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PS4 fastest-selling console in UK history, outsells Wii U LTD in UK [250K PS4 in 48h]

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I dont understand why people need to take to take it so seriously and get emotionally attached to a platform.

We saw the same with the Vita when people were dissing that platform due to low sales and some of the repsonses from Vita owners were just sad. There is no agenda against poorly selling platforms just hardware that bombs is going to get called out.

As for the XB1. The way some people were speaking last week it was as if this console was easy to get in store/online. It wasnt until Friday when my friend was looking to get one and we saw its nowhere to be seen.

It's not the platform that people are attached to really; it's the games. Nintendo makes excellent games; games of which their very existance is dependant on that platform. Whatever your opinion of those games might be, you can't deny that Nintendo offers something no one else does in this respect. A failing console could mean we could see the end of that quality, or it could be limited to portable gaming in the future.
I think this is the best time to be a Nintendo fanboy. They just had an absolutely stellar year of games. Just great stuff all around. One of their best years ever I would dare to say.

But maybe you understand something completely different with a fanboy than I do?

The way I define it

Fanboy/girl: Blind loyalty to the point he/she refuses to admit faults with the admired object/company and getting extremely defensive when somebody even mentions or attacks said respective object/company. Will also go on the offensive when possible.

A fan on the other hand can see the faults with a company and/or product but love it for what it is, faults and all. He/she admits it has issues and is open to passive discussion.

I have things I'm a huge fanboy over. 3-4 years ago I had a massive Microsoft hard-on. I bought a fucking Zune and Zune HD for fuck's sake. But I then realized I don't owe a multi-billion dollar company any loyalty. I switched back to Sony this generation after being with MS and Nintendo for two. I own my 3DS but have no plans to buy a Wii U until jrpg's appear in it and they have a massive price drop. Sony is by no means perfect and I am constantly criticizing and nitpicking certain aspects of my PS4 that I may have liked better with another hardware device.

As to Nintendo, they had a stellar year, yes. With the 3DS. After a long time struggling to sell it, it caught on with 'casuals' and 'hardcore' gamers alike. It still hasn't seen sale spikes like the DS as far as I know, but it's a good thing at least one of their hardwares is selling. Personally I wouldn't mind if Nintendo stuck with handhelds.


Won't that surpass Wii U LTD WW?

One would hope the Wii U would sell enough to keep it even for a little while. Like a month extra?

Really disappointing we haven't had full numbers from everywhere yet (well everywhere but the UK). I know more countries but even a nice estimate of shipped number would be great.


I figure it was easier for sony to find the number of people who bought a ps4 in the U.S and Canada than it is for 31 other countries.
Truth = UK gamers have terrible taste?

B-b-but some of them spent more than that to play COD... lol

It has a bright future... so they need to get it day one?

The salt from some Nintendo fans is amazing.
Knacks a fun game imo ( played a couple of hours). SM3D world is better I agree and its a shame it did so bad but putting people down because they like Knack is truly pathetic.

Such a pathetic sight.

Have they not heard of online shopping?

Whats pathetic is you calling people who don't shop online pathetic. I'm guessing those people didn't pre order and so the only way to get a PS4 would be to from the shops.


Amazing numbers, but I think after the initial shock from the 1 million in NA (and strong XBO launch too), they were sort of expected.

I want someone to mention Germany and France sales for both systems. =|

Recalled this chart from Nintendo's old IR briefings.

Some interesting points of comparison.

Eyeballing it, it took the Wii about a month and PS3/360 a couple of months to reach 250K, the PS2 about 3 months and the GCN and Xbox about 4 months.
After a year on the market the GCN had sold 500K compared to the current Nintendo system.

Wii sales in 12 months: 1.5 million
Wii U sales in 12 months: 150k.
Very good. Kick them where it hurts. Only way they'll ever wake up to their hubris. It's too late for the WiiU, but it should finally drive the point home about how fucking horribly they screwed up.

And no, SM3DW doesn't deserve good sales, because it's producer was a complacent POS for the last 3 years, neglecting it's entire home console market, completely missing ongoing trends and changes in customer expectations.

It's kind of cathartic to see them getting destroyed on the market. It can only get better from here.


I dont understand why people need to take to take it so seriously and get emotionally attached to a platform.

I think it's more that people are financially attached to a platform, and people tend to get emotional over how they use their (or someone else's) hard earned money.

