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Are There Structures on the Moon?

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Ever notice how you never see Gumby and Hitler in the same room?



Why not do a Kickstarter and launch your own robot to the moon to one of those questionable spots.
Shouldn't really cost more than a traditional communication satellite right, 500mil ?

Or we wait for the Chinese to do it, they plan for a 2025-2030 manned moon mission, a bit odd that they are 60 years behind on space technology.


a conspiracy doesn't mean it's illegitimate.

but your first thought about any conspiracy theory should be 'what evidence is there to support this', not automatically assume it's a rational point of view. If blurry photos which are clearly just regular anomalies on the moon you find with any landscape are enough to compel you to start taking such absurd theories seriously, maybe you need to raise the bar for your skepticism just a tad.

But I bet, judging from this topic, you were all tied to your computer screen trying to dissect the FACE ON MARS as some ancient alien petroglyph or some shit too.


But I bet, judging from this topic, you were all tied to your computer screen trying to dissect the FACE ON MARS as some ancient alien petroglyph or some shit too.

Let's not put word's in people's mouths now. I already stated that the 'face on mars' is probably a mountain.

But here is something interesting.

The Face on Mars was first discussed in a 1958 Jack Kirby comic, years before the Viking landed on Mars.


I do find that interesting.


I wouldn't go putting your words in anyone's mouth either, since you did just pull those words out of your ass.

You're pretty hostile. Live a little.


Let's not put word's in people's mouths now. I already stated that the 'face on mars' is probably a mountain.

Heh, look at your use of words here. "probably a mountain." There's no probably about it, as most people know.

But, hey, this is "probably" not a space bunny.

For whatever reason, the part of your brain that should have healthy, rational skepticism is just replaced by the most wide-eyed, gullible acceptance of the most pie-in-the-sky conspiracy theories on Earth. I mean, seriously, take a step back and consider what you're proposing here.

Edit: Holy shit @ your addition to your post. Look at yourself! Everytime you should be able to make a rational conclusion based on hard evidence, you have to qualify it with some equally insane "wink wink BUT THIS SURE IS STRANGE" sub fact that you think is "interesting" which is just code word for "THAR BE CONSPIRACIES IN THEM HILLS".


what if we are the moon

what if mankind went to the moon already, THOUSANDS of years ago.

what if all of this is just ancient ruins ?

What if we are actually living statues carved from moon rock, and we live on the moon, and the thing we see in space is the Earth, and we've all just been tricked by the space mirrors?

What if Link did see from the Astral Observatory that the Moon was made of Poké Snacks and its craters were actually bites from a hungry Mr. Resetti?

There's a reason we never went back to the moon. We were told not to come back.

Note: For the sake of bringing some content into this thread, I'm gonna play Devil's Advocate Idiot.

NASA Whistleblower: Alien Moon Cities Exist

Former National Aeronautics and Space Administration Data and Photo Control Department manager, Ken Johnston, who worked for the space agency's Lunar Receiving Laboratory during the Apollo missions has been fired for telling the truth.

Johnston asserts NASA knows astronauts discovered ancient alien cities and the remains of amazingly advanced machinery on the Moon. Some of the technology can manipulate gravity.

He says the agency ordered a cover-up and forced him to participate in it.

Over the past 40 years other scientists, engineers and technicians have accused NASA of cover-ups and obscuring data.

Youtube: Why NASA Never Returned to the Moon

In 1976 an ex-NASA employee, Otto Binder, accused NASA of censoring transmissions from the Apollo astronauts by switching to secret radio frequencies and using code names for UFOs. Otto Binder claimed that he had heard an Apollo astronaut tell mission control that there were huge alien spaceships parked on the lunar surface right in the middle of the Sea of Tranquility which had been chosen for the landing sight for Apollo 11.
Neil Armstrong dies along with secrets of what he saw on moon

During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence.
According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes:

Mission Control: What's there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.

Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they're on the moon watching us.
The HAM operator’s radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media, but in 1975 it received unexpected support. Maurice Chatelain, is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote:

Only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead. Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People magazine.” (p. 25)
So why did NASA eventually terminate the Apollo missions if extraterrestrial visitors were there and watching the Earth? The answer according to Armstrong, as relayed by an unnamed Professor at a NASA symposium is as follows:

Professor: What really happened out there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong: It was incredible … of course, we had always known there was a possibility … the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city.


