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Dishonored 2 |OT| The Edge of the World

every bone charm i've found so far, like 16, have been for aggressive, lethal players. the fuck man, where's my "choke guard out faster" bone charm, or "move faster while in stealth".


every bone charm i've found so far, like 16, have been for aggressive, lethal players. the fuck man, where's my "choke guard out faster" bone charm, or "move faster while in stealth".

Choke guard bone charm is bugged anyway. It makes choking take longer, although I haven't actually tested the bug myself. But I read that instead of 6 seconds, it prolongs it to 8 seconds lol.

I have 2 missions to go and I've been waiting on the patch that was supposed to drop this week. Wonder if it is still coming?
every bone charm i've found so far, like 16, have been for aggressive, lethal players. the fuck man, where's my "choke guard out faster" bone charm, or "move faster while in stealth".

I have a bunch of non-lethal/passive ones.

My favorite is drinking water restores mana and invisible far reach.
Anyone feel the control is off? Playing it on PS4 and it feels heavy and swimmy to me, even a bit lurchy. I don't remember the first game feeling like that. Anyone else? I was immediately taken aback when I ran through the tutorial. It got a little better when I picked up a gun - so maybe its just having to acclimatise to how it feels - I don't know. I am all for games having their own feel and control scheme but this just made me stop and I even felt the briefest hint of nausea - which has never ever happened before.

I recently replayed the first game using a Dualshock 4 on PC and it felt fine. I remember playing it on PS3 originally and it felt fine. So am I the only one and being a whiney baby?

Also what the hell is a Friction slider when its at home?


I have a bunch of non-lethal/passive ones.

My favorite is drinking water restores mana and invisible far reach.

Invisible far reach is the best, also Stolen Breath is excellent too - nothing like force pulling guys out of big groups with no one noticing. And yeah just slap any mana gain bonecharm like that to counteract the downside it if you really need to.

Seems like low chaos runs are boring...
Is it just because you want the good ending or it's actually fun ?

The low chaos run being boring or punishing because you want the "good ending" is a baseless complaint for this game imo. Judging from posts like these in here and in other threads, I think it stems from having only played the first mission or two in Dishonored 2 and miscarrying that criticism over from the first game when they pretty much completely remedied it this time around. I mean posted right above you was this.

Low chaos doesn't mean stealth, it doesn't mean only sleep darts and choking dudes from behind, and it doesn't even mean playing as a pacifist. I murdered like 60 dudes in my play through and the global kill ratio is 7%, which I imagine is a good deal below the high chaos threshold.


Gold Member
Anyone feel the control is off? Playing it on PS4 and it feels heavy and swimmy to me, even a bit lurchy. I don't remember the first game feeling like that. Anyone else? I was immediately taken aback when I ran through the tutorial. It got a little better when I picked up a gun - so maybe its just having to acclimatise to how it feels - I don't know. I am all for games having their own feel and control scheme but this just made me stop and I even felt the briefest hint of nausea - which has never ever happened before.

I recently replayed the first game using a Dualshock 4 on PC and it felt fine. I remember playing it on PS3 originally and it felt fine. So am I the only one and being a whiney baby?

Also what the hell is a Friction slider when its at home?

It felt super weird for me too, but setting the friction slider from 100 to 15 or so made it way better. Not even sure what friction even is, analog stick deadzone I guess? Never seen that term in a videogame before.


Also what the hell is a Friction slider when its at home?

friction slider seems to be acceleration but what it realistically translates to based on my experience is input lag. turn it all the way down and input lag mostly goes away. keep it full (default) and it's really unresponsive feeling. i don't even know why the option exists let alone why the default is set to max?


Invisible far reach is the best, nothing like force pulling guys out of big groups with no one noticing. And yeah just slap any mana gain bonecharm like that to counteract the downside it if you really need to.

The low chaos run being boring or punishing because you want the "good ending" is a baseless complaint for this game imo. Judging from posts like these in here and in other threads, I think it stems from having only played the first mission or two in Dishonored 2 and miscarrying that criticism over from the first game when they pretty much completely remedied it this time around. I mean posted right above you was this.

Low chaos doesn't mean stealth, it doesn't mean only sleep darts and choking dudes from behind, and it doesn't even mean playing as a pacifist. I murdered like 60 dudes in my play through and the global kill ratio is 7%, which I imagine is a good deal below the high chaos threshold.

Ok, I certainly watched a bad gameplay.
It felt super weird for me too, but setting the friction slider from 100 to 15 or so made it way better. Not even sure what friction even is, analog stick deadzone I guess? Never seen that term in a videogame before.

friction slider seems to be acceleration but what it realistically translates to based on my experience is input lag. turn it all the way down and input lag mostly goes away. keep it full (default) and it's really unresponsive feeling. i don't even know why the option exists let alone why the default is set to max?

