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3DS XL First Impressions/Previews

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they probably can, but not just standard costumer service practice after what Midnight Scott said

I'm just gonna skip an import for now anyways. Too expensive and complicated to get it to a NA region lock.

The White better not take long to get here... the color/black models look too tacky for me



I'm just gonna skip an import for now anyways. Too expensive and complicated to get it to a NA region lock.

The White better not take long to get here... the color/black models look too tacky for me

Yeah I'm waiting on White too. I really hope it's before the holidays.

What are we looking at in the circle?


Yeah I'm waiting on White too. I really hope it's before the holidays.
Maybe a special edition but a new color is not likely to be here by holidays

It took 3DS 6 months to get a new color, DSi 5 months, and I'm pretty sure that time frame is common with all DS models. And they'll want to release Silver/Black first probably, as it's already out in the other regions. :(
This shit is like good old fashioned Nintendo handhelds. Nothing to test. It just works. After spending few hours with this bad boy all I can say is:

"Yup, this is going to entertain me for few more years."

Just wait. Those shoulder buttons are going to start sticking, followed by the hinges cracking, followed by the entire thing falling apart in your hands. I've been there. Test it for me. Test it real good.

He's speaking for the casual consumer. He's right when it comes to them. They're not like us. They dont care about start/select/home buttons, or stylus placement. They care about value.


MOAR BLUE! Right now red has the lead in awesomeness. But blue is my favorite color and I need more shots of it in the wild to confirm my purchase!

true Gek

I dont have and xl, But i do have ToTA and i can guess it will look terrible. The jaggies in that game are staggering even on the 3ds' tiny screen. Imagining that blown up on a screen 90% bigger is just......ungh

On the other hand the 3DS screen DOES feel as if it's too small for the game anyway, so who knows? I think it's going to be a YMMV case. Although if the screen's actually somewhat different and kills the washed out look that'd be nice, but I'm not expecting miracles.

Is TotA so bad on 3DS?!?! I've heard that it has a tittle downgrade but I didn't think that the result was so terrible :S

Tell me more pls!


I end up with one, trading a red 3ds and keeping the toad one.
The blue is beautiful, I tell you.
And interesting to see I got five hours and more of play with brightness at 3, 30mn of online play, maybe 1h30 or more of sleep mode and trying different games, Zelda, kid icarus and starfox were particularly great.
Less boobs?

Nintendo is kiddy! :p
Less polygons, jagged as fuck when they could easily have free AA in 2D mode... even the font rendering and text bubbles suck ass.

Game source code was poorly written from the get go (it had loads of slowdown barren world map, and the loadings weren't pretty or understandable after every battle in the world map), and Namco is too cool to actually invest on a proper port for a new platform unless it is Tales of Innocence R for the Vita (notice how it doesn't make sense? precisely).

And then they had the nerve to suggest this:

Can we expect new Tales of games for the 3DS, Vita or Xbox 360 or will the series stay on one platform?

Hideo Baba:
When so many consoles exist, this means the development team has such a wide range of possibilities, but regarding the Tales of fans, most of them own a PS3 or a Vita. And thus the team is bound on this hardware. But I understand that there are so many various consoles on the market and it could be possible to release a Tales of game on other consoles.
Source: http://jpgames.de/2012/07/our-interview-with-tales-of-producer-hideo-baba/

Pretty sure Tales of Innocence R sold less than this crappy port; as for their userbase having a PS3... How could they not do? They created it, rather than "it just happened".

Seriously, it's like trying to reason with a can of worms. (yes, I think TotA port is a utter crap attempt and disrespectful for a platform such as the 3DS)


Less polygons, jagged as fuck when they could have free AA in 2D mode... even the font rendering and text bubbles suck ass.

Game was poorly written from the get go, and Namco is too cool to actually invest on a proper port for a new platform unless it is Tales of Innocence R for the Vita (notice how it doesn't make sense? precisely).

Not exactly the response I was expecting, but ok :p

The jaggies are really terrible though... I don't really like the game much and the super-jaggy graphics were a factor in making me stop playing (but not much)
Can't tell if sarcastic... Last known figures have TotA about double Tales of Innocence R numbers.

