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BritGAF |OT4| - "Our Only Goal In Life Is To Become As Alpha As Possible"

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Only real cartoons is anime...Not this US Disney Looney Tunes Family Parkrama crap that distorts and tarnishes the real definition of "cartoons".


Shit just got real.

I take Tangled extremely seriously, kthnxbai.

Jedeye Sniv

The definition of cartoon is 'a simple drawing showing the features of its subjects in a humorously exaggerated way, especially a satirical one in a newspaper or magazine' or 'a film using animation techniques to photograph a sequence of drawings rather than real people or objects' neither of which describe Frozen or Tangled. You, sir, are completely wrong and entirely out of your depth.

No wait a sec - CG Animation is still animation, and the character designs in those movies are clearly cartoons. Big eyes, exaggerated physicality - they are cartoon characters in a medium that is hand animated frame by frame. There is a straight line of technique, aesthetic design and horrifying child abuse that links steamboat willy (CODED LANGUAGE) to today's most cutting edge grooming films.

Even South Park and Futurama? I love Disney movies and old Looney Tunes/Merry Melodies shorts.

yes, the liberal paedo media has you in its clutches

Only real cartoons is anime...Not this US Disney Looney Tunes Family Parkrama crap that distorts and tarnishes the real definition of "cartoons".

anime is several rungs of child abuse worse than western cartoons. So bad in fact that we don't actually have a word for it in English. The Japanese have 43 words for it however.


No wait a sec - CG Animation is still animation, and the character designs in those movies are clearly cartoons. Big eyes, exaggerated physicality - they are cartoon characters in a medium that is hand animated frame by frame. There is a straight line of technique, aesthetic design and horrifying child abuse that links steamboat willy (CODED LANGUAGE) to today's most cutting edge grooming films.
Tangled and Frozen are computer-generated films. They are not hand-drawn and are therefore not cartoons. And where's the evidence to support your, quite honestly, barbaric claims?

Jedeye come back over here into the non pedophile depth
You do realise I'm not being serious, right? I'm sat in my office, bored shitless, with only my laptop and Spotify to keep me company.

Jedeye Sniv

Tangled and Frozen are computer-generated films. They are not hand-drawn and are therefore not cartoons. And where's the evidence to support your, quite honestly, barbaric claims?

CG animation is keyframed just like every other form of animation. A person sits there and moves the vertices on the models frame by frame. It's an animation created by artists
. The medium has nothing to do with it but the techniques do. This is why Wallace and Gromit is a cartoon as well, despite not being made up of drawings - a CG cartoon is a blend between stop motion and traditional cel based animation.

Cyanide pls. Listen to reason. Go watch a behind the scenes documentary

edit: along this line, it was amusing to realise that the Hobbit has more in common with a cartoon than a traditional live action movie. I think at least half that film is entirely 100% animated.


CG animation is keyframed just like every other form of animation. A person sits there and moves the vertices on the models frame by frame. It's an animation created by artists
. The medium has nothing to do with it but the techniques do. This is why Wallace and Gromit is a cartoon as well, despite not being made up of drawings - a CG cartoon is a blend between stop motion and traditional cel based animation.

Along this line, it was amusing to realise that the Hobbit has more in common with a cartoon than a traditional live action movie. I think at least half that film is entirely 100% animated.
So going by your logic, Avatar is a cartoon too? And Polar Express? Sin City also featured a lot of CGI and post-film processing as well as Sucker Punch and Scott Pilgrim. They might not be 100% CGI but a lot of it is so if we apply your logic to it all, then they can all be classed as cartoons too. But your logic is flawed, anyway, so it doesn't really matter.


Walt Disney used to live in Japan before he stole every idea from there and took it back to the US. Mickey Mouse was based on an adult-manga about an insecure mouse trying to get laid in the rat-infested sewers of Tokyo. Shit was deep son.

Jedeye Sniv

So going by your logic, Avatar is a cartoon too? And Polar Express? Sin City also featured a lot of CGI and post-film processing as well as Sucker Punch and Scott Pilgrim. They might not be 100% CGI but a lot of it is so if we apply your logic to it all, then they can all be classed as cartoons too. But your logic is flawed, anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

Yes and no, really. It's a blend these days ever more so. I wouldn't go quite so far as saying that 'live action' films with >50% cg are entirely animations but the disciplines have crossed over more than at any other time.

But 100% cg animated films are definitely inarguably cartoons and I don't see how you can have any other kind of opinion on the matter. They're cartoons and you're an a list.

edit: Polar Express is a cartoon too. And I would say Sin City has more in common with stuff like Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Cool World than it does Goodfellas or Casablanca.


