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80 killed in Nice, France terrorist attack: truck into crowd, gunfire,"Stay indoors"

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aka exactly what these groups want. Division, paranoia, fear, and hatred which gives them the us vs them war they're looking for.

They win either way. Be it by aggression against them, or by maintaining an open society that is an easy target. France is employing both strategies at the moment.
They win either way. Be it by aggression against them, or by maintaining an open society that is an easy target. France is employing both strategies at the moment.
How can they win if you maintain open society? Terrorist attacks are horrible, but number of people who can they target is not actually that large. The attacks are still difficult to pull off and they will be able to kill a lot more soldiers if there's an open conflict.
So instead of intelligently selecting who can enter a country (which countries already do), we should just have the Wild West at night clubs? Awesome.

Countries should be selective about immigration, but immigration is not the problem. A terrorist can be the son of a perfectly good professional couple of immigrants. The other alternative is to increase monitoring of what sort of suspicious social media the population is accessing and where they are getting their extremist ideas from. The NSA already does that, it fails sometimes, because technology can only do so much


Terrorism will calm down when there are stable governments in the middle East, until then you just have to accept the current situation. At least we're not threatened by nukes like our parents.
Terrorism will calm down when there are stable governments in the middle East, until then you just have to accept the current situation. At least we're not threatened by nukes like our parents.

but those Nukes have never been dropped since Hiroshima-Nagasaki

they were just a deterrent
I'm against a religion, not a people. It is my hope that intelligent Muslims will leave the faith.

Do you actually believe that will happen that easily? People are too lazy to unsubscribe from a newsletter and you just think that they will suddenly stop practicing their traditions because you think they should?


Ok, I've come back after I read some french comments in the news and made some research on internet to verify them... I've found testemonies that are saying that the truck did not force security and some people did see truck accelerate after passing it to go rampage the public.

There're some videos on the internet that show that.
I won't post any links since they're horrible.
But we quick google search with Reddit+Nice will lead you to them.
I don't know if what M6 said was yet confirmed but clearly something happened to let that truck go in the public area where cars were forbidden...
Please people be safe and please police be on guard in the futur.



How can they win if you maintain open society? Terrorist attacks are horrible, but number of people who can they target is not actually that large. The attacks are still difficult to pull off and they will be able to kill a lot more soldiers if there's an open conflict.

Unfortunately, open conflict with them is their best recruiting tool. "See? The west hate us as much as we hate them. Join us!"

France is just too easy a target right now. I think there will be major upheavals of all sorts next year, around the world.
If the Muslim communities cannot or will not Police themselves to weed out the whack jobs that are willing to do this to other folks, then the backlash from everyone else is going to be brutal. All it takes is a buildup to a point with one final massive enough push to set it all off and then things will go down a dark and scary path.
If the Muslim communities cannot or will not Police themselves to weed out the whack jobs that are willing to do this to other folks, then the backlash from everyone else is going to be brutal.

You sat down behind your computer.
You took a hard long five seconds to think about today's news.
And then you thought to yourself : "this is a good post, my opinion has a point, writing down my intellectual and nuanced opinion is going to contribute to the general quality of the discussion".


Honestly, if these attacks keep continuing, I can see there will be "civil war" in Europe sooner than later. There's a breaking point for everything and I feel like France is about to reach that.

Fact of the matter is that with smarter immigration policies this attack would have not happened. No one can deny that.


Live interview on BBC News just before with British couple who were in the crowd but had a lucky escape. I couldn't take my eyes off the wife while her husband was speaking, her face said it all - I've never seen so much shock and upset so transparently in someone's face. I can't imagine what everyone must be going through there.

So many affected, those who died, their families, friends. Those injured who may have life long disabilities and may need care. Those on life support in hospital. And everyone else there who many of which will undoubtedly suffer from PTSD in one form or another. It's so upsetting.


you think that means the problem has faded?

Absolutely not, I'm saying the numbers are useless.
Are you going to use data from 1999 to claim that support for US troups in West Virginia means anything.
Find more recent data or make your point without, you're harming your argument that way.
By using poor or outdated data, you are only showing that you have no grasp on the situation.

