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Business Insider: 'Halo Infinite' struggling


(No 4vs4 Launch Site, less Swords/Hammer in fiesta, more skill based MM, more maps, geo filtering, etc)


I'm not even understanding what you are trying to say here.

Because realm reborn is on 3 different platforms, then it makes sense that there's 22k viewers in a game with 3.5 million daily players?

Then again, halo infinite is on xbox, steam, and Windows store.

But here it makes sense the viewers are this low because steam is trustworthy here compared to steam.

bobs burgers grasping at straws GIF
You're very fixated on straws? - projection?

You have to look at "current players" and not "peak players" for it to be comparable :messenger_tears_of_joy: - and by comparable I mean between games, platforms and twitch. You'll be surprised how almost every game fits the metric.


343 had the option of expanding the lore, and focus on other characters. Just keep Master chief mysterious man, who is fighting heroic fights.
Halo entire essence is, humans need to survive these alien invasion. It has great materials to work on a good game.

You're talking about Halo's SP.

I sympathize and agree. But that's another can of worms.

I was talking merely about the MP side of things

Lol it's quite the testament to my feelings towards its campaign mode i don't even recognize it's existence when talking about the game.
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Remove weapon looting crap and it would work.

I'll bite. Tell me how it would work in detail. Curious.

Shields, loadout or starting kit, weapons, pick ups, ammo, all the details that would make a last standing game type work
Steam is one part of the picture - how it performs on Xbox is what is more important. How many of the people who got it free are sticking with it there?


What does that even mean? A battle royale would (and will be) an amazing sandbox for BR.

Meh, perhaps it's more due to a personal dislike regarding BR's that taints my opinion I guess..

I just don't see it but I'm open for it tho

It's sandbox is pretty small and tier heavy.

Get the goods get the win.

No armor health pickups.

I dont know man
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I don't think so, even Paul Tassi, the biggest MS shill I have ever seen on mainstream media, is talking about it. Concern Concern

The top games are:

  1. Fortnite
  2. Call of Duty Warzone
  3. GTA 5
  4. Apex Legends
  5. Roblox
  6. Halo Infinite
As long as its top 10 on xbox, its doing well. nothing to worry about.


I don't think so, even Paul Tassi, the biggest MS shill I have ever seen on mainstream media, is talking about it. Concern Concern

I live rent free in most your heads and don't even know most of you lol. But carry-on with the lame bait


I'm glad this game is struggling. Everyone I know has went back to MCC already. They had one final shot, and not even a blank cheque combined with 5 years of development time could prevent them from making a bland game with little to no content.

I'll be celebrating the day that MCC player pop catches up on ininite. 343i do not deserve a single ounce of praise.
Not even touched the game yet personally. Waiting for coop to be implemented, a fireteam mode would be decent too be also good if your could party up with more than 4 people


Let's be honest, the game is very barebones, just 5 maps when you're not interested in BTB, just a few game modes, which it took half of the community's complaints to 343 FINALLY give us a Slayer-only playlist, and cosmetics are locked behind those dumb Battle Passes and bundles instead of ordinary MTX where you just pick and buy the exact thing you really like. I honestly cannot see this game not being slowly but surely forgotten, because even if 343 will add any content to it, it's still gonna be put behind Battle Pass, so many people will still be running with the exact same default armor. And if we put the cosmetics on the side to begin with, you always play with the exact same two default guns (again, with no customizations), I mean, it's an arena shooter after all, so while yeah it's a nice fresh air into all this Battle Royale craze that's going on nowadays, I feel that this freshness will fade away very quick, as each match feels virtually the same except those few maps in rotation, there's no room for any customization whether the looks or the gameplay, no nothing.

Which is sad because the game has easily one of the best gunplays ever, and with going F2P it could've been the next big thing next to Fortnite, CoD, Apex, PUBG etc., if only 343 got out of their comfort zone and modernize the game to today's trends/standards, instead of being mentally stuck 20 years ago when the game was launching. People often say how different/better Infinite is compared to Guardians, but to me it's the exact same deal, the exact same issues, the exact same archaic solutions, and there's a big chance Infinite will share Guardians' fate, a.k.a. nobody will remember it year after launch.