I know of very rich people who aren't fanboys but that's because they can afford everything.
I'm reading through the thread and I see people trying to downplay the importance of launch sales by pointing at other consoles, etc. Obviously the launch sales don't tell you who will end up selling more, but they still matter. It's like winning the first quarter of a basketball game. It doesn't mean everything, but it still matters.

I completely understand the hardware, I also bought one and it's a great console. But this? It makes me want to vomit. A solid game outselling a strong GOTY contender. Looking at stuff like this, all the generic shooter and sports shit on the next gen consoles and Japanese companies focusing on mobile, the future of quality games looks pretty bleak.


for you the future is bleak.

for me the future looks fantastic
Very good. Kick them where it hurts. Only way they'll ever wake up to their hubris. It's too late for the WiiU, but it should finally drive the point home about how fucking horribly they screwed up.

And no, SM3DW doesn't deserve good sales, because it's producer was a complacent POS for the last 3 years, neglecting it's entire home console market, completely missing ongoing trends and changes in customer expectations.

It's kind of cathartic to see them getting destroyed on the market. It can only get better from here.

WTF!? Good games should always deserve good sales, period. This is nonsense.


My initial response to your question is that they could work with more powerful hardware. Whether that is beneficial or not, I do not know.

to what end? they would devote more manpower and time (money) to build a userbase on systems where they have never been versus focusing that manpower and time on more projects for something they are already supporting.


Actually no. The marketing was so bad that no one cares about it anymore. While Sony and MS have both done effective jobs marketing their systems and getting third party support, Nintendo has been letting the Wii U die. They are trying to turn it around this holiday season with Mario and the new ad campaign. But it's not going to do much because people want the new systems.

Stuff like this happens, Uncharted is a system seller along with Killzone, but the Vita was DOA and has been forgotten. Once you dig yourself in a hole, it can be nearly impossible to get out of it. Had the Wii U sold at $250 and come packed with NSMBU and also had a good marketing push, it would have sold well.

3DS sales also prove you wrong. Nintendo first party games can sell systems. But they cant save systems a year out.

You're contradicting yourself. You're saying that games can't sell the Wii U but games are what turned the 3DS around.

Anyway, the handheld market is completely different than the console market for Nintendo. The 3DS sold on more than just Nintendo games, they have that market completely cornered. Lowering the price and releasing Pokemon and Animal Crossing certainly helped but that console was never in danger of selling as poorly as the Vita or Wii U. It was their battle to lose.

As for the Vita, while Uncharted and Killzone will sell systems to some people, they aren't the system sellers that system needed. As the PSP proved, Monster Hunter was the game that was needed and Sony dropped the ball on that. Vita is in the same boat as the Wii U right now; it has a severe lack of 3rd party support and no killer-must have game to sell the system.

You say that people want new systems; well the Wii U is a new system. Nintendo fans are finally getting all their favorite franchises in glorious HD. I would think that would be a pretty big deal. People on NeoGAF and throughout the gaming media are always going on about how its the software that ultimately sells a system yet for some reason that doesn't seem to apply to the Wii U. This time next year will be the true test. By that time, all the Nintendo core franchises should be out. If the system still isn't sell well then, people will just have to accept the fact that those games don't hold the same level of mind share amongst the average gamer as they used to back in the NES and SNES generations.

Steel said:
My sister is still the proud owner of a wii. I asked her if she knew what a wii U was when we were together for thanksgiving. She had no idea it existed and was somewhat interested in buying it after I told her about it. It is, by all means, a marketing failure on nintendo's part man. Never shoulda named it wii U.

Out of curiosity, what games got her to buy a Wii and what games would she get for the Wii U?

Of all the casual gamers I know that bought a Wii, they bought it for Wii sports (ditto with the Kinect/Kinect Sports). Myself and my other gaming friends have educated them on the Wii U and they simply aren't interested because there isn't that Wii Sports like game that appeals to them. They have no interest in buying the system for Mario, despite owning NSMB for the Wii.



for you the future is bleak.

for me the future looks fantastic

No, Knack is pretty terrible. It's merely passable as a Co Op game and brutally boring in single player. At least that's how I feel. Haven't got to play 3D World yet, but I imagine if it's like 3D Land in any way it's at least fun.
Either way I'm 10,000% confident 3D world will beat Knack Worldwide. This is still pretty awful news for the Wii U though.

