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Days Gone - alternate path gameplay | E3 2017


I'm amazed they're able to get so many freakers on the screen at once

Edit: Also like they're focusing on the emergent gameplay aspect.

Emergent gameplay is the best. I love seeing machines fighting against each other in Horizon.

A game built around emergent gameplay sounds awesome.
The openness seems cool..

... but

In EVERY other way it looks and feels like a TLOU clone. You even craft stuff in the same way. That sneak-scene could have BEEN TLOU..

Kind of dampens all the good stuff imo.. they really should have gone with an original setting

It seems to do lots of different things, with the way you can weaponize the horde, have enemies affected by dynamic weather changes, the inclusion of animals, the biker aspect and other things.
Man. How is that even possible? They announced it last year, so I would assume they had been working on it a little while at that point. I feel like ~4 years to work on a new IP is a long time.
A lot of new AAA IPs take 3 or 4 years, if not longer. For something so focused on emergent gameplay and interlocking systems according to previews, 4-5 years makes complete sense
The openness seems cool..

... but

In EVERY other way it looks and feels like a TLOU clone. You even craft stuff in the same way. That sneak-scene could have BEEN TLOU..

Kind of dampens all the good stuff imo.. they really should have gone with an original setting
I think that's just the nature of doing a gritty realistic post-apocalypse. The fights in the Last of Us were like digital versions of The Road's brutal confrontations
My favorite part from that E3 demo is that moment that seems totally scripted - place bear trap, guy's screams draws that massive horde below - probably doesn't have to happen since you dont have to use that bear trap


If this game is 2019, I feel as if there's a significant aspect to it which they've yet to reveal. Unless they revealed the vertical slice way too early again.


My favorite part from that E3 demo is that moment that seems totally scripted - place bear trap, guy's screams draws that massive horde below - probably doesn't have to happen since you dont have to use that bear trap

In my eyes, Bend has not done a good job marketing this game. I could be wrong (maybe most E3 attendees enjoy watching scripted gameplay) but i'm willing to bet the reception would be better had they shown this 'alternative path gameplay' together with the main E3 footage to highlight player choice.

Most people will never watch this video and just write it off as a scripted action-adventure game.
In my eyes, Bend has not done a good job marketing this game. I could be wrong (maybe most E3 attendees enjoy watching scripted gameplay) but i'm willing to bet the reception would be better had they shown this 'alternative path gameplay' together with the main e3 footage to highlight player choice.

Most people will never watch this video and just write off the game as a scripted generic TLOU clone.

They should have done a trailer that is like the Detroit: Become Human E3 2016 trailer.


Have to say the IGN alternative demo gave me some confidence in this game, it might not be anything ground breaking but it is a very good and solid 8 kind of game, I'm certain that it will be a good game at the least and I don't think it deserves all the flak it gets.

Yea I agree that the world could feel a little more unique and interesting in a way, but the gameplay and the motorcycle concept is solid and we didn't have WWZ kind of zombies in games yet, so I do think it offers something refreshing in a way in this genre.

Oh and it's pretty as well, we didn't play a "zombie game" this pretty yet :)
I haven't watched too much of the game, but from the footage I've scene it looks really good. The weather looks great, and I really like how that'll affect how you can approach missions.

I was surprised by how good the weather effects were. Particularly the rain effects - that looked stunningly good.

Edit: Also like they're focusing on the emergent gameplay aspect.

Yeah, that's the most exciting thing about it. I'd like to use the different systems, lay traps for enemies, manipulate them into fighting each other and play around with the game's physics. I hope they nail that aspect, because along with the bike riding that's why I'm really interested in trying the game.

1000 in the initial horde and 300 showed up later, yea.

I'm wondering how they're pulling it off

It's very impressive, because the game looks bloody good as well. The number of different things this game is doing behind the scenes seems really impressive; especially from a relatively small team.


They should have done a trailer that is like the Detroit: Become Human E3 2016 trailer.

Absolutely. I kind of understand why they did this for their first showing but going for spectacle again is a very bad move. God of War can pull it off because there's nothing else like it, the same can't be said for Days Gone (like it or not, people are no longer wowed by the gritty post-apocalyptic America angle after TLOU).

