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50 years ago 72% of Americans opposed the legalizing of interracial marriage

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Yup it's when I see polls like 49% of americans supporting Trump's ban, I'm not shocked. I already know they are on the wrong side of history. Deplorables indeed.


I find it funny when people criticise backwards countries of the world today and then not that long ago countries Ike the US and UK made stuff like interracial or gay marriage illegal or taboo as the de facto standard. Yet people bemoan burkas or whatever in other countries or amongst other communities within their own nation.

All we should remember is to progress. Interracial marriage doesn't make the sky fall, same with men deciding to have sex with one another, same with woman wanting legit equal pay or transgendered people having their rights allowed.

We just always progress. Sadly in places where there's little diversity people are still terrified of what they don't know, and this is partly how we end up with Trump or with Brexit. We're going backwards quickly and I dread to think how terrible things will have to get before we get a spring back to progressivism.
I know the old thing about history not repeating, but rhyming, and all that, but this really is a point where history almost directly repeated itself, though I think the actual approval/disapproval rating for gay marriage wasn't that bad (I can't remember), but the feverish opposition of it makes it seems that way at the very least. Crazy, and all for something that really doesn't affect many people at all outside a relatively small group of family members. Even as someone who grew up in a blood red piece of shit state surrounding by Evangelicals, I'll never understand why people are like this.



I was curious about polling today.

That stubborn 48%, all the way up to 1995!!!

Isn't that saying 48% approved? So in 1995 52% of Americans opposed it. Seems weird how quickly it changed in just a few years.


Being mixed race, this is all kinds of hard to read. It gives me a huge amount of love for my parents strength though. I don't know how I could ever not be progressive, the concept doesn't make much sense to me.


The big news here to me is that still today 13% of people are against interracial marriage. of course I know a big chunk of our population is evil and insane, but a double digit percentage??


The Iraq War

Before the invasion in March 2003, polls showed 47-60% of the US public supported an invasion, dependent on U.N. approval.[1] According to the same poll retaken in April 2007, 58% of the participants stated that the initial attack was a mistake.

As I said, the public doesn't know. Don't use public opinion to justify things either way. Use scientific opinion, or historic evidence, or just do what's right. Don't be guided by the majority, who are typically ignorant, uneducated, narrow-minded, or generally bad people.


The big news here to me is that still today 13% of people are against interracial marriage. of course I know a big chunk of our population is evil and insane, but a double digit percentage??

Certain generations coming from countries where you stick to your race. Others who are just generations brought up on racism. Seems about right. I'm pretty tight with some middle eastern types (there is a lot in the Detroit area after all) and one of their friends was dating some girl that pretty much looked the same but was still ethnically different. different country background too. And when he said he was going to marry her his parents kicked him out of their place. He crashed at my buddies for some time before the parents finally relaxed. But yeah. That's a 2015 event involving parents that immigrated here (so that makes their son a first gen or second gen?) So you got your long term multi generational racists born and raised in the States and then you got people coming into the country who aren't necessarily keen on mixing up the bloodlines too much either. 13%
At that time, many conservative clergy still argued that when God created the world, he placed different races of humans in different areas of the world. Further, they believed that God intended that the races remain separated, and not intermarry.
Good thing those days are behind us and people don't think like that, am I right?


I mean heck. This movie is still as relevant today as it was 12 years ago.
And that's less about "No 100% no!" And more "weeeellllll, I mean, do you gotta marry someone outside your race?" which I'm guessing would probably expand that 13% to be higher in terms of that second opinion.


Donald Trump was 20. I wonder on what side he was on.

Just last year Ted Cruz basically said that marriage is a 'states rights' thing, essentially implying that a state should be able to make interracial marriage illegal again. I'm sure Trump would say something similar if pressed.


Progress is good. I wonder what I'll think about this point in history 50 years from now.

I feel like what we are seeing now is the pushback from all these people that aren't actually progressive and are still around along with all their new offspring. You can force laws through and that should happen, but forcing people to actually be progressive is a whole other matter. With shit as vile as it was with the Trump spigot wide open should be eye opening to those that were riding the naive progressive wave thinking everything was going swimmingly.


Aren't interracial couples a pretty big taboo in the black community too?

