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Any podcasts you just stopped listening to because of a segment or incident?


Nakazato said:
I love the 1up yours and listen up podcast but I hate 4 guys 1up the format seems really weird compared to the earlier podcast. Like ppl say if it ain't broke dont fix it.
It broke the moment everyone who made that show what it was left.


Kintaro said:
Pretty much all of them. 1up, Giantbomb, so on. One exception: Invisible Walls. Why? Because it's like listening to a podcast crew getting killed by a speeding train every single week. I can't help but laugh at Shane Satterfield and his Merrymen be so awful that it warps into subspace only to come back as amusing.

I forgot all about IW.....when it started I thought it was an interesting concept because of how it was produced with the videos, screens, etc running along with the audio. But the lineup is horrendous - especially the guy who's nickname is "Grumpy".
state_vector_collapse said:
Giantbombcast - Vinny just doesn't know when to reign it in these days. It started off superbly, and Vinny was quite quiet, and it let the other three shine.

Nowadays Ryan can't even introduce the podcast without Vinny talking over him. I like listening to Brads views, but Vinny always sticks his oar in. Just sick of the guy and it ruined what was probably the best podcast out there.

vinny is the best.


state_vector_collapse said:
Giantbombcast - Vinny just doesn't know when to reign it in these days. It started off superbly, and Vinny was quite quiet, and it let the other three shine.

Nowadays Ryan can't even introduce the podcast without Vinny talking over him. I like listening to Brads views, but Vinny always sticks his oar in. Just sick of the guy and it ruined what was probably the best podcast out there.

1up podcast (and subsequently Listen Up) - John Davison killed it. Holier than though attitude. Declaring RE5 to be shit - but actually refusing to play it!!! I mean come on. And banging on about some shit game like tic tac toe on the fucking iPhone every week. The man totally lost touch with what gamers were playing and enjoying. I hope when Garnett starts a new podcast he doesn't have Davison on. Someone who advised housewives on what their kids could be playing, has no place on any podcast I want to listen to.

See, with attitudes like yours, I can totally understand why some truly fucking awful podcasts exist, and get decent download rates.

Vinny and Davison are two of the greatest we've ever had in podcasts - and you're shitting on them for having a different opinion to you.

It seems that throughout this thread, people dont like listening to a podcast that may have a specific member of the team who dont agree with their own personal feelings.


Everything except for the Bombcast

i used to have a podcast for everyday, 1up yours, 1up fm, Hotspot(gallup/gertsmann), GFW, CAG cast, EGM live........they're all Dead or shit now

fuck the world, wish it was 2007 again
I stopped listening to most podcasts, at least all the weekly ones. I check out the Irrational Behavior one. Whenever that Robert Ashley joint is released, I listen to that too. I like them because they're short and edited to get to the point.

For guys shooting the shit, I listen to segments of the Borecast occasionally, and if maybe on the off-chance there is interesting news, I might check out the bombcast (I listened to the GOTY show, which was good and I just realized I never finished lol). Out of the Game doesn't seem to exist anymore, but I'd listen to that if it was available. Dropped things like Listenup (w/e it's called now) and retronauts because they were really boring.

I miss Idle Thumbs. For me it was like a three strike for podcasts. First was the Brodeo breaking up, then it was what was good about 1upyours breaking up, and finally Idle Thumbs breaking up.


catotheyounger said:
ALL PODCASTS- Stop referring to your audience as 'Kids'. The average age of the 'gamer' is beyond 30yrs old. Treat them as such.
This nearly made me stop listening to 1up Yours back in the day. Shane, to be specific, would constantly refer to the audience as "kids", and I found it fairly insulting. I wanted to step into the studio and say, "Hey Shane! I'm 10 years younger and more successful than you already! Hi-five, buddy!"

I loved his character, but man, that bit got old real fast.

As for shows I stopped/barely listen to: 4 guys 1 up: whoever mentioned the music, I agree completely. What a horrendous thing to have to listen to at the beginning of each show, and between breaks. Show is pretty boring, and Ryan Ellis is simply not as interesting as he thinks he his, despite his illustrious career in the government, which I think he brought up in half the eps I listened to.