I don't want to step on anyone's favourite game series but I feel like since Halo 3 all the hype around the franchise became artificial and its relevance in the FPS field diminished heavily with time.

Now thinking about it, reason why I have fond memories of Halo and Halo 2 is just coping having chosen Xbox (the wrong system) above the PS2 and so, having to deal with a much smaller library of games.


Gold Member
I’ve enjoyed it a lot, but after finishing the season pass I haven’t been playing much. I’m guessing that’s the case for a lot of people.


The multiplayer is great but without content the gameplay isn't enough to keep me interested.
Will return when a significant amount of content releases.
Back in overwatch hype days, they released a new map every 2 months and a new character every 3 months. Not to mentioned the seasonal content that had tons of new wrinkles/ cosmetics to the game. It lasted about a year and a half and was glorious. Blizzard never could sustained that even when whales were throwing piles of $$$ at them.
Everyone chasing that GaaS but not many have the long term planning of an mmo and it shows, chasing them quarter profits is the be all end all of these companies.


I don't want to step on anyone's favourite game series but I feel like since Halo 3 all the hype around the franchise became artificial and its relevance in the FPS field diminished heavily with time.

Now thinking about it, reason why I have fond memories of Halo and Halo 2 is just coping having chosen Xbox (the wrong system) above the PS2 and so, having to deal with a much smaller library of games.
You actually hit the nail on the head here in respect of many old games people have very fond memories of. The options back then were rather limited compared to today. People were way more attached to their purchases and getting every last drop of fun out of them. Nowadays, you are bored of Halo? Just go and boot up 1 of the 100 other shooters. Halo back then really was the only option on Xbox.


After a few hours of playing mp with my brothe rI was befuddled. No playlists I like except BTB, and the settings are all screwed up. Spawns, weapons, etc. not balanced, vehicles dropping in at the end of rounds to offset score difference... I just could take it.

I'll enjoy the older Halo's when I feel the urge for Halo, and maybe I'll check out a future release if 343 is no longer at the helm. It was a glorious run.


Because Halo is overrated. Today it's basically just a name with a lot of nostalgia attached to it for old timers. Halo provides nothing of interest for new players. Same with names like Quake, Unreal Tournament.
Angry Season 4 GIF by The Office
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I'm glad this game is struggling. Everyone I know has went back to MCC already. They had one final shot, and not even a blank cheque combined with 5 years of development time could prevent them from making a bland game with little to no content.

I'll be celebrating the day that MCC player pop catches up on ininite. 343i do not deserve a single ounce of praise.
The farther in the rear mirror my experience with this game goes the more I agree.


Let's be honest, the game is very barebones, just 5 maps when you're not interested in BTB, just a few game modes, which it took half of the community's complaints to 343 FINALLY give us a Slayer-only playlist, and cosmetics are locked behind those dumb Battle Passes and bundles instead of ordinary MTX where you just pick and buy the exact thing you really like. I honestly cannot see this game not being slowly but surely forgotten, because even if 343 will add any content to it, it's still gonna be put behind Battle Pass, so many people will still be running with the exact same default armor. And if we put the cosmetics on the side to begin with, you always play with the exact same two default guns (again, with no customizations), I mean, it's an arena shooter after all, so while yeah it's a nice fresh air into all this Battle Royale craze that's going on nowadays, I feel that this freshness will fade away very quick, as each match feels virtually the same except those few maps in rotation, there's no room for any customization whether the looks or the gameplay, no nothing.

Which is sad because the game has easily one of the best gunplays ever, and with going F2P it could've been the next big thing next to Fortnite, CoD, Apex, PUBG etc., if only 343 got out of their comfort zone and modernize the game to today's trends/standards, instead of being mentally stuck 20 years ago when the game was launching. People often say how different/better Infinite is compared to Guardians, but to me it's the exact same deal, the exact same issues, the exact same archaic solutions, and there's a big chance Infinite will share Guardians' fate, a.k.a. nobody will remember it year after launch.
You know what is absolutely mind boggling to me about all of this? The amount of people that are trying to defend the lack of content, the lack of communication, and the lack of well .. BASIC FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN A STAPLE IN THIS FRANCHISE SINCE FUCKING 2007 (!!!). I just saw a dude on twitter trying to argue about the fact that Infinite has more than enough maps, and that ''Even one map could be enough for this game. I mean look at League of Legends, it's only got 1 map in ranked and people still love it!''

