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Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

qq more

baikal no offense but i just find it silly that every game needs moe

moe would just distract the art direction/style of whatever game doesnt need them. i dont think there is even something that is needed in every game. diversity is a good thing

also uh, not to mention moe is pretty disturbing if you're talking about that kind of moe

Red Mage

I actually kinda like Dragon Age II. Sure, it's not nearly as good as DA:O, but I liked some of the new additions. For one, I liked that Hawke was voiced, as he felt like a much more fleshed out character compared to the Warden, and I liked the personality system, especially the stupid heart icons to let you know this would be considered a "romance" option.

One of the things I hate in the DA is the randomly chosen options that're considered flirting. For example, if you give a book to Fenris in II, he says he cannot read, as slaves weren't allowed to learn. You can offer to teach him, but that's considered flirting... which makes no sense to me. If any of my friends can't read, I wouldn't mind helping them learn, why does it have to be considered "romantic"?

Anyhow, I admit the limited locations and map reuse hurt the game, but it doesn't ruin it for me. Maybe it's because I came in expecting it to be like the Zelda CD-i's, what with how everyone talked about it, but it was pleasently surprised. Not a perfect game by a long shot, but I enjoyed it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
baikal no offense but i just find it silly that every game needs moe

moe would just distract the art direction/style of whatever game doesnt need them. i dont think there is even something that is needed in every game. diversity is a good thing

Moe is a concept. Not a design. This is the mistake many shows and games make.

Clarisse from Castle of Cagliostro was considered moe. If you have watched the movie, she is anything but what people currently believe to be "moe."
I think Final Fantasy VII was a great and solid game...for its time. I think the people now who talk about how well it has held up to the ravages of time are wearing rose-tinted glasses that they got from the nostalgia shop.


I don't like the Uncharted series.
It looks pretty but that's about it. The gunplay is boring and the platforming in the Unchated games just doesn't do it for me.

Have still to play TLoU past the first two chapters orso.
Don't know why, but I just instantly get bored. Just can't put my finger on it.

Just give me a Crash/Jack game next time ND.

qq more

StH 2006 is to me completely brilliant in a few zones, for a few moments I was playing in awe seriously. I was running on water for gods sake, how much cooler can things get. Maybe like a rocket launching boss that covers the whole screen in 3D on 100 meters distance.
Gamers who call devs lazy are lazy players themselves.

People who conflate buying a game with the right/guarentee of having or doing everything in said game are part of the reason microtransactions are getting out of control this generation by putting a price on pixels.

Jeremy Soule has only done a few actually great tracks since the 90s; the rest has been really, really unobtrusive background music.
When people are overly concerned with whether some sports writers on a cable show think gaming is an "eSport", I say it's time to take a step back and think about what really matters - enjoying your games or worrying that someone doesn't think your game is a "sport".

Where's the fun in that? It's almost as if you don't like intellectual conversation. It's really not about what I think but how it reflects a whole community. It does mean something than just a game to enjoy. It's not like these people don't enjoy their games, just no one likes to be represented wrongly.

Sometimes, Some of the best conversation happen because of the idiots that say nothing relevant. The sweetest part is they sometimes come out more educated after being schooled. I'd rather gamers continue talking about issues that are still being treated as a stereotype than being anti-social and not discussing these issues. I don't really know why you wouldn't want that.


I absolutely hate people that downplay anything.

I hate that some people are so shortsighted on games instead of digging into the real message.

I hate people who just accept. Yes, I understand there is a thing called being "entitled". But not everything you disagree with and want to start a change for has to be called entitled. In fact, I just hate that word as well.

I hate arguments about P&C games being interactive movies.

I hate when people say devs don't care or are lazy or whatever the hell they are not in control of directly.

I hate that people hate EA so much. I don't think EA has done something that has really affected our lives physically that we need to hate them so much. I understand boycotting their products, but for them to be voted worst company is ridiculous. It's not like they are the NSA or some big company that's stealing or information, or killing our families with false medicine or some other life and death stuff. They make games, you can either purchase or not.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Played some of the DmC demo and the game feels exactly like Devil May Cry. Other than the annoying lead, seemingly linear levels compared to past entries and some goofy, Anonymous/Occupy rip-offs, I don't see what all the hate about this game is....

