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PS4 fastest-selling console in UK history, outsells Wii U LTD in UK [250K PS4 in 48h]

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Microsoft are not going to remove Kinect, but they're going to drop the price, in time for Titanfall. If they're stupid they'll wait until Halo releases and then cut it.

I doubt they'll drop the price that quick unless they do drop Kinect. There seems to be internal rumblings about Xbox future at MS and a cut this early would make the console pretty unprofitable given the BOM cost estimates which would only fuel that particular fire.

Also cutting that early would basicly be an admission they are in trouble.

I suspect they'll hold the price until after TitanFall but will use TitanFall bundles to effectively cut price via a promotion and see how much demand they can generate - particularly in the US.

After that I think we'll see whether MS figure they can continue with Kinect/price as is or not ahead of Halo 5 release.

That's if they feel they need to react at all. People seem to assume PS4 outselling XB1 means automatic issue for MS. With Wi U seemingly tanking both PS4 and XB1 could sell well enough and take marketshare from Nintendo and MS might settle for solid sales behind Sony rather than killing their margins to try and claw first place.

If XB1 sells well enough in its own right MS would be best served recovering from their missteps rather than knee jerking around to overtake Sony worldwide (which would be a very hard task anyway looking at how PS3/360 ended up a tie despite all of PS3s issues).

Great news.


Now Sony need to hit hard with Vita TV.

"Stream your PS4 games to any television in your house, and play PS Vita games including Uncharted: Golden Abyss and Killzone Mercenary"

At a good price point they could make waves.
People buy Sky multi-room, why not PS4 multi-room.


Sony has done an absolute masterful job and has learned so much from their mistakes with the PS3.

Absolutely. They saw that the core gamer was needed at the start and went all in to make that happen. From the hardware, price, messaging, yoshida engaging gamers, everything. And the also catered to their third party partners.

It's nice to see Nintendo getting a schooling on how to treat your loyal, dedicated consumers.


People seem to be talking about a price drop for the Xbone, but the demand for this console really isn't there, otherwise it would be sold out everywhere.

If it drops to $399, well it's still a weaker console, and really is Kinect a deciding factor? I think it's novelty has worn off.

It is sold out in several places, so the demand is real.

And power is not a factor for most consumers.


Absolutely. They saw that the core gamer was needed at the start and went all in to make that happen. From the hardware, price, messaging, yoshida engaging gamers, everything. And the also catered to their third party partners.

It's nice to see Nintendo getting a schooling on how to treat your loyal, dedicated consumers.
Get the core on board and they'll disseminate the message to the rest.
Come on...

it just demonstrates people want new games on new consoles.
Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative or well designed gameplay mechanichs is worth it anymore.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

zomgbbqftw said:
Don't worry. The 3DS is doing well enough to keep them around. The market should not reward failure. If the failure with the Wii U spurs Nintendo to create a truly great console next time, then make it your first Nintendo purchase!
This is what I was saying. The WiiU is being sold at a lost right now, but instead of focusing on the chipset, it tried to evolve gaming with a gamepad that that allowed for asymetrical gameplay or other UI innovations.
Why isn't it a "great console"? Because as I said, nothing matters besides polygons to the "mainstream".

I've been saying that for years, the only difference between my aunt who plays Wii-Fit to lose some kilos and the poster I've quoted is that my aunt it's pretty conscious that she doesn't know anything about videogaming and she won't try to influence the industry to go towards a direction where everything are Wii-Fits and the likes.
Amazing but expected numbers. We all knew it was gonna sell gangbusters. Very happy it did so by quite a margin too. Fully deserved.

WiiU has been nothing short of a disaster. I bet most stores have sold more PS4s in 48hrs than they have had WiiU stock all year.

Mario debut like Japan is very disappointing. The situation isn't going to improve now for it unless there's a new revision, new marketing, price cut and games people want. It's going to have to be a huge turnaround.

Oh and Knack is a good little game that deserves some success and didn't deserve those low review scores. It might not be Mario quality but it's good in its own right. Where it placed is a problem Nintendo conjured by sitting on their hands and doing absolutely nothing for a whole year, hoping Mario would somehow turn it around on his own.

Looking forward to Europe numbers now.


I expected Nintendo to get steamrolled... but not so soon and Knack overtaking Mario... whoah. I wonder what would have happened if Into the Nexus was the high profile launch title instead.


Sky multi room allows people to play different games in each room. Nobody is going to line up for whatever subset of Vita games that can be played on a TV.
I knew someone was gonna say that, should've covered myself!

Nope the biggest appeal will be PS4 play...Until people realise they've stacked 10+ free Vita games on their PS+.


You shouldn't be ashamed of making incorrect suppositions based on what you thought was sound reasoning and relevant supporting data. You should be ashamed if you completely fail to correct those errors based on new evidence, however.

