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Brazil's Senate ousts Rousseff in impeachment vote

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Hi, I'm nortonff. I spend my life going into threads to say that I don't care about the topic of the thread. It's a really good use of my time.
Brazil's first female president is out of a job, but not barred from the ballot if she wants to run again.


"The South American country's Senate voted 61-20 Wednesday to remove President Dilma Rousseff from office, finding her guilty of breaking budgetary laws in an impeachment trial.
Michel Temer, Rousseff's former vice president who's been serving as interim president since her suspension in May, will assume the office of president and serve out the remainder of her term. He was scheduled to be sworn in later Wednesday.
Temer, 75, inherits a tattered economy, along with the keys to the presidential palace in Brasilia.
A general election is scheduled for 2018.
Wednesday's vote marks the culmination of a contentious impeachment process that's dragged on for months. It's a political crisis that ordinary Brazilians could do well without as the country, which just hosted the Summer Olympics in Rio, is trying to pull itself out of recession."


Things will still get rough, though. The impeachment was expected, but not the settlement between PMDB (actually Renan's feud) and PT (kinda exposing the weakness of the "coup narrative").

Temer won, but also lost lol


Thank god. Wont be missed.

Now to fix whats left of this mess. Which is a lot, but its a start I guess.
Are the posters saying its bad above me brazilian?

Cause I am and I am happy that this corrupt government finally fell.

In fact, i am kinda pissed because of this last minute maneuver by the president of the Senate (a politician who is known for always playing both sides to get ahead) separating the impeachment vote from something that is in our CONSTITUITION: elected official is barred from holding any type of public office for 8 years if impeached.

So Dilma got booted on the first vote but they decided not to remove her political rights, flagrantly contradicting our Constituition.

That is a disgrace.

Now, for her removal from office, that shows that corrupt government managed to stick its claws in much of the government apparatus but the institutions (especially the Judiciary) worked and stopped them from taking over completely.


Yeah, she was pretty corrupt (or at least part of a corrupt regime), so I feel no sympathy for her getting ousted. That said, and I am not entirely sure of the ins and outs of Brazilian politicics, but I'm not sure how many high profile competent, noncorrupt politicians there are in Brazil right now. That may prove a problem.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
I've read a lot about this, and it's similar (IMO) in some ways to the Clinton impeachment - find something, anything and make it stick. However, unlike Clinton, something like 60% of the people impeaching her were involved in, and in some cases convicted of, far worse scandals.


I don't get it. Isn't this some good news?

It's great news. People who don't know anything about other countries tend to follow politics in a very simple binary way (left vs right), and since they incorrectly believe Dilma was a leftist president they're upset that she was impeached. Dilma was very much NOT what you'd call a leftist president though; she caused the biggest recession in 80 years by diverting billions of public funds to huge business (among other mistakes), was responsible for huge environmental disasters (Belo Monte), was elected with support from conservative religious leaders (Edir Macedo), had the support of big rural agriculture conglomerates against rural workers (Katia Abreu), and a lot more.
Yeah, she was pretty corrupt (or at least part of a corrupt regime), so I feel no sympathy for her getting ousted. That said, and I am not entirely sure of the ins and outs of Brazilian politicics, but I'm not sure how many high profile competent, noncorrupt politicians there are in Brazil right now. That may prove a problem.

Oh there are a ton of corrupt politicians.

But if that stops us from removing a corrupt President, my country would be paralised.

Think of it this way: today our country removed from power a gang that had been bleeding us dry for 13 years (go read about how much money the Worker Party stole from PETROBRAS).

Did we remove all criminals? Of course not.

However, we can still be proud that this gang was removed. That their hold on poweris gone.

Now the fight continue to get the others. Thats what we hope the "Car Wash" Operation will help.

Funky Papa

I've read a lot about this, and it's similar (IMO) in some ways to the Clinton impeachment - find something, anything and make it stick. However, unlike Clinton, something like 60% of the people impeaching her were involved in, and in some cases convicted of, far worse scandals.
It's basically an awful, corrupt government being ousted by an awful, corrupt opposition.

I feel that cheering for either side would be unwise. Dilma being shown the door is great news. But that doesn't mean this is going to yield any net positives for Brazil.


I've read a lot about this, and it's similar (IMO) in some ways to the Clinton impeachment - find something, anything and make it stick. However, unlike Clinton, something like 60% of the people impeaching her were involved in, and in some cases convicted of, far worse scandals.

I'm guessing Clinton never reached single digit approval ratings from the American people though.

It's basically an awful, corrupt government being ousted by an awful, corrupt opposition.

I feel that cheering for either side would be unwise. Dilma being shown the door is great news. But that doesn't mean this is going to yield any net positives for Brazil.

