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Any podcasts you just stopped listening to because of a segment or incident?


IGN Nintendo Voice Chat. The trollcasts were bad, but letting Greg Miller on was the last straw.

Suzzopher said:
4 Guys 1UP. If Parish isn't on then I don't bother. 1UP is desperately short on personality now.

I wish Parish would go somewhere else, like back to EGM, just so I'd have no reason to go to 1up anymore, again, ever.
4 Guys 1 Up.

The intro and break music. The podcast isn't terrible, but it's just not worth listening to that song. I know it's shallow, but there are so many options and this one always ends up being my last resort, and a major reason is because I don't want to press "play" initially.
I used to listen to the 1up podcasts, but after GFW went away there was nothing left that really "spoke to me." Not one of these podcasts has people on it who reflect "me." I'm not looking for a 1:1 copy of my opinions, but I don't really want to listen to a bunch of people complain about all the things I like and then talk about Call of Duty again for 2 hours a week, and that's basically what my options consist of now.


VsRobot said:
I stopped listening to Player One for a year or so after CJ spent more time trashing Metroid Prime 3 than playing it. Of course the controls aren't going to click after 15 minutes, especially if you don't bother customizing them!

Uhhhhhh... I don't remember trashing Metroid Prime 3's controls. I might have to go back and listen but I don't think I had a problem with them. Maybe I did. Or, maybe you're thinking of someone else.
I go off and on with Three Moves Ahead-I adore the topics, but it's like you never know which Tom Chick is going to show up-the keenly , measured insightful one, or the overreaching, usually-wrong one. The irascible doctor is usually the guy I agree with the most but then he has these C64/mainframe era flashbacks and it's like arrrggh.


IGN podcasts with Greg Miller

Stop shouting, you idiot.


Really liked it at first, but got fed up of their "hilarious" energy dring tasting segments.

Rebel FM

They had a ridiculous discussion about how Half Life 2 wasn't a good FPS. Plus, Arthur Gies annoys me for no apparent reason.


Sound levels are all over the place. I got fed up of constantly altering the volume in order to hear everyone. Also, there's only so much "remember that time at EGM..." stories I can take.

It just doesn't have the magic that old shows had. It's nice when Davison or Parish is on, but I can't deal with the special topics and developer interviews they've been featuring as of late.


There's really no particular reason I stopped listening to them, I just lost interest.

RebelFM, Bombcast, Retronauts and Active Time Babble are my podcasts of choice these days.


Mafro said:
Also, there's only so much "remember that time at EGM..." stories I can take.

This goes for quite a few podcasts. We had scooters, and Chinese food, and we worked nights, and there was that one guy—protracted giggles—and we blah blah blah. How any of that is supposed to attract, let alone hold, an audience's interest is just beyond me.


Neo Member
Lonely1 said:
The IGN Nintendo Voice Chat.

Not only have I stopped listening to this, I've stopped going to IGN in general. I don't want to give them ad revenue for shitty writing and terrible analysis / reviews.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
KHarvey16 said:
Is it weird that I can't think of a podcast I like less than the discussions of podcasts on gaf?

Well, that depends on whether or not those said discussions tend to go on about how great a crappy podcast is.


When Shane left 1up yours I didn't listen to it as much, and felt it got worse and worse. When Garnett left, I stopped listening to it altogether(4G1U).

Only thing I listen to is the giant bombcast on occasion.
Tina Sanchez popping up on a number of podcasts pretty much ensured I wasn't going to listen to them again.

As for Leigh Alexander on the Bombcast. She was a bit rough to listen to but she did manage to say some interesting things.

Although I love Leigh Alexander so i'm willing to overlook such things.

Edited for : I miss Bettenhausen


C-Jo said:
You stopped listening because of a one-time E3 guest?
i don't blame him really, she was terrible. In his defense, he might thought that they would invite dorks like her to the show in the near future, maybe that's why he stopped.
I used to listen to 1up podcasts, not all of them, but 1upyours/listenup were a staple. 4 guys 1up is fine, except for the guest concept, which sounded great at first.

But every week they have an unfamiliar guest who's worked in the industry explain to us their professional life story for the first 40 minutes, and this isn't meant to offend any of them, I love hearing those kind of stories, but not every week. They all just blur together and I never really get a feel for who they are and what they want to say. I'm not suggesting abandoning special guests, but just make it a once a month thing or something like that. Of course I'm aware I can just skip those intro segments if I want to, but I do enjoy the show and hearing those stories.

