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Destiny Beta Withdrawal Thread: The Traveler's space magic is addictive.

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Damn it where is the captain america I get that gif when i need it?



Gonna be a long month...best moment I had in the beta is still from the first time I played, I was dancing at the hub world in a group of 4 just standing, they all started dancing too for a while. My girlfriend wanted to leave so I jumped off the ledge and died. Then I respawned nearby, and went back to see if they reacted, they were all mourning my death by dancing at the ledge that I jumped off from.
I only had a day of the Destiny alpha back when that was up, but I was very pleased with what I played then.

I can say, in no uncertain terms, that the Destiny beta was the first time that I ever truly and absolutely enjoyed playing a First-Person Shooter. I know the game's a bunch of things added into that genre, but still.

Can't wait for the game in September. PS4 Ghost Edition preordered, and I might even preorder the digital version as well. >_>

My favorite moment was last night, after getting an invite from my friend and rushing to do the dishes, I finally accept and jump into the Fireteam, and we're right in the middle of a Hard Mode final wave of enemies and I was apparently the ringer that saved their bacon. First time I ever did that. XD
Congrats to Bungie for a successful Beta! I had an incredible time. I laughed, I danced, I raged, I sniped, and I lost so much sleep, especially camping out at the Moon. But perhaps more importantly, I met many great Guardians out in the wild and here on GAF. Thanks to everyday math, Hylebos, Spawnling, ODSTjacob, Seilaerion, Exo-Guardian, CortanaV, valy91, Kikarian, Dut1117, JBiwald, Gaz, Helveck, Fireclad, super-famicom, and all the other Guardians I had the chance to play with. And a shout out to a mysterious Little_Jon, who was the last man on the moon before me. :(

I also took hundreds of screenshots and clips, which you guys are probably tired of seeing by now. Anyway, here's the album I'll be uploading them in: http://imgur.com/a/ZFVLh

I'll post a few of my favorites for now, starting with my last Strike. I have a lot more to go through to tide me over during August. Bring on the withdrawals!

















I have a confession to make; I ended up liking Titan more than hunter this go round.

Titan was the class I tried out last, and the one I liked the most. I got so much mileage out of my flashbangs in pve and pvp. Definitely going to play one at release.


I'm actually okay with this. The beta was kind of frustrating after the first two days, for me at east, because there was just no way to progress (obviously). I was either just floating around for hours on the sparrow, dancing in the tower, or killing people over and over again on the same maps over and over again in the same ways with the same weapons at the same spots over and over again. I'm ready for the full game now.


I kinda feel like this is the only FPS I'll need for a while, and I'll actually wait for a price drop before I buy Halo: MCC and CoD:AW.
Titan was the class I tried out last, and the one I liked the most. I got so much mileage out of my flashbangs in pve and pvp. Definitely going to play one at release.

I may just stick to flash bangs. The grenades are so weak (I know, stand in for magic abilities...) that I'd rather have something utility like that than the AoD grenades.
I kinda feel like this is the only FPS I'll need for a while, and I'll actually wait for a price drop before I buy Halo: MCC and CoD:AW.

I'm going back to Titanfall, with the new maps out in a few days. Probably still my favorite multiplayer and waiting to see what the sequel will offer in content. Don't think I'll need much else for a while unless I decide to try and get back into Halo with the MCC.

Liked Destiny's PvP in the end, but I felt like I was underwater the entire time. The hit detection issues didn't help either, making me second guess myself on if I was doing it right or not. Also disliked the TDM in disguise that was control.


I'm primarily not an FPS guy (or PvP for that matter), but I thoroughly enjoyed the Explore and Strike missions. Community events are also fun. I hope I can play more with DestinyGAF come release day. (If my clan application will ever get approved, that is)


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Titan class is the best class that's why

Sexier armor
Sexier super

Just no, you can go Hulk Smash into the rivers of Venus and take those hand towels with you!

Warlocks or Bust!