I'll slide that slider down see if it helps. Last time I gave any thought to how a first person game felt was Killzone 2 lol


I have a bunch of non-lethal/passive ones.

My favorite is drinking water restores mana and invisible far reach.

The best is crafting a 4x bonecharm. I did a 4x stealth speed charm plus the corrupted zephyr rune and I move like Doom guy fast. I wish I would have embraced crafting way way earlier.

Finished up my clean hands ghost low chaos run last night. So now the gloves are fucking off. I hope you fuckers like getting stabbed in the FACE.


Is bringing up the menu on the PS4 really herky-jerky for everyone? I worry that the game is going to crash every time I bring up the menu :(
friction slider seems to be acceleration but what it realistically translates to based on my experience is input lag. turn it all the way down and input lag mostly goes away. keep it full (default) and it's really unresponsive feeling. i don't even know why the option exists let alone why the default is set to max?

Playing on PS4, I turned the Friction slider to 0 last night.

Didn't feel right at all! It was way too hard to pinpoint a specific thing in the environment (like coins). Maybe the friction thing is only annoying if you use mouse+kb?

I did turn friction to 30ish instead of 100 though. Nice balance between precision and sensitivity.

Is bringing up the menu on the PS4 really herky-jerky for everyone? I worry that the game is going to crash every time I bring up the menu :(

If you turn off that the game autosaves when going to menu, it'll probably go a fair bit faster.


Are bone charm properties randomized per level? I see someone mentioning invisible for far reach. I've collected every bone charm through mission 5 and I don't have that one.


Choke guard bone charm is bugged anyway. It makes choking take longer, although I haven't actually tested the bug myself. But I read that instead of 6 seconds, it prolongs it to 8 seconds lol.

OK, this makes a lot of sense now based on what I was seeing in my game, lol.


Someone on the Dishonored subreddit edited the game's memory so you can use all the powers on one character:
Even using doppleganger as Corvo uses his model:

The possibilities...fingers crossed this becomes a thing with NG+.


Does the stealth seem way harder in this game to anyone else? I feel like I'm getting noticed way easier than the last game. I've been trying to find bone charms that make me quieter or faster in stealth, but no luck yet.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Someone mentioned wanting NG+ to a developer on Twitter and they responded "we are coming out with a series of updates."

Oh my!

Does the stealth seem way harder in this game to anyone else? I feel like I'm getting noticed way easier than the last game. I've been trying to find bone charms that make me quieter or faster in stealth, but no luck yet.

Yeah, it totally is. AI is way less forgiving. From what I've played, it's better for it imo.


Gold Member
Weird, he doesn't wear a hood in D2? I always imagined that he did.

Does the stealth seem way harder in this game to anyone else? I feel like I'm getting noticed way easier than the last game. I've been trying to find bone charms that make me quieter or faster in stealth, but no luck yet.



Someone on the Dishonored subreddit edited the game's memory so you can use all the powers on one character:

Even using doppleganger as Corvo uses his model:

The possibilities...fingers crossed this becomes a thing with NG+.

Holy crap, that is awesome lol.
Does the stealth seem way harder in this game to anyone else? I feel like I'm getting noticed way easier than the last game. I've been trying to find bone charms that make me quieter or faster in stealth, but no luck yet.

Peek leaning doesn't make you invisible like the first game ;)

You have a shorter window of time to lean and they have wider peripherals. It's a nice challenge.


I've never spent so much time looking at hallways. The art direction is so on point.

In a way, I can still see bits and pieces of City 17, and, at times, it's almost like I'm playing in another weird alternate dimension of a Half-Life universe. Makes sense since the HL director worked on it, but man, the graphics are just so good.
Does the stealth seem way harder in this game to anyone else? I feel like I'm getting noticed way easier than the last game. I've been trying to find bone charms that make me quieter or faster in stealth, but no luck yet.
It gets better. I forgot most of the rules of stealth in Dishonored.

Stay up really high. I think that's why my least favorite mission is 3, because of how claustrophobic it is.


Sterling released his review of Dishonored 2.

5/10 - Mediocre, was the verdict.



At the end he says; "I didn’t particularly like it, but I didn’t hate it." which sounds very odd thing to say after one has read review itself. Everything about it to me read like he didn't enjoy game at all and actually hates it.

Opinions, opinions and I could not care less.

I love Dishonored 2 and it is not without short comings, but it is that good.


I loved the first game, but I dunno, I'm not really feeling this one. The plot is awful. The worldbuilding is great, but the actual story is something I can not give one shit about. I don't care about Emily, Corvo, Delilah, nothing. I don't care about my crew, I don't care who lives and dies...I just don't care.