This is why I have a good belly laugh every time Pachter gets called out in a Nintendo-related thread. Pachter is an analyst, he makes best guesses based on the available data at the time and then amends them as necessary when new information presents itself. That's what reasonable people do. Making these sorts of prognostications and then doubling down on them when an abundance of evidence comes out against them isn't somehow more "professional" or "honorable", it's just wrong-headed.

You predicted that the launch month for the new consoles would be worse than the Wii-U's. You were wrong - spectacularly wrong. There's no great shame in that, but being unable to admit you were wrong and adjust your future expectations is entirely shameful.

OK thats cool and all and I will be happy to admit i am wrong but only once we actually have the us data for the first month. people forget wii u actually launched strongly in the us.
I didn't know Knack was bundled. At least that eases some of the pain.
Lol, I'm not that serious but yeah it does make me a bit sad.
But it's just such a bland, uncreative game. I played it for an hour and you would have to pay me to waste my time on it again. If it were up to me, the game would be called "Kack" (German for "poop").


Thats damn good, Sony played the card well every step of the way without fucking up, constantly evaluating the situation and showing great flexibility compared to Nintendo's neglect of the market and MS's constant cock ups.

Shame about Knack being partially rewarded for its shittyness.
Also, is Knack really that bad? I haven't played it yet, might get it next week.

Nope, that's what's funny about some of these reactions. The main downside of the game (imo) is the bland art-style in general, lacks direction. It's a simple fun game, though. "Mediocre" is BS.

Yeah, I don't really understand the hate, especially from those who have never played it. It's a nice and simple fun game. Don't listen to those high-horse critics.



I completely understand the hardware, I also bought one and it's a great console. But this? It makes me want to vomit. A bland, superficial POS of a game outselling a strong GOTY contender. Looking at stuff like this, all the generic shooter and sports shit on the next gen consoles and Japanese companies focusing on mobile, the future of quality games looks pretty bleak.

I'll bet you haven't even played Knack. I guess if they gave Knack a red hat and overalls it would look better to you huh? I have both games and I think Knack is a bit better because its something different. I don't understand all this GOTY talk with 3D World, to me the game feels like a 3D version of the NSMB series.

Nothing says there can't be an early deceleration of victory. All figures overwhelmingly point to yes it's done.

It didn't sell more than Mario unbundled.

So I guess bundles only count when its Nintendo then right? Gotcha.


"PS4 exclusive Knack debuts at 13 ahead of Super Mario 3D World on Wii U at 14. Yes, Knack sold more than Mario."

As an OG gamer, I can not fucking abide by this! Srsly

People need to support the damn WiiU because we need Nintendo to keep making quality games. We need that whole consloe ecosystem that isn't so convergent with PC gaming.

Nintendo could help by lowering the MSRP to $249.00 and just keep cranking out quality titles.


I wonder how many consoles were shipped to Europe as of a whole. Scandinavian retailers, for example, seems to have had bit of a problem getting hold of consoles, to put it mildly.

I suppose France, Germany and UK got the huge amount of consoles, of course, since they are all big markets. Really curious about the totals. Give us numbers! :D
I didn't know Knack was bundled. At least that eases some of the pain.
Lol, I'm not that serious but yeah it does make me a bit sad.
But it's just such a bland, uncreative game. I played it for an hour and you would have to pay me to waste my time on it again. If it were up to me, the game would be called "Kack" (German for "poop").


Whatever you say man.


Too early a price drop has long term effects potentially disastrous.

1. You spit in the face of early adopters who bought it at a premium, not expecting such an early price cut.

2. You give the impression there's more room for the price to drop further in the short term, potentially dissuading late buyers into waiting for the next cut.

Ambassador program. Give them a bunch of 360 games streamed from the cloud and KI premium.

They won't do it, I don't think they can afford to if that teardown was accurate, but it would be pretty interesting.


Knack is a great game, why the need to trash it? it deserve every single sale. Blame Nintendo for WiiU/Mario poor sales.

Knack surely is not stopping N to sell 3d world or people to have the chance to buy it.

All N fault there.
I knew someone was gonna say that, should've covered myself!

Nope the biggest appeal will be PS4 play...Until people realise they've stacked 10+ free Vita games on their PS+.

For me the Vita TV is great if you've bought in the SEN media ecosystem in much the same way as Apple TV. I just don't imagine there are too many people who have done that.

Personally if I really wanted to play PS4 in another room I'd just put that money towards another PS4. There are a huge list of advantages that make it worth the extra cost, and having access to Vita games that don't use touch in any way does not offset that at all, even at the low price.
Nope, it demonstrates that this industry has been invaded completely by the cancer it started on the PS era, people that played videogames because they became "cool" thanks to the CGI.

