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Crysis = OMG! :O


itxaka said:
For me it´s not the graphics what push it but the physics. Didn´t expect to see that physics on a game in a long long time. Plus the number of objects mixed with that physics is incredible.
I am looking for any of my friends who can run this bitch as I NEED to see those physics myself, it´s just incredible. It feels as the first time I saw havok, plus 10 times better.
The physics are retarded. Have you seen that box video? If Crytek can tighten up their code a bit and get even 1/3rd of that shit running at decent speed on a dual core w/ 2gb of RAM, then hello true destructive environments. Hello maps that actually dynamically change based on the stuff that happens during the match. Man the skies the fucking limit.


The box video is absolutely ridiculous.

1000s of boxes spinning in the air, falling, all realistically reacting with the other boxes. @_@


Draft said:
The physics are retarded. Have you seen that box video? If Crytek can tighten up their code a bit and get even 1/3rd of that shit running at decent speed on a dual core w/ 2gb of RAM, then hello true destructive environments. Hello maps that actually dynamically change based on the stuff that happens during the match. Man the skies the fucking limit.

why retarded?
It´s the better fucking physics i seen on a videogame. Of course they should clean and polish them (as seen on the videos) but man, they are aplying that physics to 3.000 to 10.000 objects. It´s impossible to move that with today computers *expects new-gen consoles to ship with a physix card*


itxaka said:
why retarded?
It´s the better fucking physics i seen on a videogame. Of course they should clean and polish them (as seen on the videos) but man, they are aplying that physics to 3.000 to 10.000 objects. It´s impossible to move that with today computers *expects new-gen consoles to ship with a physix card*
Sorry, I forget that my vernacular is maybe not so widespread. Retarded is good :lol


I swear to GOD I am not trolling, but the last 2 pics of Crysis posted look great of course but not that insanely beyond what we are seeing on consoles now.

In motion of course could be a completely different story.


i hate bees said:
- £475.94, inc vat - granted I left out the operating system, but that'd run Crysis on high no problems. Unfortunately with PC gaming you could have the best rig known to man and games will still be able to bring it to its knees under the right circumstances.
Well, unlike most people who list components for a cheap, decent PC at least you acknowledge the lack of an OS, but I'd like a monitor too. ;) They are 2 of the bigger fixed costs, because when I get a new rig I sure as hell ain't using the 7 year old shitty 17' CRT I'm using now. Some really good looking 19' widescreen LCD's out there for around $200 cdn now though, such a huge difference since even a few years ago.


calder said:
Well, unlike most people who list components for a cheap, decent PC at least you acknowledge the lack of an OS, but I'd like a monitor too. ;) They are 2 of the bigger fixed costs, because when I get a new rig I sure as hell ain't using the 7 year old shitty 17' CRT I'm using now. Some really good looking 19' widescreen LCD's out there for around $200 cdn now though, such a huge difference since even a few years ago.

Very true, but at minimum it dispels the TWO-THOUSAND DOLLAR PC nonsense that people who know nothing about the PC market is spewing.

shantyman said:
I swear to GOD I am not trolling, but the last 2 pics of Crysis posted look great of course but not that insanely beyond what we are seeing on consoles now.

In motion of course could be a completely different story.

I disagree, I've yet to see any other game that looks this natural. I know the theory only technically applies to humanoid characters but this game's environment crosses the whole "uncanny valley" barrier in leaps and bounds where I've yet to see another game come close.

Also, those shots aren't from the highest settings. ;)


Permanent Junior Member
SapientWolf said:
The Crysis demo looks and runs like ass on my Geforce 6800. The World in Conflict demo didn't have that problem. Guess which one I bought? Guess which one debuted at the top of the charts and which one didn't even break 100,000?
Get the FUCK out of here with your damn sales numbers bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of sales numbers ruling everything. We're discussing how great Crysis can look on a beefed-up rig, not discussing how videogame sales rule your life. Fuck!


