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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless


Why does he wear the mask!?
Gleasons Superman looks better than the Jim Lee one imo




World War Z is too dumb to be a good movie but i do like some of the tension scenes. Wonder Woman costume seems like a random wonder woman costume, we'll see how the statue is.
World War Z is too dumb to be a good movie but i do like some of the tension scenes. Wonder Woman costume seems like a random wonder woman costume, we'll see how the statue is.

Wasn't terrible, but wasn't anything like the book. I guess they didn't just want to film a series of vignettes and call it a movie.


Wasn't terrible, but wasn't anything like the book. I guess they didn't just want to film a series of vignettes and call it a movie.

The noise...it's too loud!

Yep, although getting rid of the collar is the biggest plus for me. I have always disliked that. It makes the design very Jim Lee. That and all the lines that were added to New 52 costumes. Poor Flash still has his going by the previews.

If I could recommend one audio book, the unabridged version of World War Z would be it. I love the book and the audio version captures it perfectly. It's like a play.

Maybe i will check my library for it but that place hates fun. No comics, all manga. They do have word books though and some audio.
Red boots

Makes all the difference

Yep, although getting rid of the collar is the biggest plus for me. I have always disliked that. It makes the design very Jim Lee. That and all the lines that were added to New 52 costumes. Poor Flash still has his going by the previews.

World War Z is too dumb to be a good movie but i do like some of the tension scenes.

If I could recommend one audio book, the unabridged version of World War Z would be it. I love the book and the audio version captures it perfectly. It's like a play.


Honestly not sure. We have had monthly threads for what seems like forever. There's a vast amount of comics each month and it helps to spotlight a variety of stuff. You can say "but GAF reviews" but we can't review books that are not out but might look interesting. Unless you are tim of course.

On the other hand, if the OP is not doing its' job and attracting new members, especially in an age where OT seems to have a dozen comics threads a day, then perhaps a change is needed.

I'm not sure how you format it though. As someone who is not a MangaGAF poster, their OP between both posts is....dense. For a visual medium, it's really text heavy. I am all for more community-driven, long form content. I love it, love reading it and love what it brings to our community. I'd love to write some of it but I'm just not very good at it. I find it hard to write coherent longer writing, so most of my comic-reviewing posts tend to be "yo fam this comic is goooood". But we have a lot of talented members here with great insight who should be celebrated and who should be used to help new people find the less obvious stuff. JC's Brand New Day write-up is a perfect example. That series is vast, especially to new eyes, and it's hard to pinpoint the good stuff. That is where the community can come into its' own.

My other thought, and Messi's gonna kill me, is that the "Community" banner probably shouldn't have Olivia Wilde in it. I am all for dank memery where possible but the OP is like us going to a job interview. You want to wear your best clothes and keep the in-jokes to a minimum, if not scrubbing them outright.

Remove whatever you like. I really don't care.


the secret is

waid was always boring

his daredevil was basically coasting on martin, rivera and samnee

Mark Waid isn't the flashiest writer but he has guided SO MANY books through some of their creative peaks. I just read an ASM two-parter where he took every other Spidey writer to school.

He's so fucking good.
My other thought, and Messi's gonna kill me, is that the "Community" banner probably shouldn't have Olivia Wilde in it. I am all for dank memery where possible but the OP is like us going to a job interview. You want to wear your best clothes and keep the in-jokes to a minimum, if not scrubbing them outright.

Oh stop it. It's not like we're auditioning to get back into off-Topic. If you don't include little things like that then you don't convey who we are as a community. And the people are the main reason I come here. If I just wanted to talk comics, I could go to a dozen other forums.
Fair enough. The owl stuff is superb, in my opinion. Moving on to the Joker arc next. That's the last part I read when it released and I thought it was solid. I've never touched the origin story stuff, mainly because why the hell am I reading a Batman origin story in the year 2016. Will give it an honest try, though.
I love Snyder's Batman, and I would never call it "overrated," but I do think it's a little flimsy next to Morrison's run. Kind of amazing that some of the best Batman stories ever told have all come in the last ten years from just those two guys, though.

Definitely read Zero Year. You should read a Batman origin story in the year 2016 because it's a sparklingly original origin, with lots of playful twists and turns and referential fun! It doesn't really pick up until the second volume, I feel, but it's great. I just finished it myself.

Also, don't sleep on The Black Mirror, which is a standalone Snyder Batman arc set during the events of Batman, Inc. (when Bruce Wayne is jetting around the world and Dick Grayson is wearing the cowl at home in Gotham). It's dark, and deeply disturbing, and very, very noir. And moving, too. It might actually be my favorite Snyder.


I really didn't care for Court of Owls but I should read it again. I was coming off a Morrison Batman mainline and Snyder's more contemplative style just didn't click with me.
Hi Comics GAF. I scored about 200 early 90s books at a flea market today for $40. There's a bunch of independents, DC Vertigo, and manga in the lot. The rarest item is a Tank Girl # 1. There's also an issue of Wild Kingdom featuring anthropomorphic animals having graphic sex!


I thought you said it was losing you. Latest issue change your mind?

Yeah I really liked the end of the arc. The reeled in singularity a bit and it was better for it. Also I really loved what they did with Dazzler.

