Most Halo fans (myself included) were so turned off by Halo 4 that they may never return. Halo lost a lot of magic going over to 343i.


I think the press are super aware right now of all the scrutiny they're under, and have probably managed to temper that "launch hype." If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if reviews get harsher across the board for games that aren't bringing enough novelty to the table. "This gameplay isn't next-gen!" and such.

We'll see how "super aware" they are when the XBO reviews come back, but if this is the start of actual game criticism, I'd be glad to see it.


kind of hate that i follow gies on twitter just for that the fact that a lot of what he writes is cryptic as fuck. just talk regular, man.


Beleive it or not i am a big killzone fan. and when you see your favorite franchise going downhill it hurts. I am still amazed that MS was able to build a new studio from ground up 343 and they were able to make good game in first try.

You're giving them a bit too much credit. Most Halo fans (myself included) were so turned off by Halo 4 that they may never return. Halo lost a lot of magic going over to 343i.
There will always be a "Killzone tax" for some reviewers. It is probably related to old biases and a collective dissonance.

I thought KZ2 mp was one of the best FPS multi player games this generation.

Ditto. I had more fun playing it by myself than I did with friends on BF3/CoD/whatever have you.

You'll have to forgive my previous post somewhat, as I was typing it with my KZ2 GOAT MP rose tinted glasses on. I'm not expecting SF to eclipse those lofty heights again, but I'd like something close.

What's the general reviewer consensus of SF's MP? Haven't had a chance to properly read any reviews yet. Do any of them cover it competently?


It's disappointing that the game only offers options in a couple of stages. I was hoping for something more akin to Crysis 1 (where 3/4 of the game were open-ended).


That is indeed low but apparently it's just 18 critics so far. Once the fan sites are able to get copies the score will be much more favorable.

Yes but it will average around 75. My point was that both GG and crytek are pushing tech after putting great games at the start of the generation instead of pushing good games

so the game is shit...basically like every other killzone.

LOL Killzone 2 is among best fps last gen and killzone 3 was ok


This board will be super unreadable when the XBO reviews hit. Good or bad (I will say that I am actually more interested in MSs exclusives in KI and I think Ryse has the spectacle that Knack lacks and thus will get a few more passes ..it also doesn't look as bad as many have said...).

Luckily I will be to deep into games to read as much but as a guy without shit to do, today was tough to read at work lol.


This. What was everyone expecting? The Killzone campaigns have always been average at best, why was was anyone expecting this to be a 9-10 single player experience?

A large difference between "expecting" and "hoping"...

I would wager most were hoping. I was.
Disregarding Polygon's review because Arthus Gies is a half wit joke character of a human being, I am still unsurprised at the middling 7.0-8.0 scores. I predicted the game would get an 8.5 off the sheer launch hype, and it cut about 1 point below that on average so far. And based on my experience with the Killzone series to date, this is just the series finally getting the scores they've always deserved. That said, I'll reserve my own judgment until I play it, because I can't trust game critics due to all the controversies, but I was hoping this one would be different based on its less linear design and faster pace and less oppressive art direction. So far looks like I am doomed to once again not enjoy a KZ game.

I totally agree. In the Greatness Has Arrived thread I posted that you could expect scores between 7 and 8 on average because this game would be judged more harshly than it needed to be. Playstation exclusives are placed under more scrutiny more than anyone.

Also, Polygon should be banned and I think it's worth exploring. It's a sentiment that is gaining more and more traction for a reason.
This. What was everyone expecting? The Killzone campaigns have always been average at best, why was was anyone expecting this to be a 9-10 single player experience?


KZ2's was excellent and recognized as such. KZ3 was reasonably good and certainly better than average.
I totally agree. In the Greatness Has Arrived thread I posted that you could expect scores between 7 and 8 on average because this game would be judged more harshly than it needed to be. Playstation exclusives are placed under more scrutiny more than anyone.

Also, Polygon should be banned and I think it's worth exploring. It's a sentiment that is gaining more and more traction for a reason.

Opinions that are not mine should be banned


I can't help but get the sense that Killzone gets to suffer for the fatigue of the entire genre simply because it's an 'also ran' next to the 'kings'. Seriously reviews citing a 'lack of evolution'? Are they serious? Did they even play it?
Have you played it?
What's the general reviewer consensus of SF's MP? Haven't had a chance to properly read any reviews yet. Do any of them cover it competently?

Doesn't seem like it yet. There was only one that talked of the multiplayer for more than a couple of sentences, and that was Sessler's review. He said it was pretty good but lacked the "spark" to hold your interests long term. (Not his exact words, but those were generally his final thoughts on MP).

I'm not sure if any of the reviewers have gotten much MP in since the review event, though. So maybe that's why a lot of them didn't cover it in length (or at all).
sorry I didn't mean that the game is shit, but rather boring and dull imo.

When playing KZ2 campaign, at no point did I say to myself, "Wow, this is so boring and dull." I remember thinking things like "OH SHIT" and "ugh this is intense" and, at points, "that's fucking bullshit, Killzone!"... but never "*yawn*."


so the game is shit...basically like every other killzone.

GTFO with this bullshit. This thread is just a magnet of drive by haters who can't offer any constructive criticism on how Killzone is a generally terrible FPS because it's not. Killzone 2 and 3 have both been reviewed well and there was plenty of quality in those games.

Also, for the people bringing Perfect Dark into this, stop. You're making yourself look like an idiot. Standards change over time and when you have a saturated genre like the FPS one, reviewers become tougher on these games (as they should). I can confidently say that Killzone: SF is a better launch game that Perfect Dark Zero. If you want play the metacritic game all day, you won't be taken seriously.


While the lower scores should make me a little worried, seeing the gameplay, I really don't care about it, especially when I see what some of these sites give and say about certain games again and again.

I just want to play it!
Killzone SF is infinetly better than Killzone 2 or 3 because Rico isn't in it.

Also I think Gies Lowballed the score simply to make a statement. Probably cause no special sauce was involved in the making of that game.


When playing KZ2 campaign, at no point did I say to myself, "Wow, this is so boring and dull." I remember thinking things like "OH SHIT" and "ugh this is intense" and, at points, "that's fucking bullshit, Killzone!"... but never "*yawn*."

Same here. And honestly, my biggest problem with KZ3's campaign was that it was too short. What was there was damn solid.

No Love

kind of hate that i follow gies on twitter just for that the fact that a lot of what he writes is cryptic as fuck. just talk regular, man.

He's pretentious and thinks that he actually knows what the fuck he's talking about.

But imagine if Jeff Green walked down the same street Gies did. You'd see Gies shrieking in horror and CRUNCH, crushed right under Green's mighty 'true journalist' boot, scraped off and discarded like the worthless hack he is.
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