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Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War |OT| Deniable Operations


Anyone have any tips on loadouts to maximize XP in Nuketown? I'm getting 12-15k (before double XP) each game, but I'm sure there are some scorestreaks, equipment, and perk combos that could push towards 20k.



Some recommendations from Sour, who focuses on challenge completion. He says to try to level up as many guns as high as you can during this Double XP week, since that unlocks the camo challenges you can then spend time on after. He expects Nuketown to probably be the most effective for leveling weapons, even moreso than Fireteam Dirty Bomb.
Such a disgrace that multiplayer is more popular than singleplayer with this series.

The campaign was incredible this time but its way too short. It's obvious they put more work into the multiplayer portion and I get it, it's the main source of income but would it have killed them to add 3-4 more missions?

Adding more branching, meaningful choices, more puzzles (those were fucking great), multiple endings would have been amazing. The game has everything: incredible graphics, great gunplay, good soundtrack and banging setpieces. It's only flaw is that it's way too fucking short.

I wish they would make a fully singleplayer entry in the vein of this game. Hunting for evidence to find sleeper agent identities was incredibly fun, even if it didn't make a difference in the end. I applaud them for at least trying for something different this time.


The Hardcore Playlist has a Nuketown 24/7 option. Should be a really great way to grind HC kills, pistols and one shot medals.
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°Temp. member
I unlocked dual-wielding for the Diamatti pistol and then immediately got play of the game. These things were worth the grind (glad that I took advantage of the double xp event going on)
Best match yet.



Made it to Level 100 Prestige 3 after about 52 hours. The thing is, I probably shouldn't keep playing multiplayer, because any XP I get from challenges would be wasted since you can't gain any levels beyond 100 right now. They really didn't think these "preseason" prestige levels through.

I’ve only dabbled with beta thus far. What’s the word on maps? As a whole, better than Mw2019?

Base content is much better than MW.


I don't think this video is accurate for a number of reasons. The lobby Ace is in at the beginning of this video is known as the "potato bracket." It's reserved for very young kids, very new players to fps, or people who are potentially disabled. It's not for people who are bad at the game, who will generally be facing similarly challenging competition as everyone else across the different skill tiers under strict SBMM.

I also disagree with his premise that the Call of Duty community as a whole today is more skilled than when the series blew up and everyone was just figuring out the gameplay. Because of the three lane map design and the shift toward smaller maps with all the action in a single frame, the game is a lot less challenging to understand and play. It was a lot harder in MW1 and 2 to memorize layouts, stay alive, and chain together successive kills on larger, open maps with low TTK. Now, it's not a mystery where the enemy is hiding - if he's not at the end of the hallway you're looking at right now, the only other place he could possibly be is the other hallway around the corner. MW2019 (and Cold War to a lesser extent) have moved things back in the other direction, which I'm grateful for, but even now situational awareness does not present the same challenge as it did back in the day.

SBMM just means you're getting fewer games where you completely dominate or get blown out. I still generally have a nice mix of games where I break even, fall below 1.0, and go off. I don't necessarily like the swings - it was very noticeable when I logged on yesterday after taking a day off that I was rusty, struggling at first, then getting into a few matches with obviously lower skilled players, before adjusting again when I got comfortable and started facing tougher competition. But the swings would be even more pronounced and random without it. I overall don't have a problem with this iteration of SBMM because it was way more obvious and pronounced in Black Ops III, which I just went back to and found myself still sitting up straight and trying my hardest to go 1.0, regardless of whether I was just picking it up again or had been back into it after a few days. I disagree that there's no longer a challenge to improve - if you focus on learning the maps and the guns and you're consistently staying above 1.0, that means you are improving and mastering the game as you stay ahead of the SBMM calibration. It doesn't mean you're bad at the game, because the matchmaking would still put you into stricter competition whenever you do well.

My tip to anyone struggling with the sweatiness is just play TDM when you want to relax, because there's less pressure to go all out on an objective.


°Temp. member
Just hit prestige 2! (31 hours of playtime)
First I maxed out the AK47 (secondary weapon is dual-wielding diamitti pistols)
Then I maxed out the M16 (secondary weapon is the knife)
Now I'm playing with the AK74u (secondary weapon is the LW3 Tundra sniper rifle)

I'm enjoying finding different loadouts that I'm good with. Also I had no idea I'd be so good at sniping until tonight... had some fun sniper battles on Satellite.

Also, Bolivar687 Bolivar687 you may want to add some of this info to the OP: https://www.callofduty.com/blog/page?id=Player_Progression_in_Black_Ops_Cold_War&src=treyarch
(or even just the link)
Looks like the prestige system will work differently this time than in previous CODs.
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Is there something wrong with Nuketown? Seems like it runs at 15fps on XSX.

I got that today. When the map started, it was definitely running at 30 fps. Quit the game, restarted, and back up to 60 fps again.

Very buggy. I have to disable RT so that it doesn't randomly shut down my xbox too.