I'll leave this here:
Posted in the other thread:

Destiny is Destiny

Destiny is not Borderlands or WoW or Diablo or PSO or any other game that you think or feel it's trying to shoehorn itself into
Yes it borrows elements that feel like the game plays exactly like the games I mentioned before but some really try to force the opinion that it's a carbon copy/knock-off version of said game

The game tries to incorporate different features and molds them to make them stand out on their own merits and if you see these features in other games down the line, it will trigger the opinion of "Hey Destiny did that".

First the weapons
We in the BETA have only got to play with roughly 5% of the armory
Common (White) and Uncommon (Green) versions
Uncommons lets us try to level up our guns and pick and choose the upgrades that fit your play-style
Borderlands trademark of "Bajillion of Guns" is just 8-10 versions of guns of certain types with color swaps and the stats which make it multiply thousand fold
Destiny on the other hand squeezes out all the trash that BL gun generator would create, by offering you guns at tier levels, with a few abilities that you would chase after
Getting a Cydonia Common from a Uncommon has different stats (DUH!), but when you get upgraded into the Uncommon tier, it's not over. Do you want the ability the gun offers or do you chase down another one and hope it fits your play-style
You could have 3 Cydonia Uncommons, the base stats and upgrade stats might all be the same, it's the ability of what the bonus that gun offers might have a long lasting affect
Do you want Cydonia that gives you faster reload after getting a precision kill or the bottom half of the gun clip does more damage or 1 bullet in the chamber does excessive damage or a head-shot reduces your cool-down for your grenade.

Enemies from the Alpha to the Beta have been overhauled
In the Alpha a lot of the enemies felt brain-dead, just waiting to be killed with the occasional one going "Oh Shit a Guardian I should find cover and not die".
In the Beta, if you get near them they all try to scatter and find cover and try to out maneuver you by flanking or lobbing grenades to push you out of cover
If you try to be a pick off the enemies from afar, sooner or later your ammo will deplete and venturing out will be a necessity
If you try to kill a few, move towards their cover and force them to adjust, you can keep killing them and earn ammo to keep the firefight going
The constant respawning is needed, cause when you are in area, it's not only you
There maybe other Guardians who might need them for their bounties/missions (objective)/grinding (getting drops)
The game does feel a little more alive with the constant respawns, if you killed a group and they spawned on 5-7 minutes intervals, the game would be barren as fuck
Rocket Yard where a lot of Guardians dwell due to the Strike mission starting point and Glimmer farming players, if given the 5-7 respawn rate, the game would be a wait-a-thon of enemies to reappear to be killed

Old Russia we as players have experienced in the Beta is just a little morsel we got to play around in
There are areas locked off by high level enemies that wreck you with a few hits to let you know you aren't suppose to be here
Some Guardians go #YOLO and bypass this and see what is on the other side
Some areas are locked off (some Guardian used their magic to venture to these areas already) to keep them secret until retail so you don't feel Old Russia has been played to death by the the time retail hits
The Moon alone revitalized a lot of players hope and turned down the fears of it being a copy/paste job through the different planets (Zones)
You could go do the story and quickly get it over with, but Destiny players who will be playing this for awhile, love the Exploring aspect more than anything
This is what I did, before even triggering the first aspect of the story mission:
GraveRobberX said:
Oh hey look a Wizard on the moon!:


Dead Moon Captain: (Palette Swap!)

New Item to Salvage:

New Version:

What is this Chain attached too? or is keeping from unbinding:

Lower level of Chain:

New Area of the Moon Zone: (Damn Straight World's Grave, now I can properly rob here!)