Now, I check who's on and what the discussions are about before listening. I never really listened to Retronaughts, so I think I'm going to go back and download their complete library so I can listen to them while playing Forza with the sound effects turned off.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
bigdaddygamebot said:
As for Leigh Alexander on the Bombcast. She was a bit rough to listen to but she did manage to say some interesting things.

Although I love Leigh Alexander so i'm willing to overlook such things.
Yeah, it wasn't all bad. Just that part where she went on about Kojima actually knowing what the fuck he is doing with MGS. Sexy Nazis ain't got shit on that.
Yeah, I gave up on the 1up podcasts after realising I gained nothing from their incredibly limited insight when all the talent and interesting people left and faced nothing but their constant factual mistakes. I also only gave Co-Op a few chances to realise I completely hated it as well.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Pretty much all of them. 1up, Giantbomb, so on. One exception: Invisible Walls. Why? Because it's like listening to a podcast crew getting killed by a speeding train every single week. I can't help but laugh at Shane Satterfield and his Merrymen be so awful that it warps into subspace only to come back as amusing.
Stopped listening:
On The Spot- Once GerstmannGate left, so did I.

Geekbox- Andrew Fitch's neurotic insecurity and inexplicable tastes in culture makes me groan every time. He makes Ryan Scott seem like the coolest motherfucker by comparison.

Out Of the Game- N'Gai is held in high regard as the game industry's intellectual. On OoTG, however, the reputation does not live up. He defended Armond White. Come on. Fucking Armond White?!

4Guys1Up- I still listed out of habit. But everything from the music to the ass-backwards format gets to me.

RebelFM- I love the podcast and actually enjoy Arthur a whole lot. It always disappoints me to hear the podcast disrespect/disenfranchise their audience - especially when the podcast was initially financed by that audience.

ALL PODCASTS- Stop referring to your audience as 'Kids'. The average age of the 'gamer' is beyond 30yrs old. Treat them as such.


I stopped listening to 1upyours after Shane left. The reunion show was one of my faves.

I listen to Out of the Game and sometimes co-op, but it's no where near the 1up show before everyone (starting with Luke) left or was laid off. I really miss the 1up show V_V.

I stopped listening to The Best Show on WFMU a couple of years ago when Tom was getting too whiney, but I recently started back up and have slowly been making my way back into 2009 and it's top notch stuff once again.

Whimsical Phil

Ninja School will help you
SuperPac said:
Uhhhhhh... I don't remember trashing Metroid Prime 3's controls. I might have to go back and listen but I don't think I had a problem with them. Maybe I did. Or, maybe you're thinking of someone else.
I'm pretty sure that it was Sewart who was ranting about Metroid's controls.


i still listen to a lot of podcasts even though i don't like them all...



Oh yeah, I completely forgot about Rebel FM.

It was pretty cool with Nick, it was tolerable with Phil, then it was just Anthony and two guys who I'd never heard of talking as if between the 3 of them they were the most experience and wisest gamers on the planet Earth. And it became, "dick fart shit pussy dick fart shit pussy." I mean, I'm no prude, I enjoyed it when Shawn Elliot told really gross stories, but they were funny, these guys definitely were not.

And then people complained about it, and rather then listen to the intelligent criticism, they said, "Fuck you audience, rather then listen to what you want from us, we're going to do the exact opposite 10 fold, so now instead of saying dick 20 times a show, we're going to say it 200 times a show!" Which is their right (kind of, won't even touch the whole begging that same audience for money thing).

But, that's why I stopped listening to RebelFM. It's funny, I always enjoyed Anthony on GFW.
Pappasman said:
i still listen to a lot of podcasts even though i don't like them all...


The fact that you have Retronauts ranked as 3rd best throws a significant amount of doubt on your ability to accurately rate the other podcasts.
catotheyounger said:
ALL PODCASTS- Stop referring to your audience as 'Kids'. The average age of the 'gamer' is beyond 30yrs old. Treat them as such.
I think this is going to start becoming more of an issue in the next 5 to 10 years in general catering to gamers. There are a lot of us who are in our mid 20 and up when you grew up with some of the first home consoles like Atari and such, but then you are always going to have this new demographic of kids who are not going to be able to relate to the whole 90's "Street Fighter / Mortal Kombat" craze, any 2D games or 10 years from now will not see the significance of Halo: Combat Edition (anyone can argue over the content of the game and whether or not they enjoy it, but face it, Bungie changed the way we play first person console shooters damn near a decade ago and no one has come up with anything since duel-analog stick).