343i fanboys are literally getting cucked. Bunch of stockholm syndrom kids that are probably only clenching on to this game because it's one of the few big guns they have in this plastic box war. That is my theory at least.


You know what is absolutely mind boggling to me about all of this? The amount of people that are trying to defend the lack of content, the lack of communication, and the lack of well .. BASIC FEATURES THAT HAVE BEEN A STAPLE IN THIS FRANCHISE SINCE FUCKING 2007 (!!!). I just saw a dude on twitter trying to argue about the fact that Infinite has more than enough maps, and that ''Even one map could be enough for this game. I mean look at League of Legends, it's only got 1 map in ranked and people still love it!''

343i fanboys are literally getting cucked. Bunch of stockholm syndrom kids that are probably only clenching on to this game because it's one of the few big guns they have in this plastic box war. That is my theory at least.
Everyone here agrees that the game needs more content. Its fucked up that they can get away with shit like this, after the 1 year delay.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Everyone here agrees that the game needs more content. Its fucked up that they can get away with shit like this, after the 1 year delay.
I do not think it is f’ed up because of the delay, I think that the game may have been in a state so bad before Staten was brought back (re-reading the behind the scenes of ODST, mad respect to the guy, I am having so much fun with both Halo 3 and ODST) where MS may have been very much aware of the graphical issues in the trailer and real-time gameplay demo and kind of took advantage of the expected reception to announce a one year delay.
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Let's be honest, the game is very barebones, just 5 maps when you're not interested in BTB, just a few game modes, which it took half of the community's complaints to 343 FINALLY give us a Slayer-only playlist, and cosmetics are locked behind those dumb Battle Passes and bundles instead of ordinary MTX where you just pick and buy the exact thing you really like. I honestly cannot see this game not being slowly but surely forgotten, because even if 343 will add any content to it, it's still gonna be put behind Battle Pass, so many people will still be running with the exact same default armor. And if we put the cosmetics on the side to begin with, you always play with the exact same two default guns (again, with no customizations), I mean, it's an arena shooter after all, so while yeah it's a nice fresh air into all this Battle Royale craze that's going on nowadays, I feel that this freshness will fade away very quick, as each match feels virtually the same except those few maps in rotation, there's no room for any customization whether the looks or the gameplay, no nothing.

Which is sad because the game has easily one of the best gunplays ever, and with going F2P it could've been the next big thing next to Fortnite, CoD, Apex, PUBG etc., if only 343 got out of their comfort zone and modernize the game to today's trends/standards, instead of being mentally stuck 20 years ago when the game was launching. People often say how different/better Infinite is compared to Guardians, but to me it's the exact same deal, the exact same issues, the exact same archaic solutions, and there's a big chance Infinite will share Guardians' fate, a.k.a. nobody will remember it year after launch.
Well, the events are not locked to the Battle Pass, and with new weekly events you can still get quite a lot of new content. Yes, the current modes are very barebones, but a new Warzone style mode with capturing FoBs could easily bring new players back, which is what Certain Affinity is rumoured to be working on. With such a mode 343 could introduce custom loadouts and the ability to call in items. I feel like if MCC can survive its launch, we shouldn't write Halo Infinite off.
I already knew it would struggle, 343 keeps copying games like COD and Apex and Infinite doesn't feel like a real Halo game. Halo died when Bungie left.


I like playing Halo Infinite more than COD: Vanguard. Vanguard is just chaos and explosions and getting rapidly gang T-bagged, whereas Halo is all about strategic play, using different weapon combos, and getting T-bagged occasionally in smaller more intimate 1v1 or 1v2 scenarios.
Also, battle royals doesn't work in Halo's framework


That's just straight up wrong. Halo is perfectly suited to a BR game. It's also perfectly suited to Destiny style strikes and raids. Too bad 343 didn't have the vision for either at launch.