RebelFM only kept me for a couple episodes. Just boring. Can't speak to the current quality, though.

The Bombcast and Player One Podcast are the two shows I still get excited about, GWJ to a somewhat lesser degree (though they do sometimes latch onto interesting topics to discuss, and branch out more).
I couldn't give a toss what Vinny's opinion is. In fact he does have some interesting things to say. It is the fact he constantly interrupts that pisses me off. He never used to do it, but now he can't help himself.

As for Davison. I am sorry but I can't take someone seriously, or their opinion seriously, when they declare games to be shit that they haven't even played. It makes everything he says null and void when he is so pig ignorant. In fact I think he declared people who played RE5 to be tossers or some such.

edit: but this is going off-topic. This thread is asking why people stopped listening. It isn't here so people can slag each other off for their personal choices.


PalaceBrother said:
Player One Podcast

Game Theory
It deserves a mention just so we can pour a sip....it was so great having Gary make an appearance on 1up Yours a few weeks back.

Just wanted to mention, Gary makes regular appearances on the PC Gamer podcast. He's actually pretty funny, because he doesn't play PC gamesanymore (so on Whatchabeenplaying he's always talking up console games on this PC elitist podcast, which I thoroughly enjoy, even as a PC elitist), and he doesn't really pay any attention to the podcast, but he chimes in fairly often and he's really opinionated. I really enjoy him on it.

The other week he apparently just stopped listening in for awhile, then came back and was like, "Wait, what are you guys talking about?" in this really loud voice, I laughed.


Rebel FM: The Christian bashing that would pop up every few episodes was just off putting

IGN: after starting out really stale they injected too much personality to compete with 1up and all their shows ended up being just obnoxious.

Gamespot: Did anyone stick with them after they kicked Jeff to the curb?


BumRush said:
IGN 360 Podcast...they rip on the 360 more than they discuss its features, games, future, etc.

Three Red lights is the best podcast IGN has.

they're the only ones that have the balls to do that instead of just screaming BEYOND BEYOND and start singing like a buncha morons on the mic

they call out and make fun of stupid shit MS does and also give credit to awesome games.


IGN nintendo voice chat!

I mean, holy shit at the kindergarten-level of trolling going on there :lol

Mocking and condescending their audience is the cherry on top of the cake.


1Up yours. David Ellis. Drove me insane for a while and I was shopping around for a new podcast.

Then one day when they were talking about gears co-op they asked him how he played gears (single or co-op) and he replied "I played gears as I believe god intended" or something along those lines. It tickled me at the time and I liked him ever since.

Just one of those minor things, trivial really, but for some reason I stuck with them til the end after that.


scotcheggz said:
1Up yours. David Ellis. Drove me insane for a while and I was shopping around for a new podcast.

Then one day when they were talking about gears co-op they asked him how he played gears (single or co-op) and he replied "I played gears as I believe god intended" or something along those lines. It tickled me at the time and I liked him ever since.

Just one of those minor things, trivial really, but for some reason I stuck with them til the end after that.

David Ellis tickled you and now you like his podcast?



I've stopped listening to Playstation Nation Podcast after a special anniversary episode where everybody was completely drunk... And still they managed to extend the show for several hours (didn't listen to the end though). I don't mind they drink during the show but recording noticeably wasted is a no-no.


Rebel FM has spoiled the endings of two different games for me now. Both times I stopped listening to the podcast for a few weeks but eventually started again.


Unconfirmed Member
I decided to stop listening to gamers with jobs after one of the hosts went way off on a large rant on why he hates Bayonetta. I couldn't stand it because his entire rant came down it being too Japanese in those words. Racist is definitely too strong of a word, but he came off as I guess intolerant. Anyway that wasn't the first time it happened. I just couldn't stand that the one guy could spit on not just a genre but all games from one country minus nintendo. If you dislike something that broad you should just not talk about it.
I listen to a bunch of stuff

Beyond! Can be great occasionally. Sometimes can really suck as well.
Bombcast always delivers.

