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GamesRadar: It’s time for Nintendo to admit defeat and make a true next-gen console

The controller uses a touch interface not seen since the age of pre-iPhone. It's a joke when $50 dollar Android tablets have better touch screens than the one on the WiiU.

2013 - No unified account? Really? So much for trusting Nintendo with digital purchases.

The touch screen works fine. It does what it needs to do. It doesn't need a multi-touch interface like the iPhone.

Besides that, I was talking more about off-TV play, which is something no one else offers and is actually a very compelling feature for many of us. It's an excellent, very forward-thinking idea and it's amazing there is literally zero latency between the TV and GamePad. The same can't be said for remote play between the PS4 and Vita, though I don't hold that against their focus lied elsewhere.

And yeah, the unified account thing sucks, no doubt. Nowhere in my post did I say Nintendo is perfect or has no problems. But Nintendo has typically been very good abotu restoring lost purchases, especially recently if anecdotal evidence is to be trusted (and it is). It's certainly not an ideal, but it doesn't come even close to breaking the Wii U or making it a terrible console either. Anti-Nintendo hyperbole at its finest!
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101

Spring to mind instantly I don't even own a WiiU.

Basically gaming discussion is boiling down to this:

Nintendo is dying/dead.
OMG Killzone
Graphics are king.

You left out:

4-6 FPS fluctuation? UNACCEPTABLE. Company X is incompetent and really fucked up by using hardware doodad Y.




Can we be real for a moment?

There aren't 4 million people who are excited to spend $300 to play a re-skin of an old Zelda game that now looks like the games that they were playing on machines that cost them $250 three years ago.

We can argue semantics all day long, but in terms of how the actual market perceives these consoles the Wii U is not "next-gen" in the same sense that the PS4 and Xbox One is, and yet the price does not reflect that.

From the perspective of someone who only plays Nintendo games, it's a step forward. For everyone else, it's nice to see Wii games look like how we wanted them to last generation. The Wii U is not going to sell the Wii U, the Game Pad is not going to sell the Wii U, the name "Wii U" is definitely not going to sell the Wii U, the only thing that's going to sell this machine is better messaging (for the more casual audience - but they're not all coming back regardless), better value (for everyone), and more genuine, high-effort Nintendo games (for the audience who knows what "Wii U" is but it's actually not a good thing for them).
I'm talking about Skyward Sword, which sold 3.7 million units.

Windwaker HD obviously sold well under 4M units as there aren't even 4M Wii Us in the world right now.


Well, so long as it was fully, perfectly BC with Wii U and perhaps Wii it'd be better than just making a Game Pad-less SKU...

But I think it's too messy to do that, at most maybe do something big in another two or three years, kind of pull an Xbox 360. That Wii HD idea of Pachter's was a terrible idea half because they were going really strong with the Wii as it was and didn't want to derail that, but that sort of quicker jump in this context may well be justified.


No is doesn't. It's got a low quality, relatively low contrast low res touchscreen. 854 x 480 pixels. Which would get laughed at if it was a true tablet.

I don't understand how anyone defends the touch screen on the WiiU. It's worse quality than shit that came out in 2007. Why did people not complain about this plastic piece of shit touch screen when it came out last year?

If any company released a tablet with that screen it would have gotten slaughtered by the press and industry would call it the biggest joke since the Optimums Keyboard.
Use your money to:

  • Enhance your 1st party studios.
Nintendo should be kicking out a huge amount of 1st party games. Double the production. You have to make up for the lack of 3rd party short term
  • Ditch the gamepad
Release all future versions of the WiiU without a gamepad. Update/patch/rework any games you have control over to not require the gamepad, and update them over your network. 3rd parties won't use it, and it only adds cost to the system with very little benefit. It hasn't caught on, and no one cares about it.
  • Start moneyhatting 3rd parties
Not for exclusivity, just for support. They will continue to put their worst teams on your games, and possibly not develop on your system at all. Pay them. Pay them to develop a quality port for you.


you can't put a price on sparks
At this point Nintendo needs to maximize the console they are putting out to appeal to their core demography that buys their games. They need to expand the types of games they make to appeal to more gamers

The hardware power race is sort of lost on them now and they will always be behind after the wii set them behind.

Third parties aren't going to really support Nintendo anymore in any substantial way.


They don't need a next-gen console - the Wii U is already a next-gen console. What they need is a next-gen account system and online environment. WHAT ARE YOU DOING NINTENDO WHY IS THIS TAKING SOOOOOOOOOOO LONG???!!?!?!??!?!?

Also get next-gen with the region locking. Wii U and 3DS's practice of region locking is more last-gen than the SNES because at least with the SNES you could just cut the two little plastic tabs.


The 3DS vs Vita thing already prove that people do not care about power that much. The PS2 was also the least powerfull of the console war and won. The Wii was also the least powerful of the bunch. The only thing not going for the Wii U is that people think it's a Wii Accessory. Not a console. It's really it.

