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'Airbender' & 'Prince of Persia' were 'whitewashed'

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NEW YORK - The hopes of many are resting on the shoulders of 12-year-old Aang.

Ever since he first came out of a block of ice in the Nickelodeon cartoon series "Avatar: The Last Airbender," the other tribes in his fictional, Asian-inspired world saw Aang and his power over the elements as their last chance for peace after a century of conflict.

Now Paramount Pictures and director M. Night Shyamalan also have high hopes for Aang: that he will attract audiences to see their big-screen — and big budget — version of "The Last Airbender," opening July 2.

Yet fans of the original TV series say whatever hopes they had for the live-action movie have been dashed by what is known as "whitewashing" — the selection of white actors to fill the main hero roles instead of the people of color they say the source material requires.

"To take this incredibly loved children's series, and really distort not only the ethnicity of the individual characters but the message of acceptance and cultural diversity that the original series advocated, is a huge blow," said Michael Le of Racebending.com , a fan site calling for a boycott of the martial-arts fantasy.

Paramount defends the film's casting, noting more than half of the credited speaking roles were filled by people of color.

"Night's vision of 'The Last Airbender' includes a large and ethnically diverse cast that represents cultures from around the world," Paramount said in a statement.

That doesn't impress the movie's critics, who claim most of that diversity is found among secondary characters and background extras.

They say "Airbender" casting is just the latest example of a long history in Hollywood of demeaning people of color — from having white actors in makeup portray minorities to sidelining them in second-tier roles to replacing them entirely, as they say is the case with "Airbender."

They point to examples like the 2008 film "21," which was based on a book inspired by the true-life story of a mostly Asian American group of card players, yet was cast with mostly white actors in the main roles.

They also note this weekend's release of "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time," a live-action adaptation of a video game that stars white actor Jake Gyllenhaal in the title role instead of an actor with a Middle Eastern background.

"This part really needed to go to someone who's Persian," said Jehanzeb Dar, a blogger and independent filmmaker who is a fan of the video game but has no intention of supporting the movie.

"It's not only insulting to Persians, it's also insulting to white people. It's saying white people can't enjoy movies unless the protagonist is white," he said.

Disney did not return an e-mail asking for comment on the casting.

"It becomes very clear that it's part of the historical pattern of Hollywood and it's not an isolated incident and it's not because they happen to be fictional characters," Le said. "It's because this is the standard procedure for Hollywood films, and it really shouldn't be. It's 2010."

But 2010 is also a time of huge stakes in the movie business — when only a small fraction of the films that are released make the vast majority of the industry's profits, said economics professor Arthur De Vany, author or "Hollywood Economics: How Extreme Uncertainty Shapes the Film Industry."

Because of the financial risk, studios try to control anything that goes into a movie before its release in an effort to maximize box office receipts — from the storyline to the cast to the marketing, De Vany explained.

"They're trying to control the initial conditions of a chaotic process," he said. "There's only so much room at the top."

During the era of segregation in this country, Hollywood routinely considered race when making and releasing a film. For example, actress Lena Horne, who died May 9 at 92, saw her parts in movies cut out when those films were shown in the South.

Over time, "it's what has become habitual practice," said Chon Noriega, professor of cinema and media studies at UCLA. "I think it's the default setting and it takes a conscious choice to change," he said.

"Airbender's" creators, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino, have said they purposely chose to base their cartoon in an Asian-inspired setting as opposed to a European one, incorporating different kinds of martial arts, as well as other cultural elements like Chinese calligraphy. At least some of the main characters were drawn as people of color.

Yet when it came time to cast the movie, unknown Noah Ringer was picked to play Aang. Nicola Peltz was chosen to play Katara, the girl who finds Aang in the ice, and "Twilight" actor Jackson Rathbone was named for the role of Sokka, Katara's brother. Jesse McCartney was originally slated to play the anti-hero Zuko, but dropped out due to scheduling reasons and was replaced by Dev Patel of "Slumdog Millionaire."

That the initial casting had four white actors in the main roles, and that the three heroes are still all played by whites, is an outrage, said Guy Aoki of the Media Action Network for Asian Americans.

"It speaks volumes when the initial casting decision was to cast four white leads," he said. "For them to be comfortable with that ... it's embarrassing, it says a lot about their attitudes."

Le said Racebending.com has organized a letter-writing campaign to Paramount, but has received no response. Aoki said his organization had sent a letter asking for a meeting, but was ignored until filming had already started. The group met later with Paramount president Adam Goodman, who offered a prescreening.

But that hasn't happened yet, Aoki said, even though Paramount has expressed confidence that people will embrace the film once they see it.

"The filmmaker's interpretation reflects the myriad qualities that have made this series a global phenomenon," Paramount said in its statement. "We believe fans of the original and new audiences alike will respond positively once they see it."

Yet Harvard journalism instructor Martha Nichols said that while there are times when the case can be made for a movie to change something from the source material, this isn't one of them. She's the mother of an adopted 8-year-old Asian boy who is a big fan of the cartoon series, in part because of its homage to Asian cultures and characters.

The moviemakers "seem to have no clue that there's this huge fan base of young Asian-Americans who were delighted to see themselves" on screen," said Nichols, who blogs at Athena's Head.

She said her son would have loved to see a hero on screen who looked like him. "It could have really been groundbreaking. That's what is so sad about this."


Fucking hell.

100% ethnic Persians are WHITE. They only started having darker skin after Arabs invaded the country and intermarriage started occurring. There are still populations of people in Iran that have porcelain skin and blue eyes.


Rolling Girl
DarkJediKnight said:
I agree with this article.