Honestly, if these attacks keep continuing, I can see there will be "civil war" in Europe sooner than later. There's a breaking point for everything and I feel like France is about to reach that.

Fact of the matter is that with smarter immigration policies this attack would have not happened. No one can deny that.

How? There's 700k tunisian in France and have largely been harmless in the last wave of terrorist attacks (90's).
Get some perspective.
The guy we're talking about has been in France since at least 2008!
What probably cause would any authority have of refusing people in his situation entry into the country?


How? There's 700k tunisian in France and have largely been harmless in the last wave of terrorist attacks (90's).
Get some perspective.
The guy we're talking about has been in France since at least 2008!
What probably cause would any authority have of refusing people in his situation entry into the country?
How? By keeping the cultures that have problems integrating away and supporting immigration of cultures that integrate well?
Exactly, that's the scary part! We have people in earlier attacks also, that should have integrated and appreciated the country they live in, yet they don't.

I'm saying pick the people better, don't let everyone who wants to get in come. Pick people in need from camps and make it a more deep process. People coming in, we don't know their names, they lie their age... I'm saying Europe needs clear, smart immigration policies. Europe won't be Europe, if people who won't appreciate it come in large amounts.


and the population of muslims in Poland is projected to actually drop till 2030.

I realise Konrad was already banned, but this aspect of his post is worth discussing. Poland, ostensibly, should also be an ideal refugee destination the way Sweden and Germany are, but the PDL can record "A Warning to Muslims" with no trouble in the streets of Warsaw right outside a mosque in broad daylight.


How? By keeping the cultures that have problems integrating away and supporting immigration of cultures that integrate well?
Exactly, that's the scary part! We have people in earlier attacks also, that should have integrated and appreciated the country they live in, yet they don't.

I'm saying pick the people better, don't let everyone who wants to get in come. Pick people in need from camps and make it a more deep process. People coming in, we don't know their names, they lie their age... I'm saying Europe needs clear, smart immigration policies. Europe won't be Europe, if people who won't appreciate it come in large amounts.

You misunderstand.
This guy fits the profile of the kind of people we want to let through.
He's from a former colony that was no less French than Alsace, Lorraine or Savoie.
What do you do about the French citizen that do this kind of shitty stuffs?
You absolutely cannot treat them differently under the law for what they are than any other citizen.
Do to so is basically trampling the very definition of what the French Republic is WITHOUT solving anything.
You're spouting empty words that means nothing, this is no different than a FN speech.
Empty rethoric while painting a target on an unrelated target.
Tunisian have a better understanding of French culture than fucking British people.
We're not going to close French borders to problematic French nationals anyway and this doesn't solve the issue of radicalization that no one have a solution for anyway.
It's acting for the sake of acting.
It's useless when Sarkozy does it, it will be too with this.


Absolutely not, I'm saying the numbers are useless.
Are you going to use data from 1999 to claim that support for US troups in West Virginia means anything.
Find more recent data or make your point without, you're harming your argument that way.
By using poor or outdated data, you are only showing that you have no grasp on the situation.

And what makes you think the situation is so drastically different compared to 2005 or so? Right, those numbers are probably 0% now and it's likely a non-issue today. Eleven years is a truly long time.

Edit: you can be 30-something or older an still commit suicide attacks.
So other than this guy being Tunisian there's no report of any link to terror ideology or groups yet. There's also stories of him being mentally disturbed and defecated all over his house when his wife threatened to leave him.

It's clearly a bizarre case no matter how you slice it.


What's your basis for making that conclusion though?

If your logic is "there are Muslims they will eventually blow us up" without even considering any other factors except "they hate the west" then you're just a misguided person jumping on the band wagon.

Looking at the posters here though you'll be in good company

Nah dude your just being wierd as hell and trying to look all mighty and smart.

I'm on no bandwagon. Crazy people are across the bloody border. It won't take long til Canada is just another Country with this nonsense. Schools, Theatres, fireworks.

