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Final Fantasy VI iOS/Android screenshots [Up: Larger]


Looks about what one could expect after that ugly FF5 remake. Which means it's pretty much crap. I really don't understand why they torture their games so.
Sprites look fine. This is what a 16-bit era sprite would always look like if you had more resolution.

...and decided to remove all detail, like the highlights in the girl's hair or the reflections on the soldiers' helmets, and then decided to change the time of day from late at night to high noon (so brightly lit the detail in the snow is washed away). Personally I don't think it looks terrible, but the fact that they *lost* detail when vastly increasing the resolution is just dumb.

Hopefully the music is decent.

WOAH how is the image quality so smooth?!

Emulator? If so please tell me which one cause EPSXE does not nearly render such an image!
What I wanted to say has been said by this image.

It looks a bit better than FFV so far* (until we see the first badly tiled image) but at the same time 20 years on it is like someone drew the outlnes and filled the image and called it a day forgetting to do any shading (you should see the shades of grey you can make with only black and white...with 16 million colours they could do so much more) and so lost the detail.

I know its a bit of a broken record at this point but *sigh*.

*-I'm sure when we reach battle the player sprites will be vomit inducing.


The loss of detail from the reflections and snow texture is double plus bad. As is the fact that it's super bright (fix this before release for the night scenes at least???)

But it must be said, it doesn't look nearly as bad as FFV did. Not even close.

It might be playable.


The only real issue with the screens so far is that they simplified Terra's sprite to the point of losing too much detail. And that's a big issue.

Did you actually get a closer look at the HD sprite, what detail is lost?

If anything I now notice Tera is wearing a pinkish top, something I'd never have noticed even if I was looking for it on the snes version.


Looks better than FF V, need to see more before any conclusion.
I wanted a better homage of FF VI, but with Square Enix it's "Easy cash before everything else!"
Goodbye my 3D FF VI remake dream </3


Dissapointed. I thought they were going for 3D models like in FF3 and 4 remakes on ios.
Not just this cleaned up look that kind of takes the charm away.

Also was FFV ever "updated". If not that game must be the bastard of the series.
Rarely anyone talks about that one.
This probably doesnt even deserve a thread. It is an old game (though a good one) that can be played on nearly every platform on existence)


Dissapointed. I thought they were going for 3D models like in FF3 and 4 remakes on ios.
Not just this cleaned up look that kind of takes the charm away.

Also was FFV ever "updated". If not that game must be the bastard of the series.
Rarely anyone talks about that one.

It was "updated" too.

And if they had done FFIII and FFIV level 3D, it would still be garbage like it is in those games. That takes away the charm AND makes it ugly 3D. FFVI shouldn't be chibi 3D. Neither should FFIV.

FFIII is the 'bastard' of the series. We never saw it's original form at all. Just the DS version.


Man I miss the good old Squaresoft. This... I find it amazing how they made a beautiful game more ugly with an update.
To be honest, I don't understand all of the dislike for these ports. This version won't stop the original version and Game Boy Advance version from existing. Which can still be bought on the Nintendo Store. Also, I think it looks quite nice. I actually prefer the design here in some ways better than the original.

You can see Narshe much clearer in this picture. I also really like the colouration in Terra's hair. It may be more simplistic, but I still think it looks great.

I've already bought several Square Enix games for Android. And I will be happy to buy this as well when it becomes available for Android here in the United States of America. I'm not hurting the video game industry by buying this. I think it's silly to tell people not to buy this game and say that they're doing harm if they buy it. It's a good looking port that I would like to have on my tablet.


To be honest, I don't understand all of the dislike for these ports. This version won't stop the original version and Game Boy Advance version from existing. Which can still be bought on the Nintendo Store. Also, I think it looks quite nice. I actually prefer the design here in some ways better than the original.

You can see Narshe much clearer in this picture. I also really like the colouration in Terra's hair. It may be more simplistic, but I still think it looks great.

I've already bought several Square Enix games for Android. And I will be happy to buy this as well when it becomes available for Android here in the United States of America. I'm not hurting the video game industry by buying this. I think it's silly to tell people not to buy this game and say that they're doing harm if they buy it. It's a good looking port that I would like to have on my tablet.
Because this is all we're going to get now.

We won't see a PSP level remake on PS Vita, with actual *GOOD* spritework.

We won't see a DS level remake on 3DS, which I'm glad about because I hated those...

But we can be sure there's never going to be a full 3D remake at all now.

Why would they? They can just overcharge for this garbage on mobile and keep 'up'dating it to work on future mobile devices and call it good.

FFVI in particular deserves better than this bullshit. I didn't care they ported PSP/DS remakes to mobile. I do care that they're removing remakes from handhelds (or consoles) and making them on mobile directly... and doing it in a shit way to boot.