Licorice-flavoured booze?
I love RebelFM but the one thing that bugs me is their complete lack of energy at times, sometimes I feel they are doing the show half awake which then makes me tired also, wake up guys !!!!
There are so many. I used to be a podcast junkie, but now I'm down to just the Giant Bombcast and 4 Guys 1Up. The latter being one I tolerate, and I like it on occasion, but it doesn't have the energy of the old 1up staple. The Bombcast is the only one I look forward to on a weekly basis.

The Gamespot podcast (Hotspot)
No point in listening after Gerstman left. It was bad enough when Rich went on to greener pastures, but this was the last straw. I never visited GS after Gerstman-gate at all, in fact.

Rebel FM
Started off great, a continuation of 1up FM. Which was never an outstanding podcast, but it was ok. But then Nick left. And all I was left with was Arthur and Anthony Gallegos. Fuck that. Chuf is fine, but I cannot go on listening to obnoxious Arthur.

IGN podcasts - any of them
No personality at all on IGN. They are drones. And any personality that does eek out is all negative. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP YELLING.

1up Yours
I actually left 1up Yours for a few months because of Luke. I found him obnoxious and SO anti-Sony I felt it was starting to become a schtick. However, I came back and learned to appreciate Luke. I just didn't 'get him' at first. We all hugged it out, had a love-fest, then the fucker left to work for Bungie. Bastard.

After awhile I found I had absolutely no reason to care what anyone on this podcast had to say. I loved Ryan on GFW, but that was in small doses. He doesn't work as well (podcast wise) as the host.

I think that's it.
the Joystiq podcast.

i liked it at first, even though they (or at least one guy) sounded a bit douchy. but some months ago when they started discussing how it's pointless to play online on PS3, i just... uhh. too stupid. i can't listen to shit like that.


Corky said:
the Borecast

I listened to like 27 or 28 episodes before my pc-jerk-elitism per hour ran over in one of the later ones. I'm all for that but when it kept going for hours then do not want

I agree, even though I still listen to it. I mean, I really like the Borecast but sometimes the topics are really uninteresting. That's when I skip to the next topic or just turn off and wait for the next ep. :p


Shoe's girlfriend, aka Minnie Mouse. Also: Shoe as a host. Erin is a much better host.

Fitch Hitch. Stop talking about his dates and his oh so weird and not at all understandable attitude towards relationships. Last time he got shit for not wanting to jump into a relationship after a week of knowing someone. What? Regardless, I don't want to hear about it.
AceBandage said:
Nintendo Voice after they became a troll cast.
I don't care if they were just fishing for hits, they showed how unprofessional they are.
This, it used to be something I looked forward to each week but they went a troll too far one podcast and I haven't bothered since.

I don't know if it really counts but I listened to I think it was 1 up's podcast 4 or 5 times. Then they went overboard with how much the Wii sucks and is ruining gaming and that was that. At least I got to hear some British gaming guy rub Endless Ocean's sales in their faces after they refused to review it since it wasn't a game in their eyes.

Grecco said:
This too. Heck i dont even go to IGN anymore after Matt left IGN Wii
Slightly off topic but this as well.
Bitmob- No Robert Ashley no sale.

RebelFM- I listen for Anthony but leave because of Arthur Gies. Something about Arthur's know-it-all attitude & superficial knowledge of game development really irritates me.

Geekbox- Could Fitch be more of a Debbie Downer?

1upYour- Its gone and I am slowly realizing that. I miss Shane and Garnett.

IdleThumbs- They stopped making them..... sad Wizzzaarddd

Tina is alright, Davison needs a weekly podcast and Garnett should make flash-casts of Shacknew's top stories. I would gladly take my gaming headlines of the day that way.

It still shocks me that 1up does not promote their podcasts more. If you have a new one,
post it up on one of your Blocks of "Today on 1up Video Games". Podcasts are pretty much the only reason why I still go to their site (and some interesting features too).


I dropped a lot of gaming podcasts recently not because of any incident, but because I found a lot of great podcasts about topics other than gaming, and I really don't actually need more than one "whatcha been playing/other topic/news" gaming podcast.


The IGN Nintendo Voice chat. I stopped listening because it turned into a blatant trollcast, not a podcast.


Rebel FM is the only podcast that has ever been ruined for me by just one member of the cast. The CAGcast is another one too. Only in this case, both hosts turned out to be morons.