.... Or maybe I just answered my own question....


Junior Member
Controversial gaming opinion: Gaming should always be about winning. I never ever, ever play a game "just for fun" or to "relax". I play a game to win and brag about it.

Also, Superman 64 wasn't that bad of a game.


Controversial gaming opinion: Gaming should always be about winning. I never ever, ever play a game "just for fun" or to "relax". I play a game to win and brag about it.

I respect your opinion, but I literally feel the exact opposite.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I love the notion that lazy developers don't exist.

Lazy and slipshod developers do exist. Game players do however use the term "lazy" as a catch-all complaint for anything they don't like. Almost to the point it has become a meaningless criticism.


Where's the fun in that? It's almost as if you don't like intellectual conversation. It's really not about what I think but how it reflects a whole community. It does mean something than just a game to enjoy. It's not like these people don't enjoy their games, just no one likes to be represented wrongly.

Sometimes, Some of the best conversation happen because of the idiots that say nothing relevant. The sweetest part is they sometimes come out more educated after being schooled. I'd rather gamers continue talking about issues that are still being treated as a stereotype than being anti-social and not discussing these issues. I don't really know why you wouldn't want that.

It's almost as if you overreact and channel your misguided frustrations into drawing irrational, silly conclusions about what people do or don't like/want.


As bad as EA and DICE are at being what they are, I think the people who keep buying their games at launch are several orders of magnitude worse in my fact, because they're the ones who keep giving money to them, knowing their history.

Shit-tier devs/pubs and shit-tier consumers deserve each other.
It's almost as if you overreact and channel your misguided frustrations into drawing irrational,silly conclusions about what people do or don't like/want

Wait... Your on a gaming forum about gamers talking about games but you don't like when they discuss how it's being represented?

Sometimes I feel like gamers need to shut the fuck up about this and that, and just play their goddamn games.

And I'm irrational? It's easy as some people care about even the little things. Some people do care about how their hobbies are represented. Those same people who care also enjoy their games and wouldn't be on this website discussing it if they didn't. Clearly that's not what you said.

And I love how you pointed out this bolded as if I'm frustrated about your opinion. It was just an observation. After all, this is a controversial opinion thread about what people do or do not like/want.


As a fan of Dark Souls, I'm actually not looking forward to Dark Souls II at all. I thought a lot of the big changes from Demon's Souls like no longer losing HP for being in Hollow/Spirit form and having the estus flask instead of consumable healing items that you could stockpile were big improvements, and I'm disappointed to hear that aspects of those are being brought back for the sequel. It comes off to me like with a different director they were worried that players would be overly sensitive or hostile to any given design decision so they overcompensated to avoid having people accuse them of dumbing it down or making it easy. I thought Dark Souls had a really great balance with its design/difficulty but Dark Souls II sounds like something I wouldn't enjoy very much.
If it gives you any hope, it seems they're focusing now on upping the difficulty in encounters rather between encounters. There are more healing items, but they're slow other than the Estus Flask, and enemies are tougher and more relentless.

As for losing hp for being in hollow form, I think Dark Souls 2 is solving the problem by only decreasing it by a bit each time you die in hollow form. That way, you don't feel hopeless, but you also are encouraged to be human more often (Along with the changes to invasions).
I hate that some people actually convince themselves that games have deep messages only to excuse very bad and boring work.

Well not all games are bad and boring work. Sometimes there is a bigger message and not just what's at face value. (ex. Journey)

Edit: But also what you said isn't false.


Wait... Your on a gaming forum about gamers talking about games but you don't like when they discuss how it's being represented?

Eh...you missed that thread. A few people on an HBO segment don't define how gaming is universally represented. It might be an indicator of the worst stereotypes, but it's not cause for alarm.

