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Destiny GAF Beta Charity Competition



What is the DestinyGAF beta comp?

The competition is meant as a bit of fun. The competition has two aims:

Encourage DestinyGAF to play and compete with each other for the duration of the beta.
Use that healthy competition to raise some money for a good cause.

If you have questions about the beta you should head to Dax01’s thread here:

Destiny Beta Thread

How will it raise money?

We aim to raise $777 US for the Child’s Play charity.


To become a competitor you must donate a minimum of $5 or the equivalent in your own currency using the instructions below. Please feel free to donate more, but that will not get you more entries. One entry per GAF user.

There are 7 competitions in all. Each registered competitor is eligible to compete in all competitions and there is no limit to how many competitions you can win. See details of each of the 7 competitions below.

To register as a competitor you must follow the signup process:

How do I register to become a competitor?

Sign up Process

Click the link to donation page HERE


This is the competitions Child’s Play donation widget. It allows the community to easily verify that a fundraiser is sending donations directly to Child’s Play. Additionally, donors can print their own tax receipts, and unlike many other services, there are no additional fees taken from donations.

Run through donation process, donating at least $5 or the equivalent in your currency. Make sure that you enter your GAF username and Bungie.net username into the comments box. This is how I will track your entry into the competition. Failure to add a comment means that you are not in the competition. You will have to donate again.

Please enter the details in the comment box in the following format:

<MyGAFUsername> // <MyBungie.netUsername>

I do not need anything else and we would appreciate it if you do not add anything else to the comment to make it easier to process

I will verify your donation and add your GAF username and Bungie.net username to a list of competitors in the OP. This is the only information that I will be showing publicly. Your donation amount will not be posted in the thread.

If you have made a donation and have waited 24 hours and are not in the competitor list in the OP, please PM me, mentioning that you are not listed. I will be updating the list a few times a day.

Once on the list, your are now entered into all contests. There is no limit on how many of these you can win, so have a try will all of them.


Judging process

I will wait until the beta is over on the 27th until working out the winners. In the past, Bungie Betas and the recent Alpha were accessible after the official end date had passed. If the beta is still accessible, you can still contribute to your entries. Only once Bungie pull the plug will we look at entries and decide who has won each contest. I expect the judging process to start on 29th July at 12 PM PST and end on 31st July 12PM PST.

When ready to judge, I will ask entrants to post in the thread and PM me which competitions they have an entry to submit for, what their score / time is for that entry, and for a link to their Bungie.net Stats page.Only PM me if you have a leading score, currently leaders and scores will be listed in the OP.

As this is Beta, I strongly recommend that you take screenshots of your carnage repeorts and stats pages as backup, just in case the Bungie.net stats pages go down. These will be used in the event that the stats pages are unavailable during the judging period.

The judging period will last 48 hours. All entries must be submitted in this window.

I will be keeping a list of the current leaders through the judging process in the OP, so that you can easily check to see if you have a leading score to submit. If your entry does not meet the current leader, please do not submit an entry as this creates more work. Only submit an entry if it will beat what is there.

If you think your leading entry has been missed in the thread, PM an organiser with a link to your submission post.


The competitions

The competitions start with the launch of the beta and end when Bungie pulls the plug

All competitions are open to all console platforms unless stated. For total kill competitions, the stats will only count for one console. So if you have 600 kills on your PS4 and 300 kills on your PS3, enter you PS4 stats for the competition. You can’t combine the two.

Competition submissions can only be made during the judging period. Talk about your scores before then in the thread, share your best if you like, or keep it a secret until the judging period. It is up to you. It would be cool if people stream and capture gameplay, especially if it is a winning entry.

Competition 1: Most PVP kills during the beta (Individual) Playstation platforms (PS3 or PS4)

Competition 2: Most PVP kills during the beta (Individual) Xbox platforms (Xbox One or 360)

Pretty straight forward. Kill as many people as you can in the crucible for the duration of the beta. The person with the most kills in PVP during the beta will win.

During the judging period, to submit your entry, post in the thread your leading score, along with a link to you bungie.net stats page showing your PVP kill total. I will check your scores by accessing your Bungie.net stats page and view the total on there. If you are a leader, I will add you to the list in the OP.

