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Colin Moriarty Says White Supremacy/Racism Doesn't Exist Because Asians

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I don't think you can fully appreciate Colin's intelligence until you read his rebuttal towards the new YouTube redirect standards that went live in August:


Hooooooly shit

This is the pivot to crazy town


Colin is a piece of human trash and I'm so glad his spiral round the toilet bowl of irrelevance has accelerated recently. Bye bitch




An Asian student in one of my classes in high school didn't know the answer to a question in class one time and the substitute teacher said something like "huh, the Asians kids are usually the smart ones".

Class got real heated and he pretty much fell back on this same exact "but I was actually complimenting you!" defense.
Libertarianism, when you genuinely ask the question, "why can't we sell children? The free market will allocate them accordingly"
Why the fuck do people listen to this clown? He got canned from kinda funny because of his backwards ass thought process and this is just another example of this. Just because one minority may do better than one that has 400 years of slavery and systemic racism against them doesn't mean racism doesn't exist. Stop giving this guy attention.

Wtf is up with all these youtubers being alt right idiots?

I don't know. Why do people follow them?
Love too use asians as scapegoats for my horribly racist arguments to appease my fanbase of chuds

Moriarty I know you're reading this thread so I just wanna say eat my shit don't speak for my race you slimy irrelevant fuck, keep in mind that not a single person thinks you're intelligent except your seeming hordes of chuds and you'll be forced to make content for them for the rest of your foreseeable future

Even better is that nobody will remember you
Moriarty reminds me of Cartman in that episode when they're spoofing Avatar, "Dances with Smurfs".

"You see? I'm only asking questions".

And yes, every libertarian I've met, have either changed their tunes when being challenged, or have turned out to be complete sociopaths.

This is why I'm so tired of people claiming to be centrists, because once push comes to shove, and you have to rationalize your opinions, you tend to lean left or right, but you're just too chicken shit to "let yourself be labelled".
What is he trying to accomplish? That White supremacy hasn't taken over the whole of the US yet so we shouldn't worry about the white supremacy movement going on?

Yah let's just keep turning our heads and ignoring hate filled people. That will really show them.

Lol and he complains about identity politics, but spews his own identity politics at the same time.


Social Hate Mongering Filth


Dude is awful. And it wasn't even a sudden change (though this is a new level of crazy). He'd been getting shittier on Kinda Funny's stuff for a while up until he quit.

Was really glad to see him go then and feel that even more strongly now. Just seems like a bad person (with a wacko, cultish fanbase as well).
Why do racist idiots always go for the "B-b-b-but Asians" whenever any discussion of racism crops up (see: Bill O'Reilly talking about "Asian privilege" like that's a thing), especially when America, Canada and various eurocentric countries has a not insignificant history of disenfranchising Japanese, Koreans, Philippinos/as and so on, let alone grouping them all together under that single term?

Two big reasons are divide and conquer and deflect and distract.

Talking about asian americans being successful serves two purposes: It attempts to remove them from the minority struggle so that other minorities don't identify with them (and vice versa) and to deflect from issues of white supremacy and systemic racism by inferring that everyone else can make it just like "the asians" can.

Basically, they're attempting to use minorities as a weapon against other minorities while also attempting to downplay inequality.


He ran away after shitting on a poster for not doing anything important who turned out to be a lawyer who did pro bono work for immigrants

Omfg I had totally forgotten about that. Holy shit I hate this guy.

I meant my comment that I am a fan of Colin but understand why people don't like him was innocuous. I thought I could freely share my opinion of the guy without being labeled a racist and Trump supporter(of which I am neither) but I guess I was wrong. If it was misconstrued as me supporting his comments, then I guess that's my fault for not being clearer. Like I said, I still don't even understand his comments or what sparked him to post them out of the blue. They are basically gibberish to me until I know what he's referencing.

Um coming into a thread specifically discussing his most recent racist tirade and starting it off with a heart and saying how much you like him is going to lead people to believe you support his views, considering those are what are being discussed in here, no colin specifically.

