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19-yr Old Student charged with sex assault after re-enacting 50 Shades of Grey

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formerly sane
That's why you use a safeword.

My problem is that this person basically betrayed a certain nature of bdsm which is that both parties involved want it and have consented to what was going on. Just what that community needs more idiots misrepresenting the nature of it.

For the record referring to the 19 year old not you.


Good fucking lord, it sounds like the only thing he was reenacting was beating the shit out of someone. What a shithead.


It was consensual, right up until she stopped consenting.



Isn't this exactly what some people were worried would happen? That people would get the wrong impression about what BDSM is about and someone could get hurt or worse?
Reading the whole story, yeah, that kid was seriously crossing a line.

Trust is super important in BDSM. When your partner tells you to stop, you immediately fucking stop.

The story doesn't use a safeword? Does the movie? I haven't made an attempt to view either.

Also, the moment punching is involved, it's not even close to BDSM.
Oh yeah. Remember when Seth Rogen got in trouble for it in one of his movies and claimed it wasn't rape?
I may be unfamiliar with the BDSM "movement" or whatever, but the difference between whipping somebody and punching somebody isn't really that great. I just kind of lump all that stuff into "rape fantasy sex" but I have no interest in it and I'm probably just ignorant.
"Whipping" in BDSM rarely involves actual physical harm. You aren't using a full-on bullwhip here, it's more like slapping a butt, but with a tool. Punching is inflicting an actual wound, and can damage internal organs and such. With whipping, you usually just have a pleasurable sore feeling after the event is concluded. That's not to say that BDSM can't involve punching at all, but it's pretty rare (I've never heard of it happening), and it's definitely a different degree of sadomasochism taking place than whipping.

I hope that helps your understanding.


After reading the description of what happened, I think he is full of shit and knew good and well she was not consenting. Glad the judge doesn't appear to be buying it either.
That's why you use a safeword.
This is exactly the kind of shallow-ass understanding that gets people into trouble. You don't just say, "Okay, the safeword is 'gerontology,'" and then go to town. You start with a mutual understanding and a foundation of trust. Unless you've got that, a safeword is completely powerless.

Most of the time you don't even need an explicit safeword unless you're deliberately incorporating elements of resistance. For most people "Ow, that hurts," or "Stop," are completely sufficient indicators of displeasure.


Unconfirmed Member
Most of the time you don't even need an explicit safeword unless you're deliberately incorporating elements of resistance. For most people "Ow, that hurts," or "Stop," are a completely sufficient indicators of displeasure.


Better to stop than have it turn ugly.


The story doesn't use a safeword? Does the movie? I haven't made an attempt to view either.

Also, the moment punching is involved, it's not even close to BDSM.

I meant the article. From what I hear, a safeword is never used in FSOG either.
"But they did it in a movie, so it was alright?"

But in the movie it was consensual, with safe words. Spoiler
I mean, the very last scene is Christian going obviously too far with beating her with a belt, she cries, and storms out his of his place, telling him not to touch her. I think it was kind of beating you over the head with the fact that he did a bad thing.

I meant the article. From what I hear, a safeword is never used in FSOG either.

You heard wrong.

Does 50 shades even have safewords? It's a pretty bad first exposure to BDSM from my understanding since it doesn't really touch upon matters of mutual consent, education, and communication.

It's a dangerous thing to show because then you get couples like this who decide to "try it out" and end up going way too far.

There entire second half of the movie is Christian
telling her to do her homework on BDSM (it shows her doing a bunch of google searches) and to strike out any portions of the sexual submissive contract he writes up that she doesn't feel comfortable with. They then have a sit down meeting (like a 10 min scene) in his office where they go over the particulars, with him explaining things to her in detail if she's confused, and him acknowledging/accepting the things she isn't comfortable with. In fact, in the scene I mentioned above, she specifically asks him to do the worst thing that's in the contract (beating her with a belt), just out of sheer curiosity. She resents him for it afterward, but she never tells him to stop.
There has never been a Hollywood movie with this much explicit consent.

I don't know where all this misinformation is coming from. The movie is terrible but it's unfair to misconstrue what the author actually wrote.


Unconfirmed Member
Does 50 shades even have safewords? It's a pretty bad first exposure to BDSM from my understanding since it doesn't really touch upon matters of mutual consent, education, and communication.