The top games are:

  1. Fortnite
  2. Call of Duty Warzone
  3. GTA 5
  4. Apex Legends
  5. Roblox
  6. Halo Infinite
As long as its top 10 on xbox, its doing well. nothing to worry about.

Considering the gameplay is in a great spot but a lot else around it is in a shite spot Infinite is keeping good company. Look at that top 5, insanely popular, mature and well sustained games. 343 have class acts to pick up the pace against.
Meh, perhaps it's more due to a personal dislike regarding BR's that taints my opinion I guess..

I just don't see it but I'm open for it tho

It's sandbox is pretty small and tier heavy.

Get the goods get the win.

No armor health pickups.

I dont know man

I would imagine they would create different shields and weapon variants for the BR. Also special weapons could have super limited ammo encouraging expoloration/control of important drop zones etc.

It could be awful, it could be amazing. I'm same as you though. Fuck BRs.


Gold Member
It comes down to expectations.

Ad in present day there is no way Halo is going to compete against the big name military shooters, Fortnites and the like.

Maybe during the 360 days Halo was still big, but not the past probably 10 years.

Same goes for Doom, Unreal and any shooter resembling those old school sci fi arena shooters. Gamers ditched them all 15 years ago.
The game is just lacking in content. It's the most featureless Halo to date, including no community creation tools like Forge. This reality was inevitable. However, the game is absolutely amazing. With some substantial content updates and fixes in progression, the tune of this game will change like many others. Apex Legends also had its population take a complete nose dive a few months after launch. We have seen so many games make great comebacks once the base game is expanded upon, and I believe Halo will be no different.

It all depends if 343 can keep up with the pace and quality of future content.
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OK let's say 10 million players were playing it on Steam, and then the day campaign came out half of them switched to windows.

Is that 15 million players or 5 million?

It's still 10 million. It's the same 10 million, but split. 5 on Steam and 5 on Windows.

A player that played on Steam at first and switched to Windows is still one player, but it looks bad on the Steam numbers as they switch.

It doesnt mean less overall players, it literalky just means less steam players.

You seem to not be able to grasp this concept.
Is there any indication that they switched to windows store? If it is based purely on relative position on Windows Store most played charts then I don't think that is any indication of a switch. It's more that people must use windows store for GP games and almost nobody uses it for actual games they can get elsewhere.
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Gold Member
I don't think so, even Paul Tassi, the biggest MS shill I have ever seen on mainstream media, is talking about it. Concern Concern

It's really untresting because I believe that's only for America.

UK its already fallen out the top 10 for xbox at number 12.

Biggest issue for me is that BTB is still broken since like 2 weeks after launch while the focus has been selling cosmetics.
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Gameplay is top notch. Overall content is not. And 343 is not moving quick enough to stop the bleeding player base. They keep saying they’re going to provide info soon, but even that keeps getting delayed. Also, they’re saying the MP is still in beta? I just feel like 343 is in over their head with the F2P model for the game.


Gameplay is top notch. Overall content is not. And 343 is not moving quick enough to stop the bleeding player base. They keep saying they’re going to provide info soon, but even that keeps getting delayed. Also, they’re saying the MP is still in beta? I just feel like 343 is in over their head with the F2P model for the game.

I think looking at their issues over multiple projects that it’s just not a studio issue.


Yeah not really surprised. Barebones launch of a game that's stuck in the mid 2000s. Very few multiplayer games can stand the test of time without significant changes along the way...Counter Strike and Dota are some of the only ones I can think of.
I wonder how much better it could do in Australia with player selected server regions and solid content month on month after launch as well as better anti-cheat and sync issues.

Currently number 7 on Aussie Xbox charts.

Scotty W

All the people whining about Pokemon should keep this in mind. Here you have a game which is at the forefront in all respects, but that just isn’t enough anymore just because some indefinable didn’t “click”. Is it even worth the gamble?

Better to spend less, and ignore the fanatics.


Wow so fake and over-infalted reviews as well as degenerate astroturfing and parroting doesn't work mid-term?

Don't tell that to Pokemon fans!
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