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Breitbart to open in France & Germany + Expansion of US branch

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Only a matter of time before it expands into Canada :( Once CPC gain power again I fully expect Breibart to make its move.

Don't worry too much, if Trudeau decides to give Canada proportional voting for electoral reform (like some of us would like to see), there would be little chance of a Conservative or any other majority government ever happening again. So worst case scenario, we'd be dealing with a minority right-wing Conservative government, which would be fine. So pressure your MP to get proportional voting moving, it will help prevent the worst from ever happening.

Fox Mulder

I don't understand where all of this came from. It can't just be as a reaction to Obama because it's heavily ingrained in the BREXIT culture too. They literally just want to watch the world burn.

Globalism fucked over lots of people and politicians don't give a shit as they answer to corporations.

And racists.
Steve Bannon and Mike Pence are the reason why irrational religious thinking is scary as fuck. This is for them:

"Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
what you need is someone strong to guide you..
like me, like me, like me, like me

If you want to get your soul to heaven, trust in me.
Now don't judge or question.
You are broken now, but faith can heal you.
Just do everything I tell you to do.

Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow.
Let me lay my holy hand upon you.

My Gods will becomes me.
When he speaks out, he speaks through me.
He has needs like I do.
We both want to rape you."



We really quick if you're really obvious, like swastika ok forehead obvious. But be the nice looking kind of racist and you're good.

Look at the Dönermorde and NSU. The BND is way more concerned with the left than with the right.
I think it might be different with antisemitism. I feel like that ice is still extremely thin here in germany


It's too bad the Liberals and NDP clash on too many issues to consider a merger like the Alliance and PC did. The conservative party has never had more than 38% of the vote. Even in their majority days.

Ewwww, no thanks.

What I like about Canada is we can have two liberal parties. The less monopoly in politics, the better.


The worst thing America did immediately post-Brexit was think "it can't happen to us!"

France, Germany: it can happen to you. Stop it. Please.

It is definitely happening to France. I would be legitimately shocked if Marine Le Pen and/or her party aren't the most popular next go around. Brexit, Trump winning and the Calais 'jungle' migrant crisis and all the terror attacks that have happened have brought French nationalism forward.


Unconfirmed Member
A new classification is needed for deliberately falsifying news organizations so that they can be banned.

Or a requirement for "legitimate" agencies to confirm sources at the bottom of a page or write whether the content is true or not, if not face a penalty.


I thought this would happen but with Trump brand after he lost... with the amount of people gloating about Trump win this will definitely have some success and the launch countries couldn't be better targeted. Close to elections and with right wing, nationalist parties hoping for an increase in votes or even a win. In my opinion only a broad coalition of liberal democratic parties will prevent this.


The governments in France and Germany need to shut this crap down. Brietbart needs to be censored. It shouldn't exist in modern intelligent society.


As another poster mentioned, Germany already has PI (Politically Incorrect), which is less "professional" so to speak, but more extreme-right than Breitbart in some opinion pieces. I doubt the latter would post the rants of Akif Pirincci and the like.

Btw. it's embarrasing that a simple post like "France needs Breitbart" gets you banned, but that is pretty much on par for NeoGAF these days.


really? Tell us how you really feel.

What do you mean? I read Breitbart and PI from time to time, just as I read some far-left news outlets (WSWS and the like, Junge Welt in Germany) as well as "Mainstream" media. I like to get the pulse of things, not be confined to a echo chamber


Russia must be funding this bigly
They are tearing the western powers apart effortlessly, not firing a single gun.
Dark times ahead, comrades.

What do you mean? I read Breitbart and PI from time to time, just as I read some far-left news outlets (WSWS and the like, Junge Welt in Germany) as well as "Mainstream" media. I like to get the pulse of things, not be confined to a echo chamber

Yeah, reading media outlets which actively fabricate stories is a great way to stay well-informed.


The success of others absolutely infuriates me.
Alexandra Preate, a spokeswoman for Breitbart, declined to disclose how much revenue it generates and the identities of its main backers.

So, uh, someone oughta look into that, no? I'm seeing red, if you know what I mean.


Dark times ahead, comrades.

Yeah, reading media outlets which actively fabricate stories is a great way to stay well-informed.

I don't necessarily go there to get my news, that's why I wrote "to get the pulse" of things - it's rather to see how the more extreme elements of the left and right judge and spin current events. I have worked for the Left Party in Germany and know for a fact that WSWS is full of conspiratory opinions about other left-wing parties and movements. Same is true of Breitbart. I don't see them as legitimate news outlets, but I can understand how they garner appeal. In general though, I don't support call for censorship even for extreme-rightwing stuff, since it can backfire on the left, as so much has done these last years, and it would be stupid to outrigh ban them.
I don't necessarily go there to get my news, that's why I wrote "to get the pulse" of things - it's rather to see how the more extreme elements of the left and right judge and spin current events. I have worked for the Left Party in Germany and know for a fact that WSWS is full of conspiratory opinions about other left-wing parties and movements. Same is true of Breitbart. I don't see them as legitimate news outlets, but I can understand how they garner appeal. In general though, I don't support call for censorship even for extreme-rightwing stuff, since it can backfire on the left, as so much has done these last years, and it would be stupid to outrigh ban them.

That's fair enough, but following the logical train of thought through the reply-chain; given it's been established that Breitbart is at best a racist troll-news site, and at worst the propaganda arm of white nationalism, I would tend to wonder at the motives behind someone declaring that their country "needs Breitbart".

That being said, you nor I have any idea why that posted was banned. Generally it's not a single post, but a pattern of shit-posting which will get someone banned. Perhaps you would be better off discussing it with a mod, because this is just going to devolve into pointless conjecture.