And I'm irrational?
Yes. Your post directed at me included numerous irrational, unfounded conclusions about who I am and what I want. You said I don't like intellectual conversation, which is an idiotic thing to assume and say. I prefer intellectual conversation, which is why I hesitated getting sucked into your overly generalized rant in response to me. ;)

It's easy as some people care about even the little things. Some people do care about how their hobbies are represented. Those same people who care also enjoy their games and wouldn't be on this website discussing it if they didn't. Clearly that's not what you said.

And I love how you pointed out this bolded as if I'm frustrated about your opinion. It was just an observation. After all, this is a controversial opinion thread about what people do or do not like/want.

You can take a hobby seriously and care about how it's represented without "going off the deep end". Trying to force people who don't care about gaming to acknowledge it as an equal among athletic sports is a misguided, terrible use of energy that only backfires and makes the perceptions about which some gamers are clearly insecure about even more widespread.

As to my older post, there's no frustration in that - cuss words can be used for emphasis rather than solely for anger. ;) You're reaching again and taking offense, as if my one comment is me saying that nobody should ever talk about games ever. And now here I am, having to break down very simple, basic points to fan the flames.

Discussing, analyzing, theorizing, and doing whatever about games is great. Gamers getting upset about sports reporters having a laugh about something they might not appreciate becomes a waste of time. Go read that thread (I'm sure you're aware), as dragging that discussion into here is pointless.

And Darko is right - my flame shield is all but destroyed.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Jeremy Soule has only done a few actually great tracks since the 90s; the rest has been really, really unobtrusive background music.

I'll say Soule's best soundtrack by far is Secret of Evermore... Did not like it at first but over time I grew to love how different and unique it was.
Not really a controversial opinion, but I can't stand having to use Uplay and Origin just to get two games. How many more sales does EA and Ubi actually get for either service vs using Steam? And since they aren't charging anyone for the service... aren't they actually losing money by having to provide the service? Wouldn't it be cheaper for them to just use Steam?


Neo Member
Demon/Dark Souls is only a decent game where over half of the vaunted difficulty and hardcore-ness comes from sloppy (not lazy) work. Also an inability to find solutions for or even try to solve problems in translating what is basically a rogue-like mixed with action RPG from 2D into 3D.

Things like. Weapon swings hitting walls and canceling animations is one thing. But when you have no control over the swing, and they put a lot of narrow ledges and corridors.

Plethora of stupidly difficult bosses, usually with 1 hit kill potential, placed in horrific and uninteresting places (other than it being a surprise the first time) where the entire strategy seems to revolve climbing up ledges to drop on them, or exploiting some glitch.

Then there's the giant bad ass looking bosses that are no challenge at all, like the devs couldn't be bothered to make a decent fight, and can't find be deigned to make it cheap.
Not really a controversial opinion, but I can't stand having to use Uplay and Origin just to get two games. How many more sales does EA and Ubi actually get for either service vs using Steam? And since they aren't charging anyone for the service... aren't they actually losing money by having to provide the service? Wouldn't it be cheaper for them to just use Steam?

I think it has less to do with money and more to do with percieved power. They don't want their digital distribution to be completely reliant on a competitor's service.


Good at being the bigger man
I like free to play. Good f2p games have a BETTER gameplay loop than any other game type. Simply because the loop has to be near perfect in order to make money.
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2 are boring and tedious.
I hate Resident Evil franchise.
Dead Rising series is dumb, it's just an arena bumpity bump masher.

I hate all forms of zombies, traditional, infected, genetic.
I hate zombies.
Uninteresting villains


Also another of mine:

Spelunky sucks.

It's a stupid fucking game that is based on cheap deaths and arbitrary bullshit. It has very little actual content. Designed lazily and for snobs that think tedium and excessive trial and error combined with luck is "real gaming".

I've played about 10 hours of it and as much I've tried to like it it's just a waste fucking time.
I can't say for certain whether it is or isn't a popular viewpoint. I don't consider gaming or rather games as art, its always been a toy of sorts to me; that's actually a large degree of why video games appeals to me. Not saying others are wrong for perceiving games any way they like, but for a lot things related to gaming I tend to take everything at face value. I'm" very easy to please when it comes to video games which is probably why I love mid-tier or budget (not indie) video games so much. Gaming for me is turning my brain off, pressing buttons and watching shit happen on the screen (okay maybe not all that literally but figuratively).