The game needs to showcase the gameplay innovations it's bringing to the table and imo the cutscenes, zoom-ins and contextual QTE moments are not helping them to stand out.


The benefit to doing a more scripted demo at the conference is so the press can see something better and report on that, talk about it, and hype it up. If the alternate demo was shown at the conference, people would be less likely to talk about Days Gone the few days it has on the show floor.

Would the alternate demo be better at the conference, maybe, but there is a reason to have a better version on the show floor. Expectations are low when the press come in to see the demo, and are hopefully impressed.
Dynamic ambushes sound really cool. And what really interests me is that it's open world. So I wonder how much freedom we are afforded in tackling missions. E.g can we go from where the zombie bear comes in and just avoid the entire demo?

Because if so, then this game is going to be something real special.


The benefit to doing a more scripted demo at the conference is so the press can see something better and report on that, talk about it, and hype it up. If the alternate demo was shown at the conference, people would be less likely to talk about Days Gone the few days it has on the show floor.

Would the alternate demo be better at the conference, maybe, but there is a reason to have a better version on the show floor. Expectations are low when the press come in to see the demo, and are hopefully impressed.

Kenzodielocke and I were saying that they should have shown the alternate paths right after the main demo i.e. making it obvious to the common audience that there are multiple ways to approach the game. If time was a factor, they could always remove the cutscenes and melee contextual QTEs (these aren't going to impress anyone in 2017).


I wonder if Sony is going to be smart and introduce a battle royale style multiplayer game to this game. Every popular streamer around actually playing PUBG or H1Z1 KOTH are begging for a battle royale game with AAA production. Ghost Recon Wildlands failed at being the first, but whoever is the first to actually introduce themselves to that huge market is going to reap the benefits. They already have the map, vehicles and zombies in the game, just introduce a craft system and copy the gas mechanics, etc. and make it a multiplayer mode. If you are the first to the market with AAA values, you are going to be a huge success.

Looks phenomenal, but the wording from the dev at the end indicates it's a 2019 game :(

The fact they didn't even announced a release period clearly indicates this is at best June 2018 game. Considering how Sony doesn't like to release new IP first party titles during Fall where everyone is releasing the heavy hitters, if this don't release in June 2018, the earliest we are going to see this is Early 2019, which seems very likely right now.

I'm also convinced that what we've seen last year at E3 was a very early production vertical slice that was revealed to see what was the reaction from the public, and then based on the reaction Sony would adapt and give it more/less time and money to the project.

Last year demo was basically an horde mechanics presentation while this year they actually showed the game mechanics of the game, it actually looks like a game and that's why it's much more interesting than the boring "hey look it's zombie massacre simulation the game" they showed last year.


Looks amazing. It seems to be somewhat system based as well (weather affecting sound/vision, cold temperatures making the zombies stronger) and I think those hordes can lead to a lot of amazing non-scripted moments.
Sony said they're going to be much more cautious about giving dates from now on. So, this very well could launch next year, but they aren't going to say it is right now until Bend are confident that it can make it.

Hey, I've heard this a lot, but do you or someone else have a link? I'd just like to read it because I always thought I was up-to-date on this stuff but I completely missed when they said this. Thanks!


Hey, I've heard this a lot, but do you or someone else have a link? I'd just like to read it because I always thought I was up-to-date on this stuff but I completely missed when they said this. Thanks!

It was Shuhei Yoshida interview with Greg Miller for Gamespot yesterday. It's avaliable on twitch via VOD, but I'm sure you can find it on the gamespot site.

He basically said that since they had to apologize for having to delay so many games in the past (even for just a couple of weeks) they agreed with the marketing/sales department to give them just a release period until games enter the beta phase and developers are completely 100% sure they can meet the specific release date. That's why GT Sport and GOW don't have a specific date, but according to Yoshida they are going to release on the specific period that they were announced.