Heh, look at your use of words here. "probably a mountain." There's no probably about it, as most people know.

But, hey, this is "probably" not a space bunny.

For whatever reason, the part of your brain that should have healthy, rational skepticism is just replaced by the most wide-eyed, gullible acceptance of the most pie-in-the-sky conspiracy theories on Earth. I mean, seriously, take a step back and consider what you're proposing here.

I'm open to anything. Sorry if it bothers you.


Some time back, there were plans to establish a noahs ark type dna facility on the moon. If something happened on earth, the dna of all living things would remain intact on the moon.

Don't they already have seed banks in the northern regions like Norway? It's a good idea they do that imo.


There is no proof that aliens are visiting planet Earth or the moon on a nuts and bolts spaceship.

Not saying that aliens can't exist, but the proof isn't there.
Wait, you're willing to believe that UFOs are related to/caused by poltergeist activity but you want proof of alien existence.

All I can say is that I'm a Nigerian government official and I have a pressing need for your bank account details.


Wait, you're willing to believe that UFOs are related to/caused by poltergeist activity but you want proof of alien existence.

All I can say is that I'm a Nigerian government official and I have a pressing need for your bank account details.

There is just no proof of aliens coming on spaceships to visit the Earth. There is tangible proof of the link between UFOs and poltergeist activity. Per MUFON reports, physical traces like the smell of sulfur and witnesses of UFO events are closely linked.

And FYI the source I gave out was a government source.

I would recommend this book from John Keel. http://www.amazon.com/dp/0962653462/?tag=neogaf0e-20


Yeah they do, the facility is high tech. Having a noahs ark on the moon is a great idea imo, it should have happened already

Get on it NASA!


Heh, look at your use of words here. "probably a mountain." There's no probably about it, as most people know.

But, hey, this is "probably" not a space bunny.

For whatever reason, the part of your brain that should have healthy, rational skepticism is just replaced by the most wide-eyed, gullible acceptance of the most pie-in-the-sky conspiracy theories on Earth. I mean, seriously, take a step back and consider what you're proposing here.

Edit: Holy shit @ your addition to your post. Look at yourself! Everytime you should be able to make a rational conclusion based on hard evidence, you have to qualify it with some equally insane "wink wink BUT THIS SURE IS STRANGE" sub fact that you think is "interesting" which is just code word for "THAR BE CONSPIRACIES IN THEM HILLS".

This is GAF. Believe


There is just no proof of aliens coming on spaceships to visit the Earth. There is tangible proof of the link between UFOs and poltergeist activity. Per MUFON reports, physical traces like the smell of sulfur and witnesses of UFO events are closely linked.

Tangible proof, ladies and gentlemen.

I would recommend this book from John Keel.

I've got some recommended reading for you too:



Oh man, the irony.

But seriously, think about this: How could there be chemtrails in a place that has no atmosphere?

yeah i'm not sure about the whole chemtrail conspiracy theory.

Other alternative theories on UFOs

Carl Jung's Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies

Jacques Vallee, J. Allen Hynek, whom are believers in the interdimensional hypothesis theory

Michio Kaku says there are many dimensions

Jacques Vallee on UFOs

Dr. Jacques Vallee:

"We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth.... I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact."

"[An] impressive parallel [can] be made between UFO occupants and the popular conceptions of demons." "[UFOs can] project images or fabricated scenes designed to change our belief systems." "...human belief... is being controlled and conditioned," "man's concepts are being rearranged," and we may be headed toward "a massive change of human attitudes toward paranormal abilities and extraterrestrial life."

"The 'medical examination' to which abductees are said to be subjected, often accompanied by sadistic sexual manipulation, is reminiscent of the medieval tales of encounters with demons. It makes no sense in a sophisticated or technical or biological framework: any intelligent being equipped with the scientific marvels that UFOs possess would be in a position to achieve any of these alleged scientific objectives in a shorter time and with fewer risks."

