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Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition Coming to PS4 March 4th

Lmao just lost my game to that same screen.
Wtf is going on with PS4? I haven't lost a save in 10 years then we had the Battlefield fiasco, doing everything I could to not lose my save in Tomb Raider like others and now this game. Seriously WTF?


glad i haven't started this yet with all the reports of save data corrupting. Thats they one thing that puts me off a game forever.

I'm still playing through Outlast in 10 minute increments anyway.
"This application can only be used by a user with a license" or something of that nature, what do I do? Just downloaded it from the Playstation store via plus.....
Played solo last night; co-op with a buddy just now. No crashes, a few network hiccups but I attribute that to me being on a wireless network at the moment.


I have the PS3 version from that PSN fiasco but never got around playing it. Downloaded this just now and completed the first level, fun game but I can see this becoming bland on single player mode quick. No corrupted save glitch for me yet :)


Unconfirmed Member
I have the PS3 version from that PSN fiasco but never got around playing it. Downloaded this just now and completed the first level, fun game but I can see this becoming bland on single player mode quick. No corrupted save glitch for me yet :)
I thought the game was merely okay at first, but as it goes on it gets more challenging and more fun. I really love it now. I think I'll have fun with it for a while, especially with co-op.


This is a great game somewhat hurt by the expectations of people coming off of Super Stardust. It's nowhere near as good as SSDHD but still a fine game.


Dude. It is all about the charged rifle shot. Pop heads 10 at a time.
Yup. All other weapons are reserves for when the shit hits the fan - I spend most of my time with the rifle.

I have the PS3 version from that PSN fiasco but never got around playing it. Downloaded this just now and completed the first level, fun game but I can see this becoming bland on single player mode quick. No corrupted save glitch for me yet :)
As you go on, you won't have time to get bored. I agree it's better on co-op, but it's plenty of fun in single player as well in my opinion.
This game has been amazing up until just now since I havent been able to find a coop partner in about 30 minutes.....everyone I do find ends up leaving.... im at the
My name is ieatbabytoes if anyone is at that level.
Solo is pretty boring yeah.
Downloaded this just now and completed the first level, fun game but I can see this becoming bland on single player mode quick.
I think the problem is that the theme and visuals urge you to play differently than the actual gameplay warrants. Low light levels, creepy noises, and zombies--your brain wants to go slow, be cautious, and conserve resources.

But the gameplay is very ho-hum like that. It's only when you're running around fighting hordes using everything at your disposal that it starts to really sparkle. So in the later parts of the campaign (especially with some of the best weapons) it gets really fun. But it feels like it takes forever to get up to speed, unless you actively try for speedruns right from the start. But like I said, the atmosphere makes you resist running everywhere and being risky all the time.


I can confirm that the vita does work as a second controller in this, although it is nowhere near as solid as if using the PS4 Pad. May have to invest in a second pad for some local coop fun with my boys


I really like this game, having played through it on PS3 back when it first came out. But at a certain point this time around, in the
Graveyard level
it really hit me like a brick that I just don't want to play it anymore. Doesn't happen often, but it did for this.


I beat the first 5 levels on single player with no problems. Made it to the third mission on online coop with a friend despite constant lagging. It crashed near the end of the third mission. Replayed it again and it crashed again. I'll probably finish the single player campaign but online seems hopeless.


Just throwing my experience in the pile: I played through the whole campaign in an online co-op game with no lag, disconnections or corrupted saves whatsoever. Still, I hope they patch the game soon for those that are having issues.


I wonder what I'm doing wrong.... I can't get past the 3rd checkpoint passage. the section after the gas station, with fog and tons of zombies and were the checkpoint doesn't open before you wipe out all of the zombies...

dying there every single time, even in online coop ôo

this part here: http://youtu.be/Ib_jbqdZTEA?t=22s it's a nightmare <.<


The game crashes at the end of every stage for me when uploading the score to the leaderboards without fail.
So has anybody heard anything about a patch? Have network functions improved?

