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Breaking Bad - Season 5, Part 2 - The Final Eight Episodes - Sundays on AMC

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Sculli you haven't watched Mad Men, have you?

A Sopranos fan like you should make it a priority.

Seriously. It's mandatory to watch BOTH shows that were from some of the writers behind sopranos. Considering Matt Weiner and Winter were exec producers of the show as well

And it's the best show on tv right now

Mad men > breaking bad > boardwalk

I think boardwalk has the most impressive actors out of all of these though. It just has so many awesome supporting performances. Richard Harrow deserves something
Sculli you haven't watched Mad Men, have you?

A Sopranos fan like you should make it a priority.

I've watched the first few episodes. I need to give it another crack at some point.

I really don't watch enough television haha, I'm stuck in England with my BBC and my ITV and I'm too lazy to work out how to watch the millions of things on American telly, but what I do watch is Breaking Bad on Netflix and Boardwalk Empire on Sky Atlantic.

Which means its the second best show currently on TV
probably third, DAT X FACTOR

I think its fantastic. It's gorgeous to look at, its extremely well written, every actor is phenomenal (especially Michael Stuhlbarg and Stephen Graham), and I'm looking forward to the fourth season. But the moments of the show when it reaches the apex of its craft are pretty few and far between. There's lots of really excellent moments, but not many absolutely incredible moments.

Which I thought there was lots of in The Wire, Deadwood, and Breaking Bad. BB isn't too far ahead of BE if I'm being honest, but I definitely have a preference for BB.

I feel like Boardwalk is always at the top of its craft. This is especially apparent when it comes to rewatches. For me, it easily trumps even Breaking Bad - which fits your description of Boardwalk much more aptly imo, if only because when it isn't in series finale build-up mode, the filler episodes are very apparent and a lot of the extraneous characters outside of Walt and Jesse (who aren't as subtly written themselves as many in Boardwalk) are thin as hell.
Oh and continuing the BB/BE talk

Gyp Rosetti > Gus Griswald Fring

come at me fuckers

I might be cool with this. He was entertaining as fuck. A disgrace they didn't show much of gyp and his family though

Sculli's right about boardwalk's side characters vs. breaking bad. Breaking bad has two awesome leads and a load of crap side characters for the most part. Hank, Saul, Gus and mike had their moments tho

Boardwalk has some boring ass leads (I don't give a shit about Maggie or tbh nuckie anymore) but the side characters are so interesting. It's something they took from sopranos, the ability to write very entertaining scenes with other characters


I feel like Boardwalk is always at the top of its craft. This is especially apparent when it comes to rewatches. For me, it easily trumps even Breaking Bad - which fits your description of Boardwalk much more aptly imo, if only because when it isn't in series finale build-up mode, the filler episodes are very apparent and a lot of the extraneous character outside of Walt and Jesse are thin as hell.

I think technically it is. As in, there isn't a frame I couldn't look at and say "the acting is bad", "this shot is ugly", "the attention to detail and costumes and whatnot fucking blow cheddar stenching dick". It's a masterpiece of a period show.

I just don't find it as engaging as Breaking Bad is for the most part. There's exceptions - that dull as fuck Marie/therapist scene for instance - but the majority of the time spent watching Breaking Bad is spent with Walt or Jesse, two incredible characters acted absolutely impeccably. Boardwalk is a lot less focused than that, and flits from character to character. That in itself isn't a flaw, but when I'm forced to spend more time with Margaret than Chalky or Rothstein in an episode, I both understand that its the narrative purpose and that the aforementioned two are supporting characters and I'm not as engaged.

I could probably watch 11 hours of Gaston Means or Mickey Doyle just fucking talking, but instead of that I have to sit through some more Eli stuff that I don't really enjoy. Do you get the same things with Marie and Skyler on BB? You do, but there's less of it because it doesn't spread itself as wide as BE does.

Jeffrey Wright tho. Promised more Capone and Chalky tho. I'm game. Truss me Sculli, I'm in your corner. I'm just taking potshots at your balls at the same time.
I find The Shield very comparable to Breaking Bad. They're both incredibly consistent shows featuring anti-heroes and a ton of intensity. Any Breaking Bad fan should make it a top priority if they haven't seen it, and I can only hope that Breaking Bad can reach the heights of The Shield's series finale.
I didn't find The Shield to be as consistently amazing as Breaking Bad overall. The last season and finale were definitively awesome, but looking at the whole package I would rank Breaking Bad higher. I do agree that Breaking Bad fans should check it out though, but after The Sopranos, The Wire and Mad Men if they haven't seen those :p
I think technically it is. As in, there isn't a frame I couldn't look at and say "the acting is bad", "this shot is ugly", "the attention to detail and costumes and whatnot fucking blow cheddar stenching dick". It's a masterpiece of a period show.