Loving the MP so far. I consider myself pretty bad at the game, but just had a crazy match on nuke town where I went 56-6 lol. I don’t even know which guns are the best but I’m doing really well with the Krig 6. Single player is so good! I don’t think it’s mentioned enough. Has there ever been puzzles and choices in a COD game? Also, the adaptive triggers are mind blowing on the PS5. Left trigger is mapped to the weight of the gun while the right is mapped to the actual trigger pull. Swapping from an SMG to a pistol, you can really feel the weight difference. Amazing stuff.


Rage Bait Youtuber
I got that today. When the map started, it was definitely running at 30 fps. Quit the game, restarted, and back up to 60 fps again.

Very buggy. I have to disable RT so that it doesn't randomly shut down my xbox too.

I also just had a bug where the resolution got stuck at the lowest possible (looked lower than 720p).


I'm going to need someone to get me out of my COD addiction. My brother and I have been playing the multiplayer non-stop since the PS5 came out.

I want to play other things more, but the camo grind always feels too appealing...

little gameplay i just uploaded went 41-8 i love the map satellite as you could probally tell from the gameplay haha the krig is really good
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I'm finally almost done with the tactical rifle camo grind. Just 7 more double kills with the DMR.

I have always loved semi-automatic rifles in games, but damn are they a liability in every COD. You're basically accepting that you are using the most disadvantaged gun on the battlefield. I can still have insane rounds, but against any decent team, it's just a massive frustration.


Someone wake me when they put out a patch to fix the hard crashing on series x.. haven't played it in a while because i don't want to risk my system. Had a LOT of fun at launch but stopped playing when everyone started reporting crashing.


My favourite things to do in Nuketown:

- Knife killing sprees, nothing feels as good as getting 5 or 6 knife kills in a row on people who are infuriated that you're running around with no gun getting streaks. The "finishing moves" are awesome to pull off.

- Using the "Special" class Grenade Launcher to fuck the shit out of the Snipers who hang out in the garages and the corridors to the side of the main houses, it's like shooting fish in a barrel if they aren't using flak jacket. Whichever side you start on you know where the snipers are standing and you have a nice shot. I bring 2 flashes and 2 semtex, and I have 3 noob toob shots. It's bullshit that the flak jacket basically lets you eat a grenade to the chest and keep moving.
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Finished the campaign last night, really solid Story and mission design for a COD game. Really love the setting, Black ops one is arguably my favorite campaign and this is a nice sequel to that. black ops 2 and three were just OK. I would probably put it in the top 5 I have played:

Modern Warfare
modern warfare 2
Black ops
Infinite warfare
Black ops Cold War


Finished the campaign last night, really solid Story and mission design for a COD game. Really love the setting, Black ops one is arguably my favorite campaign and this is a nice sequel to that. black ops 2 and three were just OK. I would probably put it in the top 5 I have played:

Modern Warfare
modern warfare 2
Black ops
Infinite warfare
Black ops Cold War

Same, I can't praise Raven enough for the job they did on the campaign, especially as someone who loves the first Black Ops.


Same, I can't praise Raven enough for the job they did on the campaign, especially as someone who loves the first Black Ops.
Yes I was really happy to see Activision give Raven some responsibility. It was sad to see such a great studio relegated to map packs. As far as sledgehammer goes I actually didn’t mind the Advanced Warfare campaign but WW2 did nothing for me.


I finished the Campaign on Veteran with the side missions (I loved trying to solve the codes on those) I must admit, I liked it a lot and want more, the MP however, it still is not gripping me as much as MW2 did, maybe CoD Mp is not for me anymore


°Temp. member
I finished the Campaign on Veteran with the side missions (I loved trying to solve the codes on those) I must admit, I liked it a lot and want more, the MP however, it still is not gripping me as much as MW2 did, maybe CoD Mp is not for me anymore
Maybe I should go ahead and give the campaign a try... I still haven't touched it


°Temp. member
I quit the campaign after a few missions... just didn't interest me at all, but I guess it doesn't surprise me because COD campaigns never have. Back to multiplayer I go!


Damn, certain maps are now turning into a pure M16/Aug fest. I don't even know how they could fix that at this point.


⅔ through the campaign and man is it boring. So many graphical issues and crashes galore.

Multiplayer isn't too hot either, maps are uninspired. Hopefully that changes with future dlc.


Every map sucks if the other team is beating your ass (which is a regular occurrence in this game).

Miami is pretty good for Control and Domination IMO. It just sucks for Team Deathmatch.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Friend showed this to me. It's how console players are cheating without being caught:

But you can use the theater mode in the game to see their view and catch them that way.


The Stoner is such a beastly gun. It sucked on the early leveling up grind, but without purposely going for the gold camo and only really playing objective game modes, it got me a 2 K/D average over 1000 kills. I'm not some major COD boy either.


The Stoner is such a beastly gun. It sucked on the early leveling up grind, but without purposely going for the gold camo and only really playing objective game modes, it got me a 2 K/D average over 1000 kills. I'm not some major COD boy either.

I've also been having really great numbers with the LMGs.


I hope they fix the raytracing on PS5 some day...

It sucks because it worked perfectly fine when the game came out. They did an update and it's been broken ever since.


Friend showed this to me. It's how console players are cheating without being caught:

But you can use the theater mode in the game to see their view and catch them that way.

Combine this with SBMM, if you got good aim and accuracy chances are higher you run into people using controller mods more often.
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