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Devil Daggers is Rock Paper Shotgun's Game of the Year


There's something to be said for purity and attention to detail to just one thing instead of trying to be all things to all people.
Yeah, it's definitely an interesting metric to weigh. A small game that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do can, in many ways, be considered perfect. The larger in scope and ambition a game gets, the less chance it has to deliver on a laser focused vision, even if it has more opportunities to impress and deliver in other areas.

I find myself agreeing with John and Pip - recognized Devil Daggers as being one of those experiences while also finding it a bit too hard and limited to keep my attention for long. Still a very cool game that deserves recognition this time of year.



I will never understand people discomfort with GOTY going to what the writer feels is the best game of the year rather than one of 5 multimillion sellers that everyone has already played.

Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.

This is the realest shit.
And Kentucky Route Zero right?

I love Devil Daggers and don't even disagree with someone saying it's their GOTY but Kentucky Route Zero getting GOTY when one chapter had been released will always be hilarious to me.

That's cause Kentucky Route Zero was doing and still doing interesting things in its format that make it an easy GOTY. Already other games are getting influenced by it. It's my GOTY this year. There are just constant surprises to that game, that really no other episodic game has done yet.


I love GOTY picks like this, turning me onto games I didn't know existed. Going to buy Devil Daggers and Pony Island and a bunch of other sleeper classics that get recommended in end of year wrap ups.
I will never understand people discomfort with GOTY going to what the writer feels is the best game of the year rather than one of 5 multimillion sellers that everyone has already played.

Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.
This strawman is ridiculous. You could also say the people defending Devil Daggers would only want bizarre silent art films to win best picture. I'm not against people promoting games they like, but half of RPS didn't even like the game and they say so.

Devil Daggers happens to be a niche game that appeals to niche within that niche. On paper, I'm sure I'd love it. In practice, I can't remember a game that has so aggressively made me want to not play it. I respect it, but I do not like it and it's clear a lot of folks are in my same boat.

The alternative to choosing a highly refined game with a pinpoint audience isn't just handing the win to the latest Call of Duty or whatever. There are several beautiful games with broad appeal that RPS just failed to recognize this month. Stardew Valley, for instance.


This strawman is ridiculous. You could also say the people defending Devil Daggers would only want bizarre silent art films to win best picture. I'm not against people promoting games they like, but half of RPS didn't even like the game and they say so.

Devil Daggers happens to be a niche game that appeals to niche within that niche. On paper, I'm sure I'd love it. In practice, I can't remember a game that has so aggressively made me want to not play it. I respect it, but I do not like it and it's clear a lot of folks are in my same boat.

The alternative to choosing a highly refined game with a pinpoint audience isn't just handing the win to the latest Call of Duty or whatever. There are several beautiful games with broad appeal that RPS just failed to recognize this month. Stardew Valley, for instance.

"Failed to recognize" is such loaded language. They reviewed it, quite positively too, but clearly it didn't make as big an impact on the aggregate list of the whole site. And that's ok. I can understand people disagreeing with DD as their GOTY pick (I do too), but I can appreciate their position and getting mad about it like some people here do is petty and pointless.
Haven't played it, but considering my previous experiences with arcadey stuff like Devil Daggers, I'd play it and have fun for 20 minutes, only to never touch it again.

As a side note: normally I would say that this thread is embarrassing, but I've seen the previous RPS GOTY threads, this one is slightly better than last years.
For now.


Devil Daggers is rad, probably just falls out of my top 10 because there's been so much good games this year.

Ahh yes, the "content" argument, something they addressed in their reasoning.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes has multiplayer, more "content" than the original. "Content" is not indicative of quality, and often bogs down games with mediocre quests or game modes. I'm glad Rock, Paper, Shotgun addressed (or at least skirted) the topic because far too often I see recommendations of games on this forum praising how much "content" there is. It's meaningless corporate consumerist marketing lingo that has seeped into a community that is entrenched in consumerism while also attempting to claim works of artistic merit, despite treating any artistic appreciation as if it's a consumable and more of the same amorphous blob that is content.


While less can definitely be more, there's also an argument to be made for 'content' .
If you get about the same level of enjoyment about of two games I can totally understand preferring the game that is longer, especially if you're working with a limited budget and can only afford so many games.
Welp. I pulled the trigger.

I freaking LOVE this so much...I thought the score chasing nature would put me off, but the feel of the game is extremely simple and fun.

On my 5th attempt I got to 160 seconds. Pretty excited lol
Welp. I pulled the trigger.

I freaking LOVE this so much...I thought the score chasing nature would put me off, but the feel of the game is extremely simple and fun.

