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January Wrasslin' |OT| The Assassination of Daniel Bryan by the Coward Vince McMahon


strobogo's continued shots at Christian and Elgin make me regret voting for him as WrassleGAF poster of the year.
There are some Canadian wrestlers you like, right? Owen? Edge? Jericho? Somebody? Anybody?
Triple H wins and says, "Well Daniel, I beat your ass, you still have your match, good luck" Then Bryan fucking wins it.

This is too much you guys jesus christ.
Oh man i better get my credit card ready for the CM Punk WWEShop sale coupon code TakeYourBallHome

now the tweet he made right after the rumble makes much more sense



Putting D.Brine into Punk's Triple H feud adds a fun element with his Team Hell No compatriot acting as his enforcer right now.

Almost makes me want them to pull some shenanigans to REMOVE D.Brine from the Chamber match now and stick him in a match vs. Kane instead.
In fact, that's exactly what I want them to do. Give Kofi his spot in the Elimination Chamber.


Maybe Punk thinks he has more of a chance at main eventing Mania if he starts working part-time.

Now it makes sense about Christian being in EC.

Yeah, I guess so....

Damn, I thought my boy was getting a real ass push again. Gonna get his ONE MORE MATCH at Extreme Rules. Maybe feud with Batista and get the title off him so Batista could go do press for Marvel.


strobogo's continued shots at Christian and Elgin make me regret voting for him as WrassleGAF poster of the year.
There are some Canadian wrestlers you like, right? Owen? Edge? Jericho? Somebody? Anybody?

Bret, Owen, Jericho before 2011, Chris Benoit before murder. I like Tyson Kidd. Edge before 2007 or so or whenever he got involved with Vickie. And Santino. Fabulous Rougeaus were boss. Kevin Steen and Generico. Eglin is generic indie dude who does "strength" spots against guys like Jimmy Jacobs. I actually do like Christian a lot, but he's been so boring since the Orton feud. When he wasn't injured.


Bret, Owen, Jericho before 2011, Chris Benoit before murder. I like Tyson Kidd. Edge before 2007 or so or whenever he got involved with Vickie. And Santino. Fabulous Rougeaus were boss. Kevin Steen and Generico. Eglin is generic indie dude who does "strength" spots against guys like Jimmy Jacobs. I actually do like Christian a lot, but he's been so boring since the Orton feud. When he wasn't injured.
Thanks. I feel better now.
I'm not sure anyone has enjoyed Jericho since 2011 so you're in good company there.
Hopefully Zayn makes the transition to the main roster in 2014 and delivers another quality match or two against Cesaro.
Punk will come back at Summerslam to start the Summer of Punk Thrice in a Lifetime...and at Wrestlemania 31 he will challenge Bo Dallas for the New Moon Championship...

It's Best for business...


Putting D.Brine into Punk's Triple H feud adds a fun element with his Team Hell No compatriot acting as his enforcer right now.

Almost makes me want them to pull some shenanigans to REMOVE D.Brine from the Chamber match now and stick him in a match vs. Kane instead.
In fact, that's exactly what I want them to do. Give Kofi his spot in the Elimination Chamber.
Considering their history, it'd never work (and they just played off it with the Wyatt cage angle.)


Who needs that out of shape goofball.


it's time to BO-Lieve Wrasslegaf


Bryan facing HHH at Mania and getting a title shot vs. Orton/Batista is stuff of dreams. Jeeeeeeeeeeeesus.

And that's exactly where it will stay. In my imagination. He's facing Sheamus on the youtube pre show.
Ricker hasn't debuted yet. they may have in a dark match or something but as for as televised/released stuff, no
Ricker be slacking!!

He's ruining his chance to be another pawn for Punk. At least the promo battle would be great since he did take a jab at Punk when he was at Championship Wrestling from Hollywood


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
By Mike Johnson on 2014-01-29 02:10:09

Former WWE and World champion CM Punk has been pulled from all advertising of WWE live events going forward after a meeting with WWE management yesterday at the Raw taping in Cleveland, Ohio.
We have been working on details for the last 24 hours (as Dave Scherer and I noted on our respective Elite audios earlier today), but the belief among those who are willing to talk about the situation is that Punk is no longer factored into company plans. Punk is under contract to WWE through July.

Punk was slated to face Triple H at Wrestlemania 30. This past Monday's Raw instead began teasing Daniel Bryan vs. HHH down the line, possibly for Wrestlemania.

We have heard from several sources that the original script for yesterday's Raw called for Punk to wrestle Antonio Cesaro and lose after Kane interfered, allowing Cesaro to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. It should be noted that another source has denied that and claimed that Punk was never booked to wrestle last night and was only booked to do a promo that would follow up on Kane causing Punk's elimination from the Rumble. But, Punk was originally slated to be on Raw and those segments were yanked. He was not backstage during the taping and was not backstage at Smackdown.