It is because Dilma was not only corrupt but she was incompetent as well. She lost support of her own party and couldn't get anything done. The corrupt people in power now will at least be able to approve necessary economic measures. And the Lavajato investigations continue.


Its crazy how one of the people voting against her is himself going to prison for corruption.

Whole system is fucked.

Which is nothing compared to the amount that should be going to prison, haha.

Welcome to Brazil, I guess.

I think that's a good thing, though (her leaving). It's not about beating corruption, her vice-president (now president) is corrupt, it's mostly about the lack of political and economical stability.

It's basically an awful, corrupt government being ousted by an awful, corrupt opposition.

I feel that cheering for either side would be unwise. Dilma being shown the door is great news. But that doesn't mean this is going to yield any net positives for Brazil.

Oh yeah, far too many people see politics as if it's football. They blindly cheer for their favorite team, and will defend them even when they don't deserve it.
I've read a lot about this, and it's similar (IMO) in some ways to the Clinton impeachment - find something, anything and make it stick. However, unlike Clinton, something like 60% of the people impeaching her were involved in, and in some cases convicted of, far worse scandals.

60% involved in scandals might be true (dont have a source for exact numbers but its possible).

BUT "worse scandals" no way in HELL.

This Government (Dilma and Lula) stole BILLIONS from all major national companies.

Even politians who were caught and confessed to try to get lower sentences talk about how there was always corruption in government, but the Worker party institucionalized it.

To give you and idea, PETROBRAS had contracts worth billions of dollars and the Worker Party had a 1-3% take from them.

Corruption always existed but they took it to an previously inimaginable level.
A corrupt president is removed from her office by a group of corrupt (and under investigation) politicians.

The saddest thing is that people still doesn't understand why this is wrong.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
You won't find me cheering for the fact that our disgusting, corrupt government got put down by an equally disgusting, corrupt group of politicians.
A corrupt president is removed from her office by a group of corrupt (and under investigation) politicians.

The saddest thing is that people still doesn't understand why this is wrong.

Are you telling me that if the police officer who arrests you is being accused of taking bribes the day before your arrest isnt valid/legal/moral ?

All the arguments for her impeachment were real and valid.

If the the people involved did it for their own personal gain instead of repect of the law, Id say that that is sad but the impeachment is still valid.

I say this hoping and praying that the Car Wash investigation arrests all those involved. There is a certain numbers of figures in brazilian politics that need to leave. They have harmed this country for too long.

I hope her impeachment isnt the last act in this story.

Mobius 1

You won't find me cheering for the fact that our disgusting, corrupt government got put down by an equally disgusting, corrupt group of politicians.
My sentiments exactly. There is no reason to celebrate when we are replacing one rotten individual with another of the same ilk.
Are you telling me that if the police officer who arrests you is being accused of taking bribes the day before your arrest isnt valid/legal/moral ?

All the arguments for her impeachment were real and valid.

If the the people involved did it for their own personal gain instead of repect of the law, Id say that that is sad but the impeachment is still valid.

I say this hoping and praying that the Car Wash investigation arrests all those involved. There is a certain numbers of figures in brazilian politics that need to leave. They have harmed this country for too long.

I hope her impeachment isnt the last act in this story.

Politics aren't being played by the same rules as everything else in society. If you throw a coup or even if you make resign a president (in a legal way) you will be seen as an unstable country.
How do you think the world is going to see Brazil after this? I remember reading a headline a few minutes ago: "Rousseff is ousted, and investing in Brazil is getting trickier".
You think that would do any good to an already hurt brazilian economy? Dilma was used as a sacrificial lamb to appease the ignorant masses. If anything, they should have left end her term, and try to send her to jail after that.
But no, it's "easier" to throw a soft coup, than to remove the majority of the senate.

Of course, this is seen as a foreigner. Maybe Dilma was the devil incarnated and she should be hanged in the main square of Brazilia.


Politics aren't being played by the same rules as everything else in society. If you throw a coup or even if you make resign a president (in a legal way) you will be seen as an unstable country.
How do you think the world is going to see Brazil after this? I remember reading a headline a few minutes ago: "Rousseff is ousted, and investing in Brazil is getting trickier".
You think that would do any good to an already hurt brazilian economy? Dilma was used as a sacrificial lamb to appease the ignorant masses. If anything, they should have left end her term, and try to send her to jail after that.
But no, it's "easier" to throw a soft coup, than to remove the majority of the senate.

Of course, this is seen as a foreigner. Maybe Dilma was the devil incarnated and she should be hanged in the main square of Brazilia.

