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COMICS! |OT| April 2016. I Think You're Fearless

this is a comic that has caption boxes that contain Batman's thoughts, in quotes, IN THE CAPTION BOXES. But also thought bubbles at the same time.

All this talk about Spider-man and I haven't even read any full run of Spider-man comics. All the movies have put me off.

Archer & Armstrong #18-23, part of #25, Bloodshot #20/#21: Well, that's done. A quick read. Loved the wrap-up. Was weirded out that things were getting a bit oedipal towards the end but that just turned out to be a swerve.

On that note, Valiant need to get their shit together for their collected editions. With their shenanigans with a couple of their "Deluxe" editions and the random missing and partial issues from their trades, it is just going to make me think twice before jumping into buying a series from them.

For me personally it's because of the the way this OT is titled. I just assumed it's going to be people discussing specifically comics that came out this month, and it might not be the right place to ask for recommendations. Guess I was wrong, but that's the impression I got, that it's not a general Comics OT thread, but a Comics that Came Out in April 2016 OT thread.

There's a What Are You Reading? thread every month for books too and I'd treat that the same way. That thread is specifically for people to discuss what they're currently reading. I wouldn't go in that thread to ask something like "Hey, I just finished Harry Potter what other books would I maybe like?" even though some people wouldn't have an issue with it. Just doesn't fit the intended topic of the thread.

Welcome! Yeah, some of us are a couple of decades behind and catching up. Some are 6 months behind. And some are pulling more books weekly than Didio and Alonso are.
Welcome! Yeah, some of us are a couple of decades behind and catching up. Some are 6 months behind. And some are pulling more books weekly than Didio and Alonso are.
Yeah we have a mix of people who read ongoings and trade waiters.

I've been playing around with the idea of switching from a monthly thread to a dedicated Community thread sort of like MangaGAF to help avoid confusion, however. How would everyone feel about this?
I've been playing around with the idea of switching from a monthly thread to a dedicated Community thread sort of like MangaGAF to help avoid confusion, however. How would everyone feel about this?

Honestly not sure. We have had monthly threads for what seems like forever. There's a vast amount of comics each month and it helps to spotlight a variety of stuff. You can say "but GAF reviews" but we can't review books that are not out but might look interesting. Unless you are tim of course.

On the other hand, if the OP is not doing its' job and attracting new members, especially in an age where OT seems to have a dozen comics threads a day, then perhaps a change is needed.

I'm not sure how you format it though. As someone who is not a MangaGAF poster, their OP between both posts is....dense. For a visual medium, it's really text heavy. I am all for more community-driven, long form content. I love it, love reading it and love what it brings to our community. I'd love to write some of it but I'm just not very good at it. I find it hard to write coherent longer writing, so most of my comic-reviewing posts tend to be "yo fam this comic is goooood". But we have a lot of talented members here with great insight who should be celebrated and who should be used to help new people find the less obvious stuff. JC's Brand New Day write-up is a perfect example. That series is vast, especially to new eyes, and it's hard to pinpoint the good stuff. That is where the community can come into its' own.

My other thought, and Messi's gonna kill me, is that the "Community" banner probably shouldn't have Olivia Wilde in it. I am all for dank memery where possible but the OP is like us going to a job interview. You want to wear your best clothes and keep the in-jokes to a minimum, if not scrubbing them outright.


I'm going to start reading comics again, what do you all recommend? Keep in mind that i don't like comics.

edit: Did i just read about dropping Olivia? Nevermind, i do not need recommendations.
I prefer monthly threads. Gives new and notable titles a spotlight and makes it easy to back and see what was interesting months/years later. I've added a lot to my wish lists due to the different comics listed in the monthly OT

I'm going to start reading comics again, what do you all recommend? Keep in mind that i don't like comics.

edit: Did i just read about dropping Olivia? Nevermind, i do not need recommendations.
Depends on what genres you enjoy.
Secret Warriors did sound familiar. Wasn't the first time i tried to read this.

Working on it, but bendis & caselli... ugh. Gods, so many TUFF GUYS that won't take shit from anyone.

Onwards to ish 5. In hickmann we trust (when endings aren't concerned)
Secret Warriors did sound familiar. Wasn't the first time i tried to read this.

Working on it, but bendis & caselli... ugh. Gods, so many TUFF GUYS that won't take shit from anyone.

Onwards to ish 5. In hickmann we trust (when endings aren't concerned)

Bendis leaves after #6. Then it grows the beard in spades.

What a great series.
Yeah we have a mix of people who read ongoings and trade waiters.

I've been playing around with the idea of switching from a monthly thread to a dedicated Community thread sort of like MangaGAF to help avoid confusion, however. How would everyone feel about this?

Is there any point to waiting for trades? So far I've bought everything I've been reading on Comixology on it seems like the trades and single issues are usually basically identical in pricing. For example Southern Bastards is $8 for a 4-issue trade, and $2 per issue. Saga is the same way IIRC.

The trades are more convenient though, I wish that Comixology would let you convert single issues to trades when they come out if you own all the issues. I got the first two volumes of Southern Bastards and liked it enough to catch up on all the single issues and it makes browsing through issues a lot messier.

