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Black Desert Online Closed Beta Thread: Works on F2P? No, money down!

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My two characters will be a warrior and a wizard.



These two handsome devils

Im also going With Wizard and Warrior. At first it was just wizard...............until I saw the awakening mode for warrior. Reminds me of all kinds of berserk.
So ready for this Sunday ... but also not ready.

I wish I had more time with the character creator to continue tweaking my characters. I'm probably going to main Witch for now but will also be making a Sorceress, Valkyrie, and Warrior. Warrior might become my main if the Awakening is as awesome as it looks. That 30 day character alteration pass was really handy during CBT2. Might have to get one at launch.

I love that this game is so alt friendly and I really hope they continue down this path. All the jobs seem really fun and I'm looking forward to Ninja/Kunoichi and Blader/Plum too. I only got try out Witch during CBT2 because I spent like 2 days fishing and getting lost in the gathering, trading, and crafting systems.


Ugh, I really wanted to make a female berserker but it looks like you can't. Guess I'll have to make a valkyrie and save a character slot for kunoichi
Have a Z-Buster GIF


dat art


Later I might have to make a berserker just for some mega man shit




I didn't know that!
The Berserker was also the first I played in the beta, and was gonna be the first class I was going to play as, until I played the wizard.

But I wasn't feeling the tamer, sorcerer, nor ranger classes.

Man, on the real, this game is the only thing I been thinking about every day since the beta ended. Im more excited for this game than I am for the division. And boy was I hyped as FUCK about the division.
Oh, there's a discord channel? I went back to find it and the link had expired already, would like an invite

Happy to see i finally found another MMO i can play alongside FFXIV that hasn't lost my interest past an hour. Hell, i put in 25+ hours in CBT2 (would have been more, screw you weekend work)


I loved my time in the beta but I couldn't understand why there were so many graphical issues (texture pop-up being the most obvious). Hasn't this thing been out for a year already in Korea? Is it a different iteration of the engine for the western release?


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Thanks for clarifying, I had received some misinformation on that part.

I had asked around about anything premium and someone told me that. So how much are horses?

There is some "premium packages in other versions".

Horses are priced by the game and it depends on the tier, level and skills.

Between 100k a t1 and 100m a t8.


How do we download the client? Is there a link still? Or do we have to wait now till release?

You'll be able to patch the CBT2 client if you have it but they also said they'd release the client a few days in advance of the headstart. So probably either today or tomorrow


I'm using the beta version and shadow play worked fine. Apart from the huge badge in the bottom left


The pop in is really, really bad...

It's not normally something that bothers me in games. But this has to be some of the worst I've seen in a modern title.

My setup is a little beefier but not by a lot. GTX 980 Ti and 16GB RAM, with Skylake CPU.

Would I experience the same pop-in? Hope this is just a settings issue...


Has anyone figured out how to in home stream this via steam? I really want to be able to stream from my desktop to laptop. Tried in beta but didn't get it to work. :(


The pop in is really, really bad...

It's not normally something that bothers me in games. But this has to be some of the worst I've seen in a modern title.

My setup is a little beefier but not by a lot. GTX 980 Ti and 16GB RAM, with Skylake CPU.

Would I experience the same pop-in? Hope this is just a settings issue...

You can enable high end mode to mitigate it to some extent but it's really expensive.
The pop in is really, really bad...

It's not normally something that bothers me in games. But this has to be some of the worst I've seen in a modern title.

My setup is a little beefier but not by a lot. GTX 980 Ti and 16GB RAM, with Skylake CPU.

Would I experience the same pop-in? Hope this is just a settings issue...

The pop-in is terrible and no setting changed that.

For such a great looking game, the engine (or detail they've used in it) doesn't seem like a good choice for a game with so many other players.

It defeats the purpose of feeling like you're playing with others when they are black shadows up until a few feet in front of you. Likewise for enemies too.


Whilst we are on the subject of graphical issues, did anyone notice the water shaders looking a bit funky in CB2? Specifically in rivers (not the ocean).

Like, there was a dark patch around the player, where there was almost no water visible, it just looked black. But then at a certain distance away from the player, the reflections/water shaders seemed to kick in and it looked like water again. Hard to explain, I should have taken a screen grab whilst the beta was on.