During the judging period, please do not submit a score in the thread if you do not beat the current leader.

Prizes 1 x $10 PSN or Xbox live credit for each platform’s competition, two prizes total

Competition 3 Most PVE kills during the beta (Individual) Playstation platforms (PS3 or PS4)

Competition 4 Most PVE kills during the beta (Individual) Xbox platforms (Xbox One or 360)

Again, pretty straight forward. Kill as many people as you can in the strikes, story and explore mode for the duration of the beta. The person with the most kills in PVE during the beta will win. Kills only count after the competition start date.

During the judging period, to submit your entry, post in the thread your leading score, along with a link to you bungie.net stats page showing your PVP kill total. I will check your scores by accessing your Bungie.net stats page and view the total on there. If you are a leader, I will add you to the list in the OP.

During the judging period, please do not submit a score in the thread if you do not beat the current leader.

Prizes Prizes 1 x $10 PSN or Xbox live credit for each platform’s competition, two prizes total.

Competition 5 Quickest Strike Time (Team of 3) Any platform

Complete the strike in the shortest time possible. Your entire fire team need to be registered for this competition. If one or more of your fire team are not in the competitors list, then you are not eligible to submit your entry.

During the judging period, to submit your entry, post in the thread your leading time, along with a link to your bungie.net stats page showing your strike summary page. I will check your times by accessing you Bungie.net stats page and view the total on there. If you fireteam is the leader, we will add you to the list in the OP.

During the judging period, please do not submit a score in the thread if you do not beat the current leader.

Prizes Kindly donated by Adycarter 1x $10 PSN or Live oucher for each member of the winning fireteam. (3 vouchers total)

Competition 6 Biggest team score spread for a single game(Team of 6) All platforms

Win a game by the largest margin you can. So if team Alpha score 2000 and team Bravo score 780, then the spread is 1220. All six of your team members need to be registered for this competition. If one or more of your team are not in the competitors list, then you are not eligible to submit your entry.

During the judging period, to submit your entry, post in the thread your leading spread, along with a link to you bungie.net carnage report page showing the match summary. I will check your times by accessing your Bungie.net page and view the total on there. If you team is the leader, I will add you to the list in the OP.

During the judging period, please do not submit a score in the thread if you do not beat the current leader.

Prizes Blu10 has very kindly donated 6 x $10 PSN or Live vouchers, 1 voucher per team member

Competition 7 Biggest PVP kill spread for a single PVP game(Individual) All platforms

Kill as many as you can while dying as little as possible. Your kill spread is total kills minus total deaths for that game. During the judging period, to submit your entry, post in the thread your leading spread, along with a link to you bungie.net carnage report page showing the match summary. I will check your scores by accessing your Bungie.net page and view the total on there.

During the judging period, please do not submit a score in the thread if you do not beat the current leader.

Prize Kindly donated by AdyCarter 1 x $10 voucher for PSN or Live



This is just intended to be a bit of fun and a way to raise some money for a good cause. I am going to donate 4 x $10 PSN or Xbox live vouchers for the winners of competitions 1-4. I would very much appreciate if anyone else could donate a prize for any of the other three competitions.

Adycarter has kindly offered 4 x PSN or Live vouchers as well which have been distributed between the competitions.

Blu10 has very kindly donated 6 x $10 PSN or Live vouchers for competition 6

All competitions now have prizes!



Firstly, this is a fun competition with an aim to raise money for charity. Please take it seriously if you want to, but be respectful to the other competitors and the organisers.

The me being the organiser, my decisions are final, but I am open to discussion with the community over anything that is not clear cut. I am going to try and be as transparent as possible, but please respect any decisions.

Please do not cheat. If we think you have cheated in any way the I will openly discuss the matter and make a decision with the community. Anyone found to be breaking the rules of the competition can be banned from competing.

There will be no refunds for donations for competitors for any reason, including those who have been banned.

If you have an issue, PM me. Please be patient. If you have not heard anything within 24 hours please submit another PM.
Thank you!


