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Capcom: Buy our latest test game - Biohazard ~Dark Side Chronicles

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Diortem7 said:
If by "terrible looking" you meant "modestly better than RE4," then yes.
It could have been the best looking game for the Wii and someone would say it looks like crap and is inferior to the HD version. That's the point I was making. I still think RE4 looks great.

Again, someone post a pic of a giant crying baby.


Christopher said:
Damn what is with this sense of entitlement that Wii owners have? Just because a budget title re-release of the GOTY sold great when there was literally nothing to play on the Wii?

The market leading consoel has nothing to play on it, I haven't turned it on since...wow last August?
That's because you are a goddamned moron.

And anyone else still spouting this "Wii has no games" nonsense is a goddamned moron, too.

And fuck List Wars, google some shit for yourself.


Master of the Google Search
grandjedi6 said:
It'll be everything but what people actually want.



Knowledge is power, guard it well
The name just doesn't inspire any confidence.:lol

Dark Side Chronicles? Who can imagine the game has a high level of effort put into it?

Dead Space is now the one game I look forward to owning.


Ugh, I'm not at all interested. Hated RE: UC(glad I only rented that garbage). I loved RE4 Wii with it's great controls. Oh well. I'll find something else to play on Wii.


Htown said:
That's because you are a goddamned moron.

And anyone else still spouting this "Wii has no games" nonsense is a goddamned moron, too.

And fuck List Wars, google some shit for yourself.

I swear to god I can't think of the last game I played for it I didn't wind up downloading. de Blob probably. Or maybe Wario Land.

This year looks good though. MadWorld and Kororinpa 2 this week (and Pikmin, too) is pretty nice. Then there's the Klonoa remake which every lover of platformers will buy or else. And of course there's Excitebots soon, and while I don't share everyone else's enthusiasm for shouting "excite" all over the place, it could be one of the better racing games this gen.

I can only speak for myself though. I'm not interested in other stuff that might be good, like The Conduit, the TMNT game (how long has this been in development? 14 months), or whatsitcalled, uh... Punch Out. But there's cooler things like Sin & Punishment 2 and probably A Boy and his Blob so that's a good trade off.

Where am i.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
K.Jack said:
The name just doesn't inspire any confidence.:lol

Dark Side Chronicles? Who can imagine the game has a high level of effort put into it?

Dead Space is now the one game I look forward to owning.
You do realize the Wii port of Dead Space is also a damn rail shooter, right?

Eteric Rice

Diortem7 said:
Don't forget this.

Devil May Cry 4 for the cellphone.

Are you shitting me? They really ported DMC4 to the cellphone? :lol

I swear to God I wouldn't be surprised if they ported Resident Evil 5 to cellphones before they port it to the Wii.


Christopher: You're buying Klonoa, right? I'm assuming you never played the PSX one like I have and are a platforming fan.

But if you're not going to, Sonic is a secret playable character. So now you have to get it.

Also, don't highlight this black part below.
Sonic's not really in the game people. Don't tell Christopher though. It's a secret.


Master of the Google Search
Y2Kev said:
I don't think it's UC2. UC1 was called UC in Japan...
IGN hinted at it being UC2. Plus it fits in with all the other hints and the game's title. If its not UC2 then it must be something even worse to garner the meh-tastic reaction it got from IGN.
Zachack said:
Such as? Or are we going to list games that aren't out yet (like Madworld)?
Well I just bought Deadly Creatures. I don't tend to buy a lot of games since I have to import them all, so I mostly buy games I have a strong interest in. So yes, I'm passing on Madworld and HotD to save money for the likes of PES09, Tenchu SA (PAL), and The Conduit,


Please have online, please have lots of content, please have high production values, please be excellent.

Looking back at the actual reviews the first got, it got decent scores. Some didn't like the game, but it still sold pretty well. This game doesn't have to suck. It just needs compelling content.

By the way, the name change definitely means we aren't doing everything Umbrella related. RE4 tie ins?


Jumping jiggle-pants, folks, lighten the hell up. It's not like 2009 looks hideous for the Wii and requires Capcom's grace to sustain it. If it looks good (as in, they put forth some degree of effort), I'll buy it; if they didn't, I won't.

I'm done getting aggravated over decisions these companies make when it comes to the Wii. If I had nothing to play on the thing, I might get upset, but now? Not so much.


TheCardPlayer said:
You do realize the Wii port of Dead Space is also a damn rail shooter, right?

Double negative :p

But really...what the hell? Dark Side Chronicles? Sounds like a name Sonic Team would drum up...

So, this new RE:UC game...what's the story here, I thought we discovered all there was to know about Umbrella, what'd we miss? Is this a new story altogether?

Honestly, I would've preferred a RE4 style game, but hey, it's new, not a port...what else is there?

screens? video? Haaaaaalp!?


Another vote for "this generation is fucked up."