No, the thing not going for the Wii U is consumers know it's not the console that will give them the option to play all of the latest hit games they enjoy.

Going back through the entire history of this industry the winner has always been the console that housed all of the biggest hits. Atari 2600, NES, Playstation, GBA,PS2, SNES etc all won because they were the systems that got all the big name games. They were the systems that weren't a gamble. You knew if a big new game came out you could play it on that system.

Wii was the only console ever to buck that trend. It caught fire for the motion control idea that brought in not only Nintendo fans, but droves of nongamers who propelled it to the top spot. If not for this expanded audience of curiosity seekers there's NO doubt in my mind the PS3 and 360 would've clobbered it. It's why they're still selling, and the Wii has faded away. The consoles that consumers trust to deliver the goods will find success. It's why the PS4 and Xbone exploded out of the gate. Because these are the brands and systems consumers can trust.

Until Nintendo gets the third parties back on board, and changes their image to a "go to" console to play all of the hottest new games they will continue to lag behind everyone else. Not unless they manage to get lucky again and bring in droves of consumers that aren't interested in sticking around.


Good Art™
It's been said 10 times already but yeah, silly article.

The problem is not about nintendo console power right now. They are simply out of the market, at least "that" market. More power will eventually give them more third party games, even if that's not even sure. I mean look at the WiiU. It should have every big PS360 games then.. And the problem is they won't do anything with that graphical power.

Look at Mario 3d World. You can be sure it was a pain in the ass to create those graphics for them. Now imagine they have something like a PS4, or even more. What do they do now.. Honestly there is nothing to change for the models. You can run all that at 1080p with perfect IQ, maybe add a modern light system ala Drive Club... That's it, the graphical style is there. And do you know what ? People outside Nintendo fans won't even really care for the update.

This is always a problem of people buying nintendo consoles for nintendo games. So you won't have every third parties. The only actual way, for Nintendo, to take back the crown, is to set its own new standard for videogames. That means to release a Metroid that makes every high profile FPS and TPS look like an old piece of shit (gameplay wise). That means making a Mario that is so progressive and revolutionary that dudebro will want to try it just for the sake of tasting the new age of videogame.

And all that means having some balls back, and putting the money in the right place. And it won't be done in a week.

But that's not their strategy. Their strategy will probably be to find an alternative funny way to play to catch the attention of the mainstream, over and over.. Of course we already see the limits of that.


Super Member
Then whose fault is it for not being released on wiiu? You know the answer: Nintendo isn't in the 90's anymore. They would gladly have a main GTA on their system.
Aside from hosting a late port of GTA V, Wii U (and Wii) were more than capable of hosting GTAIII-San Andreas. The latter is arguably still superior. I'm sure a lot of users would've bought them.

My point was that Wii U wouldn't have magically limited that game or added more flaws than what it already had. Wii U wouldn't make GTA V Online any worse. The real barrier is probably porting the RAGE engine and not having Red Dead Redemption to help pay for it.
I would buy it too

LiveFromKyoto said:
You noob. It's all about 4K/120fps and mega super antialiasing now.
The controller uses a touch interface not seen since the age of pre-iPhone. It's a joke when $50 dollar Android tablets have better touch screens than the one on the WiiU.

2013 - No unified account? Really? So much for trusting Nintendo with digital purchases.
Thing is iphone screen is not designed for gaming...how many times did you thought you hadnt touched the screen but it still activated some move set? Happens to me all thew time on most android games ive played. Capacitive screens are horrible for games...at any slighr touch it will register....so yeah android tablets dont have better touch screens for GAMING...not my nexus 7 at least....


Thing is iphone screen is not designed for gaming...how many times did you thought you hadnt touched the screen but it still activated some move set? Happens to me all thew time on most android games ive played. Capacitive screens are horrible for games...at any slighr touch it will register....so yeah android tablets dont have better touch screens for GAMING...not my nexus 7 at least....

But yet 99% of the population has played more iphone and android games than they have Wii U games.


Use your money to:

  • Enhance your 1st party studios.
Nintendo should be kicking out a huge amount of 1st party games. Double the production. You have to make up for the lack of 3rd party short term
  • Ditch the gamepad
Release all future versions of the WiiU without a gamepad. Update/patch/rework any games you have control over to not require the gamepad, and update them over your network. 3rd parties won't use it, and it only adds cost to the system with very little benefit. It hasn't caught on, and no one cares about it.
  • Start moneyhatting 3rd parties
Not for exclusivity, just for support. They will continue to put their worst teams on your games, and possibly not develop on your system at all. Pay them. Pay them to develop a quality port for you.

Don't forget a viable online experience and a unified account system. The Wii U might be stuck in 2005 but Nintendo is stuck in 2001


It's been said 10 times already but yeah, silly article.

