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Avalanche: "Microtransactions and subscriptions will be the next-gen of games"

Microtransactions like buying hats and other cosmetic items which are entirely optional I can live with, but I think that we all know that's not what they're getting at.

If it's a subscription model it is automatically a NO for me.

Even If it has a bunch of microtransactions I might still get it, as long as the game is not broken towards that.

I guess some studios simply don't want my money.


Microtransactions like buying hats and other cosmetic items which are entirely optional I can live with, but I think that we all know that's not what they're getting at.

Yep, cosmetics are fine. Don't give a shit because you can't change fundamental design philosophies around a new dress for Lightning.

But no, that's not what they're talking about.
The sadder part is how naive people are in responding with "Just don't buy them," as if games with microtransactions/F2P* mechanics aren't designed to skew towards that model and is not at all look at as bad design.

*I realize a number of PC F2P titles have the right idea about them with cosmetic items.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
Then, games sales going down will be the next-gen of "Fu*k you!". :truthfact


The sadder part is how naive people are in responding with "Just don't buy them," as if games with microtransactions/F2P* mechanics aren't designed to skew towards that model and is not at all look at as bad design.

*I realize a number of PC F2P titles have the right idea about them with cosmetic items.

You can also just not buy the game at all. Or wait for word from other people who can tell you if buying those kinds of micro-transactions is necessary to complete the game.

Anyway, I despise micro-transactions when they're done in the way they are in Forza. On the other hand, Valve does a great job with it.


We should then be prepared for TitanFall, Destiny, The Division and other great upcoming games to have microtransactions. Its really horrible.
Guess I won't have a difficult decision to make about buying many games for my PS4 when I get one then.

No micro-transactions = Yes
Micro-transactions = No

This is me on Xone...it's going to be very simple...micro transactions? You can keep your game...!!

I actually don't care if they have them built in for those that can't earn it and pay extra to unlock things quicker...what I can't stand is not getting the content because I refuse to pay extra.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it just me or is anyone else a bit tired of publishers/developers TELLING me what I am going to accept in the future ? I have a novel idea, why don't they discuss what future gaming should be like with us. Instead of going the future is going to be blah blah de fucking blah and you are going to like it whether you want too or not.

No, I've never found the dogmatic speaking points amusing or convincing. But humans do enjoy pontification so I doubt we'll be seeing any sort of discussion, especially from the larger studios and/or publishers.
Subscriptions and microtransactions can be implemented in a way which makes sense in multiplayer titles, but keep them the fuck away from my single player titles.


Aren't they already doing this with Wii Sports Club?

Anyway, gamers will be there day one. People balked at paying to play online and here we are.
Not quite, since you can buy the games outright with no strings attached instead of purchasing time tickets.
You guys seems to forget recent Nintendo DLC experiments and that they are localizing the Microtransaction heavy Bravely Default For the Sequel

At least they're just now getting to DLC. Hopefully it won't be till the next Ninty console when they experiment with microtransactions. I'm even more hopeful that they'll just can any experiments with that stuff seeing the vitriol against it right now.
Doesn't like very XBone game already have them? Seems like we're already most of the way there.

I miss being able to purchase a complete experience.


Then I'll be looking forward to seeing you fall. If paying $400-$500 for a console, $50-$60 a year for online access, $60 a pop for games, plus being charged for DLC later is not enough, then you can forget it.


Gamers am cry. I think many of them don't realize just how much game design is warped in a bad way to put microtransactions in since I see so many "just don't buy them and play the game" responses all of the time.

I think devs and pubs are setting themselves up for a huge disappointment if they think this microtransactions money will last.

This is abother farmville/wii bubble.

Only thing to come out of this is damaging brands.


You guys seems to forget recent Nintendo DLC experiments and that they are localizing the Microtransaction heavy Bravely Default For the Sequel

The DLC experiments don't detract from the core game, in fact in NSLU's case its a whole new game on top of the old one.

Bravely Default's microtransactions are completely unnecessary to play and complete the game.

Until they do start selling half a game with microtransactions for the other half, Nintendo's not like the others in this regard.
If microtransactions and stuff like that is the future of games then I probably will just keep on building my 360, Gamecube, PSP, DS and PC collections and get a PS3 and Wii U a few years down the line.

I want no part in shaping this terrible future.


Well guess what? We get to decide what the models are, you know consumers. Publishers and developers get to put them out there, but we have the final say.

The DRM - No used games fiasco proved that. We just have to stand united and reject anything that we feel is not in our interests.