Outside of a few indie titles, I don't think investing in innovative of well designed gameplay mechanichs is not worth it.
Once you have:
1. Graphics
2. Plot
3. Graphics
4. Graphics

Covered, you can forget about everything else. It's a bit what happened on the cinema industry when the CG effects appeared and tons of people wanted that at any cost, but with the difference that the cinema was something cool way before the appearance of the CG effects, and cinema critics were always aware that good CG is something that won't make a movie good.
The difference is that besides 4 or 5 "frikis" videogames were always considered like a regular toy and they weren't considered "mainstream entertainment" until the CGI arrived.

The "videogame critics" are, most of them, a product of this massification, so unlike with what happened with the cinematographic industry, that always had a renowned and recognised expert crowd that always had on mind what make a good film good, on the videogame industry those who care about playability and those things are not only a minority, but also the ones being considered "frikis" or "not cool" by the mainstream.

I eventually will get a PS4 when it has GAMES that are worth it, but this "consumer fever" for mediocre games with "next-gen" graphics demonstrates that this trend is unavoidable.
How many media will give The Last of Us their GOTY 2013? Can anyone tell me what has The Last of Us in terms of gameplay design, or even scenario design, to make it a GOTY? I'll answer that, absolutely nothing.
But it has the best graphics ever made on a PS3 and one of the best plots of the videogame history, and that's more than enough.

Doctors recommend to keep daily sodium intake below 2300 mg.
The U.S. population roughly 317 million

The U.K. population roughly 64 million

Many gamers still need their PS4's

I am one of them...

It's going to get all Thunderdome up in here

"Two men enter, one man leaves!!"


Well done PS4. I'll probably be picking up Knack for cheap when I buy a PS4 in April as it looks like a fun if repetitive game. Wii U with Mario 3D World for christmas first though!
That's pretty amazing.

EShop sales decisions are made by the publishers, not Nintendo, but it's good to see (again) where you're coming from.
To be fair, Nintendo is the biggest publisher on that shop.
Anyway, the point is kind of moot in the sense that they can afford to be conservative on their handheld.


How do you buy Mario without owning a Wii U?

Clearly Sony made a compelling case for their hardware while Nintendo did not

I don't see what's so hard to understand

Same way you by Knack without owing a Ps4... you don't.

Unless all the Knack owners just bought it as the second game and there was another game driving the sales like Killzone...


I guess you don't know what my avatar is? Lol.

Sorry, I don't. I'm just a bit annoyed at NintendoGAF downplaying Knack's sales because its bundled when they were praising and hyping Wii software sales even though a lot of that software was in bundles, like Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, Wii Play, hell there were even NSMB and Mario Kart bundles.
People need to support the damn WiiU because we need Nintendo to keep making quality games. We need that whole consloe ecosystem that isn't so convergent with PC gaming

Well maybe Nintendo should start by making better games. We all know they're capable of better.

Mario needs to go back to the drawing board and come back with a more compelling concept than the lame multiplayer modes that Nintendo's been throwing into their recent console releases.
What are your predictions for European sales?

Mine is 'more than a million'

Easily, really depends on how much stock was shipped

Same way you by Knack without owing a Ps4... you don't.

Unless all the Knack owners just bought it as the second game and there was another game driving the sales like Killzone...

My point was simply that you can't sell boatloads of software in the console business without the proper install base

Thus it makes sense why people would buy knack over 3D Mario because they buy a PS4 over a Wii U

Nintendo simply needs to make the case for their console more compelling. A price drop would probably help


Yes it has more rocks!!! :)

No, seriously, a mediocre game like Knack overselling one of the best platformers ever made demonstrates that in the western markets videogames are dead.
Or maybe games can only sell as much as the consoles they're on?
Revolutionary concept. I know.


How about the UK being embarrassed for favouring Knack over Mario?

"PS4 exclusive Knack debuts at 13 ahead of Super Mario 3D World on Wii U at 14. Yes, Knack sold more than Mario."

As an OG gamer, I can not fucking abide by this! Srsly

People need to support the damn WiiU because we need Nintendo to keep making quality games. We need that whole consloe ecosystem that isn't so convergent with PC gaming.

Nintendo could help by lowering the MSRP to $249.00 and just keep cranking out quality titles.

I blame the fact they abandoned the Wii so quickly, games toward the end were few and far between and few for gamers. It was like the n64 era and the GameCube suffered cause of that. I'm pretty saddened by all this I had such fun in the late 80s/ early 90s but I always felt like they never gave a shit in the UK. So when Sony announced the ps1 I got one first day, traded in my Super Nintendo and never looked back.



I completely understand the hardware, I also bought one and it's a great console. But this? It makes me want to vomit. A bland, superficial POS of a game outselling a strong GOTY contender. Looking at stuff like this, all the generic shooter and sports shit on the next gen consoles and Japanese companies focusing on mobile, the future of quality games looks pretty bleak.


A GOTY contender that is only there because nothing else is even worthy of mentioning on Wii U. Umpteenth game from a franchise that was original somewhere 28 years ago. For me Knack looks far more exciting than another "adventure" of Mario.
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