The problem with Dilma is that she is dumb, like really dumb. All political decisions she made in the past 2 years were like shooting herself in the foot over and over. That imploded her support in all fronts, be political or from the people itself. Her own party abandoned her and are probably now happy that she is gone for once and can be opposition definitively.


one of the fews honest politicians that we have, sacrificed by a bunch of cowards and corrupts.

her government was far from good, but there is no legal justification for the impeachment, its a coup, call it a "white" "soft" or whatever, but a coup it is.
Are the posters saying its bad above me brazilian?

Cause I am and I am happy that this corrupt government finally fell.

In fact, i am kinda pissed because of this last minute maneuver by the president of the Senate (a politician who is known for always playing both sides to get ahead) separating the impeachment vote from something that is in our CONSTITUITION: elected official is barred from holding any type of public office for 8 years if impeached.

So Dilma got booted on the first vote but they decided not to remove her political rights, flagrantly contradicting our Constituition.

That is a disgrace.

Now, for her removal from office, that shows that corrupt government managed to stick its claws in much of the government apparatus but the institutions (especially the Judiciary) worked and stopped them from taking over completely.
Exactly even on their way out those scums managed another con against the people and the constitution.
Congrats, you played yourself Brazil.

Disgusting, and a big hit to democracy.
On the contrary, this shows there's still some hope left.

She and specially Lula before her used corruption as a mean of government along populism. They almost broke Brazil to keep almost the entire government apparatus on their paycheck and for stupid milestones like paying off the fmi (which was possible by taking a much worse debit with the big companies and banks in Brazil which not only charges more, they also participate in this corruption we just saw).

Of course there's still a truckload of problems to resolve, but this needs to be done. And it's a victory for ours country democracy.
one of the fews honest politicians that we have, sacrificed by a bunch of cowards and corrupts.

fwiw, if you surrounded by shit, you damn well better believe you gon get some splash damage, especially if you're the figurehead. At best she's fantastically incompetent.

The problem with Dilma is that she is dumb, like really dumb. All political decisions she made in the past 2 years were like shooting herself in the foot over and over. That imploded her support in all fronts, be political or from the people itself. Her own party abandoned her and are probably now happy that she is gone for once and can be opposition definitively.

yarp. pt actually was a great opposition once. After things cool down in a year or so, wouldnt be surprised if they started hitting people where it hurts once again.


So people hate her, but also hate the guy who's leasing the government right now? Is there a politician people don't hate? Is there even hope for a better government in the future?
So people hate her, but also hate the guy who's leasing the government right now? Is there a politician people don't hate? Is there even hope for a better government in the future?

The answer to that question depends on how comfortable you are with a person that gets way too close for comfort with cray evangelical fundies every time she has a shot at the big job.

one of the fews honest politicians that we have, sacrificed by a bunch of cowards and corrupts.

her government was far from good, but there is no legal justification for the impeachment, its a coup, call it a "white" "soft" or whatever, but a coup it is.
She was not honest at all. She was directly involved with Petrobas when the petrolao occurred and got directly benefited by it using dirty money to fund her campaign. She may not have outright became a billionaire like Lula and his clan did, but she was not free of fault.

Not to mention the REALLY scummy move to try make Lula a minister so he could avoid the criminal charges. An honest person would never do that.


Do you have a sick ass conspiracy theory to explain to us or something? Maybe one of them ripped a huge fart and they're all laughing

That's a picture of the impeachment trial where the democratically elected Senate fulfilled their Constitutional judgement of the president's impeachment trial.

wasnt like 60% of the Senate who voted on it have some type of corruption charge on them?

10 out of the 13 (76%) under investigation voted for the impeachment. 61 out of all 81 (75%) voted for the impeachment. It's meaningless.


That's a picture of the impeachment trial where the democratically elected Senate fulfilled their Constitutional judgement of the president's impeachment trial.

The President was impeached on a trial based on at the very least dubious evidence, and that's reason enough for some people to consider it a coup, I just don't see how that picture is relevant, maybe one of them is just really funny and told a fantastic joke, I bet I'd laugh too


Baby steps. But I'm glad someone is getting punished by corruption in this country. This creates a precedent, and that alone is a good thing.


That's a step.

But the most positive result of this is that this goddamn trial is finally out of the way. Temer is not much better, but at least he began by trying to move economics toward the right direction, even if through debatable means.


In what way? I thought she was an extension of the previous highly corrupt regime. Removing corrupt leaders is a tenet of a functioning democracy.

I don't get it. Isn't this some good news?

Brazilian politics tend to be a shitstorm anyway. Dilma was outed because she made a crime against the economy, something that was proved and is well documented. It was made in 2014 and they just finished this circus today.

The party who gets the power is also being investigated for corruption crimes. It's a step, you should eliminate problems one by one if necessary.

Depending on who you ask today it might be a great day or a coup. Opinions, desinformation and all of that
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