Also, the last samurai is a white guy from America.
You mean the written in role? He was inserted in to connect Americans to the story a bit more, baldy was the last samurai.


My wife pointed out that Jake Gyllenhall actually looks a lot like Jesus in that movie. Now everytime I look at the commercial I just see Jesus running around with a crazy knife. Makes it a lot more interesting.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Psssh, where were these people when a bunch of white people and Michelle Rodriguez were the only characters who made that 5 year long space ride?
The Avatar one still gets me.

At least with The Prince of Persia it's not as bad in comparison because...

Matt said:
Fucking hell.

100% ethnic Persians are WHITE. They only started having darker skin after Arabs invaded the country and intermarriage started occurring. There are still populations of people in Iran that have porcelain skin and blue eyes.


Had an uncle-in-law who was Persian, he and his family were white.
Prince of Persia looks like it will be a summer popcorn flick and the casting choices are most likely business influenced. Jake Gyl-w/e and the rest would sell more tickets than some Persian actor that the audience this movie is aimed at wouldn't know. This is coming from a Persian guy, btw. From the article I can tell that simply being Persian makes me an authority on all things Persian or something like that.

And like the guy above says, I think there is a misconception about how Persian people look. I remember in the old casting thread about the movie, people wanted Indian people to play the role because they had dark skin. what the fuck?

I don't know what Airbender is so I can't speak to that.
The real question is: what/where/when exactly the hell is Persia anyway? (Yes, I'm ignorant. And yes, I could go look it up on Wikipedia. So, nevermind.)
Am I the only one who thinks of this whenever they read 'airbender'?

Matt said:
Fucking hell.

100% ethnic Persians are WHITE. They only started having darker skin after Arabs invaded the country and intermarriage started occurring. There are still populations of people in Iran that have porcelain skin and blue eyes.

So why couldn't they use an actual Persian/Iranian?

Al-ibn Kermit

Junior Member
Ethnic persians are white. I believe that either aryan actually comes from the word Iran, or it's the other way around. Either way, the ancestors were white.

Technically, you could have everything from white to brown to asian and it would apply to a modern Iranian ethnic group.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
DarkJediKnight said:
I agree with this article.

Also, the last samurai is a white guy from America.
I find that highly offensive.

I've got a movie for you.. "The Last Nigga on Earth" starring Tom Hanks.


It seems like almost all the main characters are white in those movies, but the non-whites are the background/secondary characters.
Zoramon089 said:
So why couldn't they use an actual Persian/Iranian?

This is a major summer blockbuster. Can you think of any young, sexy English-speaking Iranian actors who have even a fraction of Jake Gyllenhaal's appeal? I'm Iranian, and I would love to see more Iranian actors in American movies, but I can live with the casting decision.
Damn you Linkzg and your swift replies.

Of course, there's a part of me that wishes they'd given the film to somebody like Mel Gibson so they'd all be speaking Middle Persian or something.


sparkle this bitch
Matt said:
Fucking hell.

100% ethnic Persians are WHITE. They only started having darker skin after Arabs invaded the country and intermarriage started occurring. There are still populations of people in Iran that have porcelain skin and blue eyes.
As mentioned, they could have actually used a...you know, Persian instead of an American Star. :lol

How he looks technically isn't wrong, but it's again going with the safe bet. The white household name. It's not just about race, but how Hollywood continues with these set trends that are meant to be broken. PoP kind of gets a pass, but there is no excuse for Avatar. They could have even had their white lead with Aang(The kid does fucking look like him), and still make Kitara and Sokka different. But choose to make them all the same.


The Storyteller said:
Well duh they were. At least PoP has a decent, plausible excuse, Avatar? Not so much.

Why did I keep reading that drivel for as long as I did ?

And why did he mention Miyazaki ? It's like bringing Cary Grant home to meet your wife. You're just not going to measure up, so don't do it.
I can agree with this, but I don't think its a big idea. Actors should come first, and not what colour of their skin is.

Basically, it seams backwards that we still pay attention to this kind of thing.
The Main Event said:
["It's not only insulting to Persians, it's also insulting to white people. It's saying white people can't enjoy movies unless the protagonist is white," he said.

Except, you know.....movies and TV shows with non-white actors have never done well, with the exception of Will Smith.

I would bet large sums of money that "princess and the frog" would have done much better with a white cast.

I can count on one finger the number of network TV shows with a minority leading cast, and that show doesnt start until the fall. (Cleveland from the cleveland show is voiced by a white guy, and was created by a white guy).

Also note the same with female leads. Didnt Marvel shelve all future films with female leads a few years ago?

Unless your movie is by blacks, for blacks (such as Tyler Perry), or by women, for women (such as sex in the city), its going to star a nice looking white male.

Now, one thing I have wondered is why every middle easter/arab in the 24 series was portrayed by an actor or actress from India?


Oh phewy...who cares. Blah blah blah blah.

The "Airbender's" star looks like a mexica, at least he looks somewhat like Ang. I'm black and I really dont give a damn about this, people are blowing this out of proportion. Like others said above, Persians are white. Jake Gyllenhaa doesnt fit the roll, imo, but it has nothing to do with him being white. He just doesnt look like the type of guy to play that role, and his face doesnt fit it.

Ang looked pretty white in the cartoon. Who was white washed? Sokka and Katara? 2 characters, big deal. I'm super excited for the Last Airbender, bring it on!


DarkJediKnight said:
I agree with this article.

Also, the last samurai is a white guy from America.
edit: Ah fuck, beaten.
Reminded me of this:
"First they had The Mexican with Brad Pitt and now we have The Last Samurai with Tom Cruise?"
"Maybe they'll produce my film: The Last Nigga on Earth starring Tom Hanks."
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