I just don't find it as engaging as Breaking Bad is for the most part. There's exceptions - that dull as fuck Marie/therapist scene for instance - but the majority of the time spent watching Breaking Bad is spent with Walt or Jesse, two incredible characters acted absolutely impeccably. Boardwalk is a lot less focused than that, and flits from character to character. That in itself isn't a flaw, but when I'm forced to spend more time with Margaret than Chalky or Rothstein in an episode, I both understand that its the narrative purpose and that the aforementioned two are supporting characters and I'm not as engaged.

I could probably watch 11 hours of Gaston Means or Mickey Doyle just fucking talking, but instead of that I have to sit through some more Eli stuff that I don't really enjoy. Do you get the same things with Marie and Skyler on BB? You do, but there's less of it because it doesn't spread itself as wide as BE does.

Jeffrey Wright tho. Promised more Capone and Chalky tho. I'm game. Truss me Sculli, I'm in your corner. I'm just taking potshots at your balls at the same time.

This made me laugh out loud.

I see where you're coming from, but I guess I enjoy every single character on Boardwalk Empire thoroughly. This includes Margaret and especially Eli in the recent season.


Over the past few weeks I've managed to catch up. Season 2 through to the most current episode. Holy fuck, so many moments, SO many incredible moments. I could name a few but I'd have to name them all.

I think this is my favourite show of all time. I just like it a lot, I can't sum it up in any other way. The characters, the acting, the writing and story, the cinematography, the locations, the music, god damn the music.

Apparat - Goodbye. from the scene where Gus walks into the nursing home. Just so good, so fitting and when I hear it now I just see his cold, menacing stare.

Robot Pants

I didn't like BE up until after the St Paddy's Day episode. The majority of S2 and 3 are great tho, but as much as I love Buscemi I always feel like I'd rather spend time with a bunch more characters, and because there's so many you don't get to spend enough of the time they do give you. Its an unfocused show, but absolutely gorgeous and very entertaining. It's like, second tier television, not top top tier television.

That's a huge problem with the show. The main character is pretty unlikeable and everyone else around you want to root for more than him.
It was fine though until a certain character went away. But the show is still very decent. Just not Nukky.

and yes Gyp Rosetti was a boss. Better than Fring.


This made me laugh out loud.

I see where you're coming from, but I guess I enjoy every single character on Boardwalk Empire thoroughly. This includes Margaret and especially Eli in the recent season.

The only thing I don't like about Eli was his noticeable weight loss.
Breaking bad is easily my second favorite show on tv right now behind parks and rec. PaR is just way too smart and well written for me to put any other show ahead of it.


Oh man, I watched Hannibal on GAF's recommendation. Talk about formulaic television.[ I guess people assured me it was better than that piece of shit The Following and I didn't process how low that bar would be to clear.

When you're done with Breaking Bad, come join us on the Boardwalk for the best television currently airing.

How far did you get into Hannibal? I think it stalls a little bit in the middle of the season, but ends pretty fantastically once things start tying together.

Boardwalk is a great show to just watch characters shoot the shit with each other, but the main plot is too slow moving for me to put it above BB. Also, while Boardwalk has the stronger supporting cast, none of the performances come close to being as powerful as Walt and Jesse. That, and Margaret is so much annoying to watch than Skylar and rarely feels connected to any of the main proceedings.
How far did you get into Hannibal? I think it stalls a little bit in the middle of the season, but ends pretty fantastically once things start tying together.

Boardwalk is a great show to just watch characters shoot the shit with each other, but the main plot is too slow moving for me to put it above BB. Also, while Boardwalk has the stronger supporting cast, none of the performances come close to being as powerful as Walt and Jesse. That, and Margaret is so much annoying to watch than Skylar and rarely feels connected to any of the main proceedings.

This comes across to me as the same sort of reasoning as the poster a couple posts above you talking about Nucky being unlikable. Unlikable or not, both Nucky and Margaret are both fascinating characters to me, which I don't find Skylar White to be in the slightest.

Skylar (save for a couple of moments in this 5-season series) is a shitty character because she doesn't feel fleshed out in the slightest. I don't know who she is outside of her implications to Walt's plans. She's no Carmela Soprano. She's a boring, walking, talking plot vice for Walt that I wish had more time dedicated to fleshing out exactly who she is beyond thinly-drawn housewife. Anna Gunn deserved better material.

