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ABC News: Russian mafia boss still at large after FBI wiretap at Trump Tower

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Yet again I feel I'm unwitting watching a Truman Show like reality show that happens to be based on POTUS.

You literally couldn't make this shit up - if this was a script it would be shredded on grounds of ridiculous coincidences and being unbelievable.

It's certainly something to behold.

Still silver lining we're going to Mars I guess.


I expect this'll be enough for Trump and his supporters to claim this as proof Obama was wiretapping him. And it'll work too.


Hasn't he always had mafia connections through his life, not surprised but this is blatant, like no choice, you owe a debt to us sort of thing.

Still, Trump had lasted this long, I think he knows the game and won't get caught red handed.


How did Trump ever think now would be the ripe time for a shady guy like him to run for President? Did his whole circle of "friends" around him convince him it would all be fine and nobody would lift the rug?

Did he think the system would now be corrupt enough for what is essentially a Sepp Blatter type character to ascend to Presidency?

He didn't expect to win and just wanted a brand push and maybe a media push off the back of it. He can still be corrupt and dirty while still being safe, nobody has pinned anything on him yet.
Despite being a complete moron, Trump is surprisingly competent enough to barely allow anything to stick to him.

You would think he has fucked up royally somewhere by now but it's always just not quite enough to pin anything on him.

Trump is really good at treason.


Seven months after the April 2013 indictment and after Interpol issued a red notice for Tokhtakhounov, he appeared near Donald Trump in the VIP section of the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.
lmao, what the fuck.


Sucks at poetry
That's never going to drop. Russia's the only government that would have that. Even Steele's dossier has a witness as evidence.

This is my thinking too. Why waste leverage you can indefinitely hold over the most powerful man in the world? If the tape exists it would have to be stolen or leaked out of the Russian government, and if they have something that important you can bet your ass it's under lockdown somewhere.
This is my thinking too. Why waste leverage you can indefinitely hold over the most powerful man in the world? If the tape exists it would have to be stolen or leaked out of the Russian government, and if they have something that important you can bet your ass it's under lockdown somewhere.

So what you're saying is, we need Tom Cruise for this job?


I've become friends with a Trump supporter as of late, occasionally we'll have our political talks and what not, as I like to know how others feel about current events, especially since GAF only really gives me one side. It actually came up in one of our talks tonight. He complained that the only reason the Russian stuff is being investigated is because the left whined about it and that there's nothing there, I responded saying that that's how leftists feel about Hillary's investigation to which he replied that it's different because Hillary got caught doing stupid shit and Trump is innocent because everyone is out to get him.At that point I lost interest in continuing the discussion since I knew it would just be a lot of back and forth with no resolution or middle ground. So, no it's really not helping anyone, and just amounts to stupid forum posts.

From my social media, my anecdotal evidence is that, outside of my girlfriend, those that were against her before are still against her now, and have instead taken to defending Trump, regardless if they're right wing or not. A lot of self proclaimed libertarians seem to like him.

Your first mistake was becoming friends with a Trump supporter. Seriously, that even if Trump is totally cleared of wrongdoing here, there's so much other indefensible shit that he's done that pales in comparison to Hillary.

For starters sexually assaulting a dozen women, and bringing up the desire to on tape.

So I have no problems shitting on Trump supporters, and yes, bringing up Hillary's emails and telling Trump voters how stupid they were over and over again.


Sucks at poetry
It is fun to imagine a scenario where relations get bad enough to force Russia to at least prove the existence of such tapes - either by showing Trump footage of the tapes through some private stream, or by letting a small teaser of the tape leak, but witholding the most damaging parts for added pressure. That would really put the cards in their hands in a hurry I bet.

What a time to be alive...


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
But guys, remember when maybe, perhaps Obama's birth certificate something something?

Please let this all burn to the ground, it's so unbelievable that the only thing less comprehensible is the fact that he hasn't being chucked into jail yet.