GAF / Bungie.net
GAF: polyh3dron bungie.net: Polyh3dron
GAF: Gaz_RB bungie.net GazRB
GAF: kittens Bungie.net kittens
GAF: Fracas Bungie.net Fracas
GAF: Neverwas Bungie.net The Was
GAF: kidko Bungie.net kidklovius
GAF: viveks86 Bungie.net viveks86
GAF: Tiemen Bungie.net Tiemen
GAF: NoTacos Bungie.net notacosbeykidd
GAF: $hady Bungie.net Shady85
GAF: FiraB Bungie.net FiraB
GAF: Blu10 Bungie.net Blu10
GAF: RunningRiot Bungie: TKRunningRiot
GAF: RAL Bungie: MrGuiltySparks
GAF: Tyydal Bungie: Tyydal

Special Traveller thanks to Dax01 and Tiemen for all their help. You guys are awesome.

Update 1: AdyCarter has kindly donated 4 x $10 PSN or Live vouchers, distributed against the strike and Kills vs Death competitions.
Update 2: First competitior added. Please get donating ahead of the start of the beta.
Update 3:

Blu10 has very kindly donated 6 x $10 PSN or Live vouchers for competition 6. So all competitions have prizes now.

Update 4 Due to last minute real live stuff. I'm not going to have much access to internet. Judging will start as stated but I'm not going to be able to respond until wednesday. Submissions can be added right up to the close of judging. See details in judging section above.


Wow this is awesome broony! DestinyGAF putting in work!! I'll see if I can make a donation as well, everything for the little ones :).

Neuromancer there are pve competitions too?


Unconfirmed Member
This is awesome! Kudos broony and anyone else involved. I'll definitely register.


Unconfirmed Member
Dax and Tiemen were extremely helpful and deserve a lot of credit.
Sweet, kudos to them, too!

I'll definitely be going for the "best K/D spread in a single match" competition.


Wow this is awesome broony! DestinyGAF putting in work!! I'll see if I can make a donation as well, everything for the little ones :).

Neuromancer there are pve competitions too?

Yeah the idea was to try and get GAF play with and against each other while doing some good.


Hi, I'm all for charity and good causes but have some comments on the suggested competitions. I asked Broony if it's ok to give feedback and he/she was ok with it.

For competitions 1-4 - I'm not a fan of competitions that are basically all about who has the time to play the most. I know a lot of leaderboards 'rank' on this type of score but to me all it says is person A played more than person B. And what is so big a deal about that?

Competition 5 seems pretty good but I don't see why all 3 members of the fireteam have to be part of this. What if someone in the competition has a really good run with a fireteam of randoms? Plus, that would save you a bit on the prize if you only have to pay 1 person instead of 3.

Competition 6 - again I don't really get why there is a rule that all 6 members have to be in the competition. I like the idea of this one though since it goes with what you are trying to do in an objective game mode.... segway to 7 ->

Competition 7 - is ok but I would argue that since the only game mode we have is domination that KDR isn't that important of a stat for an objective game mode. But that's more a pet peeve of mine and I know a lot of people like to just play for KDR. So I guess this one is fine. I'd prefer an overall highest score in the gamemode but not sure if they track this and I'm sure people don't want to take screens shots of every game they do.

For 5 and 6 I just don't know how many people will be able to get parties of 3 and 6 that often that are both from GAF and part of this competition. Especially for the party of 6 one, I'd guess you might only get 1 or 2 teams that would qualify for this. Not that I don't think a lot of people won't contribute, but they also have to be online at the same time, be able to meet up, etc. The beta is only a so long so this will be hard to get organized for the players I would think.

This is all for charity so I'm fine with whatever, just giving my personal feedback.


I'm in DestinyGAF but aren't overly competitive. I'm due a Childs play donation though, so OP if you want I'm willing to match your donation of 4 x $10 PSN or Xbox live vouchers for the prize pool.


I'm in DestinyGAF but aren't overly competitive. I'm due a Childs play donation though, so OP if you want I'm willing to match your donation of 4 x $10 PSN or Xbox live vouchers for the prize pool.
That is so cool. Thank you man. PM me and we can sort out which competitions you want to donate your vouchers to.

