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Best Couples in Videogames


Well, Fang checked out her thigh once for something very specific (which both sisters and female friends do at times).

But where in the world does the groping each other's boobs incident come from? I swear I don't remember that happening.

You rip up your sister's skirt to check out her butt? Right...

And just look up screenshots of Fang and Vanille to see how they embrace.

If Fang was male, there would be no question about their relationship being romantic.

Truth Bomb 2: Fang was originally designed as male and they changed the gender partway through development to balance the male/female ratios better.

This is like those people who still refuse to accept FFT's ending.
Ramza lived.
You rip up your sister's skirt to check out her butt? Right...

And just look up screenshots of Fang and Vanille to see how they embrace.

Truth Bomb 2: Fang was originally designed as male and they changed the gender partway through development to balance the male/female ratios better.

This is like those people who still refuse to accept FFT's ending.
Ramza lived.

I'm not saying that you are wrong, but come to Japan and see how people interact with members of the same sex. They touch, poke, prod, and even grope members of the same sex freely. Girls go hand in hand, arm in arm, or even dangling from each other like monchichis. People put their hands on others' thighs, women touch each others' private areas, and I've even had friends get their package grabbed by other guys publicly (one was getting cheered on when he said he had a date coming up). Romantic relationships, on the other hand, have very little overt public physical contact.
Has Baten Kaitos Origins been mentioned yet?


I thought Milliarde and Sagi made a sweet couple when I played it, and Guillo's dynamic between the two of them was both funny and sometimes touching.
Well i have 2 more couples that i feel were pretty "strange" romances. Luca Blight and Lucia. And Kasumi and Tir McDohl. I think they fit to an extent.


So good. But this would probably be my pick :)

Points if you know who they are. Damn, I feel old.
FFIV: Edge, Rydia

But their relationship failed? I mean, 17 years later they still weren't together. She friendzoned him so hard that SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER he still wants her and STILL doesn't get her. The girl literally prefers to smang monsters over him. She is the Namor of the series in this sense.

Besides, even Cecil ships Lightning and Firion.

This is like those people who still refuse to accept FFT's ending.
Ramza lived.

What? No way, man. He's Jesus Christ. He
died and then came back.


No one mentioned Little Mac and Doc Louis from Punch-Out yet?


They have a very...ummm, peculiar relationship in the Wii version of the game


But their relationship failed? I mean, 17 years later they still weren't together. She friendzoned him so hard that SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER he still wants her and STILL doesn't get her. The girl literally prefers to smang monsters over him. She is the Namor of the series in this sense.

Besides, even Cecil ships Lightning and Firion.

What? No way, man. He's Jesus Christ. He
died and then came back.

Yeah, Corvo's right here. Edge was friendzoned for almost 20 years. It's actually kind of the WORST FF couple. Like, he pined over her for that long, damn son.

Though he likely slept around with the palace ladies when he got lonely; he's a king, they do that.

As for Ramza, either way he's still breathing.



the fuck gaf?! how have Jaster/Kisala not been mentioned yet?!?

sons.....i am disappoint

How was this game? I never heard of it after the release trailer.

Yeah, Corvo's right here. Edge was friendzoned for almost 20 years. It's actually kind of the WORST FF couple. Like, he pined over her for that long, damn son.

Though he likely slept around with the palace ladies when he got lonely; he's a king, they do that.

As for Ramza, either way he's still breathing.

It's not THE worst, though. The worst is Vincent x Lucretia. FF has a lot of one-sided relationships, but none are as bad as this. I mean check it, sure Cosmos sees the Warrior of Light as nothing but a tool in spite of his literally undying love for her, but she sacrificed herself for him in the end. And even though Edge and Rydia's relationship is a 17 year failure (he even pays heavily out of pocket for Mist's restoration, which is stupid because EVERYONE is funding it, and it's a small "nation" in a valley.), they're still on good terms of some sort.

Vincent loved Lucretia and she slept with HOJO. BITCH SLEPT WITH HOJO. "For science!" Then she put a huge chunk of experimental magic-crystal into his chest and turned him into a physical avatar of CHAOS. But let's just go back to that first square: She chose, rather than to get with the handsome and kind young turk, to sleep with Hojo so she could give birth to SEPHIROTH.

And there is literally zero reason why.


It's not THE worst, though. The worst is Vincent x Lucretia. FF has a lot of one-sided relationships, but none are as bad as this. I mean check it, sure Cosmos sees the Warrior of Light as nothing but a tool in spite of his literally undying love for her, but she sacrificed herself for him in the end. And even though Edge and Rydia's relationship is a 17 year failure (he even pays heavily out of pocket for Mist's restoration, which is stupid because EVERYONE is funding it, and it's a small "nation" in a valley.), they're still on good terms of some sort.

Vincent loved Lucretia and she slept with HOJO. BITCH SLEPT WITH HOJO. "For science!" Then she put a huge chunk of experimental magic-crystal into his chest and turned him into a physical avatar of CHAOS. But let's just go back to that first square: She chose, rather than to get with the handsome and kind young turk, to sleep with Hojo so she could give birth to SEPHIROTH.