Additionally, if you don't know whats going on in the very specific thread youre posting in, why are you posting at all given that reading the OP is a forum rule here, bare minimum. More likely, like the string of other posters who flock to defend pewdiepie, H3, and the other racist youtubers, youre deflecting back to a point of ignorance after getting called out for a questionable post praising the person in question.


Why do racist idiots always go for the "B-b-b-but Asians" whenever any discussion of racism crops up (see: Bill O'Reilly talking about "Asian privilege" like that's a thing), especially when America, Canada and various eurocentric countries has a not insignificant history of disenfranchising Japanese, Koreans, Philippinos/as and so on, let alone grouping them all together under that single term?

They want to make it seem like racism is no longer a barrier to success, ignoring that we still have to work twice as hard as any white person to get just as far and we still face systemic barriers in the workplace.


They want to make it seem like racism is no longer a barrier to success, ignoring that we still have to work twice as hard as any white person to get just as far and we still face systemic barriers in the workplace.

Meritocracy only exists, for white males.



I've never read or heard anything he's done since I saw this was his twitter ID that has made me think he's anything other than an absolute wanker, like ever Randist ever.

His swirling around the toilet bowl into obscurity is well deserved.
the only reasons white supremacist fucks try to bring up asians (other than to foster divide between races) is because a bunch of them really want to fuck asian girls


Intelligence appears to be lacking with free marketism Libertarians.

If people knew that about Colin, they would also know his intellect can and should be called into question. Repeatedly.


i refuse to believe that they and the greg miller's of the world didnt know what a shit fuck he is and was. they are complicit for getting Colin this far.

I'm really really hoping that while we could see the signs earlier than this that recently hes just become much more emboldened since his alt right base is really all he has left. It would be really shitty if people in the industry that weve come to like have been complacent with this for so long, if true.


Hooooooly shit

This is the pivot to crazy town

I mean, there's not much money in dog-whistling to liberals.
He can pretend to be a "rationalist" who "says it like it is" and brag about how you can't nail him down to your stereotypical party stances all he wants... When the cash flow is threatened, the only people worth pandering to are other right-wing straight white guys because no one else is stupid enough to support his Patreon.

D i Z

Man, I gotta wonder what this dumbfuck's public stupidity feels like for the folks who worked with him at IGN.

He skipped town. Won't be seeing them on the street. But to be fair, they went along with a lot of this. Even when he lashed out at them. Get better heroes, people.


It's great hearing about this story the same day I also learn of a new mobile game called "Dirty Chinese Restaurant" which is hella racist against Asians. Damn.


I don't think you can fully appreciate Colin's intelligence until you read his rebuttal towards the new YouTube redirect standards that went live in August:


Literal garbage. And all of his examples reek sympathy for whites only. As if brown and black people couldn't get flagged for looking something up. And equates anything liberal or promoting equality (calling out Linda seriously) as negative...


Moved from San Fran to Santa Monica, iirc.
Not sure why he keeps subjugating himself to the tyranny of the dystopian leftist government of Calistan if you ask me...

Stephen Miller was from Santa Monica. I guess we’ll see him open up as a white nationalist before long.


Mitch Dyer called him out on it and he immediately went into "you hate me, oh poor me" mode as usual....but then he calls Bob Mackey a coward. Complete hypocrite and his schtick is beyond old.


I don't think you can fully appreciate Colin's intelligence until you read his rebuttal towards the new YouTube redirect standards that went live in August:


These examples would be what I would write if I wanted to make fun of Colin Moriaty by trying to take his positions and statements to the most insane, stupid and mean-spirited level possible and then acting like he would actually say that.

But then he does actually say that stuff and it's like he's just a parody of himself at this point. Did the dude already pull his thinly-veiled centrist-schtick in regards to Charlottesville, the KKK or David Duke? Maybe explaining why they actually really aren't that dangerous, why the Antifa is the real enemy of the people or why Tiki torches actually mean "hey, I really like you and want to be your friend!" in Tiki culture?
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