FFV and FFVI have some of the worst sprite work I have ever seen. And it's from Square Enix, not a shovelware indie developer.


Square has really turned into an awful company. Hard to believe they went from my favorite developers during the SNES and PSX days to a dev I couldn't care less about. The only thing I really like about square now are the osts from guys like hamauzu.
This isn't preventing anything from being made.

It's sensible for many companies to be multiplatform and have their games on as many popular platforms as possible. Mobile happens to be a popular platform.
Porting games like these isn't going to stop them from porting them to other devices or remaking them in the future.

This is simply allowing more people to have access to their games on more devices.


This isn't preventing anything from being made.
Keep telling yourself that.

We're never going to see another remake of FFV or FFVI.

This is it. Mobile is where things go to die. Breath of Fire, classic Final Fantasy, Mega Man, the list will only continue to grow. The excitement.

If SE had any intention to do actual remakes of either of those, they would have done so already. THEN ported THOSE remakes to mobile. Not make mobile 're'makes. Because that's a huge waste of resources for a low quality 're'make when you've got better ones coming you could port.
Doesn't look anywhere near as terrible as I was expecting. Still not ideal but it's nowhere near as horrendous as FFV looked.
Mobile is where things go to die.
I think this dramatic hatred of mobile is very silly.

The worst part of about Mega Man is that Xover has poor gameplay, while Mega Man Legends 3 has been cancelled. Square Enix hasn't cancelled anything. And if they thought a Final Fantasy VI HD remake were profitable, they would do it.

But making games available on more systems doesn't hurt consumers.
Also, I think that these sprites look fantastic.


Good Art™
Not sure yet but it's pretty clear they go for this "sprite stand out more, and have a more more cute/girly facebook vibe. Other screens could be way worse than that..


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Oh wow that looks ugly.

I never noticed the buildings on the bottom of the mountain in the original game until now.



I want to know where she got hairgel that would turn her hair into a chrome-like material. Does that come standard in the imperial army's slave kit?

People are complaining about a white dot being missing. We have officially reached eye roll level of derp.


The Amiga Brotherhood
-Some exceptions apart i really don't like today's 2d, it often looks like cheap flash game or cheap 8 bit game or a cheap rpg maker game, most of today's 2d artists don't seem to work as hard as in the 16 bit era, its goodness is really far away imo.
-i didn't play FF6.

That said judging from those shots imo there are lots of rose tinted glasses and/or ios aversion, it's true that the new version has one of those looks that i don't like, it lacks some details and Terra is a little different, but imo it's faithful enough, sprites are not bad at all, there are some more details(look at the helmets), the rock wall was shitty even in the original version, original version that honestly doesn't look all the hot.

But a single comparison is not enough anyway, so i'll wait for more screens.
obviously, the new port for iOS is based on GBA version of the game.....
well, it doesn't look terrible as FFV, but wished for something better

waiting for further screenshots to see


Second screen looks amateurish compared to the original. Not touching this thing ever, it's not like I don't have other versions of the game on more comfortable and reliable platforms.

Besides, as long as SE keeps releasing frigging ios/android exclusives I'm not touching any of that. They could very easily port and release this on handheld platforms but they simply want to force the mobile is the future bullshit down our throats so they can one day say: "look guys, we were right, you bought our mobile shit!". Screw it.

I'm wondering if I can go into a thread such as Bravely Default and bitch about that game being on 3DS instead of smartphone. Think that would be okay?
Keep telling yourself that.

We're never going to see another remake of FFV or FFVI.

This is it. Mobile is where things go to die. Breath of Fire, classic Final Fantasy, Mega Man, the list will only continue to grow. The excitement.

If SE had any intention to do actual remakes of either of those, they would have done so already. THEN ported THOSE remakes to mobile. Not make mobile 're'makes. Because that's a huge waste of resources for a low quality 're'make when you've got better ones coming you could port.

I dont understand why the PSP games weren't used as a template instead

The drop in quality here is staggering


Great. FFV iOS visuals. What the hell was wrong with the FFIV PSP look? Hell, if they did some rebalancing and whatnot, I wouldn't even mind the FFIV DS look.

Hopefully the enemy sprites will look good, at least they got that right with FFV iOS.


This is my train of thought reading this thread:

"Please do not fuck this up Squeenix.

My favorite JRPG of all time.

Please do not fuck this up Squeenix.

Why does everything look so damn clean? Guess Narshe is going to look like a spa resort in Aspen. FFVI is GRITTY.

Please do not fuck this up Squeenix.

Optimize it to play on as many phones as possible.

Please do not fuck this up Squeenix.

Oh god, it's going to suck isn't it?

Please do not fuck this up Squeenix."

I never noticed the buildings on the bottom of the mountain in the original game until now.

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