The gameplay is pretty fun but as you go on it just gets easier and easier.

I'm on Mission 8, which seems like I'm near the end. I think I'm just gonna beeline it to the end and send it back. Oh, but the tool you get in Mission 7 is really cool looking. Like visually it's really awesome the way it moves and acts.

Really disappointing.
Ive been playing with no markers and dark vision. It really highlights how excellent the level design truly is.

Using Dark Vision highlights how much of a pleb you are.


Sterling released his review of Dishonored 2.

5/10 - Mediocre, was the verdict.



At the end he says; "I didn’t particularly like it, but I didn’t hate it." which sounds very odd thing to say after one has read review itself. Everything about it to me read like he didn't enjoy game at all and actually hates it.

I feel he's incorrect in his assessment of the plot. Don't want to discuss spoilers here, but I think he's missed key details that help drive the plot home.

He also says he pities anyone who does non-lethal.

Okay Jim. In this sequel we have way more non lethal options than the first game. You are either bad or too rushed to give a damn regarding the options the game gives you.

Also Jim, if you are spending a frustrating amount of time trying to find runes through walls you can see, then move on. No one is forcing this to be "padding" for you. I find 9/10 of them almost instantly.

And just because you find violence focused powers more entertaining than non lethal ones doesn't mean the powers aren't great and creative additions.

He encountered glitches that frustrated him. That sucks though. Haven't run into those. I also agree that Emily's far reach is inferior to Corvo's, but I have largely adjusted.

I wouldn't put much stock in this review.


He also says he pities anyone who does non-lethal.

Okay Jim. In this sequel we have way more non lethal options than the first game. You are either bad or too rushed to give a damn regarding the options the game gives you.

He expands on that somewhat stupid sounding remark by talking about mission specific bugs that result in random deaths. I have myself ran into those bugs in mission 5 and 8, after encountering it in 8 I just quit the game. I have no will to do QA work for Bethesda after I already did it in mission 5.

It's fucking embarrassing for Bethesda / Arkane that no-kills run ruining bugs have been allowed through when running into them only takes you playing the game normally.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda forced meme release date of 11.11.2016 on Arkane, no matter what.
He expands on that somewhat stupid sounding remark by talking about mission specific bugs that result in random deaths. I have myself ran into those bugs in mission 5 and 8, after encountering it in 8 I just quit the game. I have no will to do QA work for Bethesda after I already did it in mission 5.

It's fucking embarrassing for Bethesda / Arkane that no-kills run ruining bugs have been allowed through when running into them only takes you playing the game normally.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if Bethesda forced meme release date of 11.11.2016 on Arkane, no matter what.

Super sucks. Sorry to hear that.

I fortunately didn't have this problem =/


Just finished it as Corvo. (Lethal Ghost)

MUCH faster than my non-lethal Emily run. Not having to slowly choke people out is one thing, but Corvo can stop time and sprint past all defenses.

I even ended up with a black bonecharm that let me sprint when possessing a human. Skipped 90% of the final mission with just that. (Could've piggybacked but also found a bonecharm that extended my possession time)

Looking forward to going back through after FFXV and doing my Clean Hands No Powers run. =)

Corvo is still the best even without Domino and his triple-lock crossbow not working on KB&M


Anyone else get that bug in mission 4 where removing the whale oil battery from the arc pylon doesn't actually turn the thing off, despite there being audio explaining you just did. It was quite a shock getting zapped to death from an object i thought was innacfive.


I hope the patch addresses the detection logic of NPC's with regards to bodies. In the second mission where that dock worker gets into a fight with 2 randoms, I get slammed with both bodies detected and enemies detected penalties by the same npc that was standing right next to the two dudes that got killed..

I mean come on...

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Any final word on PS4 Pro improvements?

I've read anecdotal things like improved frame-rate, but do we have hard numbers on resolution and/or performance?
Because no one answered me and I ended up getting a PS4 Pro last night and testing this myself, I figured I'd share my findings in case anyone else had my same question -- Also note that I am comparing, side by side, the PS4 standard version against the PS4 Pro "enhanced" version, both on the same 1080p TV. Since I own both consoles and they're both hooked up to my TV still, I was able to play the same sections right after another on both systems.

First of all, this "downsampling" effect is going to be barely noticeable to anyone. At least, I only noticed VERY minimal upgrades if any at all to image quality. At times, things like character faces would seem smoother and slightly more detailed on Pro, but then I'd switch back to the standard PS4 and really notice no difference at all.

Bottom line? Minimal, of any improvements at all to image quality in 1080p.

As far as performance goes, I'd say there were very slight improvements in certain scenes -- heavy combat with multiple opponents, and also panning across the city was also smoother. Certainly not a night/day difference, and still a variable, if slightly smoother 30 FPS. I'd say I noticed a 2-3 FPS difference in certain scenes.