Trucker Sexologist
Mutagenic said:
Get the FUCK out of here with your damn sales numbers bullshit. I'm so fucking sick of sales numbers ruling everything. We're discussing how great Crysis can look on a beefed-up rig, not discussing how videogame sales rule your life. Fuck!
If you could take your eyes off of Crysis screenshots long enough to read the whole topic you would have seen that I was just pointing out how small the audience is for a game with requirements this high, but I guess I'll leave this circle jerk of a thread to the 1% of people out with pimp'd out computa rigz who seem to care more about graphics than gameplay. I just hope people with this attitude don't take the entire PC gaming industry down as well, because, as the numbers clearly show, it's really struggling right now.

I'm out of this thread for good.
calder said:
They are 2 of the bigger fixed costs, because when I get a new rig I sure as hell ain't using the 7 year old shitty 17' CRT I'm using now. Some really good looking 19' widescreen LCD's out there for around $200 cdn now though, such a huge difference since even a few years ago.

Fair enough, but then when talking about getting a console people rarely factor in the cost of a TV/comfy coach :p


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
SapientWolf said:
The graphics in World in Conflict scale. They look good on low end, mid range, and enthusiast level hardware. The same applies to Orange Box. The graphics in Crysis, on the other hand, do not scale and look like shit on anything worse than a high end (~8800/Dual Core) computer. I was just pointing out that the PC games that scale better sale better. I also think that games that scale well are better for the PC industry as a whole.
Holy wow is that statement wrong. What a terrible post. You should at least do some research before posting this kind of crock. The Orange Box games do scale. They go from looking barely good enough to get by, to looking like ass. Crysis on the other hand, looks GREAT on MEDIUM settings on a 7800GT. That's a <$150 video card. The Orange Box games look worse on this same card. So does UT3.

Crysis scales very well, it just happens to have its ceiling higher than most games.

Crysis looks gorgeous on my E6600, 7600gt rig with 1 gig of RAM. Looks better than any other game ever has on it.

edit: Also just read your post a few posts above this one...

Crysis has the best gameplay of any FPS released this year with the possible exception of Bioshock.

That includes the Orange Box.
SapientWolf said:
but I guess I'll leave this circle jerk of a thread to the 1% of people out with pimp'd out computa rigz who seem to care more about graphics than gameplay.

Have you actually played Crysis? the game's no bimbo, it looks fantastic AND plays great, with a fantastic multiplayer to boot. Why do people seem to have this conception that games with great graphics are instantly going to be shallow?


butthole fishhooking yes
i hate bees said:
Fair enough, but then when talking about getting a console people rarely factor in the cost of a TV/comfy coach :p

Sure, but you can do other stuff with a television or a couch, but a computer is pretty much useless except for playing games.


butthole fishhooking yes
vantastic said:
sales don't matter now! :lol
give me a break. gaf lives and breathes fuckin NPDs

Yeah, sooner or later someone should start an NPD thread so you can talk about that kind of stuff.


Permanent Junior Member
vantastic said:
sales don't matter now! :lol
give me a break. gaf lives and breathes fuckin NPDs
In a thread devoted to how amazing a game looks? Sales don't matter. Go post in one of the other thousands of threads devoted to sales. Please.
well I bought a killer pc with a 24 inch dell ultrasharp widescreen to play crysis at 1920 X1200 on very high dx10 settings and it was like the best time I had in a long time playing a game, but then it ended and I have not played a PC game since :( Can't wait for the rest of the world to enjoy crysis someday so they too can appreciate it!

Already played world in conflict-great game, but nothiing else since then sparked my interest.

ACtually kinda bored right now and need games! I already played ME, cod4 (great on pc!), and all the other sweet titles lately, I may have to get some psp games or something to hold me over holiday.
vantastic said:
sales don't matter now! :lol
give me a break. gaf lives and breathes fuckin NPDs

And yet the Wii continues to get the hate rained upon it for being a last gen machine...

Seriously, I just upgraded my computer for the first time in about 4 years, spent about $900, and I can play Crysis silky smooth on high settings, fairly high rez. I don't have Vista, and don't plan to get it, but DX10 is not necessary by any means yet.

I have to say, this is one of the first game in a long time that has truly impressed me with its graphics alone. Gameplay is also good, but this really flexed

Yes, the market may be small for PC games right now, but I think that probably has more to do with people buying laptops and crap from dell instead of it truly being too expensive. It's still a great platform, and I hope that MS doesn't manage to fuck it up any more than they already have. Seriously, games for windows is a joke, and makes me hope the xbox continues to hemorrhage money just out of spite.

