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Dishonored: DE (PS4/XBO) - In the days that follow, your trials will be great

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
I just looked at IMDB for this game, I had no idea how many big people are in the game.
Yeah, it really adds to the game. I know budgets are an issue in gaming, but the people delivering your material are so damn important. Troy Baker is capable of giving professional caliber performances (Last Of Us) and a very few others are as well, but voice acting is games usually ranges from mediocre to pure fucking trash. With gaming having potential to be such a powerful and effective form of art, it deserves better.
I was up till 0245 playing this. Tired as shit now. Excited to jump back in again.

Anyone know of a PC trainer for unlimited juice? The few I found are Trojan infested and I really wanna play like night crawler.


Forgive me if I missed it, but do you not qualify for the 20 version if you own the game on PSN still? Or is it because my PSN version was the free one?


I see. If Bethesda had lets us know BEFOREHAND that it would be 30fps nobody would be upset,

Got it.

I would be less upset but still upset, there's a difference between doing a lazy port, and doing a lazy port that you know is so lazy that you have to go into a media blackout so no one can see that you're just doing a quick cash grab because you won't get as many people buying the game.

I really hope you can see the difference.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Gears Ultimate has a pretty reasonable excuse to be 30fps; Dishonored doesn't.
Explain. both games use the unreal engine. While GoW UE does have graphical improvements, let's not pretend that they are outta this world levels of improvements compared to say GTAV.
Explain. both games use the unreal engine. While GoW UE does have graphical improvements, let's not pretend that they are outta this world levels of improvements compared to say GTAV.

Uhhh, compared to GTA V on current gen, I'd say the improvements in Gears Ultimate are pretty substantial. GTA V is a very nice re-release or "remaster". Gears is basically a remake.
Explain. both games use the unreal engine. While GoW UE does have graphical improvements, let's not pretend that they are outta this world levels of improvements compared to say GTAV.

Comparatively I'd say most would argue that GoW was for all intents and purposes a remake. Completely new assets/lighting/etc.
Even with those improvements I elected to wait on Gears for its PC release as I really want a full single-player/MP 60fps game.
You can see how much work was put into it though and it shines sparkly and chrome eternally for it.

This port isn't nearly(or as immediately apparent) as obvious as to what the improvements are. They're their, it's just harder to notice them.

That fuckery aside. I got up to the Boyle party before I took a break. I can't wait, the atmosphere of some of these later missions is so god damn thick it's delicious.

I can't wait to tackle the DLC again as those Daud missions are really memorable and his powers are way more bad ass than Corvo. I was surprised at the quality of the DLC as the first one that came out was just a damn time trial. But the KoD and Brigmore Witches were realllllll good.
Its like 50 or lower FOV, it's crazy, on top of the blurry IQ it just makes me motion sick

That sucks man. I had similar problems with Darkness 2's fov. It was the first time I'd ever experienced motion sickness from a video game and it was very uncomfortable. How close or far away from your TV are you when you play?

50? Are you sure? I though it was 75 on consoles? I personally have issues with anything less than 90.
Are you sure it's not in the options. I'm 90% sure the PC release had one, and this is based on that.

the pc release did have one

The consoles are clearly using a lot of FXAA. This technique gets rid of aliasing for almost no performance penalty, but creates a tremendous blur effect that gets rid of details. Not just on the edges - but on ALL textures does FXAA ruin the imagine.

Take a look again at the comparison. Note the wall textures coming from the left (the one not in the foreground). The detail on the PC version is much larger because it is using proper AA.


What's sad is that even using performance negligible FX AA, they still cannot achieve 60fps. Even if the poor CPU speed is why they are stuck at 30fps, there is no excuse not to use proper AA. Again, my laptop PC GPU is pretty comparable to the Xbone and markedly slower than the PS4's yet was able to custom edit the config to get higher AA - and not FXAA. In their porting efforts, they must have determined that using proper AA would require time to figure out, so they took the easy way out and smeared what I like to call FauX AA all over the screen. Laziness or lack of monetary incentive, but they didn't even try.

I agree with that. I hate FXAA too. It takes just so much away from the IQ. I will never get used to it.
If you have a PC, yes.

So I do have this on PC, but I prefer playing on consoles. I took your advice and fired it on PC.

Uh... does this game ever get interesting? I just got blink, got that weird hearth thing and I'm getting rowed across the river to meet someone. So far it's really really boring. Does it pick up?


Uh... does this game ever get interesting? I just got blink, got that weird hearth thing and I'm getting rowed across the river to meet someone. So far it's really really boring. Does it pick up?

Yes, it does. Once past the obligatory introductory level, you're sent to infiltrate the Golden cat, and that's when the game begins to shine.


Un Rama
Is there an FOV slider in the options? on the ps4 version

Nothing decent like that. Options are super basic.

Played the first few levels. The game looks sharper and the art style makes up for a lot but its basically a re-release instead of a true remaster. It being 30fps is lazy. Still, I'm happy to be able to play the game again and all the DLC I missed.



This and Sleeping Dogs were two of my top ten games last generation, and super bummed that both got such terrible ports. Ah well, perhaps EA will do a Prototype quality port on Syndicate, to keep my streak running.
Nope. What does this mean? How close the camera is to the ground?
Field of view is how much of the gameworld you can see. Higher FOV means that stuff you'd have to turn your head to see on lower FOV is now visible without turning your head. Like if human eyes could come out on stalks, widening the FOV.


I got this from Gamefly today and I'm having a weird problem. When I try and load a save it says that the "content is currently unavailable. Please wait for it to install 44%" I have never ran into this problem before and don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Well looks like rebuilding the database worked and now it's loading the game albeit at a snail's pace. So at least I don't have to start the game over but now I'm thinking my ps4 is dying.