On my 5th attempt I got to 160 seconds. Pretty excited lol
It's like if Doom and Geometry Wars had a baby.


Weird, because it's the only one in the thread that's actually objectively correct.
I mean there were plenty of good games this year, but personally there were so few for me that stuck out and were truely great, especially compared to last year. Last year I really struggled to whittle down my picks to a top 5, this year I had one game I really cared about and then a few that I enjoyed but didn't feel super strong about so threw them in too.


RPS always does this. They like showing how "diverse" they are.

Reminds me of when they left Duke Nukem 3D out of their top 50 FPS of all time because apparently only the first level was any good. I understand the need to re-evaluate supposed classics over time but really?


Reminds me of when they left Duke Nukem 3D out of their top 50 FPS of all time because apparently only the first level was any good. I understand the need to re-evaluate supposed classics over time but really?
Can say I disagree with them, never got the fuss over Duke Nukem 3D. There were so many better FPSes even at the time.
Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.

This is correct. In other mediums, it's very common to award something as the best even if it isn't the most popular or has the highest budget.
I see no reason for it to be different for video games.


It's an amazing game, which embodies all a game should be.
It's easy to learn, hard to master, surprisingly deep, super addictive and unique. But sure, let's call it hipster garbage and hand GOTY to a movie with occasional button prompts lmao


I would've picked Enter the Gungeon (the game I never knew I wanted), but there's definitely a lot to like about Devil Daggers so I'm ok with this.


I don't think anyone was suggesting a Telltale game should win.
If I'd actually played it last year, Tales from the Borderlands would have been a GOTY contender.

I think I'm gonna buy it, but I wish it was a more linear level designed game.
It's technically just one level yes, but you couldn't ask for something more linear in the way it progresses and escalates. How you deal with that linearity makes all the difference. :)

Heart is pumping... got 207 seconds. Game feels like perfection. Doesn't try to do too much, but it's so focused, fair, and satisfying.
Wow, you just bought it, and you're already up to over 3 minutes. Nice job!
Heart is pumping... got 207 seconds. Game feels like perfection. Doesn't try to do too much, but it's so focused, fair, and satisfying.
Can say I disagree with them, never got the fuss over Duke Nukem 3D. There were so many better FPSes even at the time.

Quake came out shortly after Duke 3D. But no shooter that came out after Doom II and before Duke 3D was even remotely as good as Duke was.
It's technically just one level yes, but you couldn't ask for something more linear in the way it progresses and escalates. How you deal with that linearity makes all the difference. :)

Wow, you just bought it, and you're already up to over 3 minutes. Nice job!

Yeah you are right. Has a nice flow and escalation and teaches me the ropes really fast.

I'm surprised 3 minutes considered good lol

look at this hipster, are ya sippin on some pbr while you're playing too?

Let me put on my flannel shirt.


Good lord you sure kicked my ass!

Edit: Fuck that was your old score to!

I have quickly learned to largely ignore the flying skulls, but the horned guys I take out right away and focus on killing spiders and collecting red orbs. I think they are what give you the better weapon? Not sure, but when it happens I get pumped lol

I usually make quick U-turns and use the auto mode on the skulls as I run straight at them.


That's a terrific pick. And it inspired me to go play some Devil Daggers right now. It's been many weeks since I last played it. Curious if I can beat my score of 90 seconds...

Heart is pumping... got 207 seconds. Game feels like perfection. Doesn't try to do too much, but it's so focused, fair, and satisfying.

... oh what the f


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Interesting choice. I love the focused simple nature of the game but I admit it couldn't keep me coming back like it did these guys. I kind of wished it was a bit more of a roguelite but that's a personal preference.


I will never understand people discomfort with GOTY going to what the writer feels is the best game of the year rather than one of 5 multimillion sellers that everyone has already played.

Gamers would prefer nothing but Marvel movies nominated for best picture.

Accurate comparison. I mean, at the Game Awards 2016 Uncharted 4 won "Best Narrative" against games like Inside or Firewatch. Uncharted 4 is the closest thing to a Marvel Blockbuster we have - it's completely safe, it has funny banter, very relatable heroes and boring but sufficiently hateable villians so, hey, best narrative. If you'd translate that to being a movie you'd get Iron Man or Ant-Man or Guardians of the Galaxy almost 1:1. Developers, Critics and Fans alike still seem to think that being a Crowd Pleaser is the best this medium could ever strife for, while those are usually the most boring and uninteresting books and movies you could watch.