It is believed that when Vince McMahon had the writers re-write Raw late yesterday (6 PM for a taping that was scheduled to start at 7:45 PM), it was because Punk had informed the company he was going home and wouldn't be back.

While we cannot 100% confirm why, the belief among wrestlers backstage is that Punk leaving was not an injury issue. It was described to us as more likely a case of burnout and unhappiness with the overall direction of the company. Punk had been very vocal in the past about the usage of returning and "part time" stars being pushed beyond wrestlers who were working full-time for the company.

In his interview with Ariel Helwani last week, Punk talked about the crazy schedule he's held up working for the company over the last decade. Punk said that he's been doing it ten years and doesn't know anyone else who can say that. He said that he's only taken time off for injuries and that when he took two months off in 2013, it may not have been long enough.

Punk, who worked about 50 minutes in the Royal Rumble match was described as "pissy" after the PPV, although that wouldn't be an unusual description of Punk's demeanor backstage.

One source believed that since Punk's last goal was to work a Wrestlemania main event, it may also be a situation where Punk realized it wasn't going to happen this year and with his WWE deal expiring in July, that may have weighed down upon him because he was so goal driven and this was one he couldn't accomplish because of elements that were outside of his control.

In the interview with Helwani, Punk was asked about WWE killing his momentum at times and why such things happen. Punk responded that he'd like to think they don't make those decisions on purpose and it's more they wanted to go in another decision. He claimed it's a different era and different time and it can't be looked at the same way he did when he was a kid.

Yesterday, Punk wrote on Twitter, "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."

Depending on how you read the statement, it could be taken as a cryptic farewell.

We'll obviously update more as we confirm additional details.

pwinsider apparently just got a message from Punk in the last hour. Dunno what it said tho.
Kind of odd to ask, but if this is the last we see of Punk in WWE (no return, though I think he'll be back), how would he be remembered? As one of the greats? Or as one of the "always good, but not great" guys?
Eglin is generic indie dude who does "strength" spots against guys like Jimmy Jacobs.

I've seen a guy criticised because of his size before, but I've never see a guy criticised because of everyone else's size before. Amazing.

Basically, it's not Elgin's fault that everyone on the US indies these days is tiny - I've seen him a few times in wXw and he has little problem doing his strength spots against genuine heavyweights.
:( If WWE loses Punk, and keeps refusing to push and acknowledge Daniel Bryan as their top star, and insists on repeatedly burying The Miz and Ziggler, I'll pretty much stop watching WWE.

I sure as hell won't watch live each and every week for fucking Cena, Sheamus, and Batista.

Kind of odd to ask, but if this is the last we see of Punk in WWE (no return, though I think he'll be back), how would he be remembered? As one of the greats? Or as one of the "always good, but not great" guys?

The best modern day wrestler, in all regards. Best on the Mic, and in the Ring, and also the best Champion they've had in years. The guy who should have been at the top, but never was because "lolCena". Punk should have main-evented Wrestlemania 29, not Rock and Cena. Rock Cena II was a terrible match, and Rock Punk, while not amazing, was still better. Their match at Rumble was better than the match put on by "The two biggest stars", during WWE's biggest event. Pathetic.

Seriously the fact that matches like CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan for the freaking WWE Championship didn't main event when John Cena vs John Laurentics however you spell it did is criminal.
You know Triple H (Or maybe Cena cause HE LOVES THIS COMPANY) is going to toss Punk under the train next week if this story is true.

I do hope Punk doesn't keep quiet if that happens and starts making statements and burning bridges with pipe bombs.

I mean he probably doesnt want to be out shoot'd about WWE being a out of touch mess by Mick Foley.

Then again I can just as easily see this being a work and leading into Punk versus Triple H for the COO job at mania.


:( If WWE loses Punk, and keeps refusing to push and acknowledge Daniel Bryan as their top star, and insists on repeatedly burying The Miz and Ziggler, I'll pretty much stop watching WWE.

I sure as hell won't watch live each and every week for fucking Cena, Sheamus, and Batista.
Where's your Archietar, Speedy Blue Dude?
Get somebody to shop him wearing an Xbox shirt or something.
Well at least now they have to push Bryan as they need a #2 guy merch seller. At least I don't have to watch RAW live anymore. Ill probably keep watching out of habit
Where's your Archietar, Speedy Blue Dude?
Get somebody to shop him wearing an Xbox shirt or something.

I googled Archietar, and even searched it on Urban Dictionary, and got nothing. :p I'm confused by what's going on.