I'm beginning to have an issue with the DS4 sticks. Not rubber peeling, just making my thumbs sore as shit after not very much time. Before PS4 came out I thought the symmetrical stick layout would give me a problem, but it isn't that. I think maybe it's the material on the sticks just rubbing my skin raw or something, is anybody else getting that?

edit: just ordered these (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CDPB2QG/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) from Amazon based on the 'hardcore gamer' review. I'll post my impressions when they arrive, for anyone who cares.

By the way, those things are awesome. If anybody else has considered buying those, I'd go for it. They look like they'd be super bulky, but they aren't at all and the material is much more 360-like.


Completed the singleplayer today and the game promptly crashed and upon restarting the game it said my save was corrupted.

Deleted it off my HDD, I might consider playing it again if they ever bother to patch it. It shouldn't have been released in such a state.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'll say this, guys; for a free game on a hot new system it is hard as FUCK to find someone to play with. On the rare occasion I find someone to join my game they'll quit partway through. I wouldn't even give a damn if the game would save my character progress at each checkpoint instead of per level. I don't even mean story progress, I mean money and weapon unlocks.


I've really been enjoying this game and have had zero issues. I can't remember such instability with consoles last gen.


This game is great in coop but we cant get past level 6. After some min. There is always a network gamebreaking error. Also what is up with "private" campaign??? It doesnt work,there is always another dude in my PRIVATE campaign game. This game is great but its over 2 years old.this shit have to be fixed in launchweek. I dont know but is seems that sony cant handle the ps4 and its ecosystem...


I had that problem one time it took 5-10 minutes to load. But its been fine since.

Not even close. It took me regularly 30+ minutes to get to the "press X to continue" screen. Right now it seems the game doesn't load if I'm not online.

Also: game is nigh on impossible on hard solo : \


Was planning on attempting to platinum this game, but I've decided to call it quits. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's just too frustrating to slog through several minutes of a check point only to be finished off by some quick zombie that I thought was already dead. The areas where there are huge crowds of zombies coming at you are really fun, but too many of the levels have corridors that keep sending one or two lonely zombies at you over and over.. and it feels like a chore to keep stopping to kill them. There's just something about the game play that isn't fun enough to want to immediately try again after failure, which is in direct contrast to Resogun, where I would die on a boss in Veteran and immediately want to take 5 more stabs at it.
Patch is up Ladies and Gents

No idea whats in it

Yeh yeh I know you can't get the staff ;)



It's a good thing it's finally patched, as I feared I might lose progress due to save file corruption. I've played through eight levels on normal now, without any issues, and without dying. Surprisingly, I managed to clear the end of the 7th graveyard level on the first try, as I remember it being really hard on the first time. I kinda wish the game had a trophy for playing through the campaign without dying.


I wanted this to be a ''new'' Hunter the Reckoning game so I was a little disappointed when it came out but I liked it anyway...never got to beat the last wave though so I might try this again on the PS4 since there's the DLC with it as well,that I never bought on the PS3...


Since that patch the game has worked flawlessly for me. And I'm really digging it too, pretty intense. Love using grenades and mines.
Any thoughts on what a good 2nd weapon is? I bought the electricity rifle and it's very good too.


Since that patch the game has worked flawlessly for me. And I'm really digging it too, pretty intense. Love using grenades and mines.
Any thoughts on what a good 2nd weapon is? I bought the electricity rifle and it's very good too.
I played it pretty much exclusively using the rifle as primary, with the shotgun as backup.


I wonder what I'm doing wrong.... I can't get past the 3rd checkpoint passage. the section after the gas station, with fog and tons of zombies and were the checkpoint doesn't open before you wipe out all of the zombies...

dying there every single time, even in online coop ôo

this part here: http://youtu.be/Ib_jbqdZTEA?t=22s it's a nightmare <.<

If you think that's a nightmare, you're gonna have fun in the later levels *cough*graveyard*cough*.

The best way is to learn the patterns of zombie waves and anticipate them. One of the first things you should upgrade ASAP during the first level is flares and mines too, that helps crowd control The SMG is fairly useless at this point. Also, use the cars with alarms at your advantage.

I see lots of videos where people miss a nice trick: if a healthpack drops and you've got full health, stand over it and melee (R2? can't remember). It turns into money. Helps a lot early in the game.
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