When games don't have a time period announced, is because they are not sure about that at the moment. Also confirmed they hold back some announcements at E3, because they have to fill other shows during the year, he talked about Sucker Punch specifically and teased he played their game a lot, and after being pressured by Greg Miller, he was starting to talk about it until he noticed it he was going to give out details about it. He stopped 5 seconds before becoming quite a gaffe.
It was Shuhei Yoshida interview with Greg Miller for Gamespot yesterday. It's avaliable on twitch via VOD, but I'm sure you can find it on the gamespot site.

He basically said that since they had to apologize for having to delay so many games in the past (even for just a couple of weeks) they agreed with the marketing/sales department to give them just a release period until games enter the beta phase and developers are completely 100% sure they can meet the specific release date. That's why GT Sport and GOW don't have a specific date, but according to Yoshida they are going to release on the specific period that they were announced.

When games don't have a time period announced, is because they are not sure about that at the moment. Also confirmed they hold back some announcements at E3, because they have to fill other shows during the year, he talked about Sucker Punch specifically and teased he played their game a lot, and after being pressured by Greg Miller, he was starting to talk about it until he noticed it he was going to give out details about it. He stopped 5 seconds before becoming quite a gaffe.

Thanks, man! I'm gonna check that Kinda Funny video out, actually. Might as well check out some more of their hands-on stuff while I'm at it.
Looks phenomenal, but the wording from the dev at the end indicates it's a 2019 game :(

A lot of new AAA IPs take 3 or 4 years, if not longer. For something so focused on emergent gameplay and interlocking systems according to previews, 4-5 years makes complete sense

It was three and a half years into production LAST E3. And it's said to be basically unchanged since then. If it's coming in 2 years, that's a mighty lot of polishing.

Exciting, raised my interest in the game, but I remain cautious. The AI is dumber than I thought. In one of the videos, the dude goes on another route and start sniping them (which they should allow you to go prone for increased stability in the aim as opposed to crouching or standing, but I digress). After the first shot, the dudes within earshot just continue doing their own thing like nothing happened, only after 3 or 4 shots they started reacting.

The 3 or 4 silenced shots. It's actually impressive that the guy with the laser sight seems to know what direction to look in.
The game actually reminded me of Horizon Zero Dawn but with zombies. Right up to the grass sneaking, trap setting, and rock throwing noise making attention grabbing stuff.
Bend should take as long as they need to get it perfect. It's their first game on this scale and we don't really want a situation like Driveclub


So where would that put TLOU2?

Well, TLoU2 went into production after ND finished main UC4 game meaning ~3Q16. Full production on it will start once ND will ship UCTLL in August so ~3Q17. You can safely add at least two years to the second one and then add another 6-9 months for the usual ND polish time - which means that TLoU2 is most likely a 1Q/2Q 2020 game.

Days Gone being 2019 game doesn't surprise me. Next year they'll have GoW, Spider-Man and maybe Detroit. Day Gone would be early 2019 game and TLoU2 will come a year later.
I wonder if Sony is going to be smart and introduce a battle royale style multiplayer game to this game. Every popular streamer around actually playing PUBG or H1Z1 KOTH are begging for a battle royale game with AAA production. Ghost Recon Wildlands failed at being the first, but whoever is the first to actually introduce themselves to that huge market is going to reap the benefits. They already have the map, vehicles and zombies in the game, just introduce a craft system and copy the gas mechanics, etc. and make it a multiplayer mode. If you are the first to the market with AAA values, you are going to be a huge success.

There is no multiplayer.

As for a 2019 release, I really can't see this being in development for 6 years. They haven't just started making this.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Which video shows the crafting?

The game looks awesome. The E3 presentation did a good job at showing that humans can be just as dangerous as the zombies.

The KF video did a good job describing how different playthroughs can be for players. If you've been wanting a game that let's you decide how to approach stuff, this is that game.

The game pulls you in with the never before seen horde sizes in a game, but the real thing that keeps you pulled in is the strategic sandbox nature of the whole game.


It was three and a half years into production LAST E3. And it's said to be basically unchanged since then. If it's coming in 2 years, that's a mighty lot of polishing.

The 3 or 4 silenced shots. It's actually impressive that the guy with the laser sight seems to know what direction to look in.