EDIT: Apparently the Avatar Rumble happened, lol. Totally forgot. Who won, I'll find an avatar I'd like to use real fast.
This could be Punk's elaborate scheme to gain all the attention towards him again. But I'm sure he wouldn't do that for his friend Bryan but I can't definitely see that backfiring on him.
We really should make a real thread about this. Maybe after someone other then the observer starts reporting on it.

Spread the negativity all over OT.

I would do it but Ill be heading out in a few minutes and wont be back for hours.
Have Punk be gone and simply never get acknowledged (Benoit style) and then come and distract HHH during a match against Bryan for the title match later that night.

Jizz everywhere in New Orleans.


Yep, that's how I'll remember him too. And this promo holds just as much weight now as it did two and a half years ago.

You should all listen to it again. Especially this part right here.

The reason I’m leaving is you people. Because after I’m gone, you’re still going to pour money into this company. I’m just a spoke on the wheel. The wheel is going to keep turning and I understand that. Vince McMahon is going to make money despite himself. He’s a millionaire who should be a billionaire. You know why he’s not a billionaire? Because he surrounds himself with glad-handed, non-sensical, douchebag (censored) yes men, like John Laurinaitis, who’s going to tell him everything he wants to hear, and I’d like to think that maybe this company will better after Vince McMahon is dead. But the fact is, it’s going to be taken over by his idiotic daughter and his doofus son-in-law and the rest of his stupid family.
And if you're still watching the WWE regularly come WrestleMania if Vince and the company goes through with ignoring the wishes of their fanbase then you should really have some pride and follow Phil out the door and leave the WWE Universe behind.

It's a message that may sorely need to be delivered.

Love the reaction from Saxton.


I've seen a guy criticised because of his size before, but I've never see a guy criticised because of everyone else's size before. Amazing.

Basically, it's not Elgin's fault that everyone on the US indies these days is tiny - I've seen him a few times in wXw and he has little problem doing his strength spots against genuine heavyweights.

All I know is that I've seen commentators flip out over how strong he is by catching guys like Jimmy Jacobs and AR Fox, both of whom probably weigh around the same and are definitely in the 160-180 range max. Where as Cesaro is on Raw dead lifting guys like Khali, Tensai, and Brodus Clay. Being a strong dude on the indies isn't impressive. It's really hard to take him seriously as this super strong guy when the people he's throwing around are so small is all.

On the same show as super strong Elgin, Willie Mack had 3 guys on his shoulders and Brian Cage caught a guy about as big as him flying off the ropes into a stalling suplex. So when I see Elgin catching AR Fox in a vertical suplex, it isn't very impressive. If he did it to Brian Cage, I'd be impressed. But even if you take away his only real gimmick (that of being a freakishly strong guy), he still wrestles the same style as everyone else. Which is really spotty and focused on big bumps instead of telling any kind of story or working as a character. He's going up top to do a whisper in the wind, which makes no sense considering his gimmick and character, but it was just to set up Fox do go up top. He could have missed an elbow drop or standing splash, but he does a twisting senton from the top rope for no reason. He engages in the same style that everyone on the ROH and PWG shows I watched do, which is rule of cool before anything else, even if it doesn't make sense to the match or characters.

There was a long time where I thought people who said things like "tell a story in the ring" were full of shit and just using it as a talking point, but what they really mean is being logical and consistent with the characters portrayed in the ring. And indie wrestlers really don't do that because indie wrestling is and really always has been about getting your shit in and trying to be as impressive as possible. And most indie wrestlers don't really have characters any more than random people on Raw or Smackdown. That's why NXT is so enjoyable. People have characters and wrestle in a manner logically consistent with those characters. That's why Bray vs Bryan was so good. Because Bray Wyatt has a character and wrestles as his character. You don't see him go to the top rope and do a flippy move just because he can. You see him run over people, smash their heads into ring posts and the mat.

If I'm watching Die Hard, I don't want to see McClane start doing Bruce Lee style fighting scenes. That's not consistent with the character or the movie. Indie wrestlers don't get that and the ones that do are picked up by WWE. And what's really bad is that indie bookers don't put restraints on their talent, which absolutely should be done. Especially when a lot of guys in the promotion do the same moves. There were at least 5 topes on the PWG show. Guys from Willie Mack to Chuck Taylor to Ricochet did them. Every match had a superkick and/or strike battle. Spots in the main event were done in the opening match, which is particularly bad in PWG when Joey Ryan is a founder of the company and is a part of spots in the opener that are going to be used in the main event. It's like there is no communication and indie guys are just worried about getting the most eyes on them as possible instead of building a good show.
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