Might have been an nvidia driver issue I suppose. Will wait and see if we get a game ready driver for it next week.


The pop in is really, really bad...

It's not normally something that bothers me in games. But this has to be some of the worst I've seen in a modern title.

My setup is a little beefier but not by a lot. GTX 980 Ti and 16GB RAM, with Skylake CPU.

Would I experience the same pop-in? Hope this is just a settings issue...

Imagine what it looks like on my 660..I have to lower some stuff to low and all so its quite jarring...I was getting use to it I guess but its one reason I am hesitating getting the game...liked a lot of things about it,but man,a new PC would be great,but its not in my budget until Fall...deciding today...


I was surprised to find that by the end of my weekend playing (And I didn't put many hours in) I wasn't really noticing the pop in apart from when NPC characters would be the black shadows before the textures load. The scenery popin stopped bothering me.

Still gagging to play on Sunday though. I'm going to level two characters to 50 before I touch any of the other systems. Witch and then Tamer.but I think I'm at least going to create characters for all my free slots.
I managed to secure Monday and Tuesday off so I can enjoy most of the early access period. Let's do this!

The pop-in is terrible and no setting changed that.

For such a great looking game, the engine (or detail they've used in it) doesn't seem like a good choice for a game with so many other players.

It defeats the purpose of feeling like you're playing with others when they are black shadows up until a few feet in front of you. Likewise for enemies too.

It's a custom engine built from the ground up for this game. Maybe there is something they can do about it? They might already be making adjustments in high end mode as this contains experimental features and supposedly helps with this issue (though it will probably tank your FPS).

The NPC pop in the worst. Black shadows everywhere! The environment pop in has been minimal and I've gotten used to it but I'm playing with most things maxed (high end mode disabled and using High instead of Ultra).
I wonder if having an option to disable other players character models like in Blade and Soul would help with the pop-in. Granted you probably wouldn't want to do it outside of safe zones.


It seems like they're sticking to the two server situation for each region. Which NA server should we all go to? I noticed some communities are trying to establish a specific server for RP, PvP, etc.


It seems like they're sticking to the two server situation for each region. Which NA server should we all go to? I noticed some communities are trying to establish a specific server for RP, PvP, etc.
Asked the same thing earlier:
Sounds like Orwen will be our server then.

Just like last time, I plan on playing mainly on whatever Channel #3 ends up being.


Are anymore areas of the map going to be open when the game launches? I did a bit of exploring on the final day of beta and found a few spots that appeared to be connections to other areas but there were invisible walls.


Are anymore areas of the map going to be open when the game launches? I did a bit of exploring on the final day of beta and found a few spots that appeared to be connections to other areas but there were invisible walls.

Beta had some areas blocked, also there's and entire desert to the East that will open eventually.


  • And the Oscar goes to… – Upload a Black Desert music video to YouTube using the game’s original score and BGM. The best entries will win limited edition Black Spirit statues and T-shirts.
  • Get movin! – Take a selfie of your character on any form of transportation. Rewards include various in-game items.
  • One for all and all for one – Take a screenshot with your guildmates. Rewards include various in-game items.

These are the contests after launch.


God damn... I watched more videos and getting too hyped. Hell, I just want to run around the gorgeous world they made. Also maybe I'm wrong but in some videos it looked like there was either CA or just lots of depth of field, but which ever it was, it gives the world this sort of... dream-like feeling.


So a while back I heard the end game of this is abysmal. Has that changed? It looks good, but not sure how it plays.


So a while back I heard the end game of this is abysmal. Has that changed? It looks good, but not sure how it plays.

There is no endgame. Not as you know it (I am assuming you're thinking of dungeons/raids?)

It's all about living in the world than "getting better gear over and over".


God damn... I watched more videos and getting too hyped. Hell, I just want to run around the gorgeous world they made. Also maybe I'm wrong but in some videos it looked like there was either CA or just lots of depth of field, but which ever it was, it gives the world this sort of... dream-like feeling.
Yeah, that's the photo mode/screen shot mode/whatever you want to call it.
Here's a random video I found on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S0kg4us0iY

You can edit the filter, the DOF, the CA, and more stuff.
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