I for one am leaning towards Indie games this generation. AAA is bereft of ideas anyway. The only creativity coming from these suits is around thinking up new ways to monetize the same old ideas.

Just make a good product. Do that first and then we can talk about how much money you can make.


I'm not going to take much more of the "buy buy buy!"-nagging before I call it quits on some of my favorite gaming franchises and developers.

Pay to win was called "cheat codes" / "god mode" back in the days..and they were always free of charge. Cheat codes also meant there was no tutorials and constant button prompts lasting from the beginning to end of a game..
The DLC experiments don't detract from the core game, in fact in NSLU's case its a whole new game on top of the old one.

Bravely Default's microtransactions are completely unnecessary to play and complete the game.

Until they do start selling half a game with microtransactions for the other half, Nintendo's not like the others in this regard.

Let's not pretend Wii Sports U isn't an experiment in that very direction.
I personally am totally cool with all these alternative payment models as long as they're done in a way that makes sense for the game and the players. Plenty of games that currently are on the $60 boxed product+DLC model could work better as subscription or F2P games.

Shit like Forza and Ryse charging $60 for the game and then layering a F2P-style "grind forever or pay money to unlock content" system on top of it is inexcusably terrible, I'll agree. But just because F2P tends to be done horribly doesn't mean it can't be done well.


I asked this one Twitter about 30 minutes before this thread went up but...

Do we really need AAA gaming if this is the form it's going to take in the future?


You guys seems to forget recent Nintendo DLC experiments and that they are localizing the Microtransaction heavy Bravely Default For the Sequel

Nintendo's DLC, if anything, just offers extra stuff. None of it has yet to feel like they took stuff already on the disc and literally held it back. Most DLC from other companies literally feels as if at one point it was part of package and is now being sold in pieces. Bravely Default is literally their biggest offender, but that's a Square-Enix game for the most part. They've been incorporating more of that shit in their games as a company, following the awful trends everyone else is doing.

For better or worse, Nintendo has been doing pretty well regarding this shit by being "behind the times".

I asked this one Twitter about 30 minutes before this thread went up but...

Do we really need AAA gaming if this is the form it's going to take in the future?

Absolutely not. There is no must for anything in the world really, especially a particularly broken model of making entertainment products.
That's exactly what he says he hopes will happen. Lower the initial price so as to monetize it long term.

This is such a bullshit thing for him to say, though. He's basically saying "oh we're going to build a bunch of microtransactions into the game and then try really hard to make it cheaper, but if we don't then #YOLO".

Either start at a point where you're charging half the price for the game then recouping your costs with microtransactions, or just make a full-priced game and leave the F2P monetisation tactics out entirely.


We should then be prepared for TitanFall, Destiny, The Division and other great upcoming games to have microtransactions. Its really horrible.

Not so great games then.

I can skip all of them if they have microtransactions and a 60 euro pricetag.
Really, people who tell gamers, "THIS is the way it HAS to be!" deserve to get their asses put in their place by a slew of gamers who say, "Wait a minute, fuckers! WE tell you how it HAS to be! We are your bread and butter! Remember that!". And I don't mean this to sound entitled, but sometimes these studios feel they are within their rights to tell gamers they know best and are aiming to lead them around like the Pied Piper. Sometimes these folk deserve to be cut down to size, at least to the point of being humbled and in full realization that without gamers, they wouldn't be employed in the first place. Respect the gamers and they'd have no reason to wish ill on your. Microsoft learned that the hard way.


I can't speak for anyone else, but there's no way in hell I'm buying into subscriptions, microtransactions, or any such nonsense. If I don't accept it, it has no bearing on my hobby and has an adverse negative effect of costing at least one potential buyer and any game/"service" that tries to pull either a subscription or microtransaction model does not receive my purchase or only will through a hefty Steam/GOG discount, respectively.

Fox Mulder

These poor developers see the money mobile games can rake in and want to combine f2p micro transaction shit with a $60 AAA game.

have fun with that.
The DLC experiments don't detract from the core game, in fact in NSLU's case its a whole new game on top of the old one.

Because that never happened before with other DLC...

Also, this doesn't sound manipulative... like at all (right?):


Bravely Default's microtransactions are completely unnecessary to play and complete the game.

And yet they are there and with some gameplay modifications.

Until they do start selling half a game with microtransactions for the other half, Nintendo's not like the others in this regard.

I think that has more to do with "Online scares me" than actuall unwillingness.


Absolutely not. There is no must for anything in the world really, especially a particularly broken model of making entertainment products.

Gaming as a hobby can survive without AAA games right?

Would we still have huge console releases without it? Hmm...
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