"...the symbolic display seen by the abductees is identical to the type of initiations ritual or astral voyage that is imbedded in the [occult] traditions of every culture." Thus, "the structure of abduction stories is identical to that of occult initiation rituals."
This is completely bogus, though. It's well-established that there are 13 dimensions, not 11. Laughable, really.
Jacques Vallee on UFOs
I feel like this is attributing something more to the term UFO than what it indicates. A UFO can be anything.

Anyway, it's no secret that the New World Order is propagating concentration camps on the Moon. Any idiot can see that. Some people are just so closed-minded to the truth, I'm afraid.




That "A" could be for "Atlantis".

Do you think The Ancients™ could have all migrated to the moon on the same spaceships that were in contact with the Ancient Sumerians (i.e. the same Aliens that made us)? Perhaps it DIDN'T SINK, but was transported to the moon.

Is such a thing even possible?


This is completely bogus, though. It's well-established that there are 13 dimensions, not 11. Laughable, really.I feel like this is attributing something more to the term UFO than what it indicates. A UFO can be anything.

I'd trust a string theorist's statements over armchair analysis from Necromanti.

Yes, a UFO means an unidentified flying object. He is talking about the small percentage of UFO reports that remain unexplained.


That "A" could be for "Atlantis".

Do you think The Ancients™ could have all migrated to the moon on the same spaceships that were in contact with the Ancient Sumerians (i.e. the same Aliens that made us)? Perhaps it DIDN'T SINK, but was transported to the moon.

brb, asking abovesecret.com

I'm down with this theory. What if there was an advanced global civilization that did reach the stars? After all, there are pyramids all over the world yet people only discuss the Egyptian Pyramids in Giza. There are pyramids in China, Peru, etc...
I'd trust a string theorist's statements over armchair analysis from Necromanti.

Yes, a UFO means an unidentified flying object. He is talking about the small percentage of UFO reports that remain unexplained.
I'm not the only one well aware of that truth. You can ask anyone seriously involved with meditation. But you're free to stay in denial.

And some UFOs may be unexplained. Doesn't mean that they are unexplainable, though.

But yes. I agree with your OP. But I fear it is a lot more insidious considering what the NWO is doing on the moon to all political dissidents.
lol not sure if serious. i'll take a scientists explanation of the multiverse than some guy doing yoga, meditating. that's just me though.
Sigh. It's sad what the Illuminati has led people to believe, but it's understandable, I suppose. One day, you'll find the truth. (If we're not shipped off to a NWO concentration camp on the moon before then.)


Sigh. It's sad what the Illuminati has led people to believe, but it's understandable, I suppose. One day, you'll find the truth. (If we're not shipped off to a NWO concentration camp on the moon before then.)

Ah, I'm fully aware of the occult secret societies and the stranglehold they have on this planet. Cool that you're aware too. I do not buy the NWO concentration camps and what not (FEMA Camps). That is just fear mongering.
Ah, I'm fully aware of the occult secret societies and the stranglehold they have on this planet. Cool that you're aware too. I do not buy the NWO concentration camps and what not (FEMA Camps). That is just fear mongering.
The pictures you showed in the OP make it quite clear of their existence, though. The governments have been covering them up for a reason. I believe architects have analyzed the patterns and cross-referenced them to WW2 data--as well as with more modern building techniques--surmising as much. Such things tend to be expunged from the internet, though, I'm afraid.


Ah, I'm fully aware of the occult secret societies and the stranglehold they have on this planet. Cool that you're aware too. I do not buy the NWO concentration camps and what not (FEMA Camps). That is just fear mongering.

It's endearing how you arbitrarily believe some conspiracy theories and outright deny others.


Sigh. It's sad what the Illuminati has led people to believe, but it's understandable, I suppose. One day, you'll find the truth. (If we're not shipped off to a NWO concentration camp on the moon before then.)

Thank you for your words of wisdom Necromanti

...Lizard person


It's endearing how you arbitrarily believe some conspiracy theories and outright deny others.

So, all conspiracy theorists have to think alike? I find that statement laughable.

Call me a conspiracy nut if I believe that a small group of people own vast resources of this planet. I mean, shocker.
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