I think giving media a place in the spotlight despite popularity and sales is a huge part of being a media journalist or critic but instead every Award just seems to go to the safest answer and gaming fans are fucking MAD if they don't.

Why does Devil Daggers not deserve an Award like this? Can anyone give me a reason that doesn't boil down to "Well, it's not a AAA game and those have bigger production values and more features"?

Doesn't sit well me, there were better games. The publication can pick whatever solid game from the middle of the year out of a hat, but it doesn't make it valid.

Not explaining it's mechanics is not gameplay, and being able to watch leader board runs detracts from the game.

It's just super hexagon in a world that already had a good super hexagon.

I'm sorry, but none of this means anything. "Not explaining its mechanics is not gameplay." Huh? What is gameplay? What do you mean? There are three mechanics: you can Jump, you can Move and you can shoot. Enemies pop up and you use those three commands to shoot them. The target of the game and how to achieve it is always clear. Get Points by shooting demons. Finding out an enemy's weakspot has always been a big part of video games. The discovery of secrets and strategies that allows you to get better using a game's core mechanics has always been an equally big part of video games.

"and being able to watch leader board runs detracts from the game."

It detracts from the game? Like, you want to play the game but you can't because you are destracted by another feature? Do replays in racing games also distract from the came? A spectator mode in a Moba? An Arcade Mode in a Fighting Game? What does that mean? How does being able to check out other people's strategies to perfect your own distract you?
Doesn't sit well me, there were better games. The publication can pick whatever solid game from the middle of the year out of a hat, but it doesn't make it valid.

Not explaining it's mechanics is not gameplay, and being able to watch leader board runs detracts from the game.

It's just super hexagon in a world that already had a good super hexagon.


Doesn't sit well me, there were better games. The publication can pick whatever solid game from the middle of the year out of a hat, but it doesn't make it valid.
Thankfully they didn't do that, they picked a game they enjoyed a lot and played repeatedly since release.

Not sure what you mean by "valid" though. Valid for what?
That's cause Kentucky Route Zero was doing and still doing interesting things in its format that make it an easy GOTY. Already other games are getting influenced by it. It's my GOTY this year. There are just constant surprises to that game, that really no other episodic game has done yet.

I'm still waiting for Kentucky Route Zero to finish development to buy it, lol.

I don't read Rock Paper Shotgun but I am still surprised by the pick because I had heard of every other game but this one until the Steam Sale. It was mentioned in the hidden gem topic, lol. Hidden gem AND GOTY? OKay then.

I'd add it to my list but I'm already over budget.
It's technically just one level yes, but you couldn't ask for something more linear in the way it progresses and escalates. How you deal with that linearity makes all the difference. :)
When I reviewed it, I described it as a living level. The enemies themselves make up the barriers and walls that you need to navigate around. The first person perspective makes that more evident than in a top down gane

Doesn't sit well me, there were better games. The publication can pick whatever solid game from the middle of the year out of a hat, but it doesn't make it valid.
Go look at the GAF GOTY thread. Do you agree with every list? Do you think people shouldn't choose some games because you say there are better games? Who are you to tell them that the game they enjoyed the most can't be their game of the year?
Contrarian pick to court attention of the 'all AAA is garbage' crowd. I'll be playing OW next year and playing through Doom SP at least 2 more times, DD is repetitive after 30 minutes. SUPERHOT would be a better pick on the indie side.


Contrarian pick to court attention of the 'all AAA is garbage' crowd. I'll be playing OW next year and playing through Doom SP at least 2 more times, DD is repetitive after 30 minutes. SUPERHOT would be a better pick on the indie side.

these post are fucking trash
Contrarian pick to court attention of the 'AAA is garbage' crowd. I'll be playing OW next year and playing through Doom SP at least 2 more times, DD is repetitive after 30 minutes. SUPERHOT would be a better pick on the indie side.
Ah, the classic "it can't be geniune, it must be clickbait/for attention/have an agenda" rationale.

DOOM 2016 and Devil Daggers are blood brothers, two sides of the same coin. Violent frenetic excess and lean hellish chaos.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Seriously. So shameful.

I thought we grew past all this in the last 10 years. :/
For every guy who grows up and realizes there's no reason to care about this kind of subjective stuff, there's always two young territorial sprouts to take their place, and whine about how someone's personal opinion can be wrong.
For every guy who grows up and realizes there's no reason to care about this kind of subjective stuff, there's always two young territorial sprouts to take their place, and whine about how someone's personal opinion can be wrong.

Yeah. I can understand why someone might consider this their GOTY. Doom is mine, but this is becoming a close second already. It's just right up my alley.
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