4G1UP and Bombcast are all I have left now :(

Makes me miss Garnett even more. Agree or disagree with his opinions, you have to admit that the dude was great at what he did. Even after the departures of Luke and Shane, he (along with John) still made 1upyours feel worthwhile.
I stopped listening to Gamers With Jobs after they read a letter on air asking if anyone had played Muramasa and they launched in to a weird tirade about how JRPGs suck and they won't waste their time with them.

I think that episode began with them discussing spending six or seven hours playing Trash Panic and hating it, but continuing to play.


I always want to turn podcasts off when they start talking about their jobs. I've never seen people so fascinated by their jobs. I enjoy RebelFM but Arthur is the worst at this stuff. "So I was Tweeting the former assistant community manager of Acclaim's French branch, you know how wacky that guy is!" No I fucking don't nor do I care.
Giantbombcast - Vinny just doesn't know when to reign it in these days. It started off superbly, and Vinny was quite quiet, and it let the other three shine.

Nowadays Ryan can't even introduce the podcast without Vinny talking over him. I like listening to Brads views, but Vinny always sticks his oar in. Just sick of the guy and it ruined what was probably the best podcast out there.

1up podcast (and subsequently Listen Up) - John Davison killed it. Holier than though attitude. Declaring RE5 to be shit - but actually refusing to play it!!! I mean come on. And banging on about some shit game like tic tac toe on the fucking iPhone every week. The man totally lost touch with what gamers were playing and enjoying. I hope when Garnett starts a new podcast he doesn't have Davison on. Someone who advised housewives on what their kids could be playing, has no place on any podcast I want to listen to.
I have a ton of podcasts (non-gaming) at any given time, so I only listen to Bombcast and Playstation Beyond (Beyond!) for my boy Sam Bishop.

Sam needs his own podcast. I could listen to that man ramble about p'zones and 40s and Demon's Souls all day long.


Nintendo Voice Chat at IGN once Craig took over being in charge of the Nintendo section on IGN. I really had no use for the site save the podcast when it came out. Granted they (Matt and Bozon) were getting on my nerves the last few podcast before the change but as soon as that troll episode took place that was it for me. The entire group were a bunch of aholes. I stopped even bothering with the site for information all together. Dropped it and deleted all episodes I still had saved to my computer and ipod. I was really pissed the day.


ShockingAlberto said:
I stopped listening to Gamers With Jobs after they read a letter on air asking if anyone had played Muramasa and they launched in to a weird tirade about how JRPGs suck and they won't waste their time with them.

I think that episode began with them discussing spending six or seven hours playing Trash Panic and hating it, but continuing to play.
Oh god, I remember that. They can be so fucking ignorant sometimes. Corey most of all. His crazy, faux "are you kidding?!"-reaction to Sean (or Shawn, whatever) liking Demon's Souls seriously annoyed me.

Rebel FM/Gamespy Debriefings
Anthony Gallegos, stop snorting your snot up your nose. It's disgusting.


state_vector_collapse said:
And banging on about some shit game like tic tac toe on the fucking iPhone every week. The man totally lost touch with what gamers were playing and enjoying. I hope when Garnett starts a new podcast he doesn't have Davison on. Someone who advised housewives on what their kids could be playing, has no place on any podcast I want to listen to.
I just zone out when Davison starts going on about some iPhone game/free MMO etc. Generally I like the guy, but I have no interest in most of the games he talks about.


I love the 1up yours and listen up podcast but I hate 4 guys 1up the format seems really weird compared to the earlier podcast. Like ppl say if it ain't broke dont fix it.
Player One Podcast
I have a really hard time listening to such a slow paced show when it's held via Skype. They all seem like knowledgeable guys but man....the dead air is really distracting. When you are sitting in the same room as your co-hosts it's one thing, but without that chemistry it just dies. I'm finding the same thing is happening to a lesser degree on recent episodes of the Mobcast.

IGN Podcasts

Lots of yelling. It was fun for a while but it seems like a crutch now. I don't hate Greg the way a lot of Gaffers do but there doesn't seem to be much substance these days.

Game Theory
It deserves a mention just so we can pour a sip....it was so great having Gary make an appearance on 1up Yours a few weeks back.

1up Podcasts

Aside from the 1up Yours thread of shows, I have unsubscribed from all of them. After Sharkey's disastrous appearance a few months back I almost stopped listening to it as well.

Rebel FM

As others have said, it started out very well and went downhill. Anthony seemed to go through a very public introspective phase that turned me off...he and Arthur are both fine, just not my bag.

I secretly dread the day that the Bombcast breaks up. There, I said it.
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