Edit: Oh wait I'm dyslexic. I read that the opposite way.
Apparently Hideo Baba/Namco doesn't read sales numbers or they really don't care. As always they'll conclude the same (guessing: what they want?) and manage to avoid logic; in fact they'll spit in the face of logic and contradict very public numbers with it.

I'm sarcastic against that way of approaching platforms (and ignoring the fact they do better than their chosen ones). Tales of the Abyss was very low end looking on PS2, and they had to downgrade the graphics for the 3DS because they didn't port it properly (60 fps, enhanced graphics, that sort of shit), but they still went on to give interviews about how challenging it was to downgrade a game for a more powerful platform; yes.

Not the right way to treat 3DS when they're going all out with the bells and whistles on a remake for a platform that no one has (not even Tales fans) just because. well, apparently they already decided their userbase is out there (lol), so I really can't recommend more to stay away from TotA 3DS, it's a quick port job made with no respect and subpar at that and that profit will probably go on to fund some game exclusively not for it. Sad for those that bought it (actually not a bad game), and sad that as a Tales fan I have to put up with this shit (namco being this stupid).
Is TotA so bad on 3DS?!?! I've heard that it has a tittle downgrade but I didn't think that the result was so terrible :S

Tell me more pls!

I actually don't think it's bad at all on the 3DS. It looks really good and the 3D effect adds to the game, instead of being detrimental. It could use a little more AA, but it's by no means ugly.

Skip exactly to 3:34 mark. ^_^ trust me on this one



Sad to hear that TotA is such a bad port. I was thinking of picking it up soon, but not sure anymore. Is the PS2 version decent at least?


Sad to hear that TotA is such a bad port. I was thinking of picking it up soon, but not sure anymore. Is the PS2 version decent at least?

It literally the exact same game as the PS2 version but with better loading times. Stay away from the PS2 version.
Sad to hear that TotA is such a bad port. I was thinking of picking it up soon, but not sure anymore. Is the PS2 version decent at least?
Still the best version, but I recommend having a ps2 with hdd and the game running thought it otherwise even though this is a ridiculous port you're better off with it.

If you don't have a hdd enabled PS2 you'll have to put up with loadings after each battle in the world map that quite honestly destroy the game experience. Soon they'll last way longer than the battle, yes, that's a 9 second loading without a loading screen/indication at the end.

With HDD the black screen doesn't even appear and you have a perfect undub version complete with skit audio restored whilst solving the problem that the US voice acting sucks. The japanese one is top notch too.
It literally the exact same game as the PS2 version but with better loading times. Stay away from the PS2 version.
3DS version has loadings too, they're just lucky that it's faster seeking and streaming data. Otherwise with their coding skills and effort it would be easily as bad.


Is TotA so bad on 3DS?!?! I've heard that it has a tittle downgrade but I didn't think that the result was so terrible :S

Tell me more pls!
Eh, I only noticed the washed out look compared to TotA on my PS2, and it's not really THAT much of a downgrade. Textures do seem somewhat lower quality, but it isn't the jarring difference Ys VI PSP had (especially when Oath in Felghana showed just how it COULD have been), and while the frame rate is lower in battle it's more consistent overall. And, yeah, lad times are all but outright eliminated, and I'd probably THINK they were eliminated if they swapped out the loading icon for a black screen. Sound IS worse though, but it's... subtle. If you play through 3DS speakers you won't be able to tell, and if you play through headphones it'll still be above FFXII and other games that got badly compressed audio.

Anyways, if I get a 3DS XL it's one of the first games I plan to seriously play on it. That, and wrapping up OoT.

whilst solving the problem that the US voice acting sucks.
I think it's about time I asked how many of you grew up with 16-bit/32-bit games and their VA, and which ones, because we are in a far, far better position if stuff like Tales VA is considered abysmal. Hell, more often than not these days there's one of two problems: you are tired of VA repetition (which extends beyond Japanese games anyway: Steve Blum and Nolan North anyone?) or the base material is terrible and the Japanese VA merely masks it. Or the base material only WORKS in Japanese, same difference here.