There is nothing stopping them.
Iran newspaper said:

The caption reads: "Those who pass on in the streets, never die, but each day become greater." - Ritsos

All these killings have made me so sad :'( :'(


Wouldnt they do that any way, even if he wasn't?
Did they claim San Bernardino? Quick glance on Wikipedia had them just praising it.
But it seems in any case like they are vetting the attacks more to avoid stuff like paris where they missed that one guy fled.


Two days ago I turned on the TV to watch a news report. On the screen laid a small child covered in a sheet with her treasured possession, a doll, laying next to her.

It broke me.


I don't why news agencies on going on reports from residents alone.

If you're radicalized and planning a massive attack that sounds like something you would want to keep covert.

Of course he's not going to show signs.


Hi there,

From what I learned, the author of the massacre was hardly a muslim : consuming drugs and alchohols, didn't followed the Ramadan. But that didn't stop isis to claim they helped it (well, they might did a little).

And once again, hate is rising here in France.

Our french journalists were terrible :


"Hi mister, you just losed your wife. Any reaction ?"

I can't find any words to describe how horrible this question is. And they also showed the truck crushing people. For real.
Hi there,

From what I learned, the author of the massacre was hardly a muslim : consuming drugs and alchohols, didn't followed the Ramadan. But that didn't stop isis to claim they helped it (well, they might did a little).

And once again, hate is rising here in France.

They don't usually claim attacks they had nothing to do with though. For example they never claimed San Bernardino.

Our french journalists were terrible :


"Hi mister, you just losed your wife. Any reaction ?"

I can't find any words to describe how horrible this question is. And they also showed the truck crushing people. For real.

Just to be clear, the journalist didn't actually ask this question word for word. That's something this Twitter user wrote sarcastically to denounce the interview. HOWEVER, yeah, the interview was still awful and so were the videos that they showed about the truck :/


Neo Member
If the Muslim communities cannot or will not Police themselves to weed out the whack jobs that are willing to do this to other folks, then the backlash from everyone else is going to be brutal. All it takes is a buildup to a point with one final massive enough push to set it all off and then things will go down a dark and scary path.

How can they weed out people like this who show no signs of radicalisation or even being a practicing Muslim? The only warning signs were that he was mentally unstable and beat his wife. His father said he was pretty much atheist.


They don't usually claim attacks they had nothing to do with though. For example they never claimed San Bernardino.

Just to be clear, the journalist didn't actually ask this question word for word. That's something this Twitter user wrote sarcastically to denounce the interview. HOWEVER, yeah, the interview was still awful and so were the videos that they showed about the truck :/

Oh ok, thanks for the clarifications.

Hope your relatives are safe.


By the way, do we know how the truck passed the security in the end?
(Given that the ice cream delivery's story was bullshit apparently)
I've seen a fair amount of people on the forum and in the media questioning whether or not the guy was even an Islamic Extremist, or if he was just a lone wolf.

First of all, we had a thread before this happened about all the porn on ISIS fighter's laptops. We know they're doped up on methamphetamines in combat. We know some of these guys literally had "Islam for Dummies" on their bookshelves at home. We don't need to get into the "he wasn't a real muslim" discussion, because whether or not does not preclude him from sympathizing with them or directly working with them.

Which brings me onto the next point: let's not forget about all the weapons they found in the back of the truck... you do not acquire these on your own. That alone tells you the guy was connected, and sure enough 4 people have been taken in by the police in connection the attack.


I've seen a fair amount of people on the forum and in the media questioning whether or not the guy was even an Islamic Extremist, or if he was just a lone wolf.

First of all, we had a thread before this happened about all the porn on ISIS fighter's laptops. We know they're doped up on methamphetamines in combat. We know some of these guys literally had "Islam for Dummies" on their bookshelves at home. We don't need to get into the "he wasn't a real muslim" discussion, because whether or not does not preclude him from sympathizing with them or directly working with them.

Which brings me onto the next point: let's not forget about all the weapons they found in the back of the truck... you do not acquire these on your own. That alone tells you the guy was connected, and sure enough 4 people have been taken in by the police in connection the attack.

The weapons were fakes and reproductions. He also had a fake grenade.
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