Thank you so much!


This is a great idea! It is for a great cause and will help build a foundation for a strong community. Thanks for setting this up broony.


Hi, I'm all for charity and good causes but have some comments on the suggested competitions. I asked Broony if it's ok to give feedback and he/she was ok with it.

For competitions 1-4 - I'm not a fan of competitions that are basically all about who has the time to play the most. I know a lot of leaderboards 'rank' on this type of score but to me all it says is person A played more than person B. And what is so big a deal about that?

Competition 5 seems pretty good but I don't see why all 3 members of the fireteam have to be part of this. What if someone in the competition has a really good run with a fireteam of randoms? Plus, that would save you a bit on the prize if you only have to pay 1 person instead of 3.

Competition 6 - again I don't really get why there is a rule that all 6 members have to be in the competition. I like the idea of this one though since it goes with what you are trying to do in an objective game mode.... segway to 7 ->

Competition 7 - is ok but I would argue that since the only game mode we have is domination that KDR isn't that important of a stat for an objective game mode. But that's more a pet peeve of mine and I know a lot of people like to just play for KDR. So I guess this one is fine. I'd prefer an overall highest score in the gamemode but not sure if they track this and I'm sure people don't want to take screens shots of every game they do.

For 5 and 6 I just don't know how many people will be able to get parties of 3 and 6 that often that are both from GAF and part of this competition. Especially for the party of 6 one, I'd guess you might only get 1 or 2 teams that would qualify for this. Not that I don't think a lot of people won't contribute, but they also have to be online at the same time, be able to meet up, etc. The beta is only a so long so this will be hard to get organized for the players I would think.

This is all for charity so I'm fine with whatever, just giving my personal feedback.

Thank you for the feedback. They are all valid comments. The idea of making it so that everyone in the strikes and the PVP teams are all part of the competition is to get GAF playing together, and to encourage some people to team up and meet other GAF'ers. I was hoping it would drive some socialising and discussion..

It also means that if you have someone who fancies competing, they will hopefully encourage a few of their friends to donate as well.

I see your point on the kill death spread, but it is something people do. Again it encourages people who maybe would not be interested in the other angles, who play PVP lone wolf, to get involved.

PVE was a hard one to come up with challenges for. Personally I am much more of a co-op player, and don't play a lot of competitive multiplayer. But there will be people who are going to play the shit out of this beta and it keeps people playing.

I was hoping though, over the seven competitions there was enough variety, that everyone could see at least one thing they wanted to try, and as a result donate and participate.


Unconfirmed Member
Good critiques and responses. One thing, though: isn't the Control gametype basically normal team death match but with bonus points per kill for each territory held? That's close enough to making K/D a relevant stat to me.


Good critiques and responses. One thing, though: isn't the Control gametype basically normal team death match but with bonus points per kill for each territory held? That's close enough to making K/D a relevant stat to me.
Yeah I think you are right.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm gonna bump this so folks in other time zones can see it. :)


Update 1: AdyCarter has kindly donated 4 x $10 PSN or Live vouchers, distributed against the strike and Kills vs Death competitions.
Update 2: First competitior added. Please get donating ahead of the start of the beta.
Good critiques and responses. One thing, though: isn't the Control gametype basically normal team death match but with bonus points per kill for each territory held? That's close enough to making K/D a relevant stat to me.

Yep, mostly kills, but I believe you also get points for just taking a territory (as evidenced by the IGN walkthroughs).


I'm not much for competitions, but this is for a good cause. Will sign up and pledge when I get home.

With the number of DestinyGAF members in the clan, this should be more than possible.


Unconfirmed Member
Alright, I finally entered! More folks need to join in so I have some competition. :)


I preordered the game in December. Haven't checked my Email (Actually I do, but I skip emails from Amazon).

Now I found out that I had received the beta code back in June (sorry May!) -- + the alpha which I didn't know about :(

I'm probably not gonna be able to play the beta so I'll give it to a friend or something. but I'm getting the game for sure

edit: wrong thread :((


Wanted to remind people that I'm willing to buy a few people into the competition if they want to help out but can't afford it. Send me a PM.
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