And even though it isn't the same, I'll always watch Co-op weekly. I'd support anything those guys do, they have a lot of talent in my eyes. I usually find games I would have never cared about normally.


I stopped listening to 1up podcast when shane kept spewing love for everything ps3, like how great Heavenly Sword was.


The podcast world has kind of died in my opinion. All the cool people to listen to were split up and they're all over the place now.

1upYours: Listened from ep 1 to the day Garnett left. Loved that podcast. It had its ups and downs but it was always worth listening to. Never continued on to 4 Guys 1up or whatever it's called.

Idle Thumbs: My favourite podcast of all time and I still go back and listen to an episode now and again. When this podcast ended it was a very sad day.

Brodeo: For obvious reasons.

EA Podcast: I was on board from day 1 but Black Dragon missed a couple of episodes and I lost interest. Without Jeff the show has no personality, only the voice of a company talking about itself.

Irrational Games Podcast: Listened to the first episode. I like Shawn Elliot but the show was more about in jokes amongst a group of friends in a company. That's cool, but not very entertaining for people outside the company. I haven't counted this one out yet though, only one episode in so we'll see.

Criterion Games podcast: It turned into a lame video cast. Plus, Burnout Paradise was starting to wind down.

EGM podcast: Never really liked the people on it. It also seemed to be aimed at a much younger crowd (I'm in my 30s so I don't blame them). Just wasn't for me.

Rebel FM: This used to be the EGM cast didn't it? I disliked the people on here more than the EGM one.

Retronaughts: I really tried to get into this podcast. I'm a big fan of retro gaming, I buy RetroGamer magazine all the time, I still play my retro games and have a huge collection. But the people on this cast are very insular. Anything on the NES is loved by all and praised as the second coming, anything on a SEGA system is laughed at and called lame. You don't shit on a retro system when on a retro themed podcast, magazine, or whatever. Your listeners will have love for whatever obscure system you can possibly imagine. Besides that they have no people who have any idea of the retro computing scene. You get more mentions of the Commodore 64 on the Bombcast for god's sake. I honestly get the impression they have no idea what they are talking about half the time.

Rock Paper Shotgun: Tried this one but the voice quality is atrocious. Impossible to listen to on a commute. Someone page me when they get a better recording system because they do sound pretty good other than the quality.

Still listen to:

Bombcast: The only good regular podcast left in my opinion. Hated it initially but I've grown to love it.

Out of the Game: Always good, but voice quality and regularity is a problem (nothing the guys can do about it though, I don't hold it against them).

A Life Well Wasted: Irregular again, but top notch and the best produced gaming podcast out there.


state_vector_collapse said:
I couldn't give a toss what Vinny's opinion is. In fact he does have some interesting things to say. It is the fact he constantly interrupts that pisses me off. He never used to do it, but now he can't help himself.

As for Davison. I am sorry but I can't take someone seriously, or their opinion seriously, when they declare games to be shit that they haven't even played. It makes everything he says null and void when he is so pig ignorant. In fact I think he declared people who played RE5 to be tossers or some such.

RE5 is fucking gash, so I've no complaints with Davison there.

I like the fact that you cant take someone like Davison seriously purely because his outspoken opinion, on an off the cuff videogame podcast,on a single videogame, differs to yours.


Joystiq-I went from really enjoying it to actually unsubscribing to it on Itunes. I attribute it to the hosts thinking they are far funnier than they actually were (maybe they have gotten funnier since I stopped listening). The other thing that grated on my nerves was when they would complain about not getting a review copy of a game even though they had just started doing "reviews".

IGN podcasts-I really enjoyed them at one point. However, as I discovered new podcasts they fell off my mp3 player eventually.

Giant Bombcast-I liked it for a while, but I feel like the hosts' tastes are too similar. I've seen the GWJ podcast mentioned a couple of times, but they keep me hooked because they have a variation of opinions. I feel like Jeff's opinions are flawed at times, but the other hosts don't call him out on them. It has been about a year since I've listened consistently so this may have changed.