Came for some more XL, left knowing a lot more about Tales. Anyway, I realize people want to play classics, but what about the EU XL 'launch games', New Art Academy and Freakyforms Deluxe? Are they nowhere to be seen yet even though there are XLs in the wild?
Eh, I only noticed the washed out look compared to TotA on my PS2, and it's not really THAT much of a downgrade. Textures do seem somewhat lower quality, but it isn't the jarring difference Ys VI PSP had (especially when Oath in Felghana showed just how it COULD have been)
Thing is, there's no way to justify it being a downgrade no matter how small, the game wasn't exactly a technical showcase on the PS2 and it isn't on the 3DS. On top of it all Ys VI was a PS2 game downgraded for a less powerful platform (PSP). 3DS is not a PSP though and this game wasn't even using it in a way porting can be difficult because of how close to silicon it is.
and while the frame rate is lower in battle it's more consistent overall.
That it is, if anything because of how the worldmap was easily 15 fps tops; but still, worldmap wasn't the majority of the game so the whole downgrade (poly's and textures, actually) and graphical softness down the drain deal really piss me out. it was a slideshow but it was playable; on the other hand I value battle framerate more; tales should always have 60 fps battles.

Anyway, don't mind me, I'm constantly fussed by bad Tales of team decisions and poor efforts on their account (specially if fueled by non-sense comments by the idiot at the helm).
I think it's about time I asked how many of you grew up with 16-bit/32-bit games and their VA, and which ones, because we are in a far, far better position if stuff like Tales VA is considered abysmal. Hell, more often than not these days there's one of two problems: you are tired of VA repetition (which extends beyond Japanese games anyway: Steve Blum and Nolan North anyone?) or the base material is terrible and the Japanese VA merely masks it. Or the base material only WORKS in Japanese, same difference here.
16 bit games with VA? Didn't experience them back in the time as I didn't have a Sega CD.

They were bad though, yes. I did experience them (32 bit ones), doesn't mean I liked them; hence with Tales of the Abyss PS2 and a hdd I can make it go away (as well as the loadings) and still restore proper voiced skits that on the 3DS version I can't have. That's all there is to it, and then there's the fact I think they did a piss poor job. I'll concede that the game is much more playable on a "stock" 3DS than on a "stock" PS2 though, but I don't think they worked on optimizing it; cartridge is simply better; just like my hdd is simply better than DVD streaming.


To be honest, the white one is the only one I don't like.
The White is the only one that looks really good, if you ask me. The other colors look nice, but just a bit toyish and tacky imo (except maybe silver). I've never been a fan of bright colors plus black on electronics.

I just want a color that isn't a mix, really. Hopefully a special edition or something comes along that isn't color x black :/


got my 3DS XL silver yesterday.

Holy fucking huge screens.

Feels a bit heavier but the softer touch is great, and it still is pocketable.

First 3DS to 3DS transfer, those pikmin animations are ace!

Still waiting for the white XL to come out in Europe, I'll hold to both my white 3DS and silver XL until the beauty comes out.

Definitely makes gaming on 3DS feel superior.


My Red just arrived and it's beautiful! I am particularly surprised at how good DS games look in stretched mode, I won't be playing 1:1 on this. Some things I've noticed - I thought the volume sounded a little low at first, but that was just on the 3DS menu, in Mario Kart 7 it was plenty loud enough, what sold me though was the 3D sound. I don't know if it's the new speakers or because of the spacing, but the 3D surround sound effects sound fantastic.

It took me all of a minute for any fears of pixelation, jaggies to fade away as honestly it's really not a concern. If you stick this thing right up to your eyes then yes of course you will see them, but hold it at a comfortable distance and just play, forget and have fun.
The 3D. Oh man, this is how it should have been, the larger screens just make it so much more natural and captivating, I can't wait to play Zelda on this. Then there is the slider, it feels so much better, my original slider felt so cheap.

I've also noticed the touchscreen only needs the absolute lightest of touch now, it's great. The XL is also incredibly comfortable to hold and feels very well constructed, no more wobbly screen!

Thank you Nintendo, thank you for taking my money for a 3DS a second time it was worth it... now if you'll excuse me it's time to transfer my ambassador games *gulp*.


Can you send me a PM to inform me of what they're like in terms of use with the 3DS XL, providing they fit?

Received the screen protectors yesterday, I will let you kow how it goes when I fit them. They are bigger than the 3DS screens but for some reason seem like they may be too small for the XL. We shall see though tomorrow.
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