It's a dangerous thing to show because then you get couples like this who decide to "try it out" and end up going way too far.

I could be remembering wrong but technically, yes it does. But the problem is Anastasia never uses it, even when it is pretty clear that she is not comfortable with what they are doing.
I could be remembering wrong but technically, yes it does. But the problem is Anastasia never uses it, even when it is pretty clear that she is not comfortable with what they are doing.
And that's the big problem. A safeword doesn't mean shit if the activities it's meant to control aren't happening in an environment of trust and communication.

The protagonist in FSOG is essentially emotionally manipulated into never using it because she doesn't want to disappoint her partner. That is not a healthy environment. But that particular notion is never actually addressed.
Hossain continued striking the woman — including with his fists, according to an arrest report — and she managed to get one arm, and then another, free. But he then held her arms behind her back and sexually assaulted her as she continued to plead for him to stop, according to Karr.

Thread title should be changed to "19-yr old student charged with sexual assault after brutally raping classmate"

This wasn't the fault of a movie. It didn't happen because the guy didn't understand the etiquette of BDSM or have a safeword. He's a rapist.


It's a work of fiction, not an instructional manual. It doesn't have to do shit regarding safe words or correct BDSM techniques.
Typically, people know violence is wrong. Thus, violent media's influence is minimal. However, FSOG attempts to be BDSM fiction. if that's what gets you into bdsm, you are learning bad behaviour and practice from the outset.


Thread title should be changed to "19-yr old student charged with sexual assault after brutally raping classmate"

This wasn't the fault of a movie. It didn't happen because the guy didn't understand the etiquette of BDSM or have a safeword. He's a rapist.


This feels like an elaborate set-up for his rape fantasies.

That girl is probably traumatized for life now :/


No harm came from the movie.
Unless they include it in a box set, that falls on your foot.

It's a work of fiction, not an instructional manual. It doesn't have to do shit regarding safe words or correct BDSM techniques.
I agree.
It's an erotic fantasy, this imbecile was old enough to understand the nuance and difference between that and reality.
You can critique the book all you want, and consider the influence media has on society in a larger context, but putting any blame on the book/movie in this specific story is very misguided.
If you're a complete idiot, you can't start pointing fingers all around but yourself.

Though maybe society should be more idiot proof than i expect, and put a label on Arrow on how being a vigilante in real life isn't cool, given that one thread about it on GAF we had.
Well that didn't take real freaking long...

Please someone who has seen the movie does it actually go over safe words? If not, fml that is stupid.


He really did not understand BDSM at all and that's no surprise.

The material he wasn't going off isn't a good learners guide.


Seems like that book/movie massively misrepresents BDSM, and is giving people the wrong ideas about how it's supposed to work.
Seems like that book/movie massively misrepresents BDSM, and is giving people the wrong ideas about how it's supposed to work.

Stephen Kings books massively misrepresent everything and give people wrong ideas on how things work too.
Don't blame the book when it's pretty obvious who's to blame.
Thread title should be changed to "19-yr old student charged with sexual assault after brutally raping classmate"

This wasn't the fault of a movie. It didn't happen because the guy didn't understand the etiquette of BDSM or have a safeword. He's a rapist.

This is how I feel.

I thought he got arrested for re-enacting it in a play with a consenting actress or something when I read the title. This is just plain old evil.
His parents are going to go medieval on his arse. Muslims don't bone before marriage, it's something the parents take quite seriously if the truth were to be discovered.
But in the movie it was consensual, with safe words. There has never been a Hollywood movie with this much explicit consent.

I don't know where all this misinformation is coming from. The movie is terrible but it's unfair to misconstrue what the author actually wrote.

If it's like that, I don't see how there would be any relation to the story then.

Hell, the movie going so far as to
discuss a contract and outline what they can and cannot do.

The story would mention something along those lines.
His parents are going to go medieval on his arse. Muslims don't bone before marriage, it's something the parents take quite seriously if the truth were to be discovered.
Probably a contributing factor too (if its true he was repressed). I like how quick GAF is to label the guy a monster. This is why we have such a high prison population.


Post Count: 9999
Which is something the book failed to address at all. No clue about the movie. BDSM communities hate the book, because it leads to people doing stupid as hell things without educating themselves.

Apparently this guy has no idea what consent means, which is fucking sad, considering he's apparently smart and shit.
They set up safe words, etc in the movie at least
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