And speaking of The Sopranos, that provides a perfect example. Janice Soprano is one of the most annoying fucking characters ever. But goddamn is she a well-written and interesting character. She's super-unlikable as a person, but admirable in terms of just how well-written she is. And I feel the same way about Nucky/Margaret in Boardwalk Empire. They might not be the most likable people, but I find their development very interesting to watch.
All (both?) of the scenes with Walt talking to Jr. genuinely piss me off. That he would purposefully make his son fear for his dad's well-being in order to keep him from going to Marie and Hank's house is sickening. Jr.'s hug he received at the hotel was the most undeserved hug ever.
This comes across to me as the same sort of reasoning as the poster a couple posts above you talking about Nucky being unlikable. Unlikable or not, both Nucky and Margaret are both fascinating characters to me, which I don't find Skylar White to be in the slightest.

Skylar (save for a couple of moments in this 5-season series) is a shitty character because she doesn't feel fleshed out in the slightest. I don't know who she is outside of her implications to Walt's plans. She's no Carmela Soprano. She's a boring, walking, talking plot vice for Walt that I wish had more time dedicated to fleshing out exactly who she is beyond thinly-drawn housewife. Anna Gunn deserved better material.

And speaking of The Sopranos, that provides a perfect example. Janice Soprano is one of the most annoying fucking characters ever. But goddamn is she a well-written and interesting character. She's super-unlikable as a person, but admirable in terms of just how well-written she is. And I feel the same way about Nucky/Margaret in Boardwalk Empire. They might not be the most likable people, but I find their development very interesting to watch.

yup I find margaret more annoying than Skylar but she really is a fascinating character to watch as she struggle on what to do with her morality


why? Isn't Dexter and Lost better written than Boardwalk Empire ;)

that's true, I guess both of those shows have better cinematography and writing lol

So I'm the only one who liked the Marie/Therapist scene? :(

I didn't think it was horrible, but that time could have been better spent. Like others have said, shows like The Sopranos and In Treatment kinda make that scene look really stupid.


Boardwalk Empire is boring as sin.

hey look, you got a birthday card from your grandma. Check out how much money she sent you



BB and BW are very different shows, obvs... but Boardwalk feels way more real and lived-in, like it's chronicling real events (and not just because it intersects with actual history). that doesn't make it better, i won't get into something that subjective because each one does something better than the other. but Breaking Bad is more of a "TV show" in my opinion.


So I'm the only one who liked the Marie/Therapist scene? :(
I had no problems with it. I dare say it's in there for a reason, there's simply no way it was simply to show how mad Marie is at Walt for what he's done. There's more to this scene that's going to come up at a later point as there's no way they're 'wasting' a scene like that.
I had no problems with it. I dare say it's in there for a reason, there's simply no way it was simply to show how mad Marie is at Walt for what he's done. There's more to this scene that's going to come up at a later point.

Maybe they're using it to show how far Marie is willing to go to make Walt suffer. So it won't seem as unbelievable when Walt murders Marie in self-defense later.

Um thats easy, shit goes down, Walt gets his ass to New Hampshire, not much of importance happens during this time besides the event driving Walt back and then bam cut to the flashforward shit.

I had no problems with it. I dare say it's in there for a reason, there's simply no way it was simply to show how mad Marie is at Walt for what he's done. There's more to this scene that's going to come up at a later point as there's no way they're 'wasting' a scene like that.

Shes gunna die in the cold open next episode so they figured she should get one more scene
All (both?) of the scenes with Walt talking to Jr. genuinely piss me off. That he would purposefully make his son fear for his dad's well-being in order to keep him from going to Marie and Hank's house is sickening. Jr.'s hug he received at the hotel was the most undeserved hug ever.

It was meant to contrast the hug with Pinkman. It shows that he does care and that his hug in the desert was probably legit - in a fucked kinda Walt way.
IMO boardwalk empire is like a costume show, can't get into time periods no matter how interesting the characters may be, still feels like a cosplay
I feel like Marie researching poisons coupled with the fact that the flash forward made a point to show Walt removing the ricin is significant in someway.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
I just watched a bunch of youtube videos of Laura Fraser, man she's cute. Goes to show how much she puts into her performance. I figured she would be the final antagonist to Walt and the sure Emmy nominee but we're running out of episodes.


IMO boardwalk empire is like a costume show, can't get into time periods no matter how interesting the characters may be, still feels like a cosplay

One of the main themes or points of the show is how much hasn't actually changed much from the 1920's to the present day. The high production value makes the show fantastic.
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