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Adam Sessler leaves Rev3 Games, starts consultancy firm

I'm struggling to even imagine what someone would pay Sessler for in terms of consultation. Game design? No. PR? Probably not.

I don't even understand.

These terms are very often associated with someone who do mock reviews, apparently the money is very good according to Jeff Gerstmann. (Who also said he wouldn't hire anyone with that on their resume)
The dude's 40. I guess he hit that magical age where being known for playing and criticising games was too much.

It's a shame. I owe him, Victor Lucas and Tommy Tallarico for getting me interested in the critical aspect of the games industry in the first place.

When will we get to the point where that's not an issue anymore?
I remember watching him in the gamespot tv days. Even then when reviews were far more indicative on my game purchases i never really cared for his input that much.

Good to hear is going on to do something more productive then video game journalism... well just about anything is really.


When they get paid properly and have more social cache. Games are still not mainstream.

Eh, but there are getting there and very fast. I don't think that's really a good reason to bow out of the industry. Gaming journalism is an expanding field, with more and more mainstream publishers getting in on it, however shitty and full of controversies it is right now.


I wouldn't. He'd be a horrible fit.

I agree. It just wouldn't seem right.

There's a bit of hatred going his way here, but I always liked him. Plus, it seems like he always worked his ass off. I hope he finds his way. He always seemed like an enjoyable person to me.


Not surprising. Sessler is an older guy and need to get a more senior salary.

This. "I'll worry about my retirement when I'm 64, I'm pursuing my passions!" seems to be the dominant opinion from the few gaming journalists I've spoken to, and that worries me.


I didn't always agree with Sessler, but he seemed like a good guy. I always enjoyed his contributions to Casual Friday at the very least.

Rev3 still has plenty of talent though. Anthony, Tara, Scott and Nick are all good people.
Nick Robinson, really? He's done barely anything there, it's like championing Rorie from Giant Bomb. Carboni is the fucking bomb!

That was incredible.
Adam was the first critic who I actively would seek his opinion on games. I used to think he was one of the only ones with the balls to say what sucks about games and the industry.

Then when he left G4 and we gained unprecedented access to his every thought, it became clear to me that he was as much of a corporate ball washing anti-critic as the rest of them. He should be called a praiser instead, since the only words that came out of his mouth about games were just to say how awesome one is, and the only criticism was his complete disregard for every possible opposing opinion.

He's one of these folks who is embarrassed to like gaming, and want to do everything to push them towards movies and abandon what makes games art, the game play. Ironically I think a big reason games still aren't viewed as art is that they lack a real professional critical community, instead they have a bunch of contemptuous fanboys.

Unfortunately I think gamers themselves are partly responsible, the unbelievable vitriol that is spewed by a vocal minority just wore on him until he was so tired of the outrage he assumed every possible complaint was just some type of overreaction, except conveniently everything that he had ridiculously conceived as "misogyny".

Bye Adam, I hope you well in your next endeavors, and I'm happy you're gone so I hopefully don't have to see your drooling fanboy garbage ever again. And no, I don't respect the man, because he never had an ounce of respect for his own fans and gamers in general, all he ever did was ignore their opinions and shit on them.


Really sad. Pretty much everything you could ask a gaming journo to be imo. Even if you didn't agree with his opinions, he did his job damn well and you could tell that above all else, he was at least very passionate.

hi Adam!

Not fussed really - did not really agree with any of his opinions - good luck to him in his new role.


Eh, but there are getting there and very fast. I don't think that's really a good reason to bow out of the industry. Gaming journalism is an expanding field, with more and more mainstream publishers getting in on it, however shitty and full of controversies it is right now.

Never count a chicken before it hatches. As for games media (I refuse to call the majority of them journalists) it's still not funded enough to actually make people hold a good amount of money for the time being spent producing content. It's not at the point where somebody can put his hat on doing criticism and commentary. The field is much too young and I am not so sure about it's rapidly getting mainstream, it's trendy and influential but not yet there.


I loved him on Xplay. He was in his element there. Some of those bits were downright brilliant. As an independent reviewer I was less impressed. I wish him luck but I'm not going to miss his Rev3 reviews in the slightest.
I love Sessler, it's completely beyond me how anybody could refer to him as biased or disingenuous in any way. I'll really, really miss his presence in the industry. He was undoubtedly one of the smartest, most nuanced identities in games journalism.
I love Sessler, it's completely beyond me how anybody could refer to him as biased or disingenuous in any way. I'll really, really miss his presence in the industry. He was undoubtedly one of the smartest, most nuanced identities in games journalism.

He changed his mind on 1080p being the major reason.
Well time to stop watching Rev3.

Well... crap...

The ONE game reviewer who I was almost in 100% agreement with leaves the reviewing business.

Unsubbing from Rev3. Their other reviewers are terrible.
I want to say, "Oh please, it wont be that bad! It's just one person". But no. You're 100% right. It is shit now.

The only reviews I'd watch were Adams... no offense to those guys as people. But they were pretty annoying... Tara was alright.


I can't believe some of the responses in this thread... Dismissing a man and his entire career in the video game journalism and entertainment space all because he refused to hype up the fanboy talking points with the latest console releases? Seriously are all of you nothing more than pawns of the console manufacturers? If you care so much about nonsense such as that there are thousands of youtube "journalists" who can agree with you and make you feel better.

Name me one other journalist in video gaming who is as eloquent as Adam Sessler, someone who takes the time to present and discuss nuanced views of modern gaming and it's outlooks in the future. Someone who doesn't dumb down everything he says to appeal to the common stereotype of the "gamer".