Robert R1

You have to give Cyrsis it's credit. It does blow away anything by a mile. Don't fool yourselves into thinking anything comes close. It doesn't. Form theories all day about what consoles could do but until I see a game like this on my 360 or PS3, I'm not a believer.

Having given it's due, Crysis runs like shit on even an a high end PC. My 8800GTX oc'd with a Q6600 at 3.4 with 4GB of RAM run it's like shit. This is on a Dell 2405FPW. I know "LOLZ! THAT'S 1920x1200! LOLZ!" So I hooked it up to my plasma at 1365x768. Guess what? with eye candy on, it still runs like shit! To the point, I played it for 30 mins and haven't touched it since.

I can appreciate the limits Crysis is pushing. I really can but if I can't make use of promises, then it's no good to me. Perhaps the next gen of high end GPU's will do to Crysis what the 8800GTX did to Oblivion. If that happens, I'll be the first to get one and play through it. Until then, I'll just look at the pretty pictures and play other games on the console.

I just hope no console game tries the Crysis route and go all out for presenation to the point that it performs like a pretty slidehow in action.


I will definitely buy Crysis.
As soon as it comes out on the 360, or as soon as I buy a new PC in three years, whichever comes first.


of course it sells terribly nobody can run it decently on a high setting only enthusiasts.

Though most can run at low settings the whole selling point of the game, the pre-release hype that is was the incredible graphics.

Personally I am still waiting until I can build a new game before I even think about touching it, preferably waiting until Geforce 9 series.
Oh sweet, the console port rumors are cropping back up:

The hiring of devs with console experience is for porting CryEngine to consoles. End.


Teknopathetic said:
Oh sweet, the console port rumors are cropping back up:

The hiring of devs with console experience is for porting CryEngine to consoles. End.

sorry but ur wrong my dad's uncle's cousin works for crytek and they are getting MIT grads to code crysis for the ps3 so that it runs well in fact better then the pc. i'd rather play it on my big screen tv and comfy couch anyway.


chespace said:
Focus more on the Crysis looking good part and less on the same goddamn tired defense of the same damn game happening in other threads all over this forum.

but If it was halo 3 I think you would be on a rampage defending the game right now.......

Crysis look f'in incredible, seriously.....I do believe next gen will at least match those visuals


Nostromo said:
Working in this industry I know what we can expect to see in the near future.

I think all he wanted was some technical justification, especially since he knows you're precisely what you stated you were "someone who works in the industry" with an understanding of how these things go. You responded with "YES :lol " and you could've used your position and technical know-how to address his admittedly poorly-phrased, semi-trollish inquiry, but instead you responded "plastic cars confirmed" style. Obviously console games will look as good as Crysis does now, the question is when.
We won't see graphics like that this generation, but I think it's very possible for the next Sony or Microsoft console.

Someone pointed out that games are suffering from screen tearing at 30 fps. I tend to agree with this. So the answer is no. At least not for now.



I knew you were cool even back in 1996 when I didn't even know you.

As for Crysis, the "LOLZ! Uncharted looks as good" fools can't comprehend Crysis glory and utter supremacy in GFX department just because... they didn't see it with their own eyes. Uncharted is the most impressive console looking game, I agree. But it's environments and trees, foliage etc. look fucking PLASTIC next to Crysis' almost real-life trees.


I mean this is supposed to be looking on par with Crysis?




Borys said:

I knew you were cool even back in 1996 when I didn't even know you.

As for Crysis, the "LOLZ! Uncharted looks as good" fools can't comprehend Crysis glory and utter supremacy in GFX department just because... they didn't see it with their own eyes. Uncharted is the most impressive console looking game, I agree. But it's environments and trees, foliage etc. look fucking PLASTIC next to Crysis' almost real-life trees.


I mean this is supposed to be looking on par with Crysis?



Let's try to keep it positive up in here. No need to bash Uncharted. What were your favorite parts of Crysis? Best scenes? Awesome moments?
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