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Assassin's Creed - Movie Trailer

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Music so out of place.
CGI has a super artificial look in the Inquisition scenes. Action's too "matrix-y", with the fuckin' poses and all (and lol at Deadpool's "super-hero landing" which of course it's in as well. But hey, I don't care for the games (have played 2/Brotherhood/Black Flag/small parts of Unity), if I was a fan of the franchise's lore I'd be ecstatic considering how these deals usually turn out, happy for the fans if it turns out a good AC's story on film.

I'll watch it (on BRD) for the Fass.

Could've done a lot better if it wasn't releasing alongside SW:RO, but will still do 300$M worldwide just with the tickets.


Spanish inquisition, aye?

Actually, that's a great decision. For a series like AC, going the "expanded universe" route is definitely the smartest way to do a cross media adaptation. Of course doesn't mean they can't fuck it up but at least the writers aren't tied down to directly adapting a subpar plot whilst at the same time not having to abandon everything that people actually like about the ip.


That was terrible. Except for dressing up like Assassins I really don't see any sort of resemblance to the games.
im not saying the movies gonna be bad because the trailer is bad, but the movies probably gonna be bad.

also that song. couldntve come up with a worse fit.
That looked pretty bad, the music was not really appropriate for the setting or tone of the trailer, but I'll wait to see more before I decide to see in theaters or wait for home release.



65% present day/35% past

Oof. I was hoping for the opposite. That means we'll be spending 45ish minutes in the past if it's a two hour flick. Not sure if that's enough time for a proper ancestor plot.


There are some very specific things from the Assassin’s Creed franchise that will make the leap to the film though. Hidden away in the Abstergo base is a room full of artifacts. All kinds really, Templar artifacts and also old Assassin artifacts. Among those Assassin artifacts, eagle eyed fans will notice a lot of very familiar weapons from the games, like the traditional Assassin wrist blades but also specific character weapons like: Altaïr’s sword from the first game, Haytham Kenway’s bow from Assassin’s Creed III, Edward Kenway’s flintlock pistols from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag, and Jacob Frye’s cane sword from Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (a game that was days from coming out on the day of our visit).


Terrible music, great clips. I don't think it's hard to make an Assassin's Creed movie so I'm down.

Watch the first 10 minutes of the movie to be Fassbender walking with a guy in the streets while talking.


65% present day/35% past

Oof. I was hoping for the opposite. That means we'll be spending 45ish minutes in the past if it's a two hour flick. Not sure if that's enough time for a proper ancestor plot.


If it's a 2 hour Film, that means a good Half Hour will be the Credits, given AC Games.
Wait whatever you do in the animus now mimics your real life actions ? I.e when he jumps in the animus he needs it strapped to his back so he can jump in real life?

Not sure why they need that aspect . Visually the animus stuff looks great but I'm worried most of it will be him training in the real world etc
Looks authentic enough but that female Assassin's fight looked a little fake. Maybe it's because I'm coming off from Civil War?

Anyway I guess that giant arm crane thing substitutes for movement in VR? Kinda cool idea.

Moderately interested.

Wait whatever you do in the animus now mimics your real life actions ? I.e when he jumps in the animus he needs it strapped to his back so he can jump in real life?

Not sure why they need that aspect . Visually the animus stuff looks great but I'm worried most of it will be him training in the real world etc

I guess an argument can be made for a person needing actual muscle memory in order to learn an ancestor's skills? I dunno.


First off the music is fucking ass. Garbage. Second, is the animus a robotic arm machine now? Third, the Spanish piece looks good.
As if I couldn't take the images serious enough already. The audio with the over used heavy drop and then the rapper (later found out it's Kanye, so even worse) just sucked it bone dry.

"I am a gaaaahhhh"

"Even though I'm a man of gaaaaahhhh"

"My whole life in da han uh gaaaahhhhh"

"ya'all beduh quit Playin' wit gah!"

He got paid more than most of us on this page will make in a lifetime (probably combined) for these four genius lines of poetry.

If you know nothing about Kanye then why are you criticizing? Educate yourself.