What's strange is that when I first booted up Dishonored 2 on my PS4 Pro I thought it looked SO much better and ran so much smoother -- clearly a placebo effect because when I switched back to standard PS4, I could barely notice a single difference.

Seriously, if I hadn't had the luxury of playing both versions back to back in the same scenes, I'd probably be here gushing about how great the PS4 Pro is for 1080p. But no, at least for this game, it really isn't.


Because no one answered me and I ended up getting a PS4 Pro last night and testing this myself, I figured I'd share my findings in case anyone else had my same question -- Also note that I am comparing, side by side, the PS4 standard version against the PS4 Pro "enhanced" version, both on the same 1080p TV. Since I own both consoles and they're both hooked up to my TV still, I was able to play the same sections right after another on both systems.

First of all, this "downsampling" effect is going to be barely noticeable to anyone. At least, I only noticed VERY minimal upgrades if any at all to image quality. At times, things like character faces would seem smoother and slightly more detailed on Pro, but then I'd switch back to the standard PS4 and really notice no difference at all.

Bottom line? Minimal, of any improvements at all to image quality in 1080p.

As far as performance goes, I'd say there were very slight improvements in certain scenes -- heavy combat with multiple opponents, and also panning across the city was also smoother. Certainly not a night/day difference, and still a variable, if slightly smoother 30 FPS. I'd say I noticed a 2-3 FPS difference in certain scenes.

What's strange is that when I first booted up Dishonored 2 on my PS4 Pro I thought it looked SO much better and ran so much smoother -- clearly a placebo effect because when I switched back to standard PS4, I could barely notice a single difference.

Seriously, if I hadn't had the luxury of playing both versions back to back in the same scenes, I'd probably be here gushing about how great the PS4 Pro is for 1080p. But no, at least for this game, it really isn't.

In 4k on pro it's amazeballs


Also, I was a bit surprised at finding out (end game spoilers, at beginning of last mission)
Megan's true identity
. Thought we might see
Dowd too.
I loved the first game, but I dunno, I'm not really feeling this one. The plot is awful. The worldbuilding is great, but the actual story is something I can not give one shit about. I don't care about Emily, Corvo, Delilah, nothing. I don't care about my crew, I don't care who lives and dies...I just don't care.

The gameplay is pretty fun but as you go on it just gets easier and easier.

I'm on Mission 8, which seems like I'm near the end. I think I'm just gonna beeline it to the end and send it back. Oh, but the tool you get in Mission 7 is really cool looking. Like visually it's really awesome the way it moves and acts.

Really disappointing.
This is how I felt about the game too. Dishonored 1's story wasn't great, but this one is worse by nearly every measure. Karnaca also feels identical to Dunwall, not sure why they went with a new setting if they weren't going to do anything interesting with it. It's a fun game, but I was disappointed that they didn't improve the game in these areas.


Invisible far reach is the best, also Stolen Breath is excellent too - nothing like force pulling guys out of big groups with no one noticing. And yeah just slap any mana gain bonecharm like that to counteract the downside it if you really need to.

The low chaos run being boring or punishing because you want the "good ending" is a baseless complaint for this game imo. Judging from posts like these in here and in other threads, I think it stems from having only played the first mission or two in Dishonored 2 and miscarrying that criticism over from the first game when they pretty much completely remedied it this time around. I mean posted right above you was this.

Low chaos doesn't mean stealth, it doesn't mean only sleep darts and choking dudes from behind, and it doesn't even mean playing as a pacifist. I murdered like 60 dudes in my play through and the global kill ratio is 7%, which I imagine is a good deal below the high chaos threshold.

i blame the game for even mentioning low chaos and affecting the ending :p


Need some help with Mission 3 - The Good Doctor. I'm trying to see whether this is a technical issue or not.

Playing as Emily.
I'd like to find Hamilton's Key to unlock his office. Where do I pick it up? I've found Hamilton, sitting in the interrogation room. I go up to talk to him, press the key, and nothing happens. Is it bugged?

Pick up the key in the box behind him.


Gold Member
Jesus, mission 4 was a total clusterfuck. FUCK the clockwork soldiers en FUCK Kirin Jindosh.

The concept was very cool at first, but the
getting to Sokolov, the laboratory and capturing Jindosh
without getting spotted was impossible. I can't in a million years fathom how anyone could ghost this in a non-power playthrough.

Mansion was beautiful though, and the concept of the moving rooms absolutely genius. Also loved the Jindosh-voiced notes the Clockwork Soldiers make, and Jindosh's snarky comments through the intercom while I was sneaking around, reminded me of Arkham Asylum.
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