Damn you can get away with a lot if you're rich.
How the..... come on trump! I'm offended how obvious your making this, wolf of wall street had people acting more subtle then you. The funniest bit is that this man is our president. That someone this obvious and that stupid was proper up by the republicans and told the world "this is our guy". Amazing times we live in, if we do all die from this we saw some shit in our live times. And I thought nixon was a story.

Also here's the shocking note, wire tap was true. Now I have to take what he says.... somewhat seriously when he makes lies.

This was 2013, well before Trump threw his hat in the political ring, it was pursued by the FBI, not the White House, and it distinctly wasn't aimed at an American citizen.

Nothing Trump said was remotely true. If he was aware of this investigation, at best it was a deflection. If not (yeah right), a total shot in the dark.


The Jester:
#BuckleUp It's gonna be a rough few weeks America. And that's about all I'm gonna say on the matter, aside from... keep the bubbly on ice.

Rogue CPI:
UPDATE: Heard from several sources tonight. Both gave no specifics but made the same two points

1) Things about to be FUBAR
2) Chill some 🍾

The Jester:
@SherryHadler @akwblair @RogueCPI

Fucked. Up. Beyond. All. Recognition.


The Jester is a famous Natsec hacker. Seems to be credible. He seems to know about something that's coming.

Buckle up.

Edit: There was also a tweet from a rogue account that's said they don't know specifics, but people in the IC have been told they are going to be working long hours for the next couple of weeks. I'll post it if I find it.

Update: Here it is:
Alt Immigration:
Something is going on in DC. Lots of peeps in IC and the hill started working nights - stating it will be the norm for the next 2-3 weeks.


This was 2013, well before Trump threw his hat in the political ring, it was pursued by the FBI, not the White House, and it distinctly wasn't aimed at an American citizen.

Nothing Trump said was remotely true. If he was aware of this investigation, at best it was a deflection. If not (yeah right), a total shot in the dark.

Trump started saying it right after Breitbart started saying it IIRC.


Trump is going to rue the day he ran for President.

What's kinda funny is I doubt he was pushed into it by his Russian connections. The dude just had a hatred for Obama and the Clintons. He probably used existing resources from his already existing Russian connections, and then they pushed him more for it once they saw how well he was doing.

Trump started saying it right after Breitbart started saying it IIRC.
This is indeed the source though Trump claims it was a Fox Analyst I believe.


how does this make any sense at all

The person who owns a hotel is not an automatic accomplice in illegal activities performed, if anything hed be considered a victim. Not sure what people expect out of this. Every news story people jump at the opportunity to hope for trumps demise lol

The dude just had a hatred for Obama and the Clintons.

Nope, he was good friends with the clintons actually. At least until the election happened. He used to praise Hillary


Nope, he was good friends with the clintons actually. At least until the election happened. He used to praise Hillary

Hmm....yeah. I was mostly basing the Clintons recently. Obama's a person he definitely hated though and who he felt publicly humiliated him.


Hmm....yeah. I was mostly basing the Clintons recently. Obama's a person he definitely hated though and who he felt publicly humiliated him.

I think Trump is exactly who he seems he is and the only reason peoppe are thrown off is because they search for reason or an intentional strategy when really hes just an idiot winging it


The Jester:

Rogue CPI:

The Jester:

The Jester is a famous Natsec hacker. Seems to be credible. He seems to know about something that's coming.

Buckle up.

Edit: There was also a tweet from a rogue account that's said they don't know specifics, but people in the IC have been told they are going to be working long hours for the next couple of weeks. I'll post it if I find it.

Update: Here it is:
Alt Immigration:


Uh oh some vague tweets about something potentially interesting happening in the future, trump is definitely gonna be impeached this time guys
Despite being a complete moron, Trump is surprisingly competent enough to barely allow anything to stick to him.

You would think he has fucked up royally somewhere by now but it's always just not quite enough to pin anything on him.