I can't believe people are honestly arguing against the fact that cartoons are watched by kids and Paedos. Also the word 'cartoon' includes the cgi animated Disney films or any other animated/cgi only film watched by the aforementioned audience.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
How so? She kidnaps Rapunzel at an early age, locks her away for nigh on eighteen years, refuses her any sort of regular teenage life and basically only holds on to her for her power. Do you honestly think Mother would have Rapunzel if she was powerless? No. Mother didn't love Rapunzel, she loved Rapunzel's magic. Mother's portrayal and exit are justified.

Disclaimer: I enjoyed the film.

The Mother, who is clearly a Gaia-esque figure, finds a way to retain her youth by living off the land, so to speak. She does this by finding a special plant; hers by right of the age old Finders Keepers Law. She does so for hundreds of years and in a sustainable way. Nothing inherently evil here.

The King has it found, uprooted and boiled to save his sick wife. Doesn't ask, just assumes it's his because he's The King and he gets to act like a dick by right of birth. He also ends up effectively destroying the plant in a single evening because he doesn't give a shit about sustainability or the environment because he's a dick.

Baby girl is born with magic hair.

Mother Grothel puts two and two together and realises that the magical properties she has carefully harvested for hundreds of years now reside in the girl's hair. Since the King disregarded her rights, she does similarly by breaking in with the intention of taking some of the magical hair. No malice there, just an oppressed citizen fighting for what is rightfully hers. Obviously, this doesn't work out and, in a silly and desperate move, she yoinked the little girl. This was a silly and selfish move, but a human one. She clearly wasn't thinking straight. We've all made mistakes, right? So we can at least sympathise with Grothel even if we can't condone her one silly mistake.

Regardless of her motives, she raises Rapunzal for eighteen years. Raising a human being to be a naive but clearly well adjusted young girl takes a lot of hard fucking work. We're talking nappy changes, teething, feeding, hormones - all that malarkey. Eighteen long years. Then, within 3 minutes of finding out Grothel isn't her real mum, Repunzal throws her, and the eighteen years she spent looking after her, under the bus (not literally, of course).

Regardless of Grothel's feelings for her (and I'd argue that spending eighteen years nurturing her in such confined quarters would naturally cause her to develop at least some maternal love), you'd think that Repunzal would love her since she is the only mother she ever knew. Nope. Spoilt little bitch pushes her out the window the minute she finds out fame and riches await.

So yeah, I do think Grothel got a hard time. Ugly people nearly always do in all Disney movies.

Also, Cyanide: it's a cartoon. Your definition (wherever you picked it up from) is extremely narrow. Where a film isn't 100% CG, it isn't a cartoon, just like Who Framed Roger Rabbit isn't; it's a live action film with cartoon elements. There is no argument to be made.

EDIT: Polar Express is most definitely a cartoon. It used an essentially modern version of Rotoscoping which was a technique used in Snow White.


Saw Secret Life of Walter Mitty before I left Sheffield yesterday, great film.

I woke up two hours late for college today, and missed the bus because I forgot my ID card and had to go back home for it.

So sleepy.


I'm imagining those letters you used to get from school for trips out with the reply slip at the bottom. As long as it's signed by a parent or guardian...

Or as long as it's a passable forgery, much like the letters you'd get an older brother/sister/friend/paedo to write when you bunked a day off school.


Anime is the last bastion of purity left in this world. Cyanide and his poisonous CG films are what is ruining the world.

'3D waifu'. What bullshit.

Rubbish King

The gift that keeps on giving
"Frozen got a Golden Globe for Best Animated Movie.

Also, this weekend it was #2 in domestic Box Office. Ahead of every other movie, except new Lone Survivor. Got 15mil with a decline of only 20%. Around 720mil worldwide. It will open soon in many other territories, like China and Japan. If all goes right, a billion is in a bag eventually."



Frozen got a Golden Globe for Best Animated Movie.

Also, this weekend it was #2 in domestic Box Office. Ahead of every other movie, except new Lone Survivor. Got 15mil with a decline of only 20%. Around 720mil worldwide. It will open soon in many other territories, like China and Japan. If all goes right, a billion is in a bag eventually.

avatar won awards as well


I'm still not on the list? Dammit jim, I've been trying really hard lately as well. Did I not piss you off enough on your birthday drinks?

You're a bird, your default mode is irritating.

Also, aside from telling me how much you hate me sometimes, I can't really remember you doing too much out of the already mentioned default bird mode norm.

Jedeye Sniv

Too late.


got an actual genuine lol from me


ave some of at u cunt

Nofy Jim?


I would consider the ability to make, pose and move 3d models to be illustrative. New medium, similar techniques

Haha WTF? You're nuts.

Chris Martin is a Beatles-level genius who has had an unparallelled impact on 21st century culture. In years to come will will look back at him with the kind of reverence we reserve for artists like Mozart, Handel and the Cheeky Girls.
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