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David Jaffe Thinks Sony Should Sue Over Game And Movie Titles


Is he joking? Please tell me he is joking... I know the guy is known for being a bit foul mouthed and crazy, but this is a whole nother level of stupid.


Master of the Google Search
Or if I owned the rights to TWISTED METAL and GOD OF WAR, I sure as hell would at the least send a sternly worded legal letter.
If you owned the rights to Twisted Metal and God of War, you would have most certainly lost them by now through your sheer incompetence in understanding trademarks and copyrights.


Distinguished Air Superiority
God of War and Gears of War have the same abbreviation... ruh roh!!!

BTW Jaffe, this thread is gonna be a hate thread, but I still love you.


As is usually the case, Jaffe overreacts a bit or reaches too far, and then everyone else here on GAF takes it to a whole new level.

In terms of the Scrap Metal game, I think he has a point.

I haven't seen the War of the Gods movie, don't have a clue if he's alluding to anything other than the title and subject matter. If that's it, then yeah...quite a leap, indeed.


How did someone with such finely tuned ethical sensibilities wind up having anything to do with The Tester ?


Maybe they should...

Nintendo earned two million dollars when they were sued for Donkey Kong by Universal City tudios, the owners of "King Kong"...



Distinguished Air Superiority
Flavius said:
I haven't seen the War of the Gods movie, don't have a clue if he's alluding to anything other than the title and subject matter. If that's it, then yeah...quite a leap, indeed.

Honestly if movies like "Transmorphers" and "Alien Vs. Hunter" are allowed to be made, how are anyone at Sony gonna stop a videogame called SCRAP METAL from being made?


I like David and his "speak whatever is on my mind" attitude but this sort of stuff is seriously dumb.

Can't use the word metal in a car combat game?

War of the Gods seems like a stretch too seeing as the meaning is totally different and the whole "War of ____" thing has been done many times before.
BTW, did anyone tell David that Scrap Metal is a racing game in the style of Rock & Roll Racing, which came out like 100 years before Twisted Metal?


Jaffe entering Dyack territory. Better shut up while some of GAF still respects you.

Because that was a seriously retarded comment.

"Lord of War" hits closer to home. You gonna sue that Nic Cage epic, too?!


TONX said:
Honestly if movies like "Transmorphers" and "Alien Vs. Hunter" are allowed to be made, how are anyone at Sony gonna stop a videogame called SCRAP METAL from being made?

Oh, I agree with you. I'm sure they won't.

At the same time, one of the conditions of maintaining your IP is defending your property from those who would present it as their own. My take from his brief post was "Sony: defend your IP rights."

Not sure I see the harm in that, at least as far as the Scrap Metal game is concerned.
His post is fucking idiotic. Sure, he's made some good games from a while back but the only reason he's getting attention lately is because of his "outlandish" remarks the gaming media and community love to eat up.


Registered User
So he wants Sony to trademark individual words rather than titles? That's crap, like trademarking the word Edge. owait


Digital Foundry
"War of the Gods" was Tarsem's next movie (following up on the unfortgettable "The Fall"). I think they've changed the name to "Dawn of War", which doesn't help.

Although inevitably there'll be some overlap, it'll have no direct relation to the game. He's one of those auteur director types who won't stop filming until it's it matches his vision, as good or bad as that may be.


So mortals fighting gods it ain't that high concept that they should be sued, unless there is a character weilding blades of ... . And cars attacking each other - did he act this way when Full Auto came out?


Sho_Nuff82 said:
BTW, did anyone tell David that Scrap Metal is a racing game in the style of Rock & Roll Racing, which came out like 100 years before Twisted Metal?

Folks can spin all they want, but I played the shit out of all of the Twisted Metal games. I don't see how you can watch the videos for that game and not see them cribbing from Twisted Metal, right down to the nasty, back-of-the-Trapper-Keeper art aesthetic. It looks like a top-down Twisted Metal game, fer crissakes!

I'm not condemning it. Again, merely pointing out that the dude has a point (as he often does).


Guys, give him a break. After the sh*t he's been through with being sued over IP issues, I'm not surprised he's a little touchy on the subject.

He's talking about name's of titles as well as the concepts within them. As someone who works in IP, he has got good points and raises issues that every companies IP lawyers go into a lather over.

As usual Gaf gets in a blinding rage and misses the point. Fuck em Dave, JaffeGaf got ya back :D


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
He may have a point about similarities, but I'm pretty sure he (or SONY) would have no legal case.


Flavius said:
Folks can spin all they want, but I played the shit out of all of the Twisted Metal games. I don't see how you can watch the videos for that game and not see them cribbing from Twisted Metal, right down to the nasty, back-of-the-Trapper-Keeper art aesthetic. It looks like a top-down Twisted Metal game, fer crissakes!

Yeah a lot of games are dinky ripoffs that doesn't mean its litigation worthy.


bhlaab said:
Yeah a lot of games are dinky ripoffs that doesn't mean its litigation worthy.

Read the fucking OP (and the link) before you post.

He isn't talking about litigation (despite the title) as much as he's talking about defending IP rights.

Last time I checked, a letter is a letter...not a lawsuit.
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