Another is that I find portable consoles more appealing than home consoles (this is probably because my first gaming experiences was with a portable console). Even if a console game has a portable version, when all things considered I'm" still likely to prefer the portable version of the title. Don't get me wrong, I roll with home consoles too.
Controversial gaming opinion: Gaming should always be about winning. I never ever, ever play a game "just for fun" or to "relax". I play a game to win and brag about it.

I respect your opinion, but I literally feel the exact opposite.

And that is why gaming is so cool, but challenging to please everyone. I like games to relax, but as a kid I loved them for the challenge. There's room for everyone as long as you understand we are all gamers.
I'm terribly sorry for necroposting, but I just need to get this off my chest.

1. 'Art' games are possibly the worst indie trend this industry has ever known. Nevermind the semantics around what art is, and regardless of the whole praising of nostalgia-goggles visual styles, when the focus of a game is taken away from actual fun, challenge and entertainment, the game becomes self-gratifying garbage. Fez was not fun in the slightest, it was a regression from even basic platformers and should not be put up on a pedestal as 'art'. However, this does not mean that I hate indie games, it just so happens that indie is now equated with faux-philosophy and that makes me disappointed.

2. Little Big Planet is a poorly designed tech demo, nothing more. It's great (in theory) for a game developer to provide the tools for letting users create content for themselves. However, the core mechanics of the game (ie, jumping) are so awful that I just cannot gel with it on any sort of level. The whole of the game's challenges comes from grappling with the terrible jump physics and strange 'float' that Sackboy has. Furthermore, the creative side of the game is useless because very few multiplayer maps are worth a damn. I don't know if Tearaway is good, but Media Molecule is supremely overrated.

3. Guerrilla Games just can't make good games. All of the Killzones suck, and I have played all of them; although only a little bit of 3 and Shadow Fall.
(a) Killzone 2 was not a good game. It's not 'heavy shooting', it's momentum that was probably intended to feel heavy, but came off as just really infuriating and imprecise.
(b) The AI. Why can't they fix the AI? Every single Killzone game, the same problem. Encounters are so dull.

4. MM was the best 3D Zelda, dang it. OoT was only okay. WW was leagues better, but still not on par with MM. Also, I swear OoT was considered the very best Zelda game ever until like last year when everyone swung towards MM. Now it's considered 'hipster' to like MM, so people now out-hipster that by going back to OoT. Ugh. Knock it off.

5. Half Life 3 doesn't deserve to come out because Half Life 2 was just okay. Valve have made games that have far succeeded their eponymous franchise. Hell, even Half Life 1 doesn't hold up today, not even in the slightest.

6. Kojima really doesn't belong in the film industry. His style of 'tell, don't show' is soul-crushing. I have seen enough cutaways to stock footage or VR tripe to last me a life time. It's a relief that his games are so good.

Thank you for reading, kind of a bomb for a first post! Aaaaaaand, I'll see you all on other threads?
- I don't give a shit about whether the world at large considers gaming to be legitimate or a hobby for kids. Doesn't matter, still going to do whatever I'm going to do. There will never be a Citizen Kane of gaming and I'm perfectly fine with that.

- Kotaku is an extremely shitty website that thrives on clickbait/linkbait. NeoGAF originally made the right call in censoring it. This site is poorer for reversing that. If you click on an article, they win and you lose by default. If you discuss their articles unironically, then you really lose. The only way to win is to ignore them.

- I don't give a shit about social justice issues in video games. Which isn't to say that I'm against it but the only thing that matters to me is how fun the games are.


1. I love Nintendo's willingness to try something new with gaming interfaces and ability to juggle handheld/home consoles. But I hate Nintendo's unwillingness to move beyond "safe" franchises, and how they split their attention between home console/handhelds. I know, very contradictory.