Well, again, it depends on who's involved in the "interracial" relationship. If we were talking about a white man from the US and a woman who's originally from Japan, I don't think anyone in the black community in the US sees that as a "big taboo", which was the point I was trying to make. Even the headlines in the OP mostly talk about white and black people, with no mention of Americans originally from China or Native Americans as an example.

If we're talking about interracial couples involving black people, generally speaking on the black community as a whole in the United States, there are still problems in regards to how these couples are perceived overall vs "same ethnicity" couples (these problems also depending on what the other "non black ethnicity" is) but I wouldn't call it a "taboo" either.


Has there, like ever, been a conservative political position in the world that has not been retroactively proven to be on the wrong side of history?
Has there, like ever, been a conservative political position in the world that has not been retroactively proven to be on the wrong side of history?

I...am coming up with a blank, honestly.

I mean heck. This movie is still as relevant today as it was 12 years ago.

And that's less about "No 100% no!" And more "weeeellllll, I mean, do you gotta marry someone outside your race?" which I'm guessing would probably expand that 13% to be higher in terms of that second opinion.

I mean...why would you chose the remake?


As an outsider this will never stop being insane to me. I get the social taboo, maybe, even when its still absurd, but to take it all the way to be a law?


Truthfully, I wonder if moral arbitration has a place in our political system. We might look at these numbers and become emboldened in our fight for social issues, but an anti-abortion activist will as well to ensure that "all life" gets live.

It's easy to look back at history and see how ass backwards everyone is, but it's not easy to apply that same logic to the present. I mean how many of you are meat eaters and how acceptable do you think that will be in 20, 30, 50 years?


this isn't surprising but my state never ceases to amaze(read: dissapoint) me.

I don't ever want to be out in public with my grandmother or her old crone friends. We went to a restaurant and the old hags keep calling the black waiter 'boy"--they dropped several n bombs too.

They send each other those shitty right wing memes and chain emails. All they could talk about after the election was about how they got their country back. They also hoped the "spics" would stop going to church. I mean, FUCK, they're just so fucking racist.


Truthfully, I wonder if moral arbitration has a place in our political system. We might look at these numbers and become emboldened in our fight for social issues, but an anti-abortion activist will as well to ensure that "all life" gets live.

It's easy to look back at history and see how ass backwards everyone is, but it's not easy to apply that same logic to the present. I mean how many of you are meat eaters and how acceptable do you think that will be in 20, 30, 50 years?

Some things CAN be known at the time, and that's why we are supposed to elect intelligent representatives that can recognize when something may be unpopular but my be the right thing to do.

A recent example (if I recall correctly): the GM bailout. It was largely unpopular all around. The right hated spending government dollars and the left hated that it was bailing out a corporation. Obama did it anyway, since he believed it was the right thing to do and I believe he has been largely vindicated in that decision.

The problem arises when you elect idiots into office, and their idea of 'the right thing to do' is wrong. The thing is, these types of politicians tend to lean on public approval/support to push through their agenda (see Bush with Iraq war).
this isn't surprising but my state never ceases to amaze(read: dissapoint) me.

I don't mean to shit on Mississipipi. I love that state. Mississippi in particular and the Deep South in general have so many amazing qualities: food, music, literature, culture, hospitality. It's like they made a deal with the devil at the crossroads that in exchange for all the good stuff, they'd need to take the worst political culture.


As someone in an interracial marriage as of last September, I am glad times have changed.

Yea, I am in one as well. I also have an interracial daughter and every time I hear people talk about the big bad federal government imposing their will on state's and hear the republican or libertarian argument all I can think is if these people had their way my family wouldn't be welcome in certain states.


With certain people... not the MAGA cap wearing, flag waving redneck types... but white, upper-class WASPY conservatives who went to private school (Catholic or Protestant), have college degrees and are expected to carry on family tradition... the idea of marrying a black person, an ethnic Jewish person, a non-Christian, a non-Euro/non-white foreigner, a person of the same gender, someone of a perceived lower social standing or modest background, anyone living an alt lifestyle? It's still quietly and not so quietly frowned upon in their communities.


Surprised its not higher. I have personally noticed it even in the Black communities online. That shit is still thriving there, a consistent push against interracial marriages. I saw it flare up around the recent discussions of Sage Steele. Sage is a garbage human being, but its not because she's married to a white guy... Jesus Christ.

That last 13% is going to be a doozy.
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