Trump is really good at treason.

I think the main reason for this is that the people actually pulling the strings just don't involve him in any of this as they know he is a moron. They just smile, tell him how tremendous he is and send him on his way while they take care of business once he is out of the way. I honestly believe he is too stupid to be hands on with any of this stuff, he just thinks he keeps making great deals.

Edit: Also you have to remember the actually people running this show are the ones that are stopping anything sticking to him and covering their tracks as if something does stick to Trump it will eventually lead back to them.


Uh oh some vague tweets about something potentially interesting happening in the future, trump is definitely gonna be impeached this time guys
...He is. If you've been paying attention the past couple of months, it's not hard to see where this is leading. FBI just came out and said they've been investigating since July. That investigation wouldn't be ongoing if they had nothing. Go look at Feinstein and Grassley's reactions when they came out of the intelligence briefing. Something is up and the conclusion is going to be at least impeachment of Trump. I feel confident in that.

I don't know how anyone paying attention to this could honestly say he's going to last until the end of the summer. The administration is about to crumble at the slightest disturbance.


Because he looks like this



And, because, of course, here he is with Sepp Blatter

That woman looks like a J. Scott Campbell character


Well all I can say is thank God we don't have to deal with Crooked Hillary's very muchly worse corruption, collusion, and LIES.

Never forget the genocide that Hillary Clinton personally, with her actual hands, enacted upon Planet Benghazi. Billions of lives snuffed out as fast as she could squeeze their souls from their bodies.


...He is. If you've been paying attention the past couple of months, it's not hard to see where this is leading. FBI just came out and said they've been investigating since July. That investigation wouldn't be ongoing if they had nothing. Go look at Feinstein and Grassley's reactions when they came out of the intelligence briefing. Something is up and 5h3 conclusion is going to be at least impeachment of Trump. I feel confident in that.

Considering we dont know whats happening inside the IC outside of hearsay I think its safe to say its impossible to deduct that he is guilty based on publicly available information. If ongoing investigation length is a determinant factor then Hillary is guilty too, which was not the case. "Feeling confident" doesnt count for much in the eyes of the law

Well all I can say is thank God we don't have to deal with Crooked Hillary's very muchly worse corruption, collusion, and LIES.

Dont worry the GOP will find a way to make this about her emails


Considering we dont know whats happening inside the IC outside of hearsay I think its safe to say its impossible to deduct that he is guilty based on publicly available information. If ongoing investigation length is a determinant factor then Hillary is guilty too, which was not the case. "Feeling confident" doesnt count for much in the eyes of the law
Fair enough, but as an average Joe, I feel confident :p

Steele dossier is being proven to be true. At this point I have no doubt in my mind.


Fair enough, but as an average Joe, I feel confident :p

Steele dossier is being proven to be true. At this point I have no doubt in my mind.

Fair enough lol. It would be the biggest scandal in american history hands down, Im gonna hang back until Comey tells me whats up
How the..... come on trump! I'm offended how obvious your making this, wolf of wall street had people acting more subtle then you. The funniest bit is that this man is our president. That someone this obvious and that stupid was proper up by the republicans and told the world "this is our guy". Amazing times we live in, if we do all die from this we saw some shit in our live times. And I thought nixon was a story.

Also here's the shocking note, wire tap was true. Now I have to take what he says.... somewhat seriously when he makes lies.

No, don't expand a lying tweet to encompass the entire universe of possible truths. This has nothing to do with "Obama wire-tapping my phones" in 2016. Don't think or say things like "wire tap was true". That lazy paraphrasing is how Trump's lying gets massaged into truth.

This is the FBI having a warrant to eavesdrop on a hotbed of Russian gangsters four to six years ago. In Trump Tower.


Amazing. Literally everything this man has is tied to Russia

This man has been made, bred, coddled, and implanted by the Russians under the Republican Party - the party that decades ago hated the Russians...

So this is the game Putin has played
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