2. I love the direction Sony has taken with the PS4 and its focus on raw power. I hate the lack of Japanese developed content in its release (and seemingly first year so far). Their hubris at the start of last gen was also nauseating.

3. I love MS determination with XBOX, and love their hardware (I actually like Kinect and Surface Pro is amazing). But I hate MS hardware, its absolute shit. My friend has a 360 (her 4th or 5th I think) which is still giving her problems. Plus I believe MS nickles-and-dimes gamers far too often. I would have bought all iterations of XBOX if not for their practices.
1. I love Nintendo's willingness to try something new with gaming interfaces and ability to juggle handheld/home consoles. But I hate Nintendo's unwillingness to move beyond "safe" franchises, and how they split their attention between home console/handhelds. I know, very contradictory.

Totally agree.

2. I love the direction Sony has taken with the PS4 and its focus on raw power. I hate the lack of Japanese developed content in its release (and seemingly first year so far). Their hubris at the start of last gen was also nauseating.

Agree, but they need to start making some ground on games in general before got-no-games syndrome sets in.

3. I love MS determination with XBOX, and love their hardware (I actually like Kinect and Surface Pro is amazing). But I hate MS hardware, its absolute shit. My friend has a 360 (her fourth I think) which is still giving her problems. Plus I believe MS nickles-and-dimes gamers far too often. I would have bought all iterations of XBOX if not for their practices.

Their whole marketing department, which probably runs the whole division, needs to be reshuffled.


Microsoft has added virtually nothing of value to the industry. If I had to choose one company to stop making consoles, it would be MS. Online gaming already existed on PC. Consoles would have gotten their taste a bit later, but it would have still happened. MS has never really cared about gaming. As some know, the Xbox brand is really nothing but a Trojan horse just to prevent Apple and Google from taking over people's living rooms first. Gaming was the easiest and most effective way to do it. Nintendo saved the industry from the brink of destruction and Sony expanded it to teenagers and young adults. All MS has done is create and facilitate new revenue streams through pay walls, monetization and good old fashion nickle and diming. Yeah, Xbox Live is a great service, but look at all the bullshit that it has allowed to come to fruition: Online passes, microtransactions, on disc DLC, advertising, allowing companies to sell unfinished and buggy products as well as cut content as DLC later on, ect. But hey, Halo, Gears and XBLA are a lot of fun, right?


Neo Member
I like Valves current multiplayer game focus and I don't care about Half Life 3. If it came out I would buy it, play it and most certainly would enjoy it but I have none of the hype.


The hatred for "FMV games" is ridiculous. It was a relatively short-lived phase of games that, like any other, had good and bad products come out of it. There were some great games that used FMV - Gabriel Knight 2, Tex Murphy series, Wing Commander 3-5, etc.

One could easily point at the 256-color era and say it was shit because there were a lot of bad games. Or you could say the era of 3D gaming is shit because there have been many bad games.
Also another of mine:

Spelunky sucks.

It's a stupid fucking game that is based on cheap deaths and arbitrary bullshit. It has very little actual content. Designed lazily and for snobs that think tedium and excessive trial and error combined with luck is "real gaming".

I've played about 10 hours of it and as much I've tried to like it it's just a waste fucking time.
All games are wastes of time.

However, I don't see how Spelunky is trial and error when the levels change run to run. Spelunky has no cheap deaths, it's all about approaching situations correctly.


I liked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. Thought Portal was dull and was disappointed with Halo 4. Though I suspect I wasn't the only one who felt let down by the latest Halo title.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I liked Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2. Thought Portal was dull and was disappointed with Halo 4. Though I suspect I wasn't the only one who felt let down by the latest Halo title.
I've only played the demo for FFXIII-2 but I had a lot of fun doing so! Not sure what the hate is about it being they supposedly ditched the linear paths. If the full game is anything like the demo, it's incredible.


°Temp. member
As far as difficulty, Gran Turismo 5 & 6 should be mentioned in the same conversations as Dark Souls, Battle Toads, and others.
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