Even though I don't enjoy these I do appreciate the fact that some people do.


Geekbox - the first Patrick episode was fuck-awful. The next time he was on I unsubscribed.

HotSpot - Stuck with it until GTA4. "I woke up a new, better person after playing it" and "it gave me a fresh perspective on my life" will forever be the worst quotes I ever hear about anything.

Rebel FM - Arthur

CAGCast - just kinda lost interest...do the Shipwreck's still do a show??

4Guys1Up - I think the ipad discussion may have ended it for me. Garnett is what gave the show life but I stuck with it...I think that was about it though.


state_vector_collapse said:
Giantbombcast - Vinny just doesn't know when to reign it in these days. It started off superbly, and Vinny was quite quiet, and it let the other three shine.

Nowadays Ryan can't even introduce the podcast without Vinny talking over him. I like listening to Brads views, but Vinny always sticks his oar in. Just sick of the guy and it ruined what was probably the best podcast out there.
I actually think Vinny has reigned it in recently. If you listen to some bombcasts from spring of last year, he was even worse in this regard. It doesn't really bother me that much, but it is better when every has space to speak.


Rebel FM - I can no longer tolerate Arthur Gies shooting down other peoples opinions all the time. The actual segment that did it for me was when Tyler went to demo GH5 and had some positive things to say about it, all of which were shot down by Arthur who hadn't even played the game yet and was basing it on "the previous entries in the series".


mik is unbeatable
lawblob said:
Gamers With Jobs - unbearable

But not unbearable enough to remain in my rotation. I find that I subscribe to shows that are either quality entertainment, or so wildly ignorant, ill-informed, and amateurish that I can glean some joy from yelling at them in my car. It's the same reason I used to listen to Michael Savage on AM radio before I discovered podcasts.


Mar_ said:
Retronaughts: I really tried to get into this podcast. I'm a big fan of retro gaming, I buy RetroGamer magazine all the time, I still play my retro games and have a huge collection. But the people on this cast are very insular. Anything on the NES is loved by all and praised as the second coming, anything on a SEGA system is laughed at and called lame. You don't shit on a retro system when on a retro themed podcast, magazine, or whatever. Your listeners will have love for whatever obscure system you can possibly imagine. Besides that they have no people who have any idea of the retro computing scene. You get more mentions of the Commodore 64 on the Bombcast for god's sake. I honestly get the impression they have no idea what they are talking about half the time.
THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS. It's like watching to the History Channel but it only covering the history of Ohio. OTHER STUFF HAPPENED.

Dear Retronaughts:

Hi! How are you? I am good. I just wanted to write and let you know that there are other countries besides America that played video games back in the day. Wow!

It might interest you to know that in some countries (the ones that aren't called "America" and "Japan") the NES was the loser kid system. Children who owned a NES through parental neglect were mocked in the schoolyard by Master System owning cool kids.

Also, in 1983 while you guys were crying about the death of video gaming everyone else was having a great time playing a heap of new games on the Spectrum (it's like a NES with a keyboard!) and various Commodore machines. Amazing hey!

With love



Basically all of them. I loved Shane before he was a corporate shrill and I loved Idle Thumbs. Both are dead. There is nothing left. Nothing.


Google said:
Putting it on an FM frequency?

I wish! terrestrial radio is so hot right now. but I never got to explore grander methods of distribution for the 1UP shows. ah well.

speaking of podcasts, even if we're scaling back on the "podcast" aspect of it, people might enjoy our G4 programme Feedback. right now it's video-only, but I find it to be quite enjoyable!*

*I am the producer of it.
As an aside, I'm still a bit puzzled that David (Ellis) moved the proverbial What 'cha been playin' segment to the end of the 4G1U podcast instead of the beginning. It's like he mixed things up for the sake of mixing things up.

Move it back, David. Move it back.
Come to think of it, the only podcasts vaguely game related I still enjoy and always will are the Penny Arcade ones, which are now also video and monthly. Its not so much a case of them "doing a show" its just they record their normal discussions leading up to making the strip, and is always fun when its gaming related.