Wii games are all seem to be afflicted with bad graphics and dumbed-down gameplay, while PS3/360 games are all afflicted with god damn online multiplayer in games that have no earthly need for it.

I love beautiful, elaborate games that I don't need anybody else's involvement to play. What am I supposed to do this gen?


Zoc said:
Another vote for "this generation is fucked up."

Wii games are all seem to be afflicted with bad graphics and dumbed-down gameplay, while PS3/360 games are all afflicted with god damn online multiplayer in games that have no earthly need for it.

I love beautiful, elaborate games that I don't need anybody else's involvement to play. What am I supposed to do this gen?

Buy a DS and shut up. ;)
Vinci said:
It's not like 2009 looks hideous for the Wii and requires Capcom's grace to sustain it. If it looks good (as in, they put forth some degree of effort), I'll buy it; if they didn't, I won't.

I'm done getting aggravated over decisions these companies make when it comes to the Wii. If I had nothing to play on the thing, I might get upset, but now? Not so much.
Well said.
I don't like on-the-rail shooters. They are boring, tedious, and lack replay value. Umbrella Chronicles was really dull and uninspired; I don't expect this "Dark Side Chronicles" to be much different. Ha, I wouldn't even be surprised with this game doesn't contain a RE2 chapter.

Oh, well, at least there is Youtube. I can watch the cutscenes without having to play the game like I did with UC. (I rented UC... very lame.)
If this is on rails I'm done with Capcom this generation. After buying like 40 something games from them last gen (Between the PS2, GC, XB, and GBA) I have no interest in the shit they're shoveling this gen any more. ZnW was good shit, hell RE4 Wii was awesome shit, the controls on that are why I can't stand the controls in RE5.

I want a fucking game on Wii that controls like RE4 Wii, I don't give a fuck who puts it out just some one give me another god damn game like that.


Shin Johnpv said:
If this is on rails I'm done with Capcom this generation. After buying like 40 something games from them last gen (Between the PS2, GC, XB, and GBA) I have no interest in the shit they're shoveling this gen any more. ZnW was good shit, hell RE4 Wii was awesome shit, the controls on that are why I can't stand the controls in RE5.

I want a fucking game on Wii that controls like RE4, I don't give a fuck who puts it out just some one give me another god damn game like that.
Keep the meltdowns coming :lol

This game is already entertaining :O


30% Failure Rate
Not surprising. Not at all.

Some people here think Capcom's support on Wii has been pretty good so far but that's bullshit.

The only two Wii games Capcom put any thought or effort into is Zack & Wiki and Monster Hunter 3. both were greenlighted very early in the generation and in the case of MH3 they had no choice but to go to Wii since MH only really sells in Japan and PS3/360 was flopping badly there at the time. MH was still hot and they didn't want the franchise to go stale They chose Wii only as a last resort and made statements to that effect at the time, almost apologizing for it and citing the current marketplace conditions as the reason for their choice.

RE4 was a Gamecube port done by a small team for little money.

Okami was only ported because Ready at Dawn approached Capcom with the proposal. If they hadn't pushed for it Capcom wouldn't have put it on the Wii.

Umbrella Chronicles and Dead Rising were both offloaded to TOSE as Capcom couldn't even be bothered to put their own internal resources toward these turds. They literally outsourced it to the cheapest place they could find. It's pretty obvious TOSE will be doing Dark Side Chronicles as well.

Don't expect Capcom to put any of their internal teams on a Wii game as it'll probably never happen. The best you can hope for is spin-offs and ports because there's no way Capcom's going to let TOSE do a new main entry for any of their major franchises.

The point is this: If you are going to buy any Capcom games for your Wii do it because you genuinely want to play the game, not because you think passing some test will bring better games. These 'tests' aren't real and there's no way to 'pass' them. Capcom's strategy is clear they've said it themselves. They are aiming for 360 first and foremost with PS3 and PC peripherally because they have similar specs and are relatively easy to port to.

If there ever was a test it was Zack & Wiki and we failed it miserably. Since the release of Z&W Capcom hasn't allocated any internal resources to Wii development. None. That alone speaks volumes.

EDIT: UC was actually made by Cavia, DR was made by Tose. And DarkSide Chronicles has now been confirmed to be by Cavia as well.


big_z said:
are there any pics yet or just a name?

A name and comments from IGN that Capcom's reveal is "meh" and "nothing to get too excited over."

...So I'd peg Umbrella Chronicles 2 being a best case at that rate.


Shin Johnpv said:
If this is on rails I'm done with Capcom this generation.

Monster Hunter Tri appears to not be shit. And honestly, I'd say it's your only hope of seeing Capcom do more with the console. If it doesn't sell worth a shit? Expect bad things. Bad things that sell, but still bad things.

And no, I don't mean that MH Tri is a test. It's a super-massive franchise on a super-massively popular console. Nintendo should be backing the shit out of it - it's a foundation game for the Wii.
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