The problem is not about nintendo console power right now. They are simply out of the market, at least "that" market. More power will eventually give them more third party games, even if that's not even sure. Iii mean look at the WiiU. It should have every big PS360 games then.. And the problem is they won't do anything with that graphical power.

Look at Mario 3d World. You can be sure it was a pain in the ass to create those graphics for them. Now imagine they have something like a PS4, or even more. What do they do now.. Honestly there is nothing to change for the models. You can run all that at 1080p with perfect IQ, maybe add a modern light system ala Drive Club... That's it, the graphical style is there. And do you know what ? People outside Nintendo fans won't even really care for the update.

This is always a problem of people buying nintendo consoles for nintendo games. So you won't have every third parties. The only actual way, for Nintendo, to take back the crown, is to set its own new standard for videogames. That means to release a Metroid that makes every high profile FPS and TPS look like an old piece of shit (gameplay wise). That means making a Mario that is so progressive and revolutionary that dudebro will want to try it just for the sake of tasting the new age of videogame.

And all that means having some balls back, and putting the money in the right place. And it won't be done in a week.

But that's not their strategy. Their strategy will probably be to find an alternative funny way to play to catch the attention of the mainstream, over and over.. Of course we already see the limits of that.

But then I don't see your point : at first you're saying that power is not the issue....and after, that is totally is.
You can be profitable off of a 12-15M userbase. Nintendo is just awful at pushing out software and services. When they do eventually push out what they can, it turns out great, though.


Look at Mario 3d World. You can be sure it was a pain in the ass to create those graphics for them. Now imagine they have something like a PS4, or even more. What do they do now.. Honestly there is nothing to change for the models. You can run all that at 1080p with perfect IQ, maybe add a modern light system ala Drive Club... That's it, the graphical style is there. And do you know what ? People outside Nintendo fans won't even really care for the update.
I heard the same thing about how Wii games wouldn't benefit from 360 hardware. They obviously need to create a game that centers around better hardware. Not the other way around.
Even if they did this... you've got to go back to the SNES to find a time when their technical superiority didn't result in anything other than a total clobbering. It's not like going high tech is the key to success.

High tech or low tech, I think what would be the key to their success is admitting they are the only ones who will support their system. If there will be good games, we'll have to make them. If they bought into that and did game production and business decisions reflecting it, I think they'd have a shot of being relevant whether they stuck with Wii U or made a new one. They've got so many great game game creators and have been grooming others for years upon years now. It's time to start putting some of these guys in the big game.

Nintendo has enough money to bring people in, put all their franchises on the table, and ask who wants to work on what for home consoles.


I'm talking about Skyward Sword, which sold 3.7 million units.

Windwaker HD obviously sold well under 4M units as there aren't even 4M Wii Us in the world right now.

What's wrong with that? That's more than WW or MM, even though they are better games.


Unique take on:

ZombiU (Survival horror)
Wonderful 101 (Hack 'n slash/Beat 'em up)
Game & Wario / Nintendoland (Mini game collection)
Pikmin 3 (... whatever genre Pikmin is!)
Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate (Monster Hunter genre)

Ok, Wonderful 101 is certainly unique, there's no argument there.

ZombiU, I don't see as being unique. Nothing being done there that couldn't and hasn't been done before without a gamepad. Pikmin 3 and MH3U I don't see what makes them unique over previous versions.

Haven't played Game and Wario so I can't comment on it. Can't see there being much unique on U considering the franchise has done some really great stuff with Touch and Twisted.



I remember when Wii U was launching and we saw tons of threads and mods were like "well it's cool to have bunch of threads for a console that's just launching". If only did we know back then that this would continue and continue to a point where it almost still overshadows the other two consoles (talking about amount of threads here) launching a year later.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
But is the gaming press pushing an anti-Wii U agenda?

Or they're finally seeing Nintendo for what they've become. A company that releases ill thought out weak hardware with minimum game support with a joke of a CEO who's only defence is to constantly apologies for their piss poor performance.

If it was any other company, they would have got crucified a long time ago.
Sega Saturn and Dreamcast came to mind reading that article.

Imo I don't think the market can properly sustain 3 high powered consoles that are similar to each other, like it or not Nintendo are doing the right thing in offering a product totally different from Sony/MS (and in some regard PC).

The only problem is that they fucked up bad with the WiiU in every possible way. Just set your memory back a couple of years to when everybody was looking forward to Nintendos next console (minus fanboys buthurt over the wii). It was only when we found out the details that everybody turned their back on it, especially when it's sluggish CPU was made known.

If Nintendo had given us the console we were expecting, eg, A cheap machine with a CPU power of somewhere inbetween a 360 and XB1 we wouldn't even be in this mess.
And? Playing candy crush and other type of games that play mostlly by themselves doesnt exactly disprove what ive said....sometimes i press one area and it seems another is affected....same with pressing virtual keys on my nexuw7....see that last "w"...