I think thats often half the problem with a lot of other podcasts, as they care too much that theyve got a mic and get to deliver their "awesome cock jokes" to a listenership. Either you have interesting discussions and they get captured or you don't. Just because you're a games journalist doesnt mean you also have what it takes to be a media personality. Thats what hurt 1UP the most as people like Luke and Shane very much were those among them that had that personality to entertain and attract viewers/listeners.


DidntKnowJack said:
As an aside, I'm still a bit puzzled that David (Ellis) moved the proverbial What 'cha been playin' segment to the end of the 4G1U podcast instead of the beginning. It's like he mixed things up for the sake of mixing things up.

Move it back, David. Move it back.

This I agree with.

Having the discussion at the beginning paves the way for actual discussion on the news/previews/features part of the show.

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
I stopped listening to cheap ass gamer's CAGcast. CheapyD is everything I hate with "gaming journalism", specifically, he's a man-child who is completely full of himself and is disconnected from reality. He sits at home, masturbates all day, and listens to Howard Stern(his words). That wasn't a problem until one segment when he started deriding Wombat's(the other guy on the podcast) decision to fast on a particular Jewish holiday. For some reason Cheapy decided to go off topic from games to bashing the other guy's religious decisions. That really bothered me, and the more I thought about it, the madder I got. Not because I'm jewish, far from it as a matter of fact, but because I realized what a stuck-up, all-knowing, jackass Cheapy is.

I mean, here's a guy who lives a cushy life, who jacks off all day and who lives in some sort of video game based alter-reality. He's able to do this and still be financially well off because he has his site and his wife works. Meanwhile, the other guy, who lives in New York, is struggling to make it by and is on the verge of losing his job. Wombat is dealing with real life and is trying to be a good person. For Cheapy to mock Wombat in an obvious moment of weakness was enough to make me never want to listen to their podcast again.
This thread pops up every few months!

Gamers with Jobs year or so ago because of the forced laughter. Someone would say a joke and they would all laugh like it was the funniest joke on earth even though it was super lame and then someone else would "add" their own spin to the joke and everyone would bust a gut again. Like seriously that shit isn't that funny so shut the fuck up people. Also there generally hate towards the ps3 was very annoying.

IGN Podcasts everyone working there sounds like a corporate tool. They give 9.5 and 10's to every hyped game that comes out and even if it sucks they still way overate it. Half the time on the podcasts they are talking about the stupid shit they do in the office to each other and have nothing intelligible to actually say about games.

I'm also just about to stop listening to PS Nation because of the hosts never playing the same game and they like completely different games so whenever one of them is talking about the game the other just sits there and says "yeah" every few minutes. Also listener reviews are so stupid, why the fuck do I care what some stupid listener has to say about a game?


RebelFM - On the podcast they mentioned that Anthony was pressuring Philip Kollar to write a WOW article because .. "WOW is hot now and it will get us a bunch of clicks". That just really turned me off.

Major Nelson - They had a episode where they compared the DVD tech to Blu Ray ( early on in the PS3 life cycle ) and basically ignored any fact they could in effort to make DVD come out on top.

Idle Thumbs - when they stopped creating them... I miss that podcast sooooo much. You don't know what you have until it's gone. *tear*

I have really fallen away from gaming podcasts.


I listened to 1upyours until they extended the running time from 20~ minutes to 4 zillion trillion hours.

Yeah I didn't listen to that podcast for very long. :p


Lunchbox said:
Three Red lights is the best podcast IGN has.

they're the only ones that have the balls to do that instead of just screaming BEYOND BEYOND and start singing like a buncha morons on the mic

they call out and make fun of stupid shit MS does and also give credit to awesome games.

Podcast Beyond is really bad. I guess I have been straying away from IGN lately...


I had stopped listening to the 1up podcast for a time when they were talking about killzone 2, about a week before launch.They just spoiled so much stuff in the disscussion without any regard and didnt really care, or warn.It really turned me off for a long time.I listen every now and then but never like I did before.Also the whole cast changed blah blah blah.
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