And there is literally zero reason why.

Lucrecia's said she was in love with Hojo. She was fooled by him, plain and simple. She was young and foolish.


Lucrecia's said she was in love with Hojo. She was fooled by him, plain and simple. She was young and foolish.

Yeah, it's really quite simple: Lucrecia just liked older/established guys. That's it, Vincent was just that awkward guy who had a crush on her.


Lucrecia's said she was in love with Hojo. She was fooled by him, plain and simple. She was young and foolish.
Wait, that part of the storyline makes sense?

I played the game in 1999 when I was 14 and I can't tell if my fuzzy memories of the story are because of the wacky/poor translation or that I was too young to "get" what was really going on throughout most of it, or a combination of the two.

Probably C.


Lucrecia's said she was in love with Hojo. She was fooled by him, plain and simple. She was young and foolish.

That's even worse. Who falls in love with HOJO? I mean, let's look at the guy: He's a hideous, deformed mofo who even when Zack knew him 5 years prior to FF7 was a hideous, deformed mofo. And that's both inside and out.

And did I mention he had to have been the WORST scientist Shin-Ra ever employed? Like, Hollander did shoddy work with Genesis, and Gast was wrong to call Jenova an Ancient, but Hojo THOUGHT HE COULD SAVE BOTH RED XIII AND AERITH'S SPECIES BY BREEDING THEM TOGETHER.

So he's repulsive, he's a total creep as established by every scene he has ever been in, and he was a moron to boot. Did I remember his arrogance? Because he was hilariously arrogant. And he wanted to inject her unborn child with Jenova cells. Even though this SAME PROJECT was being conducted in Banora by someone else. And she went right along with it.

And then she stands by and lets him do terrible things to Vincent and participates by, again, sticking a crystal in him that turns him into CHAOS.

Lucrecia is the absolute worst love interest in the entire series, and her relationship with Vincent is the most unhealthy relationship in the series. Even Mewt's creepy mother isn't as messed up as this.
If Fang was male, there would be no question about their relationship being romantic.
True story, though if Fang were a dude people would probably be confused that the relationship wasn't depicted more explicitly than it already is (no kissing, etc).

FWIW, to the Fang x Vanille naysayers, while I personally think both the "they're a couple" and "they're like sisters" interpretations are valid and that there's good points and evidence for each side, I will say that for me, as a gay woman who also happens to be super close to my younger sister (outside of my partner, my sister is my best friend in the world), the way Fang talks about and relates to Vanille throughout the game instantly screamed "lovers" to me. Fang's devotion to Vanille is how I might treat my partner in a life or death situation, but not my sister. The way they hug, with Vanille's hands placed firmly on Fang's breasts, was also much more physically intimate than the way I hug my sister - my sister and I are physically affectionate, but I would be completely weirded out if she ever touched my chest like that. I know women tend to be more physically affectionate in homosocial relationships than men, but we do still have boundaries even with our good friends and sisters.

Checking the l'Cie brand is a bit iffier. If my sister's life or physical well being was in danger, I would not hesitate to check a wound on her body regardless of where it was placed, but I would never do it w/o her consent the way Fang does. She just sort of acts like she has a right to access Vanille's body, like she has a claim on it and there's an understanding between them. That's how I would treat a lover, not my sister.


If Fang was male, there would be no question about their relationship being romantic.

My friend, you have no idea how this fanbase works, do you?

If Fang was male he would be shipped first and foremost with SNOW. As a matter of fact, it's more likely that FF fans would think Fang was homosexual if he were male than female. It's the simple law of the fanbase.

After shipping him with Snow they would ship him with Kain. Then it'd start getting ridiculous and you'd see crap like Fang and Gau.
Just finished Binary Domain on 360 for first time. Loved it, and definitely Dan Marshall and Faye Lee for this thread...a surprisingly well realized couple.



That's even worse. Who falls in love with HOJO? I mean, let's look at the guy: He's a hideous, deformed mofo who even when Zack knew him 5 years prior to FF7 was a hideous, deformed mofo. And that's both inside and out.

He's rich and famous. All the Shin-Ra corporate heads aren't particularly good looking but they have money and power and get the top quality Honeybee Inn girls whenever they want.

Hojo's famous for his intelligence, too, see: the bikini babes surrounding him when he's on vacation.

Fame and money > ANY deficiency in looks.


Checking the l'Cie brand is a bit iffier. If my sister's life or physical well being was in danger, I would not hesitate to check a wound on her body regardless of where it was placed, but I would never do it w/o her consent the way Fang does. She just sort of acts like she has a right to access Vanille's body, like she has a claim on it and there's an understanding between them. That's how I would treat a lover, not my sister.

Completely agree. Fang is VERY protective and jealous of Vanille. She practically snarls at Snow and Sazh whenever they even talk to her. MINE

And Vanille is totally submissive to it, too, just kind of looking down meekly while her....friend...threatens anyone who goes near her.

This isn't some sisterly stuff.


He's rich and famous. All the Shin-Ra corporate heads aren't particularly good looking but they have money and power and get the top quality Honeybee Inn girls whenever they want.