Azure J

You have the right attitude here. If I owned a Wii-U, I'd have long accepted by now that it's a commercial flop. I was a Dreamcast kid, it's my favorite home console of all time, it's failure didn't diminish my joy one bit, until the games stopped coming . . .

Nintendo should at least support the Wii-U till 2015 I think, they aren't hurting like Sega was. But people need to start accepting the reality of the situation with the Wii-U. Acceptance is the only way to reduce suffering and I saw some suffering all up in this thread. Lots of transparent saltiness.

It's pretty much like the early PS3 days when it comes to some of the vocal Wii U fans. They haven't hit the acceptance part and continually claw at the walls when something goes down. I love the fuck out of some 'tendo, but they literally slept for an entire year and shat the bed in the process. I'm going to still get my Mario on and I know at least a dozen games are on the library's shortlist for the future, but the console can only ever see a "dignified third place" at best. That position will only come though if Nintendo shapes the fuck up and makes sure that even if they aren't in the arms race this round, they are still thinking about the consumers as a whole.


Not Wario
Very good. Kick them where it hurts. Only way they'll ever wake up to their hubris. It's too late for the WiiU, but it should finally drive the point home about how fucking horribly they screwed up.

And no, SM3DW doesn't deserve good sales, because it's producer was a complacent POS for the last 3 years, neglecting it's entire home console market, completely missing ongoing trends and changes in customer expectations.

It's kind of cathartic to see them getting destroyed on the market. It can only get better from here.

Is it crazy to think PS4 might have double the sales of Xbox One this year? Sony will probably have around a 30% lead in the US and around a 50% lead in the UK, while dominating everywhere else except Brazil.

Mory Dunz


We bought the new Dreamcast. Face it, they've tried most of their A game now and it's still not moving units. But you know what? I loved my Dreamcast and I'm already loving my Wii U.

Don't be sad that the PS4 and XBox One are killing it, just enjoy it. Get one of those other 2 when you can afford it for some 3rd party support or build yourself a PC. But treasure your time with the Wii U every 3 months or so when another fantastic game comes out for it. We're the lucky ones, we get to experience some of Nintendos best work, but there's no reason to hate on everything else. Knack is fun, give it a chance even though it's not in the same league as 3D World and you might change your tune.

Tonight, I'm going to give Killzone a shot and then probably spend the rest of my night playing 3D World. It's OK to back the loser, just let it go.
Yup, the Wii U is a pretty bad system in most regards. It's been handled by Nintendo badly as well.

But it is the system that will definitely provide the most enjoyment for me this gen, so I'm happy. (All it needs is a good rpg to solidify it. Whether that's paper Mario, X, or something else. I'll play xenoblade though eventually.)

Azure J

Very good. Kick them where it hurts. Only way they'll ever wake up to their hubris. It's too late for the WiiU, but it should finally drive the point home about how fucking horribly they screwed up.

And no, SM3DW doesn't deserve good sales, because it's producer was a complacent POS for the last 3 years, neglecting it's entire home console market, completely missing ongoing trends and changes in customer expectations.

It's kind of cathartic to see them getting destroyed on the market. It can only get better from here.

Man, posts like this really lets me see who's actually playing games anymore.



for you the future is bleak.

for me the future looks fantastic

Yeah, there's nothing about Knack that's solid on a design level. However pretty it may be, it's mind-numbingly repetitive and simplistic. Even by the have-a-go '90s mascot game standards that it's imitating, it's poor.


My sister is still the proud owner of a wii. I asked her if she knew what a wii U was when we were together for thanksgiving. She had no idea it existed and was somewhat interested in buying it after I told her about it. It is, by all means, a marketing failure on nintendo's part man. Never shoulda named it wii U.

Yeah I don't understand why they named the console like that. They created a powerful brand with the Wii, they should have named the WiiU the Wii 2. That way it's clear that it's a new Wii. Dumb mistake.
I think the real thing to be said is that developer attitudes are changing, and Nintendo's is one that is stuck in the past. That's not a necessary a bad thing.

When Miyamoto-san sits down and plans a game, the firsts though he thinks is 'How do I make the most fun game to play, that will give a player feel like a child again and make them truly happy'. This is seen in all of his games, Wii Sports made the elderly feel relevant again, and Mario Galaxy 2 was like the citizen kane of videogames. You know when Nintendo and Shigsy make a game, it's a love letter from them to you.