Ogre!: (Got my Revenge, killed like 5 of them to feel at peace from all those ?? Hallowed Ogres)

Shrieker: (Killed this fucker, than the purple orbs start chasing you and explode trying to kill you, Auto Chase/Lock-on Martyrdom =/)

What's behind this Door?:

So for all of you that finished that mission in 5 minutes (which is such a bullshit exaggeration), it took me 90 minutes, 75 minutes was me just exploring the new area, then getting lost on how to get back, going back to orbit, starting the mission again and finishing it in 15 minutes
We don't know how the other planets will shape out to be, if the Earth and Moon so far has shown us that, we really have only seen 15% of the game

Content speaking the BETA to some feel played out
If you played since Alpha of course it would be
This is not a final product, this is not all there is to this game, I do get some of the complaints and understand some of your frustrations, but some of you really are hanging onto a single comment or stuff from years back and holding a grudge for that reason
This game what it tried to set itself up for some has paid it off in spades for others not
The game would be more open if it was only X1 and PS4, but with the large playerbase that the 360/PS3, plans changed and they system requirements the old gen has attached to it has changed the scope of the game
PC players also get the game and they will have access hopefully to mods and other tricks and will really make the game sing on their platform

For me Destiny is a great new way to play a FPS. It offers me PvE (grinding, loot, most likely pattern learning with Strike missions, and Raid bosses), PvP (Changing up the basic format of certain types and shifting them around to make them feel fresh), Co-Op (you and 2 of your buddies can go have fun in many ways) and Exploration (which not a lot of FPS's do).
Before I had roughly 20+ GAFfers on my PSN friends list, now I have over 100+
The social aspect really has made me appreciate how everyday I get invites to join up and go play

That is what Destiny really is, Explore the frontier, absorb the environment your in and be a Legenadry badass while doing it
The alpha completely blew me away! The wait for the Beta was unbearable.

Well the Beta was even better. All my friends were there this time.

Despite everything going around the net today.

Thank you Bungie. You have crafted a masterpiece and I can't wait to jump in on Sept 9th.

I really can't put into words how I feel I am so absolutely in love with this game.


This is the most time I've spent in a beta since Bad Company 2 beta, and compared to that this one was filled to the brim with content. Really had a blast.

I'm praying that I don't have any tests or homework around release, most of my classes should be Mon/Weds so the day itself shouldn't be too busy.


Now comes the hard decision between actually working on my backlog until the 9th, or playing a lot of Borderlands 2 in a desperate attempt to experience something Destiny-like. Maybe I should try to get a similar buzz from Warframe or PSO?


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I'll be wiping your Warlock tears with my hand towel!

I'll Nova bomb you and 2 of your Titan buddies and a Hunter straggler who forgets that Nova Bombs lingers after being thrown and eat away at your shield + health


Now comes the hard decision between actually working on my backlog until the 9th, or playing a lot of Borderlands 2 in a desperate attempt to experience something Destiny-like. Maybe I should try to get a similar buzz from Warframe or PSO?

PSO, maybe. Good chance you won't get it from WF.
Oh gawd... The app says I need to create a character in Destiny.

Goodbye sweet princes.

All three classes with full greens at level 8 and iron banner class gear.



So beautiful... I've pretty much made up my mind that I'm getting an XBOne over a PS4 (for that Master Chief Collection), but damn if your pictures don't sway me towards a PS4 just for Destiny. They're especially amazing after having played this beta on my 360.


tagged by Blackace
So, is there where we post a summary of our thoughts (good or bad) on the Beta or is there gonna be a different thread?


Had Titan class during Beta and I love it. I tried Warlock but just couldn't get into it idk. Probably gonna rock Titan when I get the game at launch.



I shall return one day, become the wizard from the moon I was meant to be.

Warlock representin'. Your faves just can't.

I shall return one day, become the wizard from the moon I was meant to be.

Warlock representin'. Your faves just can't.


Was this anybody else's first time playing a Bungie game? I hesitate to "qualify" my times playing split-screen Reach deathmatch or split-screen Halo 2 co-op.
OP lacking a little in the content department...

Okay! So first ya want a specific Destiny OT title from me (yeah, I saw that!), and now you want more in this here OP?!

That's...that's...I don't know what that is, but that's simply too much, sir!
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