Speaking of prices, what is the deal with Amazon and Comixology's prices? Amazon owns Comixology, and most comics you buy digitally on Amazon get you both a Kindle and a Comixology copy. You'd think the pricing would be identical but often trades are a few bucks cheaper on Amazon. I bought a trade of Transmetropolitan the other day that was $12 on Comixology and $8 on Amazon. Why would anyone pay the jacked-up Comixology price when the cheaper Amazon copy, which, again, also get you the comic on Comixology, is a mouse click away. Very weird.
Hit 500 issues for the year! On track to hit my 1000 issues goal.

Can already see this year's top comics list being difficult to pare down to 10.


Secret Warriors did sound familiar. Wasn't the first time i tried to read this.

Working on it, but bendis & caselli... ugh. Gods, so many TUFF GUYS that won't take shit from anyone.

Onwards to ish 5. In hickmann we trust (when endings aren't concerned)

Don't trust Brian, he's a filthy liar. Secret Wars had a perfect ending.
Is there any point to waiting for trades? So far I've bought everything I've been reading on Comixology on it seems like the trades and single issues are usually basically identical in pricing. For example Southern Bastards is $8 for a 4-issue trade, and $2 per issue. Saga is the same way IIRC.

The trades are more convenient though, I wish that Comixology would let you convert single issues to trades when they come out if you own all the issues. I got the first two volumes of Southern Bastards and liked it enough to catch up on all the single issues and it makes browsing through issues a lot messier.

Speaking of prices, what is the deal with Amazon and Comixology's prices? Amazon owns Comixology, and most comics you buy digitally on Amazon get you both a Kindle and a Comixology copy. You'd think the pricing would be identical but often trades are a few bucks cheaper on Amazon. I bought a trade of Transmetropolitan the other day that was $12 on Comixology and $8 on Amazon. Why would anyone pay the jacked-up Comixology price when the cheaper Amazon copy, which, again, also get you the comic on Comixology, is a mouse click away. Very weird.

Waiting for trades on CMX? No, probably not. You'll get the singles cheaper in a sale. Trades are rarely discounted as deeply. Waiting for the trade is more of a physical thing. With a physical TPB, you at least get a nice thing to hold and to put on a shelf. For digital though, mostly singles is the way to go.

Trades are sometimes handy for stuff that doesn't have a clear reading order but that is mostly a holdover from when multiple books with the same character would follow the same story. Like the difference between Superman: Truth (four stories across four books following one intertwining plot) and the current Last Days of Superman (same four books, but the story continues week to week from where the last one left off). But the latter does have the S-symbol shaped numbers, like Superman #51 has a "1" in the cover art:

As for Amazon, that's a very recent thing. Also a bit harder to gauge for someone like me, from Ireland, because CMX charges in Euro and Kindle in GBP, so the difference is often negligible after exchange and another 3% VAT, and my Kindle is old and almost full so I have to stop it auto-downloading big colour comics it can't even read properly. It was nice to get all those Kindle books I bought on price error added to my CMX account though.

Image trades aren't the best example though. Their Volume 1s are sold at a discounted price to attract new readers. I know this because I keep buying them.
Is there any point to waiting for trades? So far I've bought everything I've been reading on Comixology on it seems like the trades and single issues are usually basically identical in pricing. For example Southern Bastards is $8 for a 4-issue trade, and $2 per issue. Saga is the same way IIRC.

The trades are more convenient though, I wish that Comixology would let you convert single issues to trades when they come out if you own all the issues. I got the first two volumes of Southern Bastards and liked it enough to catch up on all the single issues and it makes browsing through issues a lot messier.
I've found that for some comics, getting the issues together come out to a few bucks cheaper than the volumes
I've found that for some comics, getting the issues together come out to a few bucks cheaper than the volumes

I noticed that too, the last time I got really into comics I bought trades exclusively, single issues always felt like a tease since they're so short. I just assumed that trades were discounted.
I noticed that too, the last time I got really into comics I bought trades exclusively, single issues always felt like a tease since they're so short. I just assumed that trades were discounted.

Depends on how and where you shop. Buying Marvel OHCs on day one nets you 10-15 issues for ~$18. Something like the Doom Patrol Omnibus is $75 for 46 issues.

And more importantly, if you get really burnt by something - you can sell it and get quite a bit of your money back.

(I am talking about physical trades of course).


Its all relative to who the publisher is, and who the writer is when it comes to singles vs collected vs whatever.

When it comes to Image titles, you can lose valuable/fun information in the back of the book if you choose tbp's over the single issues. Ed Brubaker typically has "making of..." content in the back of his issues that is intentionally for his month to month fans, which is then removed from softcover one arc trades.

Then you have publishers such as DC or Marvel who will release trades that are typically 1-1 in regards to content for an arc, along with the benefit of the trade being the absence of ads. These are then made entirely obsolete by high quality oversized collected editions.

One bad situation that tends to happen as well is when a run finishes and DC/Marvel goes to collect it, you can end up with a super low quality product due to gutter loss.

So yeah, a lot of my decisions are based on what avenue has the highest quality image/content, and generally speaking I've found that I prefer digital comics so I avoid some of the issues that come with crappy collections.


Went into B&N because I have a coupon and rediscovered how Cheap manga was. Like damn I almost bought some dragon ball and akira.


Went into B&N because I have a coupon and rediscovered how Cheap manga was. Like damn I almost bought some dragon ball and akira.

Manga is amazingly cheap and I love it when short series get 3-1 collections for like $15. It's cool that $8 can get you a single arc.
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