When a PS4/Xbone developer makes a game, they think 'how do we make the most cinematic and violent game? what movies do we like the most to steal ideas from? what are the biggest markets to appeal to?' When I played GTAV, i knew rockstar was appealing to the middle classes, stealing ideas from films and trying to impress kids with excessive violence and gang slang. They don't care about you, they just want your money. This isn't like Nintendo, who don't mind if they don't sell many copies or consoles. Unlike TLOU which wanted to please film critics, no doubt it would have been aimed to please Robert Ebert.

cynicism is a growing trend in videogames, i just want someone who wnats to make fun games again.

I see what you did here
WTF!? Good games should always deserve good sales, period. This is nonsense.

As a reward for the developers? Yes, absolutely. But Nintendo as a publisher simply doesn't deserve good sales. Not with how they basically put their hands in their pockets, doing nothing for over 2 years.

It's sad that good games don't sell, but it's a simple reality that with how Nintendo has conducted it's home console business that they simply don't deserve success, no matter how good their games are. Quality of a product is just half the battle. It is almost insulting to the developers, how incompetent, lazy and complacent Nintendo has acted both as a platform holder and publisher.

Man, posts like this really lets me see who's actually playing games anymore.

Oh stop the melodrama. Really. I'm an avid player, and a huge Nintendo fan. Currently enjoying the hell out of ALBW and clocking in at 260 hours of ACNL as well as WiiFit, Wii Sports Club and Wii Party U.

But despite enjoying the console and it's games, I find it irresponsible to not hold Nintendo accountable for their fuck ups. I buy their games because I want them, but they honestly believed, that they'd have enough people like me left to have a successful console.

That much idiocy and hubris deserves a response from the market and thankfully it's been delivered, and plentiful.

Like I said, it can only get better from here... assuming Iwata actually implements some of the lessons learned from this disaster for once instead of just endlessly apologizing and repeat "please understand" ad nauseam.


Out of curiosity, what games got her to buy a Wii and what games would she get for the Wii U?

Of all the casual gamers I know that bought a Wii, they bought it for Wii sports (ditto with the Kinect/Kinect Sports). Myself and my other gaming friends have educated them on the Wii U and they simply aren't interested because there isn't that Wii Sports like game that appeals to them. They have no interest in buying the system for Mario, despite owning NSMB for the Wii.

The sports game is big with her on the Wii(So is the fitness stuff), but she likes anything with the motion gimmick(She plays red steel), she likes super smash and mario stuff a bit too. But she's not the type of buyer to buy things on a single game release, more of an impulse buyer. If a product is on her radar she's much more likely to pick it up in general.


Yeah I don't understand why they named the console like that. They created a powerful brand with the Wii, they should have named the WiiU the Wii 2. That way it's clear that it's a new Wii. Dumb mistake.

I think it should have been the Super Wii.
More than a quarter million in the UK. If the supply was nearly as good as that in other EU countries they will have beaten the 1m without a problem.



We bought the new Dreamcast.

The one difference here is that the Wii U will not be the end of Nintendo as the Dreamcast was for Sega. Despite slow sales the Wii U should easily top 10 million units sold in its lifetime, and Nintendo can try again later.

If anything, a short life cycle for the Wii U might be very beneficial for Nintendo in the long run. If Nintendo can position their console generations to refresh in the middle of their competitors they can come out with weaker/cheaper hardware at times where they aren't completely outclassed for an entire generation, just half of it.

The biggest problem though Nintendo is facing is the fact that the audience that made the Wii so successful is completely gone now. They're back to selling 20 million units to Nintendo fans like they did with the Gamecube. They can survive on that if they're smart, but they need to figure something out if they want to sell more.


This is no different than Wii Play outselling every game on the PS3 last gen (a poor title outselling better ones on less successful systems) , or the Wii decimating the PS3

Nintendo have completely lost the home console market, but at the same time they have gotten lucky with the vita being so unsuccessful. It will be interesting to see where they go from here


No, Knack is pretty terrible. It's merely passable as a Co Op game and brutally boring in single player. At least that's how I feel.

When I play Knack at hard settings, I'm continually surprised at how awesome the fighting is. I'm in chapter 13 now and not bored yet.

Not too far in coop yet but thus far it's been very fun.
They did but people didn't listen. And soon if they aren't stopped everybody does it.

lol. Never seen this kind of demand before. I would have put all this stuff out back made them line up in a special queue for it and be served 1 at a time. Surely they were warned about potential demand?
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