Bend is a "small" team ( around 100 people) and the scope of the game is really big.
Last year demo was basically an horde mechanics presentation while this year they actually showed the game mechanics of the game, it actually looks like a game and that's why it's much more interesting than the boring "hey look it's zombie massacre simulation the game" they showed last year.
They made a mistake in giving that guy so much ammo for that demo. Because it not being "zombie massacre sim: the game" is what makes this so unique and promising as a zombie game

Besides Last of Us, State of Decay, and the DayZ mod, zombies are just fodder most of the time. Rarely a threat that feels legimiately deadly as a game enemy. Even in L4D, a well coordinated team always comes out on top over a big rushing horde

But here? You'll run out of ammo before you make a dent. You'll run out of stamina before you get away. Given what we've seen so far, you will always lose against a huge horde due to limited ammo and limited stamina. Suddenly, the horde becomes something to fear and avoid because it feels so overwhelmingly dangerous. Trying to fight it would just be a waste of ammo, and you'd actually need to consider escape routes and tactics besides just running fast (the delay tactics seen in last year's alternate demo)


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
These videos are very mouth watering for all their variance.

The on-stage demo was meh at best but watching these is getting me more excited.


There should be more tampons in gaming
I think the game will drop in 2018 but they want to keep it somewhat of a secret until they can better gauge an accurate time frame of release. The game looks gorgeous graphically, with varied gameplay and seemingly well realized characters. Why this game gets so much flack on here when other games that are doing far less receive much less criticism. Ehhh, we're a finicky bunch on here a lot of times. I feel bad for the developers who are passionate about their projects and who journey on here after an unveiling or demonstration, confident in their product and expecting to find universal praise and get some of the responses on here. I'd just stay away.
Sounds like something similar to Breath of the Wild what they are really trying to accomplish here. Emergent gameplay with tons of systems is the appeal, only traversal is not as high a priority like in adventure games like Zelda. Swimming, and climbing might be more limited here, but crafting, collecting, and generally messed up situations happening to your character should be a frequent occurrence.

Very interesting in the game now, it's one of those beneath the surface titles.


This is the best video for crafting.


It shows him make a molotov, and the ingredients that make it. You also see him break a branch off a tree, which I guess could be used for a number of things, like crossbow bolts.

Ugh, he crafted the molotov exactly like The Last of Us, why is it every E3 game looks like The Last of Us?
Oh wait, he uses axe, ugh, why is it every E3 game looks like God of War.
Alternative path/ways to solve a mission or a problem? Ugh why is it every E3 game looks like Breath of the Wild now.


i don't think I've seen a game with a weather system that include snow that actually "settles". i realize it's probably just texture blending, but I've never seen it done, certainly not in an open world game. usually you just get designated levels or zones that are snowy, it's nice to see weather so heavily integrated into the entire world.


They made a mistake in giving that guy so much ammo for that demo. Because it not being "zombie massacre sim: the game" is what makes this so unique and promising as a zombie game

Besides Last of Us, State of Decay, and the DayZ mod, zombies are just fodder most of the time. Rarely a threat that feels legimiately deadly as a game enemy. Even in L4D, a well coordinated team always comes out on top over a big rushing horde

But here? You'll run out of ammo before you make a dent. You'll run out of stamina before you get away. Given what we've seen so far, you will always lose against a huge horde due to limited ammo and limited stamina. Suddenly, the horde becomes something to fear and avoid because it feels so overwhelmingly dangerous. Trying to fight it would just be a waste of ammo, and you'd actually need to consider escape routes and tactics besides just running fast (the delay tactics seen in last year's alternate demo)
Well they were showing off the horde in that demo, and even with all that ammo there were many more.
Looks decent but a smarter AI would make this game a hundred times better. I think I might just be jaded with these open-world tropes now:

Enemy tagging
Junk crafting (although a system akin to Project Zomboid would be brilliant and appropriate for this game)
Detective/see-through vision

How are you supposed to build a survival sense of dread when the AI is bad and you can tag enemies to see where they are at all times? Hope higher difficulties make a big difference with item scarcity etc. as well.
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