Hojo's famous for his intelligence, too, see: the bikini babes surrounding him when he's on vacation.

Fame and money > ANY deficiency in looks.

He's a terrible person, though. I can see why hangers on my flock, but Lucrecia knew him PERSONALLY. And she wasn't interested in him because of his fame or money. Not if she said she "loved" him.

But what is there about a guy like Hojo to love? He's rude, crude, arrogant and conniving, and he always has been.

Even so, all this proves is that Vincent's relationship with her was poison and it ruined his entire life.


He's a terrible person, though. I can see why hangers on my flock, but Lucrecia knew him PERSONALLY. And she wasn't interested in him because of his fame or money. Not if she said she "loved" him.

But what is there about a guy like Hojo to love? He's rude, crude, arrogant and conniving, and he always has been.

You've never seen women date complete and total assholes who are (in your or other people's opinion) totally wrong for them?

Man, you need to go read some of those "nice guy" threads. Half the posts are pretty much a copy of yours except with "Hojo" replaced by "That asshole in my class."
It pains me that the first prominent lesbian relationship in a (main) Final Fantasy entree had to involved Vanille. :| Beggars can be choosers, god damn it!


That was very funny! You could have also used "crap" "excrement" "I hate FF13!!!" and got your point across, too.


I couldve, luckily Im more cleverer then that!

It pains me that the first prominent lesbian relationship in a (main) Final Fantasy entree had to involved Vanille. :| Beggars can be choosers, god damn it!

I stopped playing that game because of how much her constant moaning annoyed me. True story.


He's a terrible person, though. I can see why hangers on my flock, but Lucrecia knew him PERSONALLY. And she wasn't interested in him because of his fame or money. Not if she said she "loved" him.

But what is there about a guy like Hojo to love? He's rude, crude, arrogant and conniving, and he always has been.

Even so, all this proves is that Vincent's relationship with her was poison and it ruined his entire life.

I never said her affection for Hojo made any sense, mind you.

Still, you have to admit: it must suck to have your only child turn into a psycho hell bent on destroying the world for a mother who isn't even the real thing.


How was this game? I never heard of it after the release trailer.

"Mediocre" and "all over the place" suit Rogue Galaxy well. Not worth dusting off the old PS2 for at any rate, L5 have done far better.

What the fuck is this post? I don't even think we ever see luca blight and lucia in a scene together.
Indeed, they never met as far as I recall, Lucia only turns up after Jowy makes his move.


You've never seen women date complete and total assholes who are (in your or other people's opinion) totally wrong for them?

Man, you need to go read some of those "nice guy" threads. Half the posts are pretty much a copy of yours except with "Hojo" replaced by "That asshole in my class."

Well okay, so Vincent is probably the Ultimate Nice Guy, assuming that the Warrior of Light-Cosmos-Chaos love triangle doesn't beat him out for lasting potentially several thousand years.

I never said her affection for Hojo made any sense, mind you.

Still, you have to admit: it must suck to have your only child turn into a psycho hell bent on destroying the world for a mother who isn't even the real thing.

My only point in making the fuss about Hojo is to illustrate how unhealthy Vincent and Lucrecia's relationship was. If she was all hot and bothered by a guy who looked more like Frankenstein's monster than doctor, it makes sense that she basically tortured Vincent and ruined his life and stood by while Hojo ruined his life. It was still a pretty cruel thing to do to the son of your mentor.

Beth Cyra

People are still debating Fang and Vanille? Given some of the truly pointless bullshit they have in Ultimania's I can't imagine this wasn't addressed by Toriyama in XIII/XIII-2 book. Has anyone here ever read them to see what his stance is on the subject?

As for my pics.

Squall and Rinoa. I don't see it nearly as out of left field as alot do and given how long Rinoa tried to get him to open up, and his abadonment issues it makes sense that when he let someone in he would fall hard.

Cloud and Aerith - Tifa totally felt friendzoned until her death and while Zack and Aerith lovers always want to try and point out that she was attracted to Cloud because of Zack, they always forget to mention that Aerith herself says that while this is true she starts to see and feel for Cloud beyond that and tries/wants to know the True Cloud.

Sadly I've yet to find a Lesbian/Gay romance I think is good. I love Yuri and Yaoi anime but games are even worse in quality then these two. I love Fang and even if she was a Lesbian I would be hard pressed to support her with Vanille because regardless of their true relationship I think Vanille is super annoying and second only to Hope in characters from XIII that I hate.


Wasn't Fang originally conceived as a male character? If that's true, it makes the romantic relationship a lot more likely.

If pressed, I'd bet the creators would leave it to fan interpretation.

Beth Cyra

Wasn't Fang originally conceived as a male character? If that's true, it makes the romantic relationship a lot more likely.

If pressed, I'd bet the creators would leave it to fan interpretation.

Yeah Fang was originally male. Or at least that is what was spread around during FF XIII's release.

Granted that very thing was what alot of people used to say Fang couldn't be into Vanille, and that she was changed to a female strictly so there would be zero romatic feelings there. Honestly never really got this arguement, not like all feelings would go away just because it was two women compared to a man and woman but eh whatever.
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