Just read the most recent All New Wolverine. Adorable and wonderful. Loved Takaras art.


Man, I've been piling on Slott's ASM since issue 2 of the latest issue # reset and caught up to 7 so far, but I just feel like the creative team needs to move on. I don't know how Silver Surfer is but I enjoyed Slott's post-Spider Island issues and Superior Spider-Man, but since that ended and Peter has been back, every issue seems like a throwaway.

If I didn't prefer reading ASM per issue rather than in trades, I'd have dropped this a while ago. I did that with Daredevil after Waid's run since I just feel like that character reads better in trades. Spider-Man is one of my favorite characters and I like to collect him in singles, but man is Slott really pushing my dedication to the limit considering it's bi-weekly and $3.99. I already gave up the POINT issues even though I'm pretty sure those aren't written by Slott.

I like the guy, and he's a solid writer, but it just seems like he's too comfortable with this run and everything feels too safe, even for the titular Spider-Man comic. The day a new creative team gets announced will be an exciting one. Slott's had a fine run, but come on already.
Oh stop it. It's not like we're auditioning to get back into off-Topic. If you don't include little things like that then you don't convey who we are as a community. And the people are the main reason I come here. If I just wanted to talk comics, I could go to a dozen other forums.

The OP and the thread as a whole are different things. Talk about whatever here, man. I enjoy the off-topic stuff. I've probably posted more about WWE and Hearthstone than comics in these threads since the start of the year.

It doesn't have to be bland advertising, but surely there is a better way than the current? One that fits the thread better AND conveys us as a group? People are important, but you don't want to turn away people either. Otherwise the community slowly thins out as the natural churn of GAF members happens. Like, the reading threads have the old Mr. T bookmarks. That's funny, gets the tone across, but is also on message. Maybe if we did a whip-round Ed could draw Olivia in a Hostess Fruit Pies advert-esque thing for the thread?

This is not a knock on Olivia or Messi BTW. I own Tron Legacy on Blu-Ray and every season of House on DVD. And Messi's a valued member of this community. In terms of value to the comic book industry he probably outvalues the rest of us combined! Alright, I'll stop. Seriously though, without him, I wouldn't have tried Sunstone, All-New Wolverine and many other books that I am now a fan of. I don't want to lose people who bring enthusiasm to the thread.

I am just spitballing at the end of the day. Tyrant asked for feedback, I gave it. It was meant as constructive criticism, but it wasn't seen that way. Humble apologies. Maybe I should've taken it to PM, but I forget it is there. I think I've only used it for ModBot and Secret Santa the whole time I've been here.
good posts

I prefer monthly threads. Gives new and notable titles a spotlight and makes it easy to back and see what was interesting months/years later. I've added a lot to my wish lists due to the different comics listed in the monthly OT

Depends on what genres you enjoy.
Was just wondering! Thank you for responding.

I'll keep the format as is, but I'll look into maybe condensing the notable releases a bit and beefing up the community stuff.
Went into B&N because I have a coupon and rediscovered how Cheap manga was. Like damn I almost bought some dragon ball and akira.

They get you in sheer quantity though. I read some manga in high school and each book was like $8 but when there's 20+ books in a series it still adds up really fast.
They get you in sheer quantity though. I read some manga in high school and each book was like $8 but when there's 20+ books in a series it still adds up really fast.

The trick is to start series when they're new and buy the new volumes as they release. Trying to start One Piece or Naruto now when they each have about 80 volumes out would be soul-crushing. And wallet-crushing.


Hi Comics GAF. I scored about 200 early 90s books at a flea market today for $40. There's a bunch of independents, DC Vertigo, and manga in the lot. The rarest item is a Tank Girl # 1. There's also an issue of Wild Kingdom featuring anthropomorphic animals having graphic sex!

Thats cool. I'm always thinking about hitting up garage sales and such on Saturday mornings but, you know...sleep


Neo Member
I like Green Arrow. After Lemire's run (feat. Sorrentino) I skipped Vol. 7 because of horrendous reviews. Now I read that a guy called Benjamin Percy takes over the Emerald Archer in both Vol. 8 and the Rebirth series. Did anyone read an issue out of Vol. 8 already?
Is it any good?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
JC would be proud. I fiiiinally started Hitman. Almost done with the first TPB. Loving it so far.
The first issue was pretty lame, which is why I've tried and failed to start the series multiple times, but now that it's gotten going, it's so great.


JC would be proud. I fiiiinally started Hitman. Almost done with the first TPB. Loving it so far.
The first issue was pretty lame, which is why I've tried and failed to start the series multiple times, but now that it's gotten going, it's so great.

Kipp, you have failed the test :(


JC would be proud. I fiiiinally started Hitman. Almost done with the first TPB. Loving it so far.
The first issue was pretty lame, which is why I've tried and failed to start the series multiple times, but now that it's gotten going, it's so great.

Welcome to the thread. Nice to meet you. What comics do you enjoy?
JC would be proud. I fiiiinally started Hitman. Almost done with the first TPB. Loving it so far.
The first issue was pretty lame, which is why I've tried and failed to start the series multiple times, but now that it's gotten going, it's so great.

Kipp, you need to stop living in the past. Time to move on
(to the May thread)
. The rest of the world has.
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