Seems like this is a different, possibly more advanced version of the Animus, that actually lets the subject do stuff instead of be a couch potato.
Ultrawide support confirmed!

Looks pretty close visually to the source games but man that music is hella out of place.

This really seems like it could be a trailer for an actual Assassin's Creed game. Seeing as I'm not a huge fan of the series, I don't know how I feel about that. Could be an ok movie I guess. Only problem is.... that fucking music damn near ruined the whole trailer.

Seems like this is a different, possibly more advanced version of the Animus, that actually lets the subject do stuff instead of be a couch potato.

Pretty sure they just did that so it would look more interesting in the movie. An animus like that would serve no purpose in a video game :p


Seems like this is a different, possibly more advanced version of the Animus, that actually lets the subject do stuff instead of be a couch potato.

I mean, wasn't that the main reason of ACII? Desmond to learn to fight like Ezio...then ACIII happened and Desmond was all Connor, like they couldn't even re-add Ezio's animations into the game.


Pretty sure they just did that so it would look more interesting in the movie. An animus like that would serve no purpose in a video game :p

It's kind of hitting two birds with one stone. Looks interesting for the audience, and also story-wise makes sense for the subject to practice out their genetic memories in real time instead of just knowing everything from sitting around.
Didn't think it looked very hot, although I have moderate faith in this because I think Fassbender is solid and he usually picks good roles.

Didn't like that music though; didn't think it fit at all. I have no idea who Yeezus is.


Honestly I thought it looked OK, parkour and most of the action there looked decent although I'd worry it'll turn into prequel Star Wars at some stage. Plus I am quite partial to Fassbender.

What's the deal with the publishing and directing teams? I remember a few years when it was on the table I think Sony or someone else was rumoured to want it but pulled out because Ubisoft wanted too much pull on the plot and style to keep it in tone with the game. Did Ubisoft give in or did they get their wishes with Fox?
I remain cautiously optimistic. Mostly due to the presence of The Fass.

Agree about the bad choice of music in the trailer.

I look forward to the trailer fan-remake with Jesper Kyd dubbed over it instead.

7/10. Would stab again.


Whatever you want to say about the trailer you can't say that it isn't true to the series.

They even managed to get a T-pose glitch into the trailer.

Nuke Soda

Can't wait to sign up for Uplay to watch a movie I give 0 shits about.

If it wants to stay true to the game there better be a good hour dedicated to Michael Fassbender following people around and eavesdropping on them.


Wow, really surprised to see just how closely its sticking to the source material, from the general story to little details. That poster is totally embracing its roots rather then trying to distance itself from it.
Well, it certainly looks like Assassin's Creed, which is more than you can say for most game movies.

Lol, yeah.

The parkour stuff looks excellent. But...

When the girl fights those 2 dudes they moronically used cg hidden blades. The blades don't get stuck in the bodies so she has to pull them out(like in the games) instead opponents bounce off to the side from clean palm strike.

Get rid of those cgi blades, lol.

They could easily fix this by having the blades extend and retract quickly, before the dudes fall down. Also, CG blood.

But yes as-is it looks pretty bad.


Terrible song choice, surprisingly okay-ish cinematography (considering it's Macbeth team) and it can go either way... so, right now it's on the same level as Warcraft and I have no real confidence until I see the movie myself and check out the b.o. earnings couple of weeks after premiere. Video game adaptations are yet to hit the mark it seems.

Didn't stop playing with gawd!


It looks both faithful to the look of the franchise and at the same time... kind of cringe-worthy. But honestly, that's probably hard to avoid.
I'll probably watch it just to see how evil the spaniards are.
Looks authentic enough but that female Assassin's fight looked a little fake.
Female assassins are hard to animate.


The animus looks like crap. A big robot arm, what? The stuff in the animus seems fine though. Decent cinematography by the look of it, with those nice shots of the cityscape.

Terrible song. Wtf were they thinking? What even was the tone they were shooting for?

Fady K

I liked it quite a bit! Fassbender is looking great as always :D

However, get that TERRIBLE music out of the trailer next time. Kanye West's stuff does not belong, in any shape or form, in such a trailer. How they used his song in this trailer is mind boggling.
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