The controller uses a touch interface not seen since the age of pre-iPhone. It's a joke when $50 dollar Android tablets have better touch screens than the one on the WiiU.

2013 - No unified account? Really? So much for trusting Nintendo with digital purchases.

you realize that a resistive touch screen is a much better fit for what they're trying to pull off than a capacitive touch screen right?


I grew up loving Nintendo... but they could make SO MUCH MONEY if they would swallow their pride and become a third party. Their hardware just isn't anything special - and hasn't been for years.

Truly depressing for someone raised on Nintendo.

They'd be struggling like other third party publishers if they went 3rd party. Nintendo benefit from making their own hardware.

Look at Sega they haven't had a hit in a long time and the quality of their output suffered when they went third party. I doubt they make nearly as much money as they did back in their heydays.


Or they're finally seeing Nintendo for what they've become. A company that releases ill thought out weak hardware with minimum game support with a joke of a CEO who's only defence is to constantly apologies for their piss poor performance.

If it was any other company, they would have got crucified a long time ago.

On the record I was talking about this thread from yesterday: Is the gaming press pushing a Wii U, dark horse agenda?

Just thought it was something funny.
So if Nintendo had battlefield and call of duty with sick graphics, people will drop their Xbox controllers for a Wii 3?

Yeah, I don't think so.


Gold Member
Record breaking PS4/X1 sales are proof of Sony and MS incredible efforts in supplying consoles like never before. The Wii U also sold out it's initial alloted numbers in launch.

The test comes after the holidays.

difference is that Sony and MS both have strong third party support and have announced console exclusives well into 2015


You can be profitable off of a 12-15M userbase. Nintendo is just awful at pushing out software and services. When they do eventually push out what they can, it turns out great, though.

That's true in the short term, and of course the GameCube was profitable at 22M.

But game development costs continue to rise and if Nintendo home console sales are stuck at <20M, at some point you squeeze out all the profit. And we know game development costs have risen for Nintendo, Miyamoto commented on it and it's been cited as a reason for game delays.


"When it comes to the scale of software development, Wii U with HD graphics requires about twice the human resources than before," Miyamoto said. "Please allow me to explain that we may have underestimated the scale of this change and as a result, the overall software development took more time than originally anticipated just as we tried to polish the software at the completion phase of development. However, we are almost out of this phase, and we are also trying to create something unique utilizing an easier development approach called 'Nintendo Web Framework.'"
I'd imagine pushing out a new more powerful system is the worst idea right now. The first problem arises from the fact that Nintendo themselves are struggling from the transition to HD, they'ed struggle even more-so with a stronger one. The second problem extends from the fact that releasing a new console right now would piss off all the people who invested in a Wii U in the first place (the 3 or 4 million), in fact releasing a new console so soon may even instill the idea with people that it's unwise to purchase a Nintendo system as it'll just be replace soon, thus by releasing one so soon they'ed be tarnishing their brand.


A new console would do squat for them right now. They need an entire culture change like Sony had when they let a bunch of westerners take over key roles, only Nintendo is far worse here than Sony was. They need to drastically repair relations with 3rd parties too since we're going on 20 years since 3rd parties mostly abandoned Nintendo. They've let themselves dig into such a deep hole by ignoring the trends of the industry for so long that I'm not sure they can ever really climb back out.
And I for one am tired of seeing PC games looking amazing while my console versions struggle to maintain 30fps. Now I own a PS4, I feel like I can breathe again, away from the suffocating exhaust from outdated hardware struggling to stay contemporary. Next-gen has cleared the air.

This... I... I can't... dude... wtf!?




iPad 2 had almost twice as many pixels as the Wii U controller.
I don't disagree that the gamepad screen is far from ideal, but keep in mind that the ppi on the gamepad is actually slightly better than the iPad 2. The iPad 2 ppi is 132, while the gamepad's is 158. While I would have preferred a better res screen or just no gamepad at all, I doubt increasing their costs with a more expensive display would have benefited Nintendo at all.


That's true in the short term, and of course the GameCube was profitable at 22M.

But game development costs continue to rise and if Nintendo home console sales are stuck at <20M, at some point you squeeze out all the profit. And we know game development costs have risen for Nintendo, Miyamoto commented on it and it's been cited as a reason for game delays.

Nintendo doesn't spend so much money on development that they need to sell 7 million copies or whatever to be a success, like Tomb Raider or whatever. How much do you think a game like NSMBU costs to develop? It's not difficult for Nintendo to be profitable off of 15~20 million install base.
Better for Nintendo to admit defeat and create the ultimate console/portable hybrid since obviously portable (in terms of accessibility, gameplay fun factor, scope of games, and form factor) is where their strength lies.
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