This and Sleeping Dogs were two of my top ten games last generation, and super bummed that both got such terrible ports. Ah well, perhaps EA will do a Prototype quality port on Syndicate, to keep my streak running.
Field of view is how much of the gameworld you can see. Higher FOV means that stuff you'd have to turn your head to see on lower FOV is now visible without turning your head. Like if human eyes could come out on stalks, widening the FOV.

seeing as this thing is 30fps i would be really surprised if they included fov options
Played now the ps4 version to the point of getting the blink power. So, yes its 30 frames locked, but so far very solid... had only once tearing and that was in the beginning of the infamous sewer but it was nowhere as bad as in that video of the xbone version (to be exact standing at the same point the ps4 version didnt tear, it only teared if you went back to the very end and look the tunnel down... then it tears a littlel bit. But that was so far the only case and im very sensitive to this!

AA is FXAA i think but its not that agressive and so far ok! And what i noticed is that the lod changes of the buidings in the hub area are gone when being in the streets (in the 360 version you could see how the lod changed/faded)

And it seems they added some bloom effects here and there. I cant remember this being in the 360 version.

Short: Its not that bad guys! Its ok!!
I agree with that. I hate FXAA too. It takes just so much away from the IQ. I will never get used to it.

I wouldn't say Fxaa is bad. If you combine it with other AAs it's even better.

Plus I think the blur from Fxaa tends to be over exaggerated. But it all depends on the games. Fxaa looked great in skyrim.

SMAA now that's way better. More games need to start implementing this.


encountered this fine specimen on youtube

Technically he's not completely wrong that it's possible to make 30 fps look closer to 60. If you have a program that creates intermediary frames between each frame it'll look closer. The reason it's not done in gaming is the enormous amount of input lag it creates, but motion interpolation will make things appear higher in framerate.


I got this from Gamefly today and I'm having a weird problem. When I try and load a save it says that the "content is currently unavailable. Please wait for it to install 44%" I have never ran into this problem before and don't know what to do. Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: Well looks like rebuilding the database worked and now it's loading the game albeit at a snail's pace. So at least I don't have to start the game over but now I'm thinking my ps4 is dying.

Getting this fucking bug constantly. Loading fails almost every time and I have to restart the game from the XMB. I've also had a handful of hard crashes in the last few hours of play. Nothing says definitive edition like 30fps and bugs. So glad I didn't pay for this.

And now trying to load any save at all immediately crashes the game entirely. Probably the most broken game I've played on PS4 so far.


Played some hours now. It's an okayish port. Nothing terrible bad nor amazing good. Framerate is stable so far and the higher resolution gives it a nice boost in IQ over last gen. Loading times are between 20s-30s so absolutely nothing outlandish if you play on consoles primary. Dunno why some people thinks they are bad (playing with an SSHD mind you). Game is a blast like I had it in my memory. Love the atmoshpere and the small stories in the books that are laying around to tell more about the world of Dishonered. The skills are awesome and unique. Character models looking a little outdated from time to time especially the faces if you're used to current gen ones. But it's the artstyle that saves it for the most time. If you can get it for cheap then it's an amazing value with all the DLCs and far cry from a broken or shady port. Just not the hoped "Definitive" Edition with 60fps and all bells and whistles.
I started playing on PS4 and the game looks great to me and a big improvement over the 360 version. 60fps would have been nice but otherwise I'm pleased. Also my lethal don't give a fuck run is a lot of fun so far.
I started playing on PS4 and the game looks great to me and a big improvement over the 360 version. 60fps would have been nice but otherwise I'm pleased. Also my lethal don't give a fuck run is a lot of fun so far.

Yeah, I'm just gonna wait for sale and still play this on XboxOne when I can. All I have is the digital PS3 version otherwise with none of the DLC.
So this is my first time playing Dishonored, I'm about 1-2 hours into the game and I'm getting kinda bored ... I must say its a million times better than THIEF which I played last month but I'm just not feeling it that much. I might give it another go at a later date but for now this is going into the backlog. I think the mute protagonist might have something to do with it too.
Ok, so the game's been out almost a week. Is there a consensus on which of the two versions looks and performs better? I had planned on buying it for XB1 but it looks like I'm getting a PS4 soon, so I now have options.


Ok, so the game's been out almost a week. Is there a consensus on which of the two versions looks and performs better? I had planned on buying it for XB1 but it looks like I'm getting a PS4 soon, so I now have options.
PS4 version has less screen tearing from what I've heard.
Ok, so the game's been out almost a week. Is there a consensus on which of the two versions looks and performs better? I had planned on buying it for XB1 but it looks like I'm getting a PS4 soon, so I now have options.

I can only tell you the ps4 version doesnt tear like the xbox one in this video...


Standing at the exact same point the ps4 version doesnt tear one bit, but if you go some steps back to the end of this room and look all the way down it starts to tear too a little bit but nowhere near as bad as in this video.

Im now in the first real big level and so far that was the only point where it teared! So far its a very solid and smooth 30fps.
PS4 version has less screen tearing from what I've heard.

I can only tell you the ps4 version doesnt tear like the xbox one in this video...


Standing at the exact same point the ps4 version doesnt tear one bit, but if you go some steps back to the end of this room and look all the way down it starts to tear too a little bit but nowhere near as bad as in this video.

Im now in the first real big level and so far that was the only point where it teared! So far its a very solid and smooth 30fps.

Thanks guys. : )
Thanks guys. : )

Keep in mind that this is the only place that anyone has reported screen tearing. So the PS4 version tears slightly less in a single place in the game in which no action is happening; otherwise they're seemingly identical. If you'd rather play on Xbox One, that one instance of screen tearing shouldn't dissuade you from it.
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