There has to be something Germany and France can do to stop them. This is horrific.
Depending on how things go this could be the moment when things really started to go bad in the US and the rest of the world. The far-right movement sweeping the globe is a tragic mistake.


Which is what caused Brexit, which is why the rise of fascism all across Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, which is why Le Pen is the second-biggest leader, which is why Austria might vote in a neo-nazi as President, which is why Poland has a highly right-winged government, and so forth.

...but brexit was, at least on paper, manly about migration from other schengen countries, specifically Poland. The situation in Austria is comparable to the US elections, with a charismatic non-PC candidate VS a rather bland guy many people don't respect very much... The other cases are also way more complicated than that. I don't think the US concept of white supremacy really applies to european nations, at least not in the same way it applies to the US.

Shit don't make no god damn sense.

yes it does, if you look at "racism" from an European perspective, where the term "race" isn't used in the same way, or rather not used at all. You don't need to have a different skin color to become the victim of a racist attack. Being poor, stealing OUR jobs, or more importantly, leeching on OUR welfare usually is the only justification right-wingers need. Of course it's even more complicated than that... the point is, the American black and white world view doesn't apply.


Unconfirmed Member
god I'll troll the comment section of german breitbart so hard.

fuck these idiots.

Germany and France don't have a 1st Amendment,

they should pass legislation to block ''fake news'' foreign propaganda web sites

we've freedom of press, but as soon as they insult people or something like that they can and will be sued.


There has to be something Germany and France can do to stop them. This is horrific.

Le Pen if the stars align right should lose in a huge landslide next year against the center right wing candidate she will face if she gets to the second round of the presidential election. I'm not to sure about Germany right now. Breitbart's recent moves most likely won't play to well in a France were Le Pen and her party are despised
Perhaps other countries will recognize them as an international hate-soon-to-be-terrorist organization and intelligence agencies will put moles into their ranks.

Someone have a gif of those old WWII films were they show the animation of nazi world expansion? That's about how this feels right now. I hope Germany and France stomp this shit promptly with hate speech laws.

Dai Kaiju

It honestly feels like it.
Germany and France don't have a 1st Amendment,

they should pass legislation to block ''fake news'' foreign propaganda web sites

Germany certainly doesn't have a 1st Amendment, but the principles of the 1st Amendment are present in our constitution as well (see articles 1-19 Grundgesetz).
Pretty sure France is the same.


Le Pen if the stars align right should lose in a huge landslide next year against the center right wing candidate she will face if she gets to the second round of the presidential election. I'm not to sure about Germany right now. Breitbart's recent moves most likely won't play to well in a France were Le Pen and her party are despised

Right wing AfD currently polls at about 10-15% with little movement. No party that has a shot at making it to the federal parliament in the 2017 election wants to have anything to do with them.


Well, let's hope they slip up and get crushed for it. AfD and Pegida often has trouble with some of their people slipping up and saying something actionable (i.e. that they can go to prison for).


Looking for meaning in GAF
How the fuck did a shitty racist tabloid rag get so popular?

What the fuck is going on with this world.


I don't understand where all of this came from. It can't just be as a reaction to Obama because it's heavily ingrained in the BREXIT culture too. They literally just want to watch the world burn.

Migrant crisis, terror attacks in France and Belgium, assaults on NYE in Cologne. Those are the big stories that are driving this trend. We have a site like this in Finland already, called MV-lehti. People go there to read negative stories about migrants, because they believe mainstream media won't report on them.


That German branch will get sued left and right for hate speech if they post their usual crap. And that's a good thing.


Don't worry too much, if Trudeau decides to give Canada proportional voting for electoral reform (like some of us would like to see), there would be little chance of a Conservative or any other majority government ever happening again. So worst case scenario, we'd be dealing with a minority right-wing Conservative government, which would be fine. So pressure your MP to get proportional voting moving, it will help prevent the worst from ever happening.

I'm not as familiar with Canadian politics. How likely is something like this to happen?
I'm not as familiar with Canadian politics. How likely is something like this to happen?

the current Liberal majority is safely in place until October 2019.

The Conservative Party is having a Leadership race with a wide variety of candidates ranging from a socially Liberal Conservative, some moderate conservatives, some social conservatives, one free-market Libertarian and one White nationalist nut job.

but the seeds of hate can quickly spread like a wildfire on social media that could complicate things but 2019 is was too far off.

Trump has lots of time to completely fail before Oct 2019

the other thing is that Canada is a very regional country and its major urban centers carry more weight than they do in the US, a nut job would not of consensus across all Provinces

*in addition. Canada has a large Ukrainian-Canadian constituency in the prairies and they lean Conservative. Formerly, Harper was staunchly anti-Russia and made a big deal about Ukraine's sovereignty during the Crimea episode. So, if a future Conservative leader decides to cozy up to Russia, they lose their Ukrainian-Canadian base. + the Arctic is a big deal, so it is anti-Canadian to have a Pro-Russian as leader of a party
It was only a matter of time until a more "respectable" version of the right appeared.

Disorganised for a long time and saddled with skin head Neo Nazis and men in white hoods ..... they have learned lessons.

An example is Marie LePen not being as dumb as her father in spouting holocaust denials etc.

We are now seeing the emergence of the organized right.


It was only a matter of time until a more "respectable" version of the right appeared.

Disorganised for a long time and saddled with skin head Neo Nazis and men in white hoods ..... they have learned lessons.

An example is Marie LePen not being as dimb as her father in spouting holocaust denials etc.

We are now seeing the emergence of the organized right.

Not enough quotation marks around respectable
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