You guys don't deserve journalists like Adam, just keep watching and listening to the same garbage you always do. But I do hope once and a while you tune in to someone more along Adam's lines and it infuriates you just as much as he did..


Over the last few years he's been VERY VERY ABSURDLY diplomatic in handling things.

He dismisses any kind of criticism towards games.

The ending to Mass Effect 3? He liked it.
The Xbox One DRM? He was fine with it.
1080p vs 720p? He doesn't mind 720p.

All of his choices seem to downplay anything that would upset relations with the companies he deals with.

I'm not saying he is pro-Microsoft or pro-EA, but rather wants to be a boring ass voice of reason, akin to an NPR host.

Here's the thing about the 1080p vs 720p debate. Adam expected 1080p/60fps at the outset, and demanded that devs look for new innovated ways to make games and not pat themselves on the back for it. Fast forward to launch, and now he's saying that 1080p/60fps doesn't matter. That's the issue I have with him, he never addressed why he contradicted himself and why he changed his stance.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I should be sad, but I'm not. After backtracking on his 1080p comments, bitching about a trophy being sexist, and crying on twitter about Sony not sending him a debug PS4. I've lost a lot of respect for the man.

Like you ever had any for him if those few things changed your opinion. Be honest.

With tweets like that he didnt do himself any favor:


No, what the problem is people overreacting to Twitter. His 2 big "meltdowns" were over tweets, one that nobody knows really what it was about (allegedly PS4 devkit, but who knows) and other was sarcasm.

I laughed at that tweet, because it was funny.

We'll miss ya Sess.


Adam was the single person responsible for me becoming interesting in critically examining games, as well as starting my interest with the gaming industry. Before that, I just, y'know, played video games.

I'm sad.
It's a perfectly acceptable response to people making death threats at you.

Except that it wasn't directed at those people, it was directed at the entire audience. Sorry some of us don't take kindly to being compared to terrorists. The tweet is indefensible. Full stop.


That was after he got death threats FYI.

Not only that, he seems to have been intentionally hyperbolic while still making a point.

For better or worse, the outcries that happen in response to various news or happenings in the gaming world tend to get overblown. Sometimes that's a good thing (against DRM on XBox, Diablo III, SimCity, etc.) and sometimes it's not (Phil Fish). Regardless, gamers on the internet will let someone know when that person has said or done something disagreeable. Sometimes a subset of those speaking out take things too far (e.g. death threats).


Except that it wasn't directed at those people, it was directed at the entire audience. Sorry some of us don't take kindly to being compared to terrorists. The tweet is indefensible. Full stop.

If his audience doesn't know that was in response to death threats and is still offended even after being educated that it was in response to that, that's their own damn fault for wanting to be offended.

Don't want to be compared to a terrorist? Don't act like one by threatening people with death.
If his audience doesn't know that was in response to death threats and is still offended even after being educated that it was in response to that, that's their own damn fault for wanting to be offended.

Don't want to be compared to a terrorist? Don't act like one by threatening people with death.

You are unbelievable. Do you even understand what you just said?


Sucks that he's leaving, but he said/did several things over the past year that made me lose respect for him. I only watch Rev3 for Tara Long nowadays, the other two guys (don't even know their names), don't do much for me.


Ah.. remember when he used to have fun? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaZ_HhH8jz0

It was time for him to move on. He wasn't enjoying it. You could tell by his cynicism in his comments. He really didn't enjoy game fans as a whole. I don't blame him. Seriously gaming fans are dicks. I have been enjoying him less and less. Which sucks because I realllllly like him.


Neo Member
Good luck to him. Even thought I'm still pissed off at the God of War: Ascension controversy he fabricated in his review.


He was great on XPlay. After getting fired from there he seems to have really become jaded about well... everything while simultaneously losing much of what insight he once had on games. To be clear, I think the loss of insight was a consequence and not a cause of the firing. I can't even imagine his bitterness after being unceremoniously fired from there after basically making the show (and channel) over more than a decade.

Kind of sad to see a guy whose opinion I once had enormous respect for step out of the lime light on such a low note. Best of luck to him in any case.
Rev3 should get Max Scoville back, he seems like a cool dude who genuinely enjoys all the nerdy stuff.

Rev 3 was apparently super demanding time wise. I think he said that his girlfriend who makes good money offered to let him just stay at home so they could have time together. It looks like his job at destructoid is part time or at least asking for a lesser output.

If Max was getting burned out I can only imagine how bad it must have been for Sessler considering he was running the game part.


It's sad to see someone that has been around a long time go but really? I had a ton of respect for him when he was on Xplay but his time at Rev 3 was a disaster with him defending the atrocious Xbone philosophy then calling the gamers names because they thought he was wrong. I lost all respect for him while he was at Rev 3 he showed his true colors there.

I used to enjoy him a lot on G4 back in the day but he's been pretty loathesome for a while now.


Do you even understand that people were threatening him with death? It doesn't seem you do. Do YOU even know what that means?

It's funny that his tweet is interpreted as intentionally hyperbolic, but we are suppose to believe the death threats are serious threats to his life. When he gets phone calls to his house or letters in the mail I will believe he truly feared for his life.


Neo Member
It's funny that his tweet is interpreted as intentionally hyperbolic, but we are suppose to believe the death threats are serious threats to his life. When he gets phone calls to his house or letters in the mail I will believe he truly feared for his life.

Wait, so it's OK to threaten someone's life because it couldn't possibly happen. That's some logic you have there.
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