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Avalanche: "Microtransactions and subscriptions will be the next-gen of games"


Worships the porcelain goddess



Unconfirmed Member
Then I'll be putting my money in games that come out for the WiiU and PS4 games that don't nickle and dime me to death.

It's that simple.


I think we all know that.

They'll still be blaming used game sales when their crappy, bloated games fail and their mismanaged studios get closed tho, so, I guess there's that too.
Thank you iPhone in app purchases and all successful f2p games. Corporate has seen your success and now wants a piece of the pie. This is their new "let's make a cod game too" thing and it shall suck. I hate the path video games are going down. Suits suck


If Sony first party picks up on these practices... I'll be quite upset.

All future Killzone DLC will be FREE, so for now it seems they are not thinking in that way.
"build the game with the community"

Hmm.. Could be interesting if this is the case. Reality though is that the higher-ups will always force the change they want.


Neo Member
Guess I won't have a difficult decision to make about buying many games for my PS4 when I get one then.

No micro-transactions = Yes
Micro-transactions = No


Then I won't be buying into next gen.

I can wait.

We heard this same battlecry for an entire generation with people swearing up and down how they would never purchase a console with pay-to-play online, and here we are with XboxOne and PS4 launched and those same people are silent, they just accepted it without even pretending to be outraged.

So save it people, we all know how this story will end.


I can understand why Avalanche would say this, their games are already so poorly designed and are perfect for microtransactions. Remember just cause 2 and how grossly repetitive it was with its 4 billion settlements that all looked the same and you had to blow up the same military objects in each of them and collect the 38,000 collectibles? If that game came out today it would have tons of "time saver" packs to buy.


The big Activision and EA games are already like that. I don't think the hardcore will accept this business model for more niche games. And Just Cause simply doesn't have that kind of mass market appeal.


Has anyone seen any actual economic analysis of microtransactions, in terms of how much potential cash is actually there to be grabbed? There cannot be an infinite amount of whales floating around to support every future game. I wonder how far this trend will go before companies are simply cannabilising each others profits.
Is it just me or is anyone else a bit tired of publishers/developers TELLING me what I am going to accept in the future ? I have a novel idea, why don't they discuss what future gaming should be like with us. Instead of going the future is going to be blah blah de fucking blah and you are going to like it whether you want too or not.
Next-Gen hasn't even started in the UK, and I'm already sick of it. I'm rolling back a generation. Sick of greedy studios/publishers.
I can understand why Avalanche would say this, their games are already so poorly designed and are perfect for microtransactions. Remember just cause 2 and how grossly repetitive it was with its 4 billion settlements that all looked the same and you had to blow up the same military objects in each of them and collect the 38,000 collectibles? If that game came out today it would have tons of "time saver" packs to buy.

I enjoyed Just Cause and Just Cause 2 but i mainly played in small sessions as it was tremendous fun but repetitive in large doses.

It was good to see avalanche respond to Mad Max fans earlier in the year but i'm starting to think that the only gameplay advances we'll see next-gen is a return to grinding in order to sell more micro-transaction "time savers".

Still with PC/Wii U and PS4 i think i can avoid those kind of games and practises :)


So what he is saying is that we should wait until the "game of the year edition" of every game is 75% off? Cool.


Cool I'll keep on not buying any of that shit. It's disgusting and I hope reviewers will go down hard on any game that introduces a grind to get more money out of it's players. Would be lovely to see all those games get shitty Metacritic score and I am sure the devs and publishers will enjoy that as well.
A lot of people complain about this, but you know what... I would be perfectly ok if the industry followed the Tribes: Ascend model

i.e. At least 1 free weapon/class/character slot to unlock (of the users choice would be my preference) and then the ability to grind your way through the game for free and unlock everything eventually, or have a handful of tiers to purchase that unlock various levels of content. Say 20 unlocks half the game, 40, 75%, and then 60 (the cost of a full retail game) unlock the majority of content available. I think the KI model could be a successful test. The max amount you spend is less than a retail game + the potential of DLC of course.

Anyone that pays full price for a current game has no reason to hate that model. I personally would rather buy what I want as opposed to pay the full premium only to realize im not interested in using 90% of the content (Fighting games im looking at you)

I should add... I am opposed to boosters though, unless you manage to balance your game so well it doesn't matter how fast someone unlocks something... (which just doesn't happen often unfortunately)


I can understand why Avalanche would say this, their games are already so poorly designed and are perfect for microtransactions. Remember just cause 2 and how grossly repetitive it was with its 4 billion settlements that all looked the same and you had to blow up the same military objects in each of them and collect the 38,000 collectibles? If that game came out today it would have tons of "time saver" packs to buy.

The main meat of Just Cause 2 was abysmal. There are 8 main missions I believe, along with copy paste faction missions.


Or maybe like DLC, Nintendo will wait until next-next gen to implement it.

Nintendo already has games with dlc. They just tend to think that you pack as much into a game and move on, not sell a half finished product to your audience and sell the other half to them later.


People told me if you don't like it, then don't buy it (ignoring how it directly affects gameplay). But do they realize that the small percentage of those will use microtransactions spends a lot of money on them? This is why they're in nearly every smartphone game. Look up the percentage of people who never spend a dime and you'll be shocked. Microtransactions are here to stay guys! 60 dollar games, 50 dollar day 1 season pass, microtransactions, and soon to be in-game ads! YAY!!!!


Let's face it, this is one of the dumbest analogies i've read in a long time.

Keep on keepin' on, noobasuar.

Why is it dumb? Games hit on your pleasure centers. People will do some repetitive task for hours all for the satisfaction of hearing the sound of an achievement being activated.

Basically people should just start doing actual drugs. The quality control is much better.


F2P is preceived as low-quality because by and large they are low-quality games designed for sucking in an unreasonable quantity of microtransactions. Fix that, and you fix the perception. If you simply champion F2P and do not address the apprehensions and disagreements that consumers have with these kinds of purchases, then it's never going to change.


Except on Nintendo.

But people will support the microtransactions and subscriptions even while complaining about them rather than buy Nintendo

maybe because Nintendo games don't appeal to them? I haven't owned a Nintendo system since N64. ended up buying a 3DS this past weekend for ALBW.

While Microsoft and Sony are shitheads, you can't expect someone to just buy a $300 system with no games that interests them.


If this becomes the norm, than as a consumer of games I will become abnormal, as I will make less and less purchases to perpetuate products making this direction. Games are not necessities, and even if they 'were', you can impose whatever the fuck you want, but if I don't want to play ball, I'm not partaking in it. What you act as a must or just is doesn't mean I have to go along with it, too.


I doubt it. They said the same thing about project $10 dollar, the same thing about always on DRM. Bottom line is the customers get what they want.

If this is your attitude Avalanche, please fuck off and go make phone or Facebook games or whatever bullshit is the supposed future of milking mouthbreathers.
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