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Creepy image thread.


Melchiah said:
I absolutely love this thread...
But this is seriously disturbing, IMHO.

Joe Molotov

Puddles said:
It's easy. Have you ever seen a dude with such a drunken creep expression? He's a fucking lurp and a half. One of the girls clearly can't stand to be touched by him. He probably paid them to stand in that picture. He's popping wood from mere contact with a female (I think that's wood, could be his wallet or something, but no, it's probably wood). Doesn't fit in with the general tone of this thread, but you can't deny that it's creeptastic.

He's just brushing up against them and letting it linger.


Cosmozone said:
I looked through all the thread. There's some sick stuff here, ugh. But no Giger yet? Pretty unbelievable.

Here's an example:
His works are full of sexual references. It's a bit tough determine if they are worksafe.



Apple Sauce said:
We had this on my dining room wall when I was a kid, until my parents got rid of it because I refused to be alone with it. My mum disliked it too though, so I don't think she minded too much.

It was a copy of a Picasso picture painted by my mums Uncle, who I later found out a died in some weird circumstances that my mum never really told me about.
There was some kind of story about how, I think it was my Grandfather, moved one of the paintings and heard his brothers voice, clear as day, yelling not to touch it.

I never knew about any of that though, the picture just creeped me out.

I have this up in my room right now. It's awesome. :)


CaramaC said:

This one always freaked me out ...from the film Salem's Lot.


I spent 10 years of my childhood fearing stuff tapping on window and vampires cause of this right here. I had sooo many nightmares over this, it took me years to forget.
djdac said:
I was doing OK until that second pic.
God that is scary.

So is the first post of this thread actually, and most of what's in here after it. Some very frightening images in this thread - the only one of which I'd seen before is the creature or whatever-the-hell-that-thing-is at the bottom of the stairs. Still scary! There are a few that if I saw as a kid I'd lose my mind. The clown/shadow clothesline one is a runner up to the alien in the window. Yiiiiiiiiiiiikes. Shake it off. Shake it off. Shake it off...

But I continued through the thread rather carefully and the alien at the window still wins by a lap for me. I am almost positive that I've had that exact nightmare so that got me good. I still have no f**king idea what the green shirt guy thing is about. Really wish someone would just spill the beans. I see nothing. A wallet in his pocket that people are seeing as something else is the only other theory that holds water? Seriously? Did they do something to him? Or did he do something to them? Just not buying the trouser snake theory; it has to be something else or I think we got trolled hardcore - simple as that. I can take it like a man - I totally fell for it. The person that said something to the effect of 'some threads develop little cliques, inside jokes' is absolutely correct and demonstrated right here.

Also Melchiah wants you to be totally sure that you know he is in a band and cuts himself on stage. Because it's come up in 2 other threads this week, with pics from dramatic angles. Just make sure you don't forget about that. He thanks you in advance and yes of course all questions are welcomed - preferably in a thread, not a PM. The more public the better.

EDIT: If we're talking H.R. Geiger don't we then need to talk about The Garden of Earthly Delights and other fun little items like that from Heironymous Bosch? Death and the Miser still freaks me out.
BlueTsunami said:
This is giving me chills. I already dislike going out deep at the beach without having that shit in my head.
Just out of curiosity - why is this one scary for you?
Don't get me wrong, I've been freaked at a bunch in here, not this one though. Am I missing something?

If it's the bands of plant life or whatever those things are, then I definitely don't think it's scary. If it's where the surfers are relative to the lip on that wave - well that I do get. They look like they're about to be pummeled. A good 7-8 foot wave like that could hurt you pretty bad. With the way current boards are made, where weight is so important - the board could get snapped in two from a wave like that. The shot is from a crazy angle too - looks like they're about to get crushed by not just that one wave, but the entire bay.

So, am I reading that wrong? Is it the tapeworm-looking things we see in the curl that's unsettling, or is it the danger the surfers are facing in a second or two?
I can somewhat sympathise just not on a base level. It looks pretty foreign and the seaweed in the back that is somewhat hidden by the water but still has a faint outline makes it seem as if it is endless. Not scary by itself, but, read some lovecraft at night then look at the image and try and not let your mind run away with itself.

Looks awesome though makes me think of an underwater world.


Astery said:
the face got me.

Yeah I was scanning the gif for unusual stuff, noticed the dog...but the face kinda caught me by surprise.

EDIT: So Jacob's Ladder is where the "Shaking head" effect came from?


Incredibly Naive
Yeah that sea weed picture for some reason really creeps me out. I'm the same way with water when I see stumps or heavy amounts of weeds or vegetation underwater. Something about it to me just looks creepy.


Magnificent Eager Mighty Brilliantly Erect Registereduser
Melchiah said:

This one got me because a few years back I had a dream in which I entered a room exactly like the one in the painting and found a square pool of water very similar to the one in the picture, except covered by rusted metal doors. I fling the doors open and was startled to find a young girl floating in the water, apparently dead. When I looked closer however, her eyes shot opened and she made this horrible screeching noise. When she locked eyes with me, we switched places mentally, so she was in my body and I in hers. I found myself slowly sinking into the water, completely paralyzed as I watched the light fade as she closed the metal doors back up.


there is joy in sucking dick
awesomeapproved said:
Just out of curiosity - why is this one scary for you?
Don't get me wrong, I've been freaked at a bunch in here, not this one though. Am I missing something?

Is the photo not shopped? To me it looks like a bunch of tentacles have been photoshopped into the wave. If its just seaweed then Jesus Christ thats even creepier to me.

Dead Man

Teknoman said:
Yeah I was scanning the gif for unusual stuff, noticed the dog...but the face kinda caught me by surprise.

EDIT: So Jacob's Ladder is where the "Shaking head" effect came from?

The film's director Adrian Lyne used a famous body horror technique in which an actor is recorded waving his head around at a low frame rate, resulting in horrific fast motion when played back. In an interview Lyne said he was inspired by the art of Francis Bacon when developing the effect. This effect is one of the signature animation techniques developed by The Brothers Quay and used extensively in their short films, including Street of Crocodiles (1986), based on the short novel of the same name by the Polish author and artist Bruno Schulz.
I am sorry.
I have to do this - now that we've dipped into movies.
And into Salem's Lot.
And that window scene...
And oh my God yikes.....

Zelda. From Pet Semetary.
First time I saw this thing I was scared to tears. Actual tears. Now scarier things have come along but as a still image or a YouTube clip it is still